US: Hon. Michael C. Manning letter to Arizona Attorney General Michael Mukasey – “Re: Request for Civil Rights Investigation of the Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona” (23.04.2008)

US: Official Pardon letter from President Trump to Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio; And the Arpaio Laywers letter to the White House (25.08.2017)


US: Charlottesville Leaders Announce March to Washington D.C. to Confront White Supremacy (26.08.2017)

White House: Sebastian Gorka fired from being National Security Aide yesterday – The Sack-Race continues!

The New York Gang, the Trump Administration continues is weekly operation with their steady phase of firing. This time it was National Security Aide or Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka, an ally of ousted White House Strategist Stephen Bannon. So the Bannonesque part of the administration is winding-down. Still, Trump can still be his racist and dividing-in-chief. He done this with a pardon of racial controversial sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona and starting a transgender-ban in the military. Clearly, Trump still can stir controversy without Bannon and his team-mates in the White House.

That Trump fires Gorka is more General John Kelly and wanting more ‘peaceful’ characters inside the White House. Than, having a Neo-Nazi, a White Nationalist inside the White House like Gorka. He will be an issue and a man who was hired and supported by Bannon. With or without him, Trump will still support the racists and the ones who are part of magnificent groups on the “Alt-Right”. He cannot help himself and will not.

That Bannon left and that his former workmate in Breitbart and contributor at Fox News Gorka, clearly will either end back with Bannon at Breitbart or on Sinclair Media. Since, he will still spread his nonsense and hatred for other people. The sacking will not silence him, but his 7 month stint in the White House was because of Bannon, not because Trump knew the man or had a friendship with the man.

Trump actually fired Gorka while he was on family vacation, it shows the extent of him not caring about about his aides, that they are disposables like Pepsi cans. He can fire and hire like he pleases. This shows the chaotic state of the White House, where more and more people are taking a stand against it, after the President showed his true remarks to the Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ marches and violence. His popularity is at all time low and the sacking of Bannon and Gorka, doesn’t change the aftermath of the support of the ‘Alt-Right’, White Supremacists, White Nationalists and the KKK. This will now always stain the Presidency and his allies. Even Mnuchin knows this now, he is like the Coca-Cola company who created Fanta so they could sell Fanta during the Nazi-Era in Germany. All, the people left behind in positions and not resigning are compliance with the President.

That Gorka lasted 7 months in the White House was too long stint for a person like this, but the President is the same. He just switching in public after what crowd he is trying to please, the people see it now and the lies are at the forefront, but his acts, Memo’s and Executive Orders, shows his true heart. Even if he fires men with the same kind of ethics, he still has it under his skin. That is evident. Nothing is hiding that in the White House. Gorka might be gone, but the admiration of the fascists and their groups is not gone. Not as long as Trump is in power. Peace.

Daniel M. Kammen, Science Envoy to US Department of State: “Mr. President, I am resigning as Science Envoy. Your response to Charlottesville enables racism, sexism, & harms our country and planet” (23.08.2017)

Statement by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin on Charlottesville and Yale Classmate’s inquiries (19.08.2017)

A ACLU Paper of October 1934: Teaches us how to address Nazis today!

It is hard to believe, but it is true that, President Donald J. Trump, who says there are good people and great people within groups of White Supremacists, White Nationalists and Nazis; because of this are obviously racist. There are only fools, that can deny that now. Those who do is apologists for the President and his fellow complicit aides. This could be said for a number of reasons, also because of the people around him, and not denouncing fellow leadership of organizations who spread hatred in the United States.

President Trump has clearly supported the ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville and the way it has been done with violence. Clearly, shows the problems of the alt-right and the neo-Nazis. Still, the ACLU of old, are still with their wisdom showing how a just and free society should make sure their transgressions and their hatred get perceived in society. The ACLU in the 1934 shows their paper on free speech for Nazis are still relevant today. It shouldn’t be, but clearly it is. Because the ideals of the ACLU are noble and shows the openness, to a society where ideas get spread and get to streets. Still, there should be allowed to address the differences without breaching the laws and statutes of the law. If so, then the Nazis should serve for their crime, as all of the ones who breaks the law.

The ideal of ACLU of 1934, the argument and the approach are one of the best I have read, even if it is in defense of despicable, this was done before the holocaust and all the hatred of the Nazis was known. Before, they could do so, when they took to power in Germany and started their dictatorship that led to the second World War. Still, with the knowledge of the results of all the hatred and disgusting ideals and ideology, the ACLU shows with their paper, an understanding we should follow in this day. Not because the streets, the airways, the TV-Channels or any other platform should have Nazis and their teachings on their, but if should mock it or fact-check their ignorance. Than it needs to be in the open and not make it underground to grow into an unknown force, that can come with militias and destroy the freedom of speech.

This is what the ACLU of 1934 believed and we should be like that today. Just take a look!

To whose who advocate suppressing propaganda they hate, we ask – where do you draw the line? They can answer only the terms of revolutionists – at our political enemies. But experience shows that “political enemies” is a broad term, and has covered the breaking up even of working class meetings by rival work class organizations. It illustrates the danger, and the impractically of making any distinctions in defending rights sought by all” (…) “To those who urge suppression of meetings that may incite riot or violence, the complete answer is that nobody can tell in advance what meetings may do so. Where there is reasonable ground for apprehension, the police can ordinarily prevent disorder” (…) “To whose who would suppress meetings where race or religious hatred is likely to be stirred up, the answer is simple – that there is no general agreement on what constitutes race or religious prejudice. Once the bars are so let down, the fields is open for all-comers to charge such prejudice against any propagandists – Communists, Socialists, atheists, – even against Jews attacking the Nazis. On that ground the Union has opposed the anti-Nazi bills introduced in the New York and New Jersey legislature punishing propaganda which “stirs up race or religious hatred” or “domestic strife”. No laws can be written to outlaw Nazi propaganda without striking at freedom of speech in general” (…) “Further, we point out the inevitable effect of making martyrs by persecution. Persecute the Nazis, drive them underground, imitate their methods in Germany – and attract to them hundreds of sympathizers with the persecuted who would otherwise be indifferent. The best way to combat their propaganda is in the open where it can be fought by counter-propaganda, protest demonstrations, picketing, – and all the devices of attack which do not involve denying the rights to meet and speak” (…) “If and when Nazi meetings results in breaches of the peace, their organizers can be prosecuted under the criminal law. If their speakers libel individuals by reason of race and religion, recourse to the criminal libel statutes is open as a remedy. Short of that, and of overt acts of interference with others’ rights their freedom to carry on their agitation should be unrestricted” (ACLU, 1934).

It is proof that the knowledge and the arguments of old can be useful today as it was yesterday. The people, the organizations and their ideals might be the same, the problem might be a resurrected one. But the Nazis should be allowed to speak and have their meetings, as long as they are not breaching the law and the statutes. If they do, then they should be prosecuted!

The ACLU of 1934, have understood certain aspects of life and also the martyrdom of the political enemies and revolutionaries might give soil for further extremes. Also, give the platform and the leadership of these organization more power. Therefore, to silence them totally and ban them, does not make them go away, but make them underground.

This paper shows the importance of free speech, but also the grandeur of fighting the Nazis within just acts, to counter their propaganda and their ideology. That we should do, undress the hatred and white supremacy, which should be buried. Since the Nazi ideology shouldn’t be needed to be in our time, as it wasn’t needed even in the 1930s when the ALCU wrote this paper. Still, we should counter it and show the misgivings and the worthlessness of the Nazism, instead of banning it. The bans of their acts will only enforce it more.

It doesn’t help that President Trump defended the Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ rally and their violence. While attacking the counter-demonstrators. Also, neglecting the fear and the violence created by the right-extremists. That is why peaceful marches, the peaceful demonstrations and addressing the lacking clues of justification for their ideology and their belief is needed. Instead, of making them a fringe organizations, who can suddenly pop-up like wild-flowers. Therefore, the need to address them at public courts are more important than ever. To not give them a free-pass, but for their disgrace, their misunderstood arrogance of race and for their devilish ideology, who are to take total control and to terminate others. That cannot be shadow and put in the dark, the violence and viciousness of the Nazis, cannot be silenced and their will of doing evil. Should be known!

To say anything else is ignorant, they should not become martyrs, but make fooled and mocked. They should understand, that they are not all-powerful, but people we can bring down from the pedestal and put in the trash-bind of history. Peace.


American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – ‘Shall we defend free speech for Nazis in America’ (October 1934

White House: Carl Icahn letter of resignation as Special Advisor on Regulatory Reforms (18.08.2017) – The Sack Race Continues!

White House: The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities resigns immediatly (18.08.2017)

White House Shadow President Steve Bannon is out, the Sack-Race Continues!

I fired White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. I got tired of hearing that there is someone mentally unstable in the White House. #Bannon” – Donald J. Trump (18.08.2017).

It took him 210 in office before the White House Strategist Stephen Bannon got fired, the former Campaign Manager of Trump and the know Republican President Donald J. Trump. Clearly, the White House is still in shambles and in major troubles. A general has already reshuffled with a new close Trump aide this week with Hope Hicks as White House Communications Director, which is the third one just in that position. Therefore, you can wonder if Jared Kushner will become the Strategist too, since Trump has now so few to trust.

NBC reports today:

Statement from the Press Secretary

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day. We are grateful for his service and we wish him the best” (White House/NBC 18.08.2017).

This is just a shocking, but not surprising at this point, anyone hired by Trump will most likely be fired by him. Not because it just their fault, but anyone else than Trump has to jump on their sword. The suicide and doubling down might come naturally to Trump, but he will blame his aides and his people. Not take the blame himself. That Trump is a racist is now sure and he tries defend himself with another sacking. Not that it makes him brighter or wiser. It doesn’t, just look like more chaos in the White House.

Just like the New York Magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzia reports: “ Source close to WH on Trump: “this whole idea that he plays three dimensional chess & we play checkers is bullshit” Adds he rarely has plan. Source close to WH adds “what the hell does it matter at this point?” who’s running the show, since “they’re not getting anything done.”Source close to WH says they’re “worried” about the survival of Stephen Miller and Kellyanne Conway.“I don’t see any senior decision makers around the president besides the Vice President who are real conservatives.” – source close to WH” (Olivia Nuzzia, 18.08.2017).

This sort of reporting is believable, as it seems, since the White House have fired and hired without any plan or any consideration of plans or strategy. Therefore, the second Chief of Staff has been allowed to fire White House Communication Director Anthony Scaramucci, but Scaramucci was also the reason for the fall of Sean Spicer and Reince Preibus. Therefore, the random sackings and the failing administration shows it’s perspective.

Certainly, John Kelly might want the White Supremacists, White Nationalist and the Neo-Nazis away from the White House, but than the Chief of Staff has to evict his master, President Trump. President Trump are clearly supporting Confederate ideas and “Unite the Right” initiatives, as he never has spoken or denounced the support of Grand Wizard David Duke, neither Jason Kessler or Richard Spencer for that matter. There have been enough grand standing racists he likes to be affiliated with, therefore, shuffling out Bannon will not clear the house of white trash. There will still be some left behind.

There is still Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka, they are not sound minds as well. Both of them has views and perspective not far from Bannon. If not in the same league as Bannon. So, it is not like the shop has none disturbing forces there. The most disturbing one is the President. A President who has sentiments in favor of the Alt-Right, the Neo-Nazis, White Supremacist and White Nationalist, a false-romantic favors for the Confederate heroes.

This is the American Experience right now… but let’s hope Robert Mueller team can do something about this White House, have enough indictments and criminal conspiracy, to charge and collect close-knitted personnel and high-ranking officials to impeach Trump. Because the American people should hope for someone who is not a racist-in-charge, but a man who stand behind certain values and moral standing with their people. Peace.