Opinion: The Wealth Creation Tour is all about Museveni being the sole candidate not Wealth Creation!

Well, lets settle this ONCE and for ALL. That the trip paid by the taxpayers, by the state to usher in the Operation Wealth Creation Tour, which is a big hoopla by the State House and the President himself. Where he has stages, convoys and sign-offs on projects all across the Republic. Isn’t for the betterment of the state, the citizens or financial growth.

This is all to boast the ego of the President and seal his “victory” internally in the National Resistance Movement to become the SOLE CANDIDATE for NRM and be the eternal guiding star of the “movement”, which isn’t really moving. What the movement is really doing is repeating itself and hoping no-one notices it.

The President is going on a overdrive to campaign for himself, because he needs to settle the score. Even if he is saying exactly the same thing he did 20 years ago in a godforsaken district, which he has split twice since taken the reign. He has maybe said the same for 30 years ago, but who are able to follow all the pledges and promises of the promise-land. Everybody is just busy praising him and ensuring that they will be counted for after the next election.

That is why every village NRM chairman, every LCV and district representative is signing off on charts and on posters, proclaiming Museveni as the SOLE Candidate for 2021. Like it is a secret, like this is a mysterious cult of leadership, where only he can lead them. Because that’s how it seems. They are not even trying to have delegates and an internal election held by Dr. Tanga Odoi. Odoi is in this picture the ugly duck, just catching a envelope for being the chairman of the NRM Electoral Commission. His role there is pointless in concern, as by visiting Mubende district, the President has visited 15th districts to boast his ego.

He has his ordinary agenda, his speech and his loyal cronies following him there. They are blindly putting out the same statements and tokens of representation. These old same-old, same-old stories and proof of what the public need to do. Because, the old man is guiding them, while his campaign on behalf of himself. That is what he does. This trip is all about him. Not about Wealth Creation. That is just the mask of it, the usage of expression for what it really is. To make him look vibrant and ready, to usher in the 9th Term in office and ensure that none one will question him.

That is what the President is doing on his Wealth Creation Tour. He isn’t guiding people into wealth or earning a fortune. No, his ensuring his own position and using the state reserves doing so. He will continue to do so. Because he can and he will. Surely, there will be more than opening roads paid by the World Bank and other donor agencies. Yes, there will soon be gifts doled out to village chiefs, RDCs and whatnot to ensure their loyalty. That is what he does. Peace.

Opinion: Why not just endorse Mzee for 2026?

Well, the Museveni Wealth Creation Tour of 2019 is continuing and the stories, the endless endorsements in every creek, corner and by everyone breathing is there. I am anticipating a vote for the almighty by the association of goats, wild boars and guinea pigs by the end of next month.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is preparing for 2021, but cannot he just start to do so for the 2026 or the next after that? Since his already doling money and asking for favours like he always do. The President can offer more City Statuses and create more districts. So, that we all can be confused and also the Electoral Commission, so that it cannot see the difference between a previous sub-county and the new district in Kaabong. That is just what is up.

The National Resistance Movement and Government of Uganda, acts like this the new normal. That the President is running around like it is no tomorrow, even when the EC have told that no one should campaign before the Elections Road Map, which is a saga in itself. Not that Bosco or Jajja listens, but we couldn’t expect that from a man with advanced age. These people usually doesn’t listen to younger folks, but gives them lectures. Just like this president does all the time.

That is why the NRM, if it was honest, if it was sincere, would already endorse Museveni for 2026. Even if it many years in advance. Well, 2019 is only two years in advance of the General Election of 2021 and by this count its only 7 years ahead. A little over one term and a bit. Just like it’s a bit and then its polls again.

Well, we know this will not happen, because that would be foolish. Even if it foolish to have the same sole candidate, the same flag-bearer as chairman for 33 years and counting. Well, his the guiding star, the only one close to God and the only one with an vision. So, forgive me for not understanding his place on planet earth. No one can pass his being, his position nor his grace. That is why his the eternal fountain of honour, the one mere mortals only shall ask favours from.

Therefore, if the mere mortals are wise, they could start endorsing him for 2026 to ensure and show loyalty 7 years in advance. That will show the world, the district, the sub-county and their baby mama, that they are genuine supporters of the President. Not like these other fools, who only pledge two years in advance. The people had better show support and now, as they need to get the golden touch, the vision and enlightenment from his almighty now.

No time to throw away. Time to do it now. Peace.

Opinion: NRMs Militarism is Back-at-It again!

Gen. Sejusa arrested on 11.05.2016

Isn’t it strange that the same days the associates and former aides of General David Sejusa, the man who has defied his master, the one who will not be retired as a General. Still, have the title and salary, even if he never does a working day again. His people is now also out of prison out of treason charges. Well, that was political manifested charges and therefore, the Court Martial had at one point to drop them.

Now, as this is happening. The army is boosting the Police Force again. Just as if it fixes mosquito nets, illegal fishing and even catch criminals, because the Police Force has enough to do to even follow up on the political activity of opposition. They got no time catching real criminals; those days are long gone in the Republic.

That is why the Attorney General, the Inspector General of Government (IG) and the other anti-corruption agencies needs the lieutenant from the State House to clear the shop now and then. Not follow procedures of the PPDA, OAG, IGG or anyone else, no awaiting orders from the Special Unit at the State House.

In the same manner, that the CMI and ISO suddenly together with the Flying Squad can ambush anyone, they can arrest and detain without any probable cause, other than they had the opportunity to do so. That is why, who knows even when next time the former squad, the Special Force Command of the now Presidential Advisor and Son of the President, Maj. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerubaga will turn up in Parliament or elsewhere to arrest or burn a royal palace as ordered from high above. Well, to even think like that should be treason, but in the perspective of recent history. Not farfetched or even inconsiderable.

In this troubling time of ours, as the state is militarism yet again. As it does before elections, with new units, boosting of the Police Force, CCTV Cameras and more charges on opposition members. We can just await scandals of procurement in the Police, in the army and elsewhere in connection of power. That is just what they do.

They also start massive training of the LDU’s, they will fix more battalions, they will have own organization behind them; just like the Crime Preventers did and the funding will come. Just as big as the water-bill of the State House and even some, supplement budgets their way. Because, these military men are big function before the big days. The NRM and President needs these to spread his message and his memo. That this leadership cannot be there without excessive force and guns in the near proximity of the voters.

That is why Sejusa and his people is out too. So, that his ways can be in the way. That the former general and CMI leader can tell it like it is. That he can be charged again and used as a tool of how the UPDF and UPF are not supposed to act, they are supposed to follow the President blindly, not think for themselves. Sejusa thinks too much and his free thinking ways is not fitting the paradigm of the NRM. That is why his out loose and bouncing.

That the IGP now have more men around him with military background is more a sign, which the UPF cannot manage without the army behind it. The Police Force is weak, the various units are not boosted or having the manpower it needs. Not all the shifts, all the changes of leadership and such have helped it. They are sinking and doesn’t know what hit them, even if everyone else see it around them.

The militarism, the lack of other ways than the guns. Is the reason for all this news. That the NRM and the President are using these methods to beat the system into his ways. This is what he knows. That is why, there will be more movement of loyal army leaders, don’t be shocked and don’t b surprised if it is more frequent as the General Election are coming up.

The UPDF will come and save SACCOs, NAADs, Fishermen, Ghettos, and whatever it takes to get the throne. They will even run hospitals, if it was up to the President. He would send some of loyal soldiers to patch up the hurt, instead of having civilians running these places. He knows, they wouldn’t dare to challenge his authority or his decree as these doctors and specialists are doing.

Well, these is just our troubling times with yet more militarised institutions. New levels of intimidation and securing, facilitating and ensuring the next up-coming elections go in favour of the President. That is just what he does. Now, with a few more loyal cadres inside the Police Force, who he knows will follow his command. Peace.

Opinion: [Nothing to see here] Museveni is not campaigning folks!

“President Yoweri Museveni has urged the people of Wakiso to avoid opposition politicians come 2021. This as he presided over the 30th Heroes day celebration in Kasanje town in Wakiso District” (NBS Television, 09.06.2019).

Well, the Electoral Commission has confessed to the public, that unless politicians are campaigning before the Election Road Map, they advice them not to do so and the authorities are allowed to strike with terrible vengeance upon them.

However, the President and his convoy are allowed to travel everywhere. His fellow comrades and supporters are saying this Operation Wealth Creation Tour, the Manifesto Week and such is just spreading the news of his achievements during this current term. However, the President have become the SOLE CANDIDATE and has been ENDORSED in every village and hut his past by. He has hold political rallies and used his usual voter tourism strategy.

We could just stand idly by the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni driving to every stage up-county like its nothing. Spending money like it is no tomorrow. But we all seen this before, as he launching 0,9 km roads and speaking ill of competitors. That is just the way he is and has been for ages. Even if he claims to be longer in opposition, than in government. Someone, please do the Math.

Alas, here we are again, short run up to the elections. No serious electoral reforms, the same rigging machinery in place another blown-up budget and surely there will be a second coming for that. As there is one more calendar year and fiscal year before the polls. There will empty state coffers and the will be several of supplementary funds, which comes to the State House. As they need extra funds for water, wages and whatnot at the State House. Not that its spending on the campaigns, t-shirts, buses, foods, entertainment and a box of Arua Stones. No, no, no, it is spend on the furniture of the President and his Presidential Advisors, all the hundred of them.

We can lie to ourselves, even if the NRM Party says his not campaigning as the sole candidate and getting endorsed. The NRM can say this doesn’t matter, because his not stipulated officially yet by the NRM CEC or NRM internally. However, this will just be rubber-stamped and move along with a photo-session where he runs and goes to the NRM EC and gets the paper by Dr. Tanga Odoi. Dr. Odoi wouldn’t dare to field another candidate against him. That would be the end of Odoi’s career and he would have to flee to Europe as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the NRM and Museveni can lie saying they haven’t been campaigning and only championing the Steady Progress paradigm, while traversing the Republic. But we all know what it is and what he does. If not, he wouldn’t need to be ENDORSED in every village by every goat, man and fellow matooki branch, but apparently he does. Peace.

Uganda National Teachers’ Union: Brief Highlights on the Teachers’ Industrial Action Effective 20th May 2019 (22.05.2019)

Opinion: Supplementary Waste to the State House!

We know President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is someone whose eating of the plate of the government, that is practically his job. The National Resistance Movement (NRM) is praising this as a government tour, where they are even asking local pledges for the upkeep as they did in Moyo Town, where his scheduled later this week. This whole Manifesto Week and continued Tour is an extravagance the Republic cannot manage and was certainly not budget for. As the State House is now asking Parliament for more funds.

The President is asking for Ush. 17,5bn shillings or about $4,6 million USD for this enterprise, where his indulging himself and his comrades in every valley and creek of the Republic. Where the is known steps of typical NRM campaigning of voter tourism, as they pay participants, give them free t-shirts and offers small gifts to participate. Because, he cannot generate crowds out of popularity. They have to be paid and be ferried there.

Just take a look:

State House requested for additional supplementary request Shs 33,282,235,000, the breakdown is as follows: Shs 15,700,000,000 for classified expenditure . Shs 17,582,235,000 for H.E the President’s field operations including accommodation and feeding of the teams that accompanying the President; fuel and other logistical expenditure, by the President during the country wide tours” (ADDENDUM TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORT ON SUPPLEMENTARY EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE LES NO.1 AND NO.2 FOR 2018/19, May 2019).

That is what the state boils down to the MPs Cecilia Ogwal Atim and Muwanga Kivumbi are loyal subjects professing the pledges and the needs, even signing off on the report. They have no boundaries and no levels of pity. As the NRM and Museveni does to this to show strength and get “endorsed” everywhere.

Of the first part of the report, only 9 out 30 MPs in the Committee signed of to these arrangements, so certainly the popularity of paying these funds to the President wasn’t there. What is special also in the report for this funding, is that the MPs are reasoning out why he needs the funding for the Tour his doing, but none for the Classified, because that is not needed. He can spend that on IPOD Delegation or whatever, because who knows where that money goes. Since its all classified and doesn’t need any recommendation, not even from the lawmakers whose job is to verify and check the accuracy of the needs for this.

I will end with the funniest and most Point Blank statement from the report: “Failure for State House to ensure that the president operates within approved budgets sets a bad precedence”. Just let that sink in, as his most likely getting an added payday by default. Peace.

The Electoral Commission should notify Jajja about their Guidance!

If anyone says that the best life of all is to sail the sea, and then adds that I must not sail upon a sea where shipwrecks are a common occurrence and there are often sudden storms that sweep the helmsman in an adverse direction, I conclude that this man, although he lauds navigation, really forbids me to launch my ship”Seneca

This is a steady show of hypocrisy of the state and the Electoral Commission, as the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and President Museveni are steadily on tour, having rallies wherever and at whatever time he wants.

The President is getting endorsed in every region by chiefs and local leaders, while the Opposition is told to await a magical Electoral Road-Map, which seems unfair, as the President can parade around like the proud-cock he is. That shows the dismay of the free and fair society. As he can do it and doesn’t get into any trouble, while the others are getting legal jeopardy while doing the same.

What is worst, is that this isn’t my imagination, but mere reality. Here is part of the nonsense from the Electoral Commission, which is spitting the face of the Opposition, but you don’t have to worry about, if your Bosco da Don!

Guidance to Aspirants Seeking to Conduct Consultative Meetings and Campaigns. The Electoral Commission has noted with concern that a number of persons aspiring for various elective positions in the General Election, 2021 have started conducting public meetings supposedly to consult the electorate in preparation for their candidature in the 2021 Elections. At the same time, some aspirants are organising campaign meetings and addressing rallies, putting up posters, distributing campaign materials and soliciting for votes contrary to the campaign period set out in the Electoral Roadmap issued by the Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission wishes to clarify on this matter as follows: 1. At this moment in the electoral calendar, there are no persons nominated as candidates for Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Councils elections. All aspirants are therefore, urged to refrain from engaging in active campaigns for these elective positions” (Electoral Commission, 17.05.2019).

This is just a pattern of the paternal state, which is made in the image of erratic President and his ill-gotten, ill-will behaviour. That is a continues thing, that hasn’t ceased to impress me. That the state uses it authority to break, silence and stop the Opposition from gathering, even having a serious voice on local radios. While the President can show-up, pride around and spread his commandments to the public.

What is sad, this isn’t fun and games, but a mere reality of a oppressive state, which continues to do it and explain why it does so. Not giving way, not even trying to forge an impression, they are not trying to alter the narrative. It is actually proud of doing and does so by mere recognition. As no one can really point out the law of the magical Electoral Road-Map and the stopping of electioneering of others, but not of Jajja.

The Don has spoken and his consiglieri gives him bad advice, wisdom that is pointless and meaningless. His made-men is following up on this bad advice and making reckless action towards the people standing in the way of the Don. That is what the President does and the cycle continues. Like a never ending bonanza of nonsense. Peace.

Opinion: Museveni knows his overstaying, but he doesn’t care!

Ours is not a mere change of guards but a fundamental change. The problem of Africa in general and Uganda in particular is not people, but leaders who want to overstay in power which breeds impunity, corruption and promotes patronage….For us in NRM/A, we shall be here for only four years, after which we shall hand over power to a free and fairly elected civilian government” – Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on the 26th January 1986

This weekend he defended himself again, therefore, we just have to prove what he said in his inauguration in 1986. As the words can now be said about himself. His is part of the problem in Africa. Yet another leader that overstays, which breeds impunity, corruption and promotes patronage. This is something President Museveni does on a grand scale in 2019. The words said for over 33 years could been said about him. It is like he has gone through all the stages and become the enemy of his own words. Which is showing his indifference and his lack of care.

The people who is busy defending him now, is busy eating and dodging the bullets. As they are eating and not in trouble, not having lack of funds and are secured, as they are part of the overgrowing patronage of the state. The people who are leeching of the state and the ones that the President needs support from. This is why, his defends of his actions to stay longer. Is an issue, that he has to defend. As the President knows the reality, that his advanced age and cannot even stand as a surety for someone, his to old if we have learned the codes from Bobi Wine’s latest trial.

Alas, this is what he said during the recent days:

Those people who talk about term limits and that a 75-year-old cannot lead a country is a lie. Those are just stupid ideas. The Banyankore have a proverb that when you have food, you sound a small drum, but if you sound alarm for war, you make it big so that more people can come and join. So, people think leadership in Africa is like food. I have seen that leadership in Africa is like a struggle, it is like war” – Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on the 11th May 2019 in Koboko

Certainly, the words of him taking power is stupid ideas now, as they have to be deflected, because if these was ideals and words the President meant. He wouldn’t have abolished the term limits and the age limit. However, he don’t care about a principal, when it concerns him. Everyone else has to follow it or be law abiding citizens, but he can changes laws to fit his life. That is the sort of President he is.

We can easily see, that the man of 1986 would kill the one of 2019. He would have used Luwero methods on himself and gotten some of his NRA general to assassinate him. That is just a mere fact.

We can shed tears or we can move along like its nothing… If not, we can support defiance and wish of the ideology of the words of 1986, the UPM and not the vampire state of NRM in 2019. Peace.

Opinion: NRM Manifesto Week is disrespectful to the rest of the public!

Let me just say this bluntly, there is nothing wrong in a party, a ruling regime nor a political activities as the National Resistance Movement (NRM) have been doing this week as they celebrate their pyrrhic victory three years ago in 2016. That the NRM wants to have a Manifesto Week is cool too.

However, the reason why this is disrespectful is that the same forces that are ruling is reigning are blocking anyone else from hold meetings, radio-shows or anything engaging the public. This shows why the Republic is really not free or fair. The NRM can do this and get the public rallied up, even when there is no election, no election road-map and such. The Public Order Management Act is not used to stop a public rally in Koboko or Ntungamo, but if the Opposition would show up. The army and Police would block the venue and rally. We have seen this off late and its well known.

Even as the President holding rallies in Ntungamo, the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) couldn’t even visit their local party office in Rubaga Division of Kampala, but had to have the same leaders in the Najjakumbi instead. This just shows the ordinary vision of the state. While the President can give his hand-sign to the public, but if Besigye does it is inciting violence. This is not satire, but sadly enough real life.

That is why the whole NRM Manifesto Week is disrespectful, if the NRM would let FDC even meet their local leaders where-ever in the republic. There would be a level playing-field. If Bobi Wine would be allowed to hold concerts or even public gatherings too. If Asuman Basalirwa could do his thing too. Not to talk about the Democratic Party or Uganda Peoples Congress for that matter, but don’t put your money on it.

It is only the President who can hold rallies, meetings and gatherings, the only one campaigning and paying bishops with cars, giving SACCO’s cash and whatever to buy votes for 2021. While a teacher who had a side-job could be fired, even if he haven’t gotten paid for 6 months. This is just the way the President does it.

If he thinks his bright, his not, his gig is up. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni rule is really tyrannical, not for the ones, whose the blessed elite, but the rest are scrambling for breadcrumbs. We could lie, but I am not part of NRM SOMA or any other. I am just seeing and explaining what I am seeing.

This NRM Manifesto Week is just insincere and done, because the President fears the Opposition, fears the People Power and People’s Government. That is why his touring to show his force, but I am not buying it. But then again, I am not Raphael Magyezi or another useful tool. Peace.

Kaabong By-Election Woman MP: NRM candidate won – Declararation Form (29.08.2017)