Yellow Youth Movement (YYM): Response to NRM Youth League Leadership Propaganda Statement titled ‘For Immediate Release’ disregarding the YYM Petition to the Chairman of hte NRM Party and the CEC (10.03.2024)

National Resistance Movement – Youth League (NRM-YL): Press Release (09.03.2024)

Opinion: Endorsing Mzee for 2026 [the ones who does it is either hungry or foolish]

As the struggle for win the hearts of the youths by Uganda’s presidential hopefuls continues, NRM youth leaders from Buganda have endorsed President Museveni as the sole presidential candidate for the 2026 elections. Museveni, who has been in power for 26 years, has not yet indicated that he will run for 2026” (Farish Magembe – ‘NRM Buganda youth endorse Museveni, not Muhoozi, for 2026’ 18.10.2022, Nile Post).

In Masaka there was a group of youth leaders from the National Resistance Movement (NRM) has already endorsed President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni. A man who has ruled the nation since 26th January 1986. A President that has already reigned supreme for 36 years is still viable some youths.

You can wonder what is their incentives and reasons to do it. Certainly, they must be hungry and wants to show loyalty. If they show loyalty and proves their services to his government. That’s what the youth leaders of Buganda did or Central Region. If it is the opposition it’s the Central Region, but when it’s NRM – it is back to the Kingdom and calling it Buganda. Ironically, right?

Well, NRM Youth Leaders of Buganda signing off an endorsement in 2022 is a sign of poverty, lack of vision and also utterly ill-advised. This isn’t done in the run-up to an election. Neither is there any signs of Yoweri standing as a candidate in the next election. Though, we shouldn’t kid ourselves. Museveni is doing this every-time and claiming the “people will decide” and “so will his party”. Though we know the drill and his most like the flag-bearer for NRM in the next term.

They haven’t even published a road-map or the committee to write the manifesto. Therefore, settling now only shows your motivation and that you are hoping for incentives to do so. The NRM Youth here is only showing their soul is sold and they have traded all integrity. That’s what legit has gone down…

Because, we know what is happening ahead of the election new NRM umbrella groups are popping up to fit whatever narrative and stories the NRM needs. We know also that these groups will praise the President and supposed achievements. That’s why there is plenty of youthful groups, which is sort of a part of the NRM. These are now mentioned without any particular order, NRM Poor Youth, NRM Youth League, NRM Isolated Youth, NRM Yellow Power and NRM Generation Seven.

All of these ha been made to ensure elections and continuation of the NRM regime. The NRMYL is the most significant ones, but the others has been made to cater the needs of NRM ahead of the polls. That really their mission and this is why you haven’t heard from them in forever. They only comes in a hot-minute before the polls and to be there for a campaign pledge.

You are seeing so many youth groups… and this week a group of youths from Buganda… suddenly endorsed the President for Life out of nowhere. They are certainly hoping for a pay-off, either a plate or a brew. These youths hopes for opportunities and recognition. The clearly made some headlines and got some people talking. However, they are too early.

These youth should have waited for the RDCs and the NRM Vice-Chairperson for each regions are out hunting for positive groups or stories. At that point ahead of the election wants as much credibility and youthfulness as possible. They want to look more popular than pop-stars or the Lord Saviour. However, now… this is futile, except, if these people are hungry and hoping for a plate.

They could get that and a free t-shirt. Nevertheless, these folks won’t be Kings, because they are already peasants. They might become glorified peasants, but they will not reach the throne. That place is sealed and they are already proving it with their action alone. Peace.

‘Yellow Influencers’ Get a Food-Drive!

Last year in 2019, there was reports of a new Social Media Task Force for the National Resistance Movement (NRM), which had up to that point hired 49 people. The NRM already had their Social Media Activists (SOMA). So, they had two units work in co-ordination with each other. This is all attempts to steer the narrative and control the air-waves. Not new in that regard, but using modern methods to hit the public with information.

Just like all the other entities, which are government friendly press like the New Vision Group. The UBC, Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC) and Uganda Media Centre to name a few.

In these COVID-19 lockdown times. The NRM together with the leader of the pack of the NRM Social Media Task Force, Duncan Abigaba have shown that they are feeding 245 bloggers. This is done through the kindness of Muhoozi Kainerubaga or the friends of him. They call them “Yellow influencers or bloggers” because that paint the picture. Even the blogger of Ashburg Katto is in the mix, so it seems its not far from the prison-cell to eating of the hand of the system.

These people will be instrumental to get the right vision ahead of the General Election of 2021. This is why they are even now doing deliveries and feeding them food. They are getting serviced by the state for a purpose. Because, these influencers can sway public opinion on social media and various of platforms. That is why Promoter Baalam and the Social Media Task Force of Abigaba is involved in this.

This is ensuring loyalty, as the payment of some rice and other foods during the pandemic. Will remind these Yellow Influencers whose their friends. They got to eat in the midst of it all, because hey are useful right now and in the future. Their platforms on the various of social media will be vital.

Its like 120 personalities on Social Media and about 120 bloggers, which is getting this treatment. This means these people are included and selected out, because of their writing and their content. This is because Duncan handpicked them and know what their up too.

That is what is striking is the amount of effort and to show their names on social media. These is our folks and comrades. Just go into Duncan Abigaba page on Facebook and the whole list will appear. It expose the ninjas writing and working directly for the NRM.

The Yellow Influencers if you may. The friends of Muhoozi is allowed to give these foods without any reinforcement of police nor any meetings with authorities. Because, they are working in-directly for the efforts for the state. This is partisan politics at its best. That information is being dropped on the day the UPF disclaim everything about Zaake whose healing after torture. That is the sort of state the Republic is in.

Where Yellow Influencers can get a food-drive by the Son-of-the-President. But opposition doing the same to his constituents are healing in the hospital after meeting the authorities. That is the double standard and the realities on the ground.

That Baalam and Abigaba is above Zaake is now clear as day. That the Yellow Influencers are important is clear too. They will be a tool into the elections and the campaigns, spreading the message of the “Yellow Bastard”. Peace.

Opinion: NRM Isolated Youths is fishing for relevance

The National Resistance Movement – Isolated Youths is run by the Chairman Ibrahim Buyinza, whose a former reporter at the New Vision. He is now on the sole mission for finding his cash-cow. Just like the previous balloon-organization NRM Poor Youth. Surely, the statement written by the NRM Isolated Youth is just special. However, I am pounding the reasoning for becoming an organization now.

That Buyinza wants relevance is clear. Just like the NRM Poor Youth. Surely it happens just in the close window before the election. The mushrooming organizations associated with the NRM in hopes of handouts and job opportunities. This is happening as the NRM is already making other organizations to battle the possible rising popularity of other opposition parties and pressure groups. Therefore, the NRM are really spiralling out and the structure seems a bit fluid.

A piece of the Statement dropped today:

The majority Isolated Youths in Uganda are hindered with the country’s economic limbo that has disabled the large labour force to engage in the productive market. This has evidently attributed to the escalating unemployment thus substantiating radical poverty amongst the youths. “We are Isolated maybe because of tribe and religion.” Buyinza said. NRM is now operating against the principal of impartiality and nuetrality, equity and justice. The youths thus need to ambivalently demand their generational Youths should improvise means or defecting their support from a regime and leadership which is against Mass Low’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. According to NRM ISOLATED YOUTHS National Chairman Buyinza Ibrahim in an Executive meeting yesterday” (Buyinza Ibrahim – ‘Generational Obligation’ 08.12.2019).

Buyinza hadn’t dropped this on activists groups on Facebook, if it wasn’t for fishing for relevancy. Because, he will not have the hot-line to New Vision any-more nor being relevant for NBS Television.. Therefore, he had to fish there to show existence.

However, the NRM Isolated Youth seems like a fishing expedition. It is like the NRM Poor Youth. We can await the NRM Isolated Youths will crash the NRM Parliamentary Caucus or NRM CEC or something to gain relevance. But they will be arrested like the Poor Youth did. Than, people will notice them. Not like the NRM Isolated Youths is scheduling demos or campaigns for their causes. Neither showing their structure to the world either. So, it seems like a briefcase organization developed and run by Buyinza.

Therefore, don’t expect magic. Don’t expect this to be a vital one. It will be a side-show and someone who will cry loud, when the waters are dry and no funds are dripping on the organization. Since, that is the reason for it all happening. Not like the Isolated Youths exists, because its really fighting. Since, there is no proof that the organization even tries to do something vital and changing.

Buyinza really needs to prove that. Heavy is the head and it cost to carry it. It is not like when he worked on orders at the New Vision. He has to carry itself and make his own way. That is not done by dropping statements on activists groups on Facebook. Peace.

Opinion: How many youth groups does the NRM need?

The National Resistance Movement (NRM), the ruling regime of the Republic of Uganda. Are having special organizations, but for the youths they are having much more than before. Even if the NRM are only having officially the NRM Youth League.

Within the last few years there are more than that. Like before the former election the NRM got the NRM Poor Youths. Within the last two weeks there has gotten more groups within the umbrella of the NRM.

The first one was NRM Isolated Youths. Than just mere 48 hours, the launch of the NRM Yellow Power came too. Now, today its officially stated the NRM has a new pressure group, the NRM Generation Seven (7).

This means the NRM have these Youth Organizations, one official and four unofficial:

NRM Youth-League (Official)

NRM Poor Youth (Unofficial) – Launched 2015

NRM Isolated Youth (Unofficial) – Launched 5th November 2019

NRM Yellow Power (Unofficial) – Launched 6th November 2019

NRM Generation Seven (Unofficial) Launched 7th November 2019

We can really see what is up. There are plenty of organizations, but only one which is official. That’s the NRM-YL is the one that is sanctioned by the NRM itself. The rest is launched, but not official yet. They are not even on the web-page of the party.

We are also seeing this is happening quickly, all of it as an response to the People Power Movement. That is why Generation Seven is a NRM Pressure Group. Yellow Power is a direct play of the colour of the party and also twisting the message like the youths know. The isolated youths, are just trying to buy relevance like the Poor Youth. Both of them trying to find a meal ticket.

Certainly, this is all preparation of 2021 and find ways of being vibrant. Still, these are just preoccupations of the NRM. The NRM regime is trying to find ways to get the youth whose following Bobi Wine to get hooked by the party. Not through the direct NRM, but youth organizations. That’s why these are mushrooming, also because many are hungry and unemployed. Therefore, the NRM are ending up like this.

We can wonder, how much swagger and how much these really will matter. The NRM-YL haven’t done much. Neither has the Poor Youth. The Isolated Youths, Yellow Power and Generation Seven are new outfits. They might amount to something, if not one-man bands for envelopes. We don’t know, but this doesn’t seem like a winning formula. Peace.

NRM plans to get activated online: A Company of paid Social Media Activists!

That’s the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody’s going to be against, and everybody’s going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn’t mean anything.”Noam Chomsky

The National Resistance Movement is steadily preparing for 2021. By every initiated move, they are trying to make it feel relevant and have a message to sell. It is not enough to have the Uganda Media Centre, Uganda Broadcasting Company, New Vision Media House, Government Citizen Interaction Centre or even the Ministry of ICT, whose all trying to peddle the message and image of the NRM.

Still, these are not enough. That is why the NRM have gotten a NRM Social Media Activists (SOMA). If this wasn’t enough, the NRM had already hired about 59 people for a Social Media Task Force run by Duncan Abigaba. Where one part of the team had specialists serving various of social media sites, while the same task force had hired 14 people to run the program on Twitter. This was leaked in August 2018. So, the team has been in play a while, but who knows how operative or even successful it is.

Yesterday, there is a new revelation. Not with a significant new change, but certainly a continuation of the building a digital task force and spin machine for the world wide web. Where they hope to spin enough and overlook enough to get the people to catch their bait. Either by the hook or by the crook. That is just what the NRM does.

The news yesterday, was that the NRM plans to hire a 100 Social Media Activists for all the republics regions, to represent all of them and spread the message. This is certainly a progression to the ones working for Abigaba who was hired last year for his Task Force. These will maybe fall in under his mission and umbrella. To ensure, that the NRM are acting correctly and getting the right image online.

We can clearly see t that Bosco, Mr. Sunday, Yoseri or Yoweri Kaguta Museveni are active online. Even if he has proclaimed there is only rumours and waste of time on Social Media. He himself is there and claimed to be biggest, most followed Ugandan on Twitter. Surely, there is a lot of paid bots on his followers page. Trust me on that one.

However, this is just a sign of the Don Wanyama’s, the Andrew Mwenda’s and whatnot of direct supporters, even Morrison Rwakakamba or whoever else spreading the words of old man with the hat. They will be now repeated a lot more and the self praise will hit levels that not even Soft Power and Sarah Kagingo would manage. That is what the NRM is preparing. They need the loyalists, the ones praising every move the His Excellency is doing. That is just the way it is.

If this is continued of the Task Force of last year, if it is hiring the ones in NRM SOMA. Surely, they will sooner or later, kick and scream because the NRM cannot manage to pay their salaries. They are there for a payday, not because they believe in the vision of the old man. They are not volunteers, but paid activists. Just like the ones paid to demonstrate before too. Staged nightmares waiting to appear. Peace.

Opinion: The Ghosts Continue to Haunt the YLP!

The Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) by every minute going, seems like a forged project and fake government projects. In ways to secure funding for other things for other Public Officials, why do I say that? Because the YLP have been given a red-flag before. The YLP should be known for its ghosts and its forged documents.

The ones running it should be questioned, as the YLP is under the Office of the Prime Minister. Therefore, the known OPM who has misused funds, which is not breaking news, but more of the same. While it was revealed there was ghosts in the YLP. This has been known for a while. The was a similar report made in 2017, as it was in 2019. That is why I will show them. To prove the similarities and lack of change.

Just take a look.

Article from 2017:

A recent government investigation has unearthed gross corruption, ghost groups, illegal fees charged for application forms and poor monitoring of the programme countrywide. The same evil has crept into the newly established Women Livelihood Programme started in 2015. The new findings back up the 2016 auditor general’s report, which found the Youth Livelihood Programme did not have a proper accounting framework. The report also found that recovery of funds was so low and some beneficiaries had vanished in at least 35 districts, including Masaka, Rakai, Wakiso, Kalangala and Kalungu. According to the ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, at least Shs 84.55 billion has so far been disbursed in loans to over 144,235 individuals affiliated to 11,503 youth groups countrywide, but only Shs 6.7 billion had been recovered by the end of January 2017” (Arua District Local Government – ‘PROBE FINDS ROT IN YOUTH LIVELIHOOD PROGRAMME’ 22.07.2017).

URN reported on the 4th January 2019:Among the queries raised by the auditor general John Muwanga in the reports, is the existence ghost beneficiaries under the Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) – noting that about 527 million of the fund money is non-traceable. The money was allegedly spent on ghost groups in 30 districts randomly sampled during the audit period” (URN – ‘MPs grill Bigirimana over youth fund ghost beneficiaries’ 04.01.2019).

Before, I settle down on the matter, there was also a communique from the National Resistance Movement Youth League letter of the 14th October 2016, when the Minister of State for Youth and Children Affair Hon. Nakiwala Kyingi, that all Youth Chairman should be connected with Local Technocrats, where they decide that NRM-YL had to use the YLP system to get funds. This was decided in 2016. Therefore, since then, the NRM-YL and others have to make YLP Projects to get funding and loans.

As we knows that, at the same time-frame of the Auditor General report claims funds gone mission in various of districts, also ghost projects and others. Proving this is deliberate actions done by people, who are eating of the YLP. They are using this designated funds to secure wealth or spend on whatever, without any proof.

This is clearly evident of corrupt behaviour and misuse of government funds. That is not new in the Republic either. The YLP is following a long line of short-cons in the government. In 2017, there was talk of vanishing funds in 30 districts, in 2019, there is talk of 35 districts. Certainly, this is managed and mismanaged deliberatly by the Public Officials. Peace.