Report released today proves stronger military ties between the Russian and the Chinese!

Today, there we’re a released American report and study on how the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China are cooperative with their military. The military power and exercises proves that the Russians and Chinese are trading technologies and expertise, so the techniques of navy and of land force, and different terrain. Therefore, these relationship proves that added strength on the military powers of both China and Russia. As their support and trust also based on mutual gains from the exercises and trade of technology.

These ones are important as than the world knows the strength between the republics and their own self interest.

Russian arms trade to China:

Russia’s sale of Su-35 fighter jets to China (deliveries of which began in December 2016) will help the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) contest U.S. air superiority, provide China with technology that could help accelerate the development of its own advanced fighters, and serve as a valuable training and learning platform before China fields its next-generation aircraft” (…) “The Russian sale of the S-400 surface-to-air missile (SAM) defense system to China (with deliveries starting in 2018) should help China improve capital air defense and could assist the PLA in achieving increased air superiority over Taiwan if deployed to the Eastern Theater Command (bordering the Taiwan Strait). This SAM system would pose a challenge for Taiwan’s air assets in a potential cross-Strait conflict, the air assets of U.S. allies or partners in a South China Sea or East China Sea contingency, and U.S. aircraft, should the United States decide to become involved in such potential conflicts. The S-400 also could be used to help enforce China’s East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)” (Meick, P: 3, 2017).

Russian arms sales to China, including the transfer of major weapons systems and defense technology as well as licensing agreements, have yielded benefits for both sides. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), since the fall of the Soviet Union nearly 80 percent of China’s total arms imports have come from Russia, and more than a quarter of all Russian arms exports have been shipped to China. From 1992 to 2006, Chinese military equipment procured from Russia totaled approximately $26 billion, according to some estimates. China’s major systems imported from Russia over this period helped to vastly improve PLA Air Force and Navy capabilities. Some of the notable procurements included Russian export versions of the Su-27 and Su-30 fighter, the S-300 SAM defense system, SOVREMENNYY-class guided missile destroyer, and KILO-class diesel electric submarine” (Meick, P:12, 2017).

Military Exercises:

Of the three major areas of defense engagement, military exercises most visibly demonstrate to the international community the commitment shared by China and Russia to close cooperation in the security realm. During a visit to Beijing in September 2015, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said, “The most important issue of the Russian-Chinese military cooperation are the … military exercises. They contribute to improving combat training of the Armed Forces of [the] two countries, and demonstrate our readiness to counteract modern threats.” (Meick, P: 6, 2017).

Some observers speculated that China used a recent exercise to market guided missile frigates for Russia to buy, an indication of how far China’s defense industry has progressed over the last decade from its reliance on Russian technology. For example, after the naval exercise Joint Sea-2015 concluded, two PLA Navy Type 054A JIANKAI II-class frigates that participated in the exercise sailed through the Black Sea to a Russian naval base in advance of Russia’s World War II Victory Day 70th anniversary military parade; some analysts assessed this was intended, in part, to advertise the platform” (…) “First, Chinese demand for Russian arms waned as most of Beijing’s orders had been fulfilled and China’s defense industry had become advanced enough to fulfill more PLA requirements domestically. Second, the Chinese side expressed concerns about quality control deficiencies and contract disagreements involving the remaining orders. Third, Russia was unwilling to sell the higher-end systems that China was beginning to demand likely due to concerns that China’s increasing military capabilities could pose a future threat to Russia and that China’s practice of reverse-engineering Russian platforms would enable China to compete directly with Russia in the arms market” (Meick, P: 7, 2017).

As outlined in the authoritative PLA text Teaching Materials on Joint Operations (联合作战教程), the PLA defines “joint” as “two or more arms and services” and “two or more armed forces.” In the Chinese media and China’s own English-language publications, all China-Russia exercises are described as joint exercises. For the purposes of this report, “joint” in a military exercise or operations context is defined according to the U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms: “Connotes activities, operations, organizations, etc., in which elements of two or more Military Departments participate.” An exception to this definition is any mention of “joint” by PLA or Chinese sources; in these cases, “joint” may refer to combined, joint, or both. U.S. Department of Defense, Joint Publication 1–02: Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, February 15, 2016, 121.; Tan Yadong ed., Teaching Materials on Joint Operations, Academy of Military Sciences Press, February 2013, 2–3. Translation” (Meick, P: 6, 2017).


The three major components of military-to-military ties discussed in this report demonstrate such a trend. In terms of military exercises, the two militaries are staging increasingly complex exercises with an expanded geographic reach in strategically important areas, recently adding a new set of exercises on missile defense cooperation. Military-technical cooperation similarly shows significant progress in recent years, highlighted by a major uptick in the technical capability of Russian arms sales to China, wide-ranging strategic industrial partnerships in key defense sectors, and joint production deals and other cooperation on advanced military and dual-use systems. Finally, Chinese and Russian defense officials are holding more meetings at higher levels in the military bureaucracy than they did in the past, signaling closer coordination” (Meick, P: 23, 2017).

I think this was interesting enough, the relationship between Russia and the China. This will be moves that should be looked after, as the strength of military power, will also affect the others who wish to secure their borders and their resources. The military technology and the exercises proves the new relationship between the neighbors. However, if the relationship is only for internal powers or to counter NATO or other military partnership is not easy to know. This has been significantly focused on certain sales and sort of exercises on terrain both armies need. Just like the Russian Military needs to use the navy and trade LADA sub-marines to China. Peace.


Meick, Ethan – ‘China-Russia Military-to-Military Relations: Moving Toward a Higher Level of Cooperation – U.S. – China, Economic and Security Reviews Commission’ (20.03.2017)

Opinion: The only good news from Kololo, today; and also surprised that the Western diplomates didn’t know President Museveni sentiments on the ICC (or tried to forget)

M7 Guards Inaguration 2016

Well, the good news is not that there was a Swearing-In of President Museveni for his Seventh Term, bite me, it is not fifth, it’s Seventh! Got to teach the National Resistance Movement to count, after that the international media some recent history to not shave off the first decade in Power for Mr. Yoweri in Uganda.

The good news was:

“Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said U.S. Ambassador to Uganda Deborah Malac and a visiting Washington-based official, along with several European and Canadian diplomats, abruptly left the inauguration after Museveni made negative remarks about the International Criminal Court in his inaugural address. She added that the U.S. also objected to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s participation in the inauguration. Al-Bashir has been charged by the court for atrocities in Sudan’s western Darfur region” (Lee, 2016).


Because this set the perimeter of next inaugurations as Uganda is not the only country where the Opposition is under fire and where the human rights are squabbled for the Ruling Regime to control. But the reaction from the European Union representative and the United States is a bit late now. United States Government have supported them the Ugandan Government for three decades as the Ugandans have fought wars you wouldn’t touch with a your little finger. The European Union have done so in good faith and with the hopes that this will be one of their success stories as the beginning of Museveni terms he was actually sounding like a democratic ruler and had swagger like no-one else and even swallowed the Structural Adjustment Program; more than many other leaders did for long-term loans and direct-budget aid to the Ugandan government.

But that is not why the diplomates left the Inauguration of President Museveni at the Kololo Independence ground. They left the event in midst of the speech and everything because of mentioning of International Criminal Court, the discontent that exist in certain parts of Africa, as the ICC have target many African leaders and Warlords, while nearly none of the allies of European or American Government have been taken. Which make it seem like Post-Colonial tool and certain totalitarian, and Police State leaders feels that especially since they might be the next in line to be charged by the ICC.

Museven Debate16

Even on the second Live Presidential Candidate or the second #UGDebate President: “A founding signatory of the Rome Statute, on ICC: Yes we should be out of the ICC. ICC is not serious. It is partisan. There are so many people who should have been tried if they were serious. The way to go is to have our own African Criminal Court. Trying to work with ICC was a mistake”.

So if the American or European diplomats were surprised by the words uttered by the President, they should check his track-record, and are you naïve? He is the same brother who toyed with the worlds in the Nairobi talks in 1980s, muffled the involvement in Rwandan Patriotic Front, the direct involvement in wars in Democratic Republic Congo that got rid of both President Mobutu Sese Seko and President Laurent Kabila. His involvement in South Sudan and also the claimed help of President Nkurunziza after the coup d’état in 2015; there are too many instances where he has went to the gun for himself and others. So that he dislikes the ICC should be seen as natural for his Western Allies, that have given military experts and equipment over decades.

He used ties to Libya to get arms to bring down Obote, Obote whom he had a agreement with to get rid of Idi Amin. This man has done whatever to get power and get powers other places. He is ruthless and does not care how far he has to go to have it. He builds people up and burry them if they get ambition. So many men have fallen and so many fallen without the reason or the authorities have cleared the cases of the killings. Many men who have had honorable positions and been high up in the military have been silenced by the NRA/NRM. And this isn’t just rumors, this is known, but not something that is talked about.

Face to Face Cote D'ivorie

So European diplomates and American ones, you have to consider your obligation and role in Uganda, the walkout and the assessment of that, is only a small embarrassment, but to cut donor-aid and military equipment would mean something. To endorse directly Dr. Kizza Besigye would be another force of change. That would be like Alassane Ouattara won over Laurent Gbabgo in Cote d’Ivoire in 2010. Who made his own army and took over power when the International Community recognized Ouattara in 2011 and later detained Ggabo. So there are possible ways of creating the changes, but hopefully without guns though that is the only thing President Museveni believes in.

I know he told at one point he wanted to be a Pastor, but over the time he became a gun-loving, bush-war and embezzlement patriarch who oppose the idea of any other human being having a vision of leadership in the country he is running.

That isn’t a beautiful picture, but there certain questions remain why the American and European were mad about this:

“After introducing ICC indictee Bashir, Museveni said: “We lost interest in the ICC. We thought they were serious.” Museveni said he had supported ICC at the beginning but realised that “ICC is a bunch of useless people” (, 2016).

This words uttered from the mouth apparently was too much from the Western Diplomates today. Together with them we’re also the invited and warranted President Bashir; for me some strange reason no problem with the other hectic and problematic despots, dictators, lingering Presidents and so on; that also showed-up for the event. Why no problem with Cameroonian Biya? Why no problem with President Obiang? Why not mad about President Mugabe? And list goes on of people who disrespect democratic values and freedoms in their countries… though not sanctioned by the ICC.

For being diplomates, they should have known at least about the words said by the man on the Presidential Debate in February 2016. The ICC has already issues within the African Nations and the African Union have had talks on removing itself from the International Criminal Courts because of Post-Colonial affairs and targeting African leaders. So with that in mind, this doesn’t help the cause for the Europeans or Americans unless they do something serious, a ruthless man like President Museveni. Needs the guns and equipment, if not he trade with Russians and trains together with North Koreans, he has done it before and will do it again. Even order second level army equipment from China instead of getting training and army deals with Americans. The Western diplomats should not be surprised and should know his history and how reckless he can behave.

Why do you think Hon. Paolo Muwanga even feared and was disgusted with the man? He even understood to what extend the President would go when he got into power. Since he spoke beautiful words as it was needed in the Bush, the people and international community supported him.

Now there a long run since 1986, lots of European and United States Presidents have been in Power and changed leadership, while the Ugandan leader have lingered on and not caught flack before now, really? Late to the Party or is it the later redeemer now?

The issue is that they have known he has these sentiments, as the escalated violence, detaining and use of army against his own citizens. We can see it with the recent Post-Election killings in Kasese, the pro-longed Northern Uganda Conflict that lasted since 1980s into peace agreement in 2006; and the Ugandan-Fueled guerrillas in the DR Congo.

So that he is a little rash and rough with the introduction of President Bashir is the issue all of sudden, is sorry to say a little weak tea as you have given way for him to do all the other activities and not really condemn that. This because President Museveni have been a needed ally in the region after the fall of Mobutu, that American Government had for so long; that is why President Clinton even praised Museveni together with other leaders.

Obama Merkel Hollande_0

Today should not be surprising, the European and American Diplomates should have known his sentiments on the ICC, and he want to be a great leader, so he would invite anyone who wanted to show-up. This here is just the proof of it, nobody expected President Obama or Chancellor Merkel or even President Hollande to attend: They would rather have a cup of tea then showing-up. The strangest was that the former loyal ally President Kagame was in the wind… but that just so the strained relationship.

Well, this was my two cents. Not beautiful… just the way it is; when you have trusted a man to fight for you and expecting him to be peace loving democratic values full of integrity and standing by for liberty and justice in his Nation, while they have for decades let him get away with murders, destabilizing neighbor countries and done other adventures without giving him much of even a slap on his face. Then you expect him to be the grandest man… you have lost the plot fellow Western Diplomates. Peace.


Lee, Matthew – ‘US diplomats walk out of Uganda president’s inauguration’ (12.05.2016) links: – ‘ICC is useless, says Museveni’ (12.05.2016) link: