Opinion: Whose not annoying and ridiculing President Museveni at this point?

24. Penalty for acts intended to alarm, annoy or ridicule the President:

Any person who, with intent to alarm or annoy or ridicule the President— (c) assaults or wrongfully restrains the person of the President, commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for life” (Penal Code, 15th June 1950).

We know they fought, we know they won and the rest is history. The 1986ers are running the Republic and doesn’t care if their revolution is eating and killing its kids. They just don’t care, everyone is charged with phony charges, taken by the courts in premeditated statutes and usage of colonial laws to pin them as criminals for standing up against the President and his patronage. They own the land, the rest is the peasants, whose lucky enough to live on rented time on the soil of the Republic.

Today, Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine is charged with annoying, ridiculing and blocking the road in Arua, as the President was passing with his convoy. The other Arua 37 was charged with this too. This is not new, because anyone can be charged with it these days. These people are still facing treason charges from the same Post Arua By-Election, so what the state put these additional charges on them.

There takes nothing to insult the President, if your Joseph Kabuleta writing about Project Muhoozi. If Bobi Wine tries to use his popularity to win By-Elections, which is demeaning to the almighty President, whose supposed to be the most loved person ever to grace the planet earth. You get charged with cyber harassment, if you just write a poem about you, this is the fate of Dr. Stella Nyanzi. Whose now under more trouble for demonstrating in the midst of sentencing on the last Friday.

So, we know that people are annoying, bugging and has to be charged for doing so. Even if the President says no-one is arrested for annoying him. Apparently, plenty are and in legal jeopardy. If you just spit in the wrong pit, they will charge you for it. However, in this regard, the citizen can just be in wrong place, at the wrong time and the state will capture you. That is what the state is doing.

The state and the authorities are using the Penal Code, Public Order Management Act and Computer Misuse Act to take people away for any reason from her until the sun. There is nothing the state cannot pin on its dissidents. They will create mirages, they will fix the codes and pin it on someone who happens to be the opposition to the regime. This is what they do.

At this moment, anyone can be charged with annoying the President. If you write a poem, if you drive on the wrong road, if you don’t take his biscuits as he doles it out through his aide, or dare to speak ill of him in public.

This shows the foolishness of the state, as they think they are bloody brilliant. The charges are forged, manufactured and if a serious court would look at it. They would dismiss it, because there is no case. If the state was serious, the Treason case against Bobi Wine and the Arua 33 wouldn’t last this long, but these bastards doesn’t care. They have not produced any evidence or affidavit to prove it. Even if their lives depends on it. Because, they know its just playing and misusing the time of the ones charges. So, that Bobi Wine and the rest have less time politicking. That is what the state does.

That is why everyone is annoying the President and he just have to pin something on them. Peace.

Museveni’s Legacy: Using colonial law to supress dissidents!

This is not the first time nor the last, when the National Resistance Movement (NRM) will use the legal means to supress or oppress certain dissident or individuals who oppose his regime. The NRM and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, claims to be a freedom fighter, but he enjoys the perks of colonial laws and has not abolished them like the Age Limit. No, his authorities are frequently using it, whenever they deem it fit.

Now, instead of charging the Opposition MPs and the Arua 33 with treason, illegal firearms or throwing the Arua Stone. The results are out and the verdict in the open. The NRM and the Courts are using the 1950 law of Penal Code article 24 (c.), which states:

“24.    Penalty for acts intended to alarm, annoy or ridicule the President:

Any person who, with intent to alarm or annoy or ridicule the President— (c) assaults or wrongfully restrains the person of the President, commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for life” (Penal Code, 15th June 1950).

Surely, the convoy of Opposition should trade the waters carefully when the President arrives on the scene. Anything can be disobedient or seen as a mockery. Especially if you bend your hat wrong or tries to stutter like the President does.

Now, everyone who was in the near proximity and is associated with the Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine is charged with this. That is what the state of affairs. By all means, who wouldn’t ridicule a President of 33 years? We are not Dr. Stella Nyanzi, but who doesn’t find easy ways to mock or annoy a man of advance age, who still thinks he has the rights to lecture every single subject?

Pardon me, right?

Well, at this mere junction. This is the foolishness of the state, trying to pin any sort of code, violation or charge on the ones they don’t seem fit. At this very moment, Bobi Wine cannot expect a welcoming parade when entering the Republic. Neither should Francis Zaake. They are both awaiting a hostile return. As the state configures new methods of silencing them.

They have dropped plenty of charges already, but will add new ones to ensure; that this people will revisit the courts and answer for their “crimes”. That is just what the state does and has operated with during the recent years. They have done this with several others and now it’s the People Power Movement and their associates to go through the wind and fire of the state system.

If President Museveni wanted another legacy, he wouldn’t have used the same tricks as the Colonial administration, but apparently, he does. He did it with Kizza Besigye, Erias Lukwago and plenty of other fellows, who stood in his way. That is why civilians have been before the Military Court Martial at Makindye Barracks, and not in civilian courts. That is just the man that the President is and is proud of being.

He calls himself a freedom fighter, but in general, as a General, he takes away people’s freedom. Kudos for that. Peace.

State Oppression Continues: The Arua Stone Case continues to haunt Opposition MPs!

Today, the 4th July 2019, the day where again several of Opposition Members of Parliament was summoned to Gulu Magistrate Court to follow up on the treason case going from the 13th August 2018. The prolonged case and lack of discovery, combined with very little movement of authorities, other than making new court dates. Has surely let them believe that this case is dead on arrival. Especially since the state has charged an advanced age man last month for throwing the Arua Stone.

Therefore, today’s news of a judge actually ordering the arrests of the Opposition MPs, whose some are even abroad in a Conference. Shows, the issues of the state and their monitoring of their own. As they should know about their movements and know why didn’t show today. Also, others suffered mechanical challenges, which should have given way too. Alas, that wasn’t the case.

Take a look:

Gulu Magistrate Court presided by Grade One Magistrate Kintu Isaac Imuran, has issued criminal summons to 10 accused persons who failed to appear in court today. These included MPs Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine Zaake Francis, Gerald Karuhanga, Paul Mwiru, Abola Jane, John Mary Ssebuwufu and others. Defense lawyer, Tony Kitara informed court that both Bobi wine and Zaake were attending a conference in United States while others suffered vehicle mechanical challenges while coming to court” (87.7 Baba FM, 04.07.2019).

This is the same-old, same old. If these people only had bribed the Republic like Dott Service or been connected like the ones ordering the Santana Cars back-in-the-day, they wouldn’t have had any issues. Not even if these people had suction like the ones inside in the Bank of Uganda. Than, would have gotten away with murder. Alas, these people are opposition. They cannot do anything wrong. Then, they will be punished.

Even if the state doesn’t have a case, they are just pursuing empty leads. Just like it did on Gen. David Sejusa aides, who was freed recently after years in the pen. The same is happening here, the state is making a case, not a solid one, wasting time and trying to dodge this people from campaigning or even having a political life. That is why the case is running, months on months end.

There is no sentencing, there is no proof or evidence brought to court. There is no affidavit or even witnesses coming forward, which would be evident of a prolonged case for these suspect. Alas, the state has just built another case against individuals it cannot stomach. This is an ancient tactic in the Republic.

Just like others has answered for years, nearly a decade on old cases in towns all across the Republic. Bobi Wine and associates will do too. That is because they defied the King, the mighty mighty President. Peace.

2021 Presidential Election: Bobi Wine Vs Museveni?

Many people have come out to me calling me to stand; we have been discussing this issue with my team, and I must say, me and my team seriously considering challenging Museveni in the next presidential election” Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine on CNN on the 31st January 2019.

The Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi have made himself a name in the political sphere over the last two years. Where he has manoeuvred wisely and showed finesse. That has been shown by the character he has proven when concerning the By-Elections and his meetings with the public after landslides or other tragedies. He has answered a call and also questioned the authorities.

Therefore, today, isn’t new, what is new is that the MP who is travelling abroad on trip. Where now on CNN and proclaiming that he considers challenging, the almighty, the grandest of them all, the kingpin, the saint, the old man with the hat and the only man with a vision, Mr. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in the coming General Election of 2021. That is new, its been speculated, but now, it is more vocal.

This could happen, as the NRM Apologist themselves has said ever since he became a threat, that Bobi Wine doesn’t have it in him or isn’t fit to be President. The President has to be certain calibre and fit a certain specimen of people, who the musician and lawmaker isn’t. That is what initial the message, if not that he is too young and inexperienced. All things that can be pushed against the man. Will be used.

However, as special this challenge is. There are still dire straits ahead for Bobi Wine. Just like previous Presidential Candidates and people who get popularity. They are all guarded, detained, charged with treason and their peers are in jeopardy too. That is what is happening already around Bobi Wine and he still has trials and court dates awaiting for his Treason Charge, which he collected Post Arua By-Election.

Therefore, nothing is written in stone. The legislation process ahead of the election is also in the works. Who knows what else the NRM and the NRM Caucus would put in the pile. They might even make a Age Limit, that you have to be 40/45 to run for President. So, that the Kyadondo East MP would not be eligible to run. The NRM has it in them to do so, they have already fixed the opportunity for Museveni to run for his 8th Term unofficially or the 6th Official Term.

By all means, I wish Bobi Wine well, but at this junction. Going up against Museveni is a false flag. That is just a mere facade. As he should have continued as an Independent MP- Not because I don’t believe he doesn’t have the character or ability to be President. No, because Museveni run the state, runs the election, and Bobi Wine will only suffer. There is no way out of this, where we see a just result. The ballots will be cooked, because the stakes are to high for Museveni to risk them.

Museveni will use the state to insult, to intimidate and to hassle all part of the process. Bobi Wine will be in as much legal trouble as Dr. Kizza Besigye. Bobi Wine will be followed by ISO, CMI and all kind of state kifeesi to silence him. If not stifle his meetings, his rallies and his possible campaigns. While the state will ferry, pay-off and secure a safe landing. Just like it has done countless of times for the President. Just with a new challenger and new hope.

Bobi Wine is inspirational, but at this mere moment. It doesn’t matter who challenge Museveni in the polls and on the ballot. Because, the counting and armed forces are behind Museveni. The results will be in his favour and go his way. No matter, if there is public will for Bobi Wine or Besigye. At this point, that doesn’t matter. Because, all the cards are stacked against them.

In the state of affairs, the only outcome of this, is more pain for Bobi Wine. More suffering for the people around Bobi Wine. There is only more impunity, lack of justice and freedom. The liberties of the one around is already closing in and if he pushes harder. The state will strike back.

Expect jail-time, house-arrest, abductions and court trials. Expect criminal proceedings, as has happen endlessly with Besigye. The same fate is ahead for Bobi Wine. Not because I wish it, but that is the plate that Museveni serves his enemies. That is the recipe that the President have at his disposal and he will use it. Especially against the ones that he fears.

I want to wish him well, but also fears for tomorrow. Because, this story has been played out before and has shown the destructive means of the President. Has shown what means he uses to take power. He does it again and again. This time he will repeat it to Bobi Wine just like his predecessors who also stood up.

So, when Bobi Wine returns at Entebbe International Airport. Don’t expect the NRM and the President to cheer. Expect some sort of guards and police to take him in. Put a crime on his ass and ensure, that he will not have a moment of peace. Peace.

Opinion: Awaiting Museveni to appoint himself King of Rwakitura Kingdom and anoint his royal court!

We are tired of a situation that our constitution is only amended when Mr Museveni feels that he desires something. When his term expires, the constitution is changed to give him another term. When attains the age limit, the constitution is amended to lift the age limit. When he becomes weak to campaign, the constitution is amended to have him on the throne without elections”Betty Nambooze MP (30.01.2019).

Well, as anticipated, as the National Resistance Movement (NRM) have delivered their Road Map for General Elections in 2020/21. We can anticipate that the NRM and their NRM Parliamentary Caucus, will either drop some Private Bills or direct Electoral Reforms directly right before the polls. Just like it has done in the past. Like changing the boundaries of districts right before and ensuring more favourable candidates in these compared to the Opposition ones in the same region.

This is well-known tactics now during the last day, there been speculations delivered by the fantastic reporting of Sadab Kitatta Kaaya in the Observer, that the President are tired of hungry MPs and want to self-appoint them as he see fit, according with the results in any given district. So if he win Arua Municipality as President, the MP there would got to the NRM. That is the principal.

Also, with this move, the President is evidently taking away the opportunity for the NRM Members to vote for their given candidate, as they can handpick one favourable crony. Like in October 2015, the loyal crony and Minister of Justice Gen. Kahinda Otafiire lost to the detained Capt. Mugabe Dononzio Kahonda. So, the MP for Ruhiinda County went someone else, than the one in favour with the President. However, with the new rule, no Captain Mugabe would win, but Otafiire would be the chosen one. That is just the slim-picking of the President.

With the Age Limit, with the change of Presidential Terms, the Self-Styled President for Life, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni will fix the laws as it favours him. Expect more of that in the coming time before the General Election of 2020/21. As he has seen the fire and swift changes within the electorate as Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine has risen from the ashes of the ghetto into prominence.

He is not run-of-the-mill politician, neither is he part of the Bush-War Generation or anyone whose been associated with President. Certainly an Independent spirit, who the President cannot reside with and cannot contain. That is why, the changes of law, would be directed because he has seen the capabilities and the rigging couldn’t stop the new type of leadership. That is why the NRM and Bush-War Generation are calling him out and singling him out. Just like they did with Dr. Kizza Besigye.

For certain, the only awaiting the Republic is to change the form of government from Multi-Party Democracy and Republic, into a full fledged Kingdom, where the current day President Museveni turns into eternal King, the ruler of all Ugandans and with all it posses. Where his vision is the law, where his words are the fountain of glory and where his men is anointed into power. No need for elections, as the King by decree is levying who gets to be lawmakers, who gets to be merchants, who gets to be generals, who gets to be soldiers, who gets to be peasants and so-on.

That is what the game is missing after 33 years. As the NRM playing the court, playing the public and international community. With small legislative changes and rumours of twists, to ensure more control and less questions from anyone else. As the self-serving man and ruler, wants to reign without questions. That is who he is, the ones praising him for being the New Breed of Leadership in the 1990s, didn’t know him really. Because, with the years his character has been shown to the world and no PR Stunt can overshadow it.

President Museveni are ready to be King. Museveni, who is ready to become a royal monarch and let it be known to world. That the citizens of the former republic of Uganda, will be subjects of his Kingdom of Rwakitura. Where they are like livestock and not independent citizens, they are people who are there to serve the King and be his loyal subjects. The are supposed to bow for the King and feel blessed that he uses his time on them. Not complain and just be there as props in his Monarchy. Where he can order them around, but they are not supposed to address him back. Because, he as King is the word, that is holier than God and has more vision than anyone else. That is who he is, in his naked mind and how he acts.

He just need it enacted, get he ACTS and BILLS through Parliament. Than, it could be official. Also pay enough shillings to the NRM Caucus MPs. Time will tell, but by his actions and words. This wouldn’t be far fetched. Especially not his dreams of total control. Peace.

Opinion: Bahati shows his ignorance concerning Bobi Wine!

That David Bahati had to speak out on the rise of Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine on the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Liberation Day/ NRM Day on the 26th January 2019 in Kabale. He like so many other NRM apologists and such is attacking Bobi Wine and message. They are doing the same to Bobi Wine, as the NRM has done for two decades against Dr. Kizza Besigye. Therefore, this is not a new trick.

He is in a long line of people mocking, judging and saying Bobi Wine doesn’t have it in him. Now, Bahati is telling the youth to shun and not join in. Like the NRM have delivered to the youth or even give what they need for their future. The NRM government haven’t delivered to the youth. That is well-known. Bahati should know this and really should been more apologetic about this.

Take a look:

Bahati was speaking at the 33 NRM anniversary celebrations in Ndorwa West Kabale district on January 26. Specifically, he told them to shun the People Power group, headed by Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. “People Power is a minority in Kabale and if you choose to join them, you will be choosing a short term strategy,” he said” (…) ““Do not be diverted by self-seekers,” he told them” (Nakabuye, 2019).

What is really rich about this statement from the minister from the NRM, who is saying choosing Bobi Wine is a short-term strategy and calling him a self-seeker. This is happening on the same day, the President himself in his speech:

I treat Uganda as if I was running my own family. I tell my children the truth, I can’t plan carefully for my family and plan carelessly for the rest of Uganda” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 26.01.2019).

When speaking of self-seeking, if you treat the Republic like family and run it like your own family. Than I understand, why Sam Kuteesa is around, why Janet Museveni is there, why such and such is working as Permanent Secretaries, which is all family members or kin. Because, the President is a self-seeking and hires his own family, making the government into family matters. That is not by default, but by choice.

Therefore, Bahati, telling Bobi Wine is a self-seeking individual at this point is rich. Especially, when it is known, that the boss of Bahati uses the Bank of Uganda as personal account and uses state funds as he sees fit. That is self-seeking and to own agenda, not for the betterment of the Republic. This is well-known and not rumours. Therefore, the Minister needs to pick other words.

Also, if they are speaking like this. That means they fear the ideals, the message and the position Bobi Wine has put himself into. Just like they feared and wondered how to contain Besigye. It is the same thing, but they are picking on him. Because, they need to put his mantle, while they are initially marketing his prospects even more. Peace.


Sheila Nakabuye – ‘Minister Bahati tells youths to shun Bobi Wine’ 27.01.2019, Nile Post News, link: https://nilepost.co.ug/2019/01/27/minister-bahati-tells-youths-to-shun-bobi-wine/

The Anti Bobi Wine Act is on the Horizon: The Stage Plays and Public Entertainment Act of 2018!

Today, there was a leaked legislation called the Stage Plays and Public Entertainment Act Cap 49. This is legislation made to bend the crowds, ensure the promoters and the musicians are following due protocol and can be directly controlled by the state. They cannot just without justification put up an event, concert or any public gathering without proper acceptance of the authorities.

However, if you feel like you have heard about something before, it because you have. There was a time in our life, before the infamous and outrageous law, called the Public Order Management Act (POMA). The law made to ensure the state to know every single activity and political movement of the opposition. They had to notify and be accepted by the state and the Security Agencies before holding rallies, consultation meetings and whatnot.

In the same regard, the 2018 legislation, which is leaked today. Is in the same manner. The second law was make the ones rising to political stratosphere like Dr. Kizza Besigye. Make sure he couldn’t do his work and also make it near impossible to build party structure. Which in some regards has happen, as the strength of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) isn’t everywhere. Because, they cannot be able or have the ability to get there properly without being arrested or breaking the codes of law, which is stated in the POMA.

In the same regard comes the new legislation. It is made for the nuisance, the man who has sky-rocket in the political sphere and has made mess for the President. Bosco is really worried and he has to contain it somehow. Just like he did with Besigye. So, now with the new legislation he hopes he can stop the rise and silence Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. Because this law is targeting him.

As the leaked legislation says: “No person shall perform public entertainment unless that person is registered with the Ministry responsible for Culture in Uganda as a Performing Artist; An artist or entertainer shall submit his/her works for documentation and approval by Uganda National Culture Forum; No Performing Artist or Group of Performing Artists shall stage performances abroad without clearances from Minister responsible for Culture in Uganda” and also this: “The Event Organiser and/or Promoter shall obtain a Special Performance Permit from the relevant Local Government ( Where the performance is going to take place ) at least 30 days prior to the date, where such a performance involve: i Performing Artists not citizens of, or domiciled in Uganda; ii Three or more independent Performing Artists or three or more different Groups of Performing Artists; iii National Event; iv An annual event; – the permit shall NOT be unduly denied”.

These are just snippets of the law. Not the whole gist. But it smells like POMA for musicians right? The notifying of Local Government for any event or performance, also the registration of the performer and the clearance to do so. That is just like POMA. It is just the POMA made for musicians, comedians or anyone on stage, also for anyone planning to make a concert or holding one. They got to get the new permits, the new dispensation to do so. Since, the law will ensure, that everyone doing these activities are following the new guidelines. By all means, that is when this become official legislation and signed off by the President. But, that man wants to silence yet another critic, this is certainly the way to go. With another draconian legislation to curb the enthusiasm and make it stop.

The last paragraph from the leaked pages of the law, which is really striking. Is this one: “Performing Artists or a Group of Performing Artists shall not enter into other Public Performance Contracts on the same day at different venues, unless such other performances shall be held at least four hours after the end of the preceding performance. This provision shall form part of the Performance Contract between the parties”.

All of this is signs of the new found struggle Bobi Wine will have and the other renegade artists who stands a bitter fight against the oppression. As the government are trying to find other solutions to contain him and his career. Since, he has followed the protocol of POMA as public gatherings, but this is so they can really establish strict guidelines for Bobi Wine and other to follow.

What will be interesting when this come into action and being in-forced. Is how this will effect the campaigns and the NRM own concerts in the Campaign Rallies, as they are known for paying a stable of artists to perform before Bosco shows up to utter sadness in every corner of the Republic. Clearly, Bebe Cool and Jose Chameleone cannot perform more than twice that day. Meaning, if the NRM is supposed to follow this law. They got pick who goes where and limit the productivity of the artists it has in its back-pocket.

However, this is all just mere say. Even as the legislation has leaked. Showing yet again. How frighten the NRM is of Bobi Wine. Just like Besigye shooked them, he has too. That is why the President is cooking up legislation to beat him down with. So, that he can use justification to destroy his career or stall it. To show who is the man and who is the servant.

The POMA came because of the power of Besigye, now the SPPE or SPPEA comes as an effect of Bobi Wine. It is not enacted or in-force yet, but signs to come. Because, this is retaliation, Museveni style. This is what he does, he finds ways to assault your life by legislation or by mere humiliation through the courts. Clearly, he intends to do both. Surely, the Ministry will muffle with the works of Bobi Wine too. Just a matter of time, before most of it is banned. Let time tell, but not be confused or surprised by that. It is in the cards.

If not, why would they use time drafting and finding the words to ensure that Bobi Wine and the likes are in the mercy of the state? I just said it there.

FYI or BTW: This is the 2nd Generation Public Order Management Act, just made for musicians, nothing else. That smart aren’t the junta, the ruling regime and YES MEN of Bosco. This is just revising it for the ones being artists instead of politicians. Peace.

Opinion: Gen. Tumwine is speaking nonsense, when advising Bobi Wine!

There are some day, when the National Resistance Movement and the NRM Bush League people like General Elly Tumwine speaks nonsense. He is now again advising Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine on his career and his way as an artist. What is flabbergasting is how stupid this sounds.

We know, that the Firebase Crew and Entertainment are following all procedures and obligations, as a company and the same does MP Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. He can notify and explain the Musical Shows, the Campaign Rallies and whatever he tries to do. But at this point, everything he touches, he get blocked, soon he will be house-arrested in home like Dr. Kizza Besigye. That is why I am confused by NRM Bush General. He speaks of Bobi Wine following the orders, but he is complying with the law and Constitution. Still, the Authorities are still ambushing him and torturing him. Therefore, who is not abiding the laws, that is the authorities who has attacked him and kept him away from the public!

Tumwine speaking on Bobi Wine:

“If Bobi Wine follows what he’s told by security, there will be no problem. I advised him right from the beginning and I am willing to advise him every other time…”He needs to calm down and separate his political stance of defiance from his artistic stance. You know artists are objective, we think for everybody. But once you now start taking a sectarian line which is confrontational to others, then you meet the necessary resistance.” said Tumwine (URN – ‘ We’ll continue blocking Bobi Wine concerts – Gen Tumwine’ 28.12.2018, link: https://observer.ug/news/headlines/59543-we-ll-continue-blocking-bobi-wine-concerts-gen-tumwine?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter).

I am not shocked of Gen. Tumwine, this is his M.O as a loyal soldier under General and Commander in Chief, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. He has always done this and continues as long as he is the ranks under the President. Even get dirty in favour of the President. That is who the Star-Trek Shades Man of Uganda aka Gen. Tumwine.

It doesn’t matter what advice you are giving Bobi Wine, as the authorities doesn’t favour him or cares about his career. They are not working with him. They are working against him. They are acting like people are blind. He cannot do anything nearly, it is just by luck if he can. Tumwine, says a lot and tries to undress the manner. But only showing the naked lies.

Tumwine knows that the authorities haven’t accepted prayers by opposition parties, consultation meetings or even just letting the leadership going out to vote. That is what this NRM are up to. Therefore, even if Bobi Wine would comply and act cool. The NRM and its Calvary would attack and monitor him. They would detain him and arrest him on phony charges. That is what the NRM does to real opposition. We know this and Tumwine knows this too.

So, he can play around the bush, but the General acts like if, the people are following the orders of the government. Everything will be dandy, but then I suppose, things would have been different for plenty.

Gen. Tumwine, acts like his righteous, while Bobi Wine is the bad criminal savvy pick-pocket. However, he is just a man… who tries to do his thing, but his blocked. This on orders from above high. This is planned and done by the government against him.

Even, if Bobi Wine filled all protocols and all measures put by the state, they would still block his ass. That is the truth about it all. Peace.

Uganda Law Society Statement on Blocking of Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi’s Music Shows (28.12.2018)

Bobi Wine Concert Blockade: Shows the Naked Truth about Museveni!

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act”George Orwell

There are apologists out there, that are blaming Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine for his actions against the government. That is why the government is blocking his concerts. However, that just shows the viciousness of the government. As they cannot accept that not all people are blind followers of the President and his cronyism.

The likes of Mwenda will ensure that the blind men are blaming Bobi Wine, I will not exercise my right to double-down on him. Because, I have done enough of it in the past and Andrew doesn’t deserve my time. He can love the dictator in his head. Please continue.

However, the Boxing Day blocking of concert on Bobi Wine’s own land. They came with tear-gas and arresting several of the team before the concert. The Firebase crew had written and ask for clearance. Still, the Police Force came crashing in and stopped the event.

That is like the MP is the devil. At the same time, the President is promoting and is a PR Person for the Bebe Cool event in Uganda. Bebe Cool has all rights to perform, but he does as a sign of loyalty to the President. Therefore, getting all the subsidizes and help from the same regime that is going after Bobi Wine. That shows who is allowed and who is not.

They are saying various statements, that Bobi Wine was not prepared. However, all documentation dropped online proves that the government knew and there was correspondence. The Police Force knew and had the knowledge. The Police Force was able for the first Kyarenga Concert at the same venue. So, why not do it again in December?

This just shows the blatantly disregard of justice, freedom and liberty for one individual. As, the blockage of concerts for Bobi Wine is yet another prime example of how the President controls everything. He has done with plenty of persons in the opposition. Where he will stop them from doing their thing. Making their lives hectic and lose opportunities, because they are brave enough to stand in the way of the President.

President Museveni, who this Christmas Season spoke of loving thy neighbour and being there for each other. Apparently, he didn’t mean Bobi Wine and his kind. While Bebe Cool is super cool and can do whatever he like. That is the reality… but not that the apologists will ever say that. Because Cool had license to this, but Wine didn’t have it. We all know the Police is political and following orders from above. They are directly going against Bobi Wine, in same manner, as it has done in the recent decade. Peace.