Norbert Mao’s play is clearly out of Mzee’s playbook: as he ordered Nambooze to leave together with her supporters!

I Hate to say it, I have to admit it, at one point I admired his political savvy and wisdom; But with time I knew I was fooled. Norbert Mao seemed like a person for the future and who had it in him. The feeling now is that he has given up and accepted to be a fringe leader; Who leads his own branch, but not really having power. The Democratic Party is losing key leaders and people that at one point in time gained positive attention. The sort of acts of late is showing his weakness. The DP has become a NRM-lite, he might hate that inside, but the fringe leadership of his caliber, I am sure that is enough for him!

The President of the Democratic Party General Norbert Mao has ordered Betty Nambooze and her followers to quit the party saying their actives are threatening its stability. Mao says he is aware that Nambooze , who is on suspension following her rebuke of orders from the party leadership, is plotting to form the second Suubi pressure group and initiate it into party” (NBS Television, 25.04.2017).

Mao warned Betty Nambooze (Mukono Municipality MP) and Vice President for Buganda Region to desist from dividing the party along tribal lines. “I will not allow Nambooze and her factions to divide DP. It is not true that only one tribe has led DP to where it is today. All other tribes have played a role. Those who feel they cannot stick along the party rules, guidelines and constitution should quit and go where they belong,” said Mao” (Jaramogi, 2017).

What is interesting is that the Democratic Party leader are saying that Hon. Betty Bakireke Nambooze, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, Hon. Medard Ssegona and Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago. These are the people and the members that Mao is warning today and wanting to scatter. That Mao does this and than claims the ones asking for them to leave. What is more unique is the Suubi claim, as Namboozi is the Vice-President Buganda Caucus and she just represent her constituency, as much as the others who are around her.

It is more like Mao is afraid of what this fraction stand-for compared to the central leadership of the DP. Therefore, he is claiming the Suubi and suddenly that came into the questions about the DP. Like a leaf in the wind, the DP from Gulu, who claims himself not play tribal games. Uses forged games as the Suubi, the wishing of the Baganda and Buganda kingdom to be a federal in a federation in Uganda. That Nambooze and the Baganda Caucus works against the other kingdoms and their rights. Therefore, if you smell through it all.

That Mao brings Suubi, the so-called resurrection of Kabaka-Yekka (KY), the Party went away around the time when Dr. Milton Obote also abolished the kingdoms in 1967, just years after the UPC and KY alliance had been put into effect. Therefore, hearing that the DP leader using the most striking part of kingdoms history in the battle between him and the Nambooze fractions. Seems like he uses the tribal warfare and uses his own ethical codes.

So the plan seems to use the control the party on the lines of his words and his play, as he and Fred Mukasa Mbidde plays with powerful words. When using the Suubi against the Baganda Caucus of the DP. The ones that Mao told to scatter. That they have to find a new home and get away. Seems like the leader doesn’t want to play fair. The DP Baganda Caucus and their members who follow the ones who wanted to have a conference in Masaka. It is has been twice now the police has blocked them in a short while.

While the DP have warned Nambooze… and suspended.. and now they are having stern orders sending her and allies packing. They are ordered to leave the party, get new homes, as well as been called secessionist and federor or federalists. The Baganda Caucus haven’t had this as a plan, more like they wanted to revamp the party and vitalize the interest around the “Bad DP”.

So now we know that the sensitizing and tribal misuse inside the party, are now tricks that Mao have learned from Museveni, instead of using natural leadership. Certainly, Mao has lost it… He is so weak and cannot let the other DP leaders act without his blessing… I never thought the ones once going against Museveni and claiming all sort of mismanagement in the NRM party and the state. That is nearly never happening anymore. The silence is killing the DP party and also why Nambooze now is ordered away together with her supporters. Peace.


Jaramogi, Patrick – ‘Norbert Mao Vows to throw Suspended Mukono legislator Betty Nambooze Out of DP’ (25.04.2017) link:

The Conference of the “Bad DP” get’s a hostile meeting with the Calvary in Masaka!

Hon. Mathias Mpuuga have today been detained at the Lukaya Police Station as the Democratic Party Conference and meeting in town was blocked and sealed off. This is similar fashion to how it has been with opposition party functions since the Public Order Management Act (POMA) was put into legislation. Therefore, what is happening in Masaka is sort of expected, especially after the DP NEC suspended the Vice-President of the Buganda Caucus Betty Nambooze, who had planned rally and conference in Masaka today!

Hon. Betty Nambooze and Hon. Medard Ssegona plead with police officers that had blocked blocked their way on the Masaka-Kampala highway. The legislators are headed to Masaka for a DP meeting. The police say the meeting is illegal” (93.3 KFM, 23.04.2017).

Also the ones following the cars of Hon. Nambooze and Hon. Ssegona on the road from Kampala to Masaka. There been several of journalists detained for following the trail of cars going to the meeting in Masaka. Just like it has been before in Uganda, there is dangerous to follow the ones who isn’t directly loyal to the NRM and their paradigm.

So the District Police Commander John Chrysostom Mwaule of Masaka took to the offices of Mathias Mpuuga and the Masaka Municipality legislator offices, a place where police presence was severe, as they knew of the planned event. They we’re even told to write to IGP Kale Kayihura on the 20th April of 2017 from the DPC, as the DPC could give clearance on his own turf. Shows how little institutions matters and more personal understanding of the legality. That the DP MP Mpuuga didn’t believe that IGP Kayihura wouldn’t allow it, as the “Good DP” are following the orders and directives of the NRM. Therefore, this conference has been blocked and stopped it. With the Tear-Gas and Police detaining journalists and MP’s in Masaka. This is something more common to occur for the FDC, not for the DP party.

So the POMA are now used against fraction who is not together with DP President Norbert Mao and his close associates in Hon. Fred Mukasa Mbidde and Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi. They are the “Good DP”, that have even been invited into the closed chambers of the President Museveni. However, the so-called opposition party, has a fraction that is not bought by the NRM.

Today the “Bad DP” got the vicious treatment and so has the journalists follow the cars who was going to the “Bad DP” conference in Masaka. Certainly, there are now officially to levels of opposition in Uganda, the ones that are paid and loyal to the NRM. And the one opposition who tries to be in real opposition to the NRM.

Because of these actions stores has been closed in Masaka, as the supporters of the “Bad DP” running chants and stampede against the Police, as they are worried that Mbidde and Mao have sold the party to the NRM. Even the Tropic Inn Hotel have been condoned by the Police Force as well, so there are acts of direct oppressive.

Police has dispersed off “Bad DP” supporters with tear gas at Lukaya on their way to Masaka ahead of a conference that was organised by Masaka Municipality MP Mathias Mpunga. This has also forced police to close Tropic Inn Hotel in Masaka where the conference was supposed to be held” (The Generation Newspaper, 23.04.2017).

So the “Bad DP” are now getting the treatment that Dr. Paul Ssemogerere did get when he did rally back-in-the-day, therefore, there are now proof of some people resurrecting the party out of the hands of the current leadership inside the DP NEC. Peace.

Opinion: Hon. Nambooze is officially a “Bad DP” as the “Good DP” suspended her!

You purport to take a disciplinary action against Hon. Mp Bakireke Nambooze, a senior member of the party, without even according her the inalienable right to a fair hearing!!! I thought my brother, Hon. Norbert Mao, could do better than that!”Erias Lukwago (20.04.2017)

The Democratic Party of Uganda must be weak party at the moment, when DP Buganda Member of Parliament Betty Nambooze. She was today suspended from the party leadership and National Executive Committee. They took her place away and her seat in the DP NEC. You know the party is weak, when the DP Legal Sam Muyizi also left the meeting after she was suspended for three months.

That she was suspended for holding a Buganda Caucus meeting that was also stopped by the Police Force during March 2017. This just shows what sort of party the DP has become. They have a Minister in the giant Museveni cabinet, they got another loyal man to Museveni put into the EALA and Mao has himself professed to be talking to the President. Real proof that the DP isn’t really opposition, but nearly integrated into the NRM.

The DP under Norbet Mao are now not only in dialogue but working directly with the NRM. If they we’re then they would accept that Hon. Nambooze tried to visit Stella Nyanzi, that she tried to have principal politics and work out to fix the difference between Museveni’s claim for “Good DP” and “Bad DP”. Certainly, Nambooze must be “Bad DP” as the “Good DP” are suspending her. They have such little spines.

The DP under this current leadership should just fold themselves into the NRM and become a official branch under the NRM-O, why not just co-operate with NRM Secretary General Justine Lumumba, so their acts and their vision can be alike. Than the “Bad DP” can form their new party and become a real opposition. If not they can go into parties that are really against the NRM regime and their rule.

The DP is really bad, not “Bad DP”, it is tragic DP… the Party of Dr. Paul Ssemogerere has become this settled with the state and the NRM. That the President now can control the “Good DP” to such a move and take away the independence of the party. The initial result is the proof of the suspension of the place in the leadership.

This is not settling the issues within the DP, as her popularity isn’t going down, her popularity has been soaring. So today’s disciplinary committee was striking and certainly capable of voting in grandeur for her suspension. 22 for it and 1-2 absentee today at the vote.

The illegal assembly made by Nambooze! Apparently the Police had to engage!

What is striking is the words of Doreen Nyanjura on March 29 2017: “What exactly is wrong with Betty Nambooze calling for a consultative meeting in her area of jurisdiction, she is the Deputy President in charge of Buganda Region. DP in full is Democratic Party! The ‘Democratic Party’ can’t allow it’s leaders to hold meetings in their constituencies! N’way I should leave things of DP to DP” (Nyanjura, Doreen, 29.03.2017).

So the “Bad DP” did something bad, she convened a caucus meeting in her constituency. That a Buganda MP and Buganda Deputy President couldn’t hold a meeting to find a plan forward. So because of that move and the Police Force was also stopping it. Therefore, the people know now the real DP, the tragic DP and the not-so-democratic party under control of Norbert Mao.

Norbert Mao and his NEC is now no different than the NRM, they smells the same and acts alike. They are even working together, when they can. DP Mao are certainly settling for little trade that gives him little space, as his own MP’s cannot act without his blessing. If they try to act they have to do it on his command now. And Mao has to wait on Museveni as well…

This is the price for being a Good DP! Peace.

Opinion: Democratic Party and Uganda People’s Congress turns more and more into NRM-Lite!

Akena M7

“Power is a curious thing. Who lives, Who dies. Power resides where men believe it resides. It is a trick, A shadow on the wall.”  ― Lord Varys (Game of Thrones).

Adjective: Denoting a low-fat or low-sugar version of a manufactured food or drink product” (…) “Origin: 1950s: a commercial respelling of light, light” (Oxford Dictionary – Lite).

This here isn’t something based on evidence, but more a genuine feeling I have is not only one I share, but many others. There is something at stake and someone who has agreed the negotiations so these so-called opposition parties isn’t really so. That is why the Uganda People Congress has some MPs in the Cabinet and the same with Democratic Party. The same can be said that both of these parties, still have slots or parts of the delegations to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) in Arusha.

What we do know is that James Akena, the newly concurred leader of UPC could easily do some trade-off with NRM in 2015. That isn’t just mere speculation as his party did decent and there haven’t been any controversy or lashing out from NRM MPs towards the UPC in ages. Secondly, the DP has become the good DPs and the ones that even are parts of NRM Celebrations. There is something up with these two parties, just like Uganda Federal Alliance and Beti Kamya all of a sudden is a bigger support of the NRM government than the former NRM historical’s and the NRM hardliners.

The President and his NRM CEC must see their State House visits as a blessed and ease ways of figuring out how to undress the opposition and how to deal with them. All needs a meal-ticket, the question is who will give in to the regime and at what cost. Therefore, the arrangement and the deals behind the close doors show the conning way of the illegitimate regime who uses all sorts of methods to undermine the opposition. The FDC has clearly given in too, in my book, with even becoming the shadow-government in Parliament. Something the FDC NEC shouldn’t have considered and agreed upon, because when NRM together with the President agreed to get a UPC minister and DP minister, it would be hard to have shadow-government with members from these parties. That would be rare and weird to explain.

DP Mao

We can even wonder if Norbert Mao even cared of losing his slot as Member of Parliament in the 10th Parliament, as the DP was behind Amama Mbabazi Presidential Candidate through the The Democratic Alliance (TDA). Why I say that now? Since he is snickering and defending the NRM on NBSFrontline, attacking Lord Mayor Lukwago and the FDC when he can, just as we would expect Akena, since he has been bought sometime during the 2015. The price and the value of the UPC is for him and his closest allies to know.

DP’s Mao on the other hand is worrying, that Fred Mukasa Mbidde went so easily and elected into the EALA, also how little care the DP has given to the DP Cabinet Member Florence Nakiwala. Who could have thought the party would trade these folks that easily? That without any worry and without care has let it go, that they have set the standard of being a mediocre party who has no courage and no fighting spirit.

Maybe, Mao has gotten tired of fighting as the campaign he himself has a Presidential Candidate was sour, it wasn’t a joyful journey as the promises and the ride against the police force wasn’t ideal. Therefore, the battle even for his own MPs place got lost and as a leader who isn’t in Parliament, while the ones in Parliament are getting cosy with the NRM. That might be why Mao is complied with the forged friendships and trading in Parliament, to make sure they can gain the most. Still, the value and integrity of DP is dwindling, with every forged agreement with NRM makes them more and more alike, less different.

The NRM regime and NRM caucus in Parliament is adding DP and UPC, they are just turning into branches of the regime instead of being rooted on their own and on their own framework. It is just like Mao and Akena, just shift-bosses instead of being their own factory leaders. They work less for their own product and delivery, more and more to please the Executive through agreements and negotiations.

That is why the NRM has swallowed their paths and the lacking spine of DP and UPC has given way for this. Therefore, the current affairs and state makes them like a light version of the NRM. For this reason DP = NRM Lite and UPC = NRM Lite. Both parties are old and have a long history; they were established long before NRM, still the abolishment from Obote, made the other obsolete. So Museveni’s trick of being in the shadows of these parties before and after the parties, this is essentially killing of the multi-party system. That the NRM are tarnishing the DP and UPC to becoming NRM knocks-offs.

NRM UPC Arua 16.11.15

All of this is mere speculation, but still, there aren’t any official agreements in public between UPC and DP towards to the NRM, but their friendliness and co-operations are evident of certain negotiated deals. You will not hear Akena or the UPC complain about the NRM, just like Mao suddenly defends on national TV their position towards NRM and attacks Lukwago. There is just some uncertainty of how and what they have done behind closed doors. Beyond a shadow of a doubt some worrying signs that can and should be questioned, especially not accept as the acceptance of these parties to the NRM gives way to establish deep concerns of the value of opposition at all in Uganda. Since the DP and UPC have been thresholds for such, now it is FDC, even with a FDC NEC who doesn’t concern their legitimising the Parliament.

We all should ask and question the recent efforts from DP and UPC as legitimate opposition, even as parties without connections or how possibly they have accepted agreements with Movement. This surpass the judgement and the recognition of their existence, it is more the mere fact of lacking attention to transparency and accountability, as they are giving way to a regime who certainly does not care about procedures or acts or rule of law. The parties are therefore giving the Movement acceptance and are silently supporting their rule with these sorts of acts. Certainly, something the founders of these parties would turn in their graves and wanted to resurrect to adjust the malfunctions of these parties. Peace.

Opinion: Mzee is destabilizing the DP party with civil servant appointments and with EALA nominations through the NRM!


We know that already that the DP Member of Parliament Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi we’re appointed by President Yoweri Museveni to become Minister for Youth in the 10th Parliament and his cabinet for the 2016-2021. She was a Democratic Party Member and Flag-Bearer for the party in the General Election of 2016.

That was earlier in 2016 that Hon. Kiyingi decided to join hands with the President and his NRM Regime. This week the DP Party has gotten more people joining hands and jumping ship from the opposition party. Not like UPC that has even an offered agreement between Akena and Museveni. Norbert Mao hasn’t been all positive towards the regime and has all rights to be so. He wasn’t even allowed to run for becoming Gulu MP in the 2016 elections.

Therefore the news that DP’s Stella Kiryowa runs for a spot on the NRM ticket for EALA there instead in her own party. She actually paid the NRM Electoral Commission Ush. 2m. on the 30th January to run there. Therefore Stella doesn’t believe on DP to manage her candidacy and even loyalty towards DP Secretariat to challenge the ruling regime and their candidates.


She isn’t only one leaving the Party of late, even the DP Deputy Chairman, and the one in the wings of Mao. Still, Mohammed Baswaale Kezaala resigned his role on Friday 30th January as President Museveni has appointed him to become a deputy ambassador to unknown mission abroad as the DP Deputy Chairman is waiting vetting in Parliament, as the Municipal Major of Jinja is now getting ready for his new civil servant duty. This proves that yet another person goes away from the opposition party to work directly for the NRM.

This is three persons who leave the DP for roles and appointments that are close connected to the NRM. They are leaving the party that gave them a ticket and place on the political landscape, still when NRM and Museveni offers solitude and riches they leave the fold.

The folding his hands like "birdman" is Mbidde on the NRM Celebration of their 31st year in Masindi recently!
The folding his hands like “birdman” is Mbidde on the NRM Celebration of their 31st year in Masindi recently!

Even a fourth have acted questionable of late Fred Mukasa Mbidde, the legal advisor of the DP Party we’re also taking part of the 31st Celebration of the NRM party in Masindi on the 26th January 2017. Mbidde we’re part of the celebration as part of his bidding for a position and a ticket in the EALA as there is heavy completion to get places in the East African Legislative Assembly as one of 9 members from the Ugandan delegation.

This means that DP has lost two of their members for the EALA Ugandan delegation as the 3rd Assembly is soon done in EALA, which is based in Arusha, Tanzania. Therefore the honorable men and woman who left their positions to get become part of the Ugandan delegation has risked not only their career, but their whole political afterlife. Doesn’t matter how long they fought in opposition. They have themselves turned into stooges of the NRM.

This is proven with the appointments of Mbidde, Kiryowa and Kezaala; they we’re all part of DP. Mzee now plays the gift-card and the bidding to take away the trusted people of the opposition. Give them a donut and let them loose from the opposition. So they will be loyal to him, because he gave them a place and therefore they should give him loyalty.

So Norbert Mao has lost many of his members, in his close leadership and such who was vital for the DP Party, as Museveni is playing king and offering small appointments to trade their political affiliation away. Therefore being the big-man who could force them to leave the fold and become one of his for small coins of silver. The DP party is therefore forced to pick other candidates and regain trust on other levels. So with these men and woman are not enforcing and showing strength of the opposition party when leaders and MPs are showing loyalty towards Museveni and not their leader Mao. These are the proof that Museveni and NRM are using all means to silence the opposition and even taking away as many as possible from the DP to get them into a chaotic state, instead of giving them time to build a steady structure of leadership. Peace.