My letter to retired Gen. Mugisha Muntu on the recent moves made by the FDC

Mugisha Muntu 23.01.2016 Hoima District

Oslo 15. August 2016

Dear Gen. Mugisha Muntu and the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) National Executive Committee (NEC). This is not easy to write to you, so forgive me for my misgivings, but this has to be addressed.

I write to you today because of the worrying disbelief of methods to get rid of the police-state and the totalitarian behaviour of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and the three decades run of affairs under President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. The reason for my writing is the concern of your party and the ways of backing away from going against the NRM.

I know you will not like my words Gen. Mugisha Muntu, even as democratic men we are we have to listen to each other and respect the opinions as they are for the greater good in the end. Like the Executive, President Museveni wouldn’t listen to me at all and wanted to jail me in the first second, I guess becasue he knew of my toxic writing. Because he is always right and the only man in the nation with a vision; I believe you are different and wiser than the current leader of your nation.

The state of affairs is not solid. President Museveni is a walking budget and uses the army and police to monitor and throwing your leaders and supporters behind bars. Using the judiciary as a tool of oppressing the FDC; the party you lead isn’t as strong as you think. If it we’re than you wouldn’t go against the man who gain public endorsement and public admiration anywhere in the republic. Something you are not gaining. I know you want to be more central, but you will always be second in command after Dr. Kizza Besigye. Besigye will lead in frontline, the hardliner and not the compromised parts of the party you run.

The compromised party of the FDC are the FDC NEC that let go of the man while he was lingering in Luzira Maximum Prison on the Treason Charge that he is still battling for questioning the “victory” of the NRM after the casting of the ballot in General Election 2016. This should been known and understandable of those feelings. As him and his loyal ally Erias Lukwago are still battling charges of the election of 2011 and the ‘Walk to Work’ protest. This should give you an indication of the usage of political gains through the courts instead of through the ballots.

Gen. Mugisha Muntu, I will be frank the Shadow Cabinet you have approved should be revoked and discontinued as it is not another thing that validating the Executive and his 10th Parliament. Your decisions after the equilibrium and defeats of the Defiance campaign; you gave up and gave in to a few silver coins and made-up titles to stay so-called relevant in current politics. Instead of giving legitimacy to the NRM Regime you are supposed to stop and work against.

FDC 05.05.2016 Planned March

Honourable Muntu, you seem smart and wise. You seem like a man of reason and grand heart as you have showed through the recent years in the leadership of the FDC. But somewhere the battle and the building of the FDC have tired your mind and you seem more defeated than ready to fix the issues of the Republic. Therefore the reasons for defending the decisions to cease the Defiance Campaign and go into Shadow Cabinet shows so; I know that the party are heavy monitored that the Political landscape are militarized and corrupted.

That is why Hon. Mugisha Muntu that the NAADs are broke, companies being bailed out, SACCO’s needed extra funds and this is just basically government programmes to stimulate growth in the agricultural production. The others are the way the government under the NRM are hiring and firing health-works while not sufficiently fund the hospitals or salaries while the Hospitals are dwindling down like water at the Sipi Fall, all the way in a steady pace. And you believe that the negotiations and questioning of power in Parliament will bring down the NRM, really?

There is a part of me that is routing for you and also in sorrow of your bowed head. I understand you need food and your need peace. As the Defiance campaign made the fear of nation go into an evil spiral where even loyal youth leaders we’re tortured and citizens without court orders or a charge where lingering in jail just for being affiliated with the party under your leadership. I understand that might have torn you mind and tormented your faith in progressive change for the better. Because the power of the Police Force and Army has not dwindled or went weak, it has been strengthen and used more illegitimate means to silence the FDC. As with the court order to suspend the Defiance Campaign that had to be suspended after the reasonable doubt of interference in the FDC. This reality seems like has crushed your spirit and hope of a positive journey as long as President Museveni seems to be on the throne and run the nation as his own pocket.

This mentality and broken spirit is visible, the heart and passion of your decisions are not there. It’s hard for me to say this. But I have to, as man who stands by Besigye because he is totally opposite of Museveni. Norbert Mao is cool, but doesn’t have the suction or flamboyant means of gaining popular support. Olara Otunnu have stopped as career politician therefore he is not in the game. Hon. James Akena is pawn for Museveni and therefore the UPC is branch on the NRM-O party tree. UFA and the legacy of the opposition party is history with Kamaya speaking as a true NRM person and lost her ways.

While Besigye is the one within reason and with his mental capacity to fight with his own tears, fears and torture still fights on. He is hitting the wall and being incarcerated again and again. Still, he has more heart than you! Hon. Mugisha Muntu you are not even taking in and detained, most likely it is Ingrid Turinawe, Doreen Nyanjura and so many other top-officials have been either house-arrested or being detained at random. While you could walk around proud in Kampala; there we’re only during certain besieging of the FDC Headquarters in Kampala that you got detained during the last election cycle. Therefore you have a guarding angle who leave you be. While the rest are taken away their rights and freedoms of assembly without question! That should be questioned and I do it here, how come that you often get scotch free while other party members and party officials get detained?

I hope to see the spark, see the light, see the vision of the man I once saw. Hon. Mugisha Muntu, you can be the leader that many of us admire and respect, but if you wavier and give in; you will be remembered for stabbing your own journey for safety instead of finishing the job. Certainly if you show your true character and not the sorry face of desperation and arguments for the Shadow Cabinet… the reality is something you can turn and therefore I write in a plea to you. So you can see. If not than you will go down as sorry man of a possible great party with not only liberation, freedom and peace. Instead you are the one that once again gave way to the NRM to run the nation on borrowed time. Is that your legacy Hon. Muntu?


Best regards from the writer of this humble blog – minbane.  

Budget Financing Lies in Balance – Besigye (Youtube-Clip)

“Former Forum for Democratic President retired Col Dr. Kizza Besigye casts doubt on government hopes to raise 26 trillion shillings to finance the 2016/2017 national budget. Besigye says the majority Ugandans can’t afford to spend on commodities that result in revenues for government, arguing that some have already cut their expenditure” (NBS TV Uganda, 2016)

FDC Not Divided, Insists Gen. Muntu (Youtube-Clip)

“Forum for Democratic Change Party President General Mugisha Muntu has rubbished reports that divisions in strategy to oust president Museveni are splitting Uganda’s leading opposition party. General Muntu explains that he is not opposed to Dr. Besigye’s street activism approach, insisting that the FDC can still claim power with strong and vibrant grassroot structures. Remmy Bahati talked to FDC’s party boss” (NBS TV Uganda, 2016)

Opinion: NRM Fiction continues as Kizza Besigye’s “Treason Trial” at Nakawa Court pending until mid-September!

Nakawa 12.08.2016 KB

As the National Resistance Movement regime continues their oppression against the FDC leader Dr. Kizza Besigye; the treason charges against the Opposition leaders after his swearing-in of himself on the 11th May 2016. We are now in mid-August and still the case is not set in stone. If there we’re anything on the charge of Treason they would have time to collect the evidence and affidavits of the witnesses who we’re connected to the conspiracy.

The Nakawa Magistrate Court had yet another session for the case that continues indefinitely as all the cases against piles up so he cannot live an ordinary life or be a proper politician.

What was up today:

“Former Forum for Democratic Change presidential Candidate, Dr. Kizza Besigye is this morning (9am) expected to appear before the Nakawa Magistrates Court for mention of treason charges preferred against him. Besigye will appear before court chief magistrate James Eremye Mawanda” (Radiocity 97FM, 12.08.2016)

Defence in court today:

“…my Lord there is no law that says investigations should take 6 months. All the issues they are raising to charge me are all obvious and true.  They say I demanded an audit and it’s true, they say I won elections and yes it’s true. So what are they investigating? Your worship I ask the court to put an end to this “.

“”They said I had asked for an independent Audit, yes I did. They said that I said I had won an election yes I did. The said that I had put in place a cabinet Yes I did”

“So what is making them to take this long to charge me? They can reinstate the case whenever they are ready.  I pray that this case is stopped today.”

What is the end of today in Nakawa:

“Nakawa court has adjourned the hearing of Dr Kizza Besigye treason case to September 12th over pending state investigations” (NBS TV Uganda, 12.08.2016).

KB Nakawa 12.08.2016

So the continuation of the Court dates for Dr. Kizza Besigye and trials proves how much the Government works to silence the Opposition that are questioning the legitimacy of the NRM Regime. Therefore they are continuing to pound on the man. Because they doesn’t have the evidence or the witnesses to the case yet, even if they have continue this prolonged investigation and trial dates.

The NRM and the Ruling Regime is really conning when it comes to this war-games with fellow opposition as this is not the first time Besigye has a Treason charge. By the time now it doesn’t seem to end. The Cases even from Walk to Work protest in Kabale Magistrate Court is prolonged and this 2016. It proof of fiction from the ruling regime and no other probable causes… if so the evidences would already be collected and taken to court.

The reality is that President Museveni and his cronies think they are so wise and genuine, but they are not. They are just playing shadow games with their own destiny and their little reputation as they use the oppositions as Pawns. That is why they all of sudden have the Uganda Federal Alliance in Cabinet of the 10th Parliament, together with the Uganda People’s Congress and one from the Democratic Party. This proves the level of extent for validation the NRM government needs, but doesn’t get from Dr. Kizza Besigye.

With this in mind… with the reality of the fiction that they claim to be reality they pursue their own demise and their own tales of trials against fellow citizens to continue to hold power. Something that proves: how little rule of law and elections matters as they are only hold to continue the prolonged escapism of Musevenism. Peace.

CJ Bart 11.08.2016
CJ Bart Katureebe cares about justice, the man who banned a word from the dictionary? The word of Defiance! I am impressed by his words to the Press yesterday. This came out yesterday.


DPP Chibita withdraws the Charge of ‘Disobedience of Lawful Orders’ tht they had on Dr. Kizza Besigye (30.06.2016)

FDC Besigye Disobey Lawsuit 01.07.2016

The People’s President produced in Nakawa Court yet again; for his trial date for the ‘treason’ charge against him

Nakawa 29.06.2016 P1

Today another day the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) former Presidential Candidate we’re actually produced in Nakawa Court for his conduct during the Campaign and Post-Election period. Where the State and the Republic of Uganda, acts of treason have occurred, like a wildflower spring in the midst of house-arrest and detained for existing in Uganda and driving in the notorious van to Naggalama Police Station in Mukono.

Nakawa 29.06.2016 P3

The reality of today is that he was in court addressing his own concern and trial of the charge of treason. Not with lawyers or spokesmen for him. As the FDC supporters and many of the leadership we’re not allowed in, as certain of the leadership as before we’re arrested before arriving. Ingrid Turinawe was arrested at Spear Motors as she was addressing the media. As well as Joram Kyenjojo Mwesige and Davis Kamutima also got detained before arriving towards the court today; together the trio we’re all posted today by the Police Force at the Jinja Road Police Station. Another who also was arrested the Spear Motors was the newly elected MP Hon. Geoffrey Ekanya.

Before the trial at the Nakawa Court the Police Commander and the Police Officers went brutally on the media and even beating the camera-men and journalist who was covering the trial as Besigye arrived and came into the area. For instance one of the journalists assaulted by the police we’re Daily Monitor’s Abubakar Lubowa. The Police commander in charge of today’s brutal events we’re Siraj Bakaleke.

Nakawa 29.06.2016 P2

The words of Besigye as the trial stated the effect of being in prison and the way the charges been put, as the favorable for the Police and not for him as a citizen. As he said: “He thought he was innocent until he was proven guilty, but prison authorities are already treating him like he is guilty”. As he also said on his campaign that has been a torn in the government flesh: “The struggle continues. Encourage our people not to lose hope. If I get bail, the defiance campaign will resume immediately”.

As Lord Mayor Lukwago stated later today:

“The State, that has always treated Dr. Besigye as a terrorist, shamelessly reneged on their earlier commitment to wind up their investigations before today’s court sitting. We hope the Magistrate will be assertive on the issue of our brother’s rights when he visits Luzira prisons early next week, as he has undertaken. It’s also our prayer that the High Court will expeditiously dispose off the bail application fixed for 6th July, in case it’s not Eid day” (Erias Lukwago, 29.06.2016).

Nakawa 29.06.2016 P4


With this in mind, the Police Force have adjourning the Treason Case for yet another trial date until the 13th July, where the Police and the State will continue where they left off and continue the charade of masquerade of lawfulness in the matter. While Besigye is still lingering as suspect of foul behavior against the republic as the common criminal he is it seems, and not the opposition leader and people’s president. The reality of the matter is that this is stalling until stop caring about the rigged election and wants to move on, just like Gen. Mugisha Muntu spoke of late. The reasoning for the trial is that he hasn’t done anything and the state cannot produce the evidence and create it, it will not fly in court, just as the witnesses in other cases of the recent weeks where the contradictory statements and witnesses together with weak tea from the preceding judges. The truth will come onto the surface and hit the state with a rock. They cannot silence the men of reason and rule of law, against the one-man rule of Mzee. Peace.

Letter CJ/C.15(A)(i) – Re: Request for Clarification on Concerns Raised by Rtd. Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye Regarding the Judiciary (23.06.2016)

ULS 23.06.2016 P1ULS 23.06.2016 P2

My letter to Hon. Winnie Kiiza as the ‘LoP’


Dear Mrs Kiiza!

“I am very alive to the fact that: no freedom, no political changes, comes without a cost” – Dr. Kizza Besigye

I am writing with hesitation as you have taken choices that was not the wisest in my opinion, you might see this as progress, but your doubting the Presidential Candidate and neglecting the General Election 2016, as you are disregarding the level of impunity from the National Resistance Movement, I know that TVO have written something hard-hitting about you recently, and as you as a person have the all the right to address, and you did so:

“ATTENTION: I have received information from my private investigators that someone calling himself TVO on socialmedia could have been bribed by government to isolate Dr Kizza Besigye from FDC and link him to a rebel group. If you have been following the so called TVO, you will understand that he has even announced that a new liberation movement will be launched soon to free Besigye from prison using violent means. as a party and as far as Besigye is concerned, we are not in any way connected to any violent group and we shall maintain our position of a non violent struggle until otherwise. I encourage criticism but for the mean time we shall continue investigating this socialmedia critic until we establish his true motives” (Winnie Kizza, 23.06.2016).

As you know a little what you have done and what kind of affect it has, you we’re smart yesterday and stated this, while taking some responsibility:

“YES, DR KIZZA BESIGYE IS IN PRISON BUT THE OUT SIDE OF BESIGYE’S PRISON IS THE INSIDE OF OUR PRISON: Fellow Ugandans, no body abandoned or betrayed Besigye. His arrest and imprisonment is part of the struggle. We should not forget that we are all prisoners, all Ugandans are Prisoners(even Museveni, himself is a prison caught up in a self-destructive cobweb). This is a struggle of liberating ourselves. Do not cry for Besigye cry for yourselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to understand the nature of struggle we are in, the earire the better! Those of us who think that FDC and its leadership is about to throw away our primary objectives and core missions for a peaceful transition and systemic change of government, you are rubbing the wrong side of history. FDC has stood the test of time! We are more united, resolute and focused than ever. We shall rely on the wishes of millions of Ugandans who crave for change to dismantle the status-quo” (Winnie Kiiza, 22.06.2016).

Winnie Kiiza Poster Jan 2016

So it is okay that you answer the allegations that TVO put on you, I have blatantly and no disregard towards the Shadow Cabinet, that you apparently are running now. Because it is just a tool and you are pawn on Museveni’s chess set. A necessary prop in the Parliament to keep his power and also to legitimize the farce of an election that was held; so when you are becoming this your partly disbanding the disobedience and defying Museveni and his NRM. You are complying to the façade that he creates with the “business as usual” and gives way for his power with impunity. He can show to the world that he has Opposition in his cabinet and a shadow cabinet to question his behaviour, while he is having all the main power and vetted votes in Parliament; so your real power is only words. The same words that claimed victory in February and March and dwindled while Besigye have gotten more court-dates than Museveni are getting foreign dignitaries on visit.

So you got to question yourself, what is the value of the Parliament and the Opposition, when you’re a useful pawn, a little soldier in the battle, a battle that Museveni controls and his loyal cadres, you can speak to NBS or NTV, smile and be interviewed in the Daily Monitor, but you’re a just a tool to validate the rule of Museveni. The prison of the conscious, the conscious you must be battling with, as you complied and wasn’t disobedient towards the throne and rule of Museveni. That must leave a bad taste, I won’t consider if Gen. Mugisha Muntu said you we’re the best or somebody else in the Forum for Democratic Change National Executive Committee, what is important you accept this fate and this chair. You took the bullet and accepted the institutional façade in 10th Parliament.

Parliament Uganda

How can you ask for systemic change while degrading the cause to an ‘honourable’ position in the glance of the cranes not far from Yusuf Lule road? The reason for a change happens with a brutal change and disregard for the cronyism and nepotism of the National Resistance Movement and their corrupt ways, but when you are partly corrupted in the National Assembly and in the shadow of the Government, what makes you such a different to them?

I have always had hope in you, as you seem like person who wants to go against the powers to be, in the clear voice against violence and killings of late in Rwenzori and Kasese, the district which you represent. The mentality and determination that is healthy for an opposition and future leader, but the misgivings of a validating the ruling regime and giving up the cause so quickly in fear of losing some symbolic chairs, show that the honour is more important than the causes. That is why the words of yesterday are hard to swallow as you demeaning the cause and the clear path to peaceful liberation from totalitarian, police state and dictatorship, as you think putting sugar on the wounds really heals the flesh. I hate to say it, it don’t.

Let’s be clear if the LoP and the Shadow Cabinet had worked, then the ones in the former terms of Museveni had brought it down and it hasn’t, not even stained him or pushed him into a brick wall, not even touched or taken him for a ride. The reason is that the Parliament is controlled and run under strict hands of Museveni and his loyal cadres as Kadaga or any other men and woman who can be corrupted by brown envelopes.

Winnie Kiiza 26.05.2016

This is something you know Hon. Kiiza, as you have been in Parliament a fortnight before and seen the 5 million Uganda shillings suits for the NRM MPs coming and going, every time Museveni needs certain laws and amendments fixed. So if you think you can change that with being LoP, than you need a strong mind-control and be able to pursuit the NRM MPs to change guards and go against their master. As the former LoP have been so successful with… the cause is not winning this, then there would be actual progress in the former trials of these runs towards the positive and democratic changes in the republic of Uganda.

You and the FDC NEC, the other FDC MPs, should have stood guards on the ethical and moral high-ground, even when it was costing with the oppressive attacks on the Headquarters, also with activists and MPs detained by the Police Force. Now you have abounded them for a Nobel position in Parliament.

You can attack me or other who doesn’t see the LoP and Shadow Cabinet as anything else than legitimising Museveni… that might not be what you want to hear, but that is the brutal truth.

With best regards on your role as pawn for Museveni.

Write of Minbane

The Shadow Cabinet in the 10th Parliament… why we shouldn’t pay it no-mind; it’s a tool for legitimacy of Mzee and nothing else!

Winnie Kiiza 26.05.2016

Let me be brutal and clear, as the FDC Presidential Candidate that at some point the day before the officiating of President Museveni on the 12th May 2016, while Dr. Kizza Besigye we’re sworn-in on the 11th May 2016. With that in mind, he has committed treason while certain Forum for Democratic Change is playing Democracy in the Parliament of Uganda.

It’s like the Community Colleges and Students are playing the United Nation Security Council to clear out the problems of the world and fixing the issues, the same is the value of the Shadow Cabinet in the 10th Parliament of Uganda. When you have a gun-wielding, opposition detaining, arresting and detaining soldiers and leaders of the army, while also attacking Rwenzori Sub-Region to retake and pursuit the loyalty to towards the central leadership and President of the nation; that is all done to control the nation, and when you have those activities happening daily and constantly, than the value of a shadow cabinet is pointless.

I hate to say that, as Hon. Winnie Kiiza and Hon. Ibrahim Nganda Ssemujju are only useful for President Museveni and not really for themselves. If they we’re useful the up-and-coming not to talk about ambitions Hon. Nathan-Nandala Mafabi would have stepped up to the plate this time as well, but after he have played second fiddle in last term and tenure in Parliament; he knew that those who are in the Shadow is playing a ghost-goose hunt into the wilderness.

Why I don’t care about the men and woman picked? That Winnie Kiiza had reasons for not appointing Uganda People’s Congress members, as they are surely in cahoots and embedded with the National Resistance Movement with their Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) together with the loyalist appointments from Mzee towards the Hon. Jimmy Akena pact. So if Kiiza thought she had got cards in the trade, she dust and hot air, while the ones filling in papers with the NRM-UPC pact would have a initial pay-day where they together are looting the Bank of Uganda, while they leave scrapped shillings to the ones in the Shadow.

Besigye Kampala 11.05.2016 P4

I have nothing against the Hon. Kiiza or Hon. Nganda Ssemujju, but their role is only feeding the ego and arrogance of President Museveni, and they are supposed to be loyal towards the man in Luzira, that what hurts, that the FDC NEC and FDC-Party went for the Shadow Cabinet and doing this while the sizeable cabinet of 81 Ministers! Those 81 Ministers are supposed to follow by their shadows with checks and balance of their record. While that might be Nobel task and usefully a task of opposition, at this point there are so much to stagger the dominion of FDC.

The FDC, The FDC NEC and the FDC Party in general should be more focused on getting their party in line and continue to work for the audit of the General Election of 2016, get in line with securing the popular campaign together with Dr. Kizza Besigye, as he held together with FDC Activists nationwide during the Campaign Trail of 2015 and 2016. That shouldn’t be forgotten and the reason for the Mzee to ban the different media-houses for their treatment during the Campaign. That was because of the traction and real opinion during the Campaign that the NRM Regime have done by all means to silence with detaining, harassing, conspiring and making life hard for the opposition.

And in this picture the Opposition is only as their faith in the change, as the Opposition are steadfast in the belief, that they will overcome the fraudulent system and their works to counter the totalitarian and Police State that they are living under.

In this picture and under this oppressive state, as their leaders and so many activist are hurt, tortured, detained and even lingering in jail, the shadow cabinet is just a useful to toy for legitimacy of Mzee, so why are Hon. Kiiza and Hon. Nganda Ssemujju playing with the toy and thinking it matter. Because is shouldn’t, they shouldn’t’ and the force behind it is personal greed and status, not for the cause of the matter. What the leadership and tarnished exchange of a uncertain peace that Gen. Mugisha Muntu got out of giving in, is not sure! But certainly the value of the trade is certainly only in the hands of the oppressive regime and the FDC sold itself short.

Dr. Kizza Besigye Jinja Iganga-Jinja Rallies 21.07.2015

Dr. Kizza Besigye have played that game before and this time, I am sure he wouldn’t give in as the cause, and the peaceful transition have to happen in Uganda, at one point, there been happening in villages and at county levels for decades, why can’t it happen on the highest governmental position, the Presidential change and rule of law for that. A president need to be changed as the Government need fresh blood, not to be feed the nepotism, cronyism and corruption in favour of the NRM Elite, Musevenism and other clans connected to the NRM-O and the NRM NEC.

So please FDC Shadow Cabinet, why do you want to be used by Mzee for the small pieces of silver, when your own are detain, harassed and kidnapped from their home? How can you play these shadows in the august halls of the Parliament, while your own loyal youth and the men risking their political future in the word of the ‘Defiance’ like Ingrid Turinawe and Doreen Nyanjura and so on; while you are eating and living well in the basking glory of Mzee with the rest of WaBenzi! Have you thought about that and the consideration of the reflection of your values, as the leader you stood by and earned your space, on his merits together with your groundwork gotten you into Parliament and your letting him dwindle in oblivion between dozen of court-cases as the Uganda Police Force and other State Authorities are pinning cases on him Christmas decoration on a Christmas tree while you are reading the ‘diary’ for the Parliament procedure and following the calendar of Parliament Speaker Hon. Rebecca Kadagainstead of following the ethical and moral authority of Besigye and his cause of a government following the will of the People and not Mzee, as government should do! Peace.

Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye in Kasangati court on failure to comply with lawful orders at Mulago (Youtube-Clip)