Dr. Kizza Besigye’s advice for termination of the NRM!

If you ever want the clear advice to bring down the dictatorship of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who now acts and lives like he owns the Republic Uganda. Than if you want to get rid of that and want to use the advice of Forum for Democratic Change founder and former Presidential Candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye. Than his words and inspirational words should be for you. He explains the whole story and the whole theft of the state and how it was built around the President. How Museveni has taken all the institutions and the state is embedded with him. But that we already knows, therefore I have taken the part that people should listen to and use. The true defiance and defy the Museveni state, so that there are possible a peaceful transition from his rule. Where the state doesn’t belong to Museveni or the Movement, but to the people. The Citizens has a government who cares about delivery and not if Museveni get an expensive enough airplane or helicopter. Take a look!

Outtake from the Press Conference of Dr. Kizza Besigye today:

Regardless of what the regime does, the people of Uganda are definitely closing in to take back their power and embark on a TRANSITION to a new dispensation.

The NRM/Museveni Junta has no legitimacy to amend the Uganda Constitution as it’s planning to do. This will be an activity of the TRANSTION PROCESS.

Immediate task: Termination of the NRM/Museveni Junta:

The following needs to be done to terminate the Junta’s control of our country:

1) Intensify the “awakening campaign”, for most Ugandans to become active in the processes of achieving a transition. Everyone has a role to play in achieving this.

2) Forming activist networks to make it possible to act together and to be coordinated.

3)Everyone seeking a democratic transition should take deliberate actions, individually or in concert with others to disempower and break down the Junta. Each one’s actions, however small, contribute significantly towards the desired change.

4) Public servants, including those in the security and military are called upon to join the struggle for democratic transition.

5) In coordination with other political and civil society formations, we’ll soon start various activities that will disempower and bring the, now fragile, Junta to an end.

The transition:

A transition process will start when the Junta ceases the control of the state- either, through popular actions or a dialogue process.

The key activities of the transition period are:

1) Government of National Unity.

2) A comprehensive review of the Constitution.

3) Rebuilding State institutions to ensure transparency in recruitment and a national character, a high standard of performance and public accountability; non-partisan character; high standard of discipline and professionalism etc.

4) Truth telling, justice and reconciliation.

5) Free and Fair elections” (Dr. Kizza Besigye, 11.07.2017).

The acts of defiance and trying to coordinate the powers to be. Make the state dissolution over the citizens who doesn’t act upon the oppressive measures dropped by the central government. That they does what they can locally to make changes to the state. This done in demonstrations and stop using the state based operations that makes the NRM regime so rich and can rig themselves into power. That they follow a leadership similar to Besigye and other who trying to dismantle the Presidency. For the simplest reason of getting democracy and getting rid of the dictatorship of Museveni. These words of Besigye should be seen as the guidelines for the patriots and the ones who wants the Republic run by elected men, and not selected men by the NRM. This is how it is now.

The NRM acts like they own the nation and the state, the State is controlled from the State House and the orders are from there. There aren’t anything done without the State House involved, that isn’t a healthy state. That is a Banana Republic and an undemocratic state where one-voice control it all. There is time for change, it has been a long time for change. This cannot only be done by the freedom fighter Besigye, but has to happen by the will and acts of the people. The people have to say, enough is enough. The impunity, the theft and the ignorance of needs of the people is enough. Time to stand-up and be together in the struggle for just ice, liberty and accountability. For a regime who wants to deliver government services and also give taxation with representation. Something that isn’t done now by this government and the President. Peace.

Uganda: There has been no notice issued of a Curfew in Kampala (21.03.2017)

Opinion: It’s total silence not defiance anymore

Dr. Kizza Besigye Quote Outspend

The Campaign of Defiance is dead, because the compliance has sunk the ship of Defiance that we’re ushered in with the Presidential Campaign of 2015/2016 of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and for the Presidential Candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye. The rigged and fraudulent election went down, the President since 1986 President Yoweri Museveni triggered election victory with 100% in dozens of districts and acted vicious in others; that are known opposition strongholds like Kampala, Wakiso and others. Therefore the FDC and Besigye should have and could have grievances on the methods of suppression of the votes.

Besigye’s campaign of defiance was a grand idea in the darkness of an oppressive regime under the National Resistance Movement. The NRM has for decades and during previous elections used public funds, used the state and security organizations to spread fear instead of free and fair election. As well as hiring fellow cronies in the Electoral Commission that we’re working directly on orders for the Movement instead of securing the popular vote, as well as using the Police Force and the Army to show where the loyalty should be, also gifts of soaps, food and small fees to take part of rallies in the districts. This has been NRMs way of spreading loyalty and fear mixed together.

So the Defiance campaign was a good idea, to defy the rigged system and state apparatus that has eaten the whole plate and only follows orders of loyal cronies of Museveni. That in itself was genuine and straight-forward plan from Besigye, only if more of the citizens and the party he was apart of really believed in it. As with time the defying plans has been silenced, the fighting the machine and corrupt behaviour of the state has turned silent.


The FDC and the defiance after the failing Election Petition of the Go-Forward and Amama Mbabazi in Supreme Court, the FDC and Besigye hasn’t had the levels of defiance in them or tried to defy the structures that validates the regime. The FDC has turned into compliance as the swearing-in of Museveni happen and the Members of Parliament we’re sworn-in after the fraudulent election. It was topped when certain MPs went into Shadow-Parliament and legitimized the Movement.

So with this the FDC themselves did comply with Museveni and his fellow cronies instead of defying the ruler. They went into the chambers made sure they got paid and later trying to follow the lead of Besigye isn’t believable. That the same men and woman who easily take the small-change at the Parliament and later goes to FDC Prayers is playing to games.

The Short-Con is the Shadow-Cabinet and validating the rule of Museveni to make sure their pockets are filled and that their MPs respectability is fixed so their families and friends are secured. But with this they are forgetting the long-term damage to be parts of Movements skin-democracy.

The Long-Con is that with the sharing parts of the skin-democracy and playing the game of the freedom fighters while not really working the cause. So the long-con is some of the FDC leadership roles right now, only patching the hurt, but not trying to rebuild.

FDC 05.05.2016 Planned March

The Defiance Campaign was about defying the Movement… something that the FDC didn’t do, which is complicated and also lacking of moral support from the FDC while he was serving time in Moroto and Luzira. They might show up to gates of the prison and even say publicly that they condemn the Police Force actions against the democratic and rights to assemble as an opposition party.

So the plan of Defiance wasn’t supposed to be one-man band, Besigye wasn’t supposed to carry it on his own. Besigye weren’t alone as we could see youths, P-10 Groups and FDC-Diaspora we’re supportive efforts. You had and still have Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and Gen. David Sejusa. Still, they have very few others who have been under fire at the same level without trading their souls, there is Ingrid Turinawe and Doreen Nyanjura has fought battles without much to gain.

That the silence in general should be worrying as the Police Force are continuing to battle with Besigye, his house is still besieged and the man is monitored every movement. If he breaks the barrier and creates public excitement, than it’s straight into detention or police brutality cases towards the crowds that surge the man.

Besigye should be free, the country should be free, but the silence isn’t saving anything. The silence has settled the defiance campaign and the mentality of the defiance agenda. They didn’t build momentum enough to stop the daily life and hurt the business of the movement. The defiance didn’t stop the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) from collecting VAT or stop exports of fuel. The Defiance didn’t stop the UPDF from getting new recruits or any other possible monetary deficiency the campaign could do. Just like the shops stopping trading as the shop-keepers we’re even detained for doing so, because it hurt the taxation and trade that the Movement needs to run their merry-go-round of graft and embezzlement of public funds.

The Defiance could have worked if the FDC and Besigye had gotten the momentum and had the public will behind them, not the half-ready pile of work, sort of like the way the Police Force in Uganda picks up intelligence as they see fit in forged police case. The FDC could have used the anger and frustration of the public, the citizens who feel used.

So the May Protest this year we’re starting of profound messages that the citizens we’re on the road of pressing the government. So much we’re ready as they remembered the recent thieving of their future from the Movement yet again, the wounds we’re fresh. Still the army had been in the streets, the Police Force we’re targeting the opposition and also civil society offices we’re attacked.

FDC Youth 14.03.2016

The people shouldn’t be silenced as the Christmas season are in line, the FDC cannot carry this alone, not that all of them wanted the defiance; they wanted the easy compliance life of the pseudo-opposition instead of a fighting defying organization that could get rid of the militarized movement that been running it since the 1980s. That should be KEY. That should be the goal of the FDC; instead many went into legitimizing it.

So the silenced is understandable, Besigye and his trials cannot be of only him and it isn’t, but it is many who has given in and went back to business-as-usual. Besigye could have more support from the FDC NEC, but he hasn’t. They don’t have the backbone and the wish to succeed. They gave in when it was going against the grain. They we’re risking it all and couldn’t. While Besigye is again under a “treason” charge as others who are questioning the Movement; the others are walking free and without any Court Orders in their name.

It’s not like the man who took the power by the gun want to leave silent or let it go easy, he fought a brutal bush-war. Now he has a big-army and guerrillas of M23, Museveni got allies of USA and Russia dropping arms in his favour so he can suppress his people. Citizens can fight this, but they cannot only rely on Besigye. Besigye only has power if the people are behind him. If the people are working with to dismantle the regime, but the silent obedient citizens are changing an illegitimate regime. Civil disobedience and systematic effort to discontinue the regime would be true defying the Movement. Instead the silence is what is running the tides as 2017 are coming around the corner. Peace.

[Insert a bogus charge] Besigye detained again at his home in Kasangati


Another day, another empty charge, another time Dr. Kizza Besigye detained for no other reason that he is home and breathing. Like the crimes of the Forum for Democratic Charge ever has amounted to anything, because it’s all political and controlled from above. The Police in-charge knows this and uses all kind of spin-control to make it look otherwise, because they think the citizens of the Republic of Uganda is blatantly stupid and ignorant like their leadership.

Therefore as he arrived during the weekend and on Sunday morning the Police Force set their guards at the gates, as they put out metal teeth’s and such to stop cars from entering the compound of the political man. He was taken together with his famous driver Fred Kato, who has charges because of his allegiance to Besigye, but they have all been dropped. Besigye we’re also taken with Christine Behimbisa.

The black “Torture” van picked them up and the Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago together with Farouk Mugerwa went to Naggalama Police Station and Prison in Mukono, to see if they could get him released from his detention today.

While Ingrid Turinawe, the FDC Mobiliser has been detained on the way to Kasangati and her whereabouts is still unclear as the charges for driving to Kasangati has not been written as a cardinal sin, but we can surely see that information soon coming out of the mouth of AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi. I should not know the Name of Police Officers, but I do, because this arrest of FDC people has constantly and with rampant acts. Like the arrest of Doreen Nyanjura who had this Friday closed of the Kasangati for the arrival of Besigye. Because of this insult to the Police, she was detained without charges and we’re bailed out the day after.

So we all know where we are going, the NRM Regime cannot help themselves as they are on a spiral of killing innocent and rule of law to the level of fearless non-sense like this. Where they arrest people for no apparent reason than they exists and without charges, because they apparently at this day and need none. They are okay under the wings of IGP Kale Kayihura and Mzee.

The is the acts compared to Medieval kingdoms with kings who thought they we’re God and had all reason to spread their justice over all men kind or in meagre existence inside their own fiefdom. The pride that the Republic of Uganda is now the same, as it all connects to the power-hungry President who will tarnish his reputation and his legacy over continuation of these acts of impunity. He can bike around and act like road-show to try to overshadow these acts of violence against own citizens, but the truth will conquer that vile attempt of spin-control. Peace.

[Insert Stupidity from the UPF] New-confined House-Arrest of Besigye!


“Police have again taken over security outside Dr Kizza Besigye’s Kasangati home after a group of women blocked their access yesterday. The leader of the group said the police took over security early morning” (NBS TV Uganda, 30.10.2016).

Again the Police Force has taken the home of Dr. Kizza Besigye under siege, as he had 12 days abroad as per request and allowed to while the Government continues to work on forged allegations of treason. This continued war-path and destruction of liberty and freedom for the political leader and former presidential candidate.

This is a farce and continued presence of Police without warrant or charge on the man. The decision to house-arrest the man because of so-called intelligence of planned demonstrations with him together with comrade and loyal friend Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago in Kampala. As Hon. Beti Kamya continues to force vendors of the street and alleys while the streets are cleared with violent force of Police. That is the only thing the Police under IGP Kayihura knows anyway.

This is a continued injustice is just getting to far out of hand. I don’t know how many times I written about it, but the Penal Code and the Preventative Arrest, the Colonial Law inherited from the British have been now certainly used more by the NRM Regime, than the years under the British Lords. I am sure the record for most Preventative Arrest in Ugandan History is Dr. Kizza Besigye. That says more about the authorities than of the so-called illegal activity of Besigye. Besigye is soon not allowed to think or breathe; as no matter what he does he get detained, arrested and such.

Just like Doreen Nyanjura has been detained and arrested, even tortured and not allowed food from the Police Officers at the prison. That shows the level of impunity as she just tried together with other woman that their leader should have justice and freedom as anybody else.

I am tired of the political police force and their misuse of power against civilians, political persons and others are easily picked without charges or cases to be made. That proves that injustice bounces over rule of law. Again, Again and Again! Peace.

Uganda: (Besigye & Lukwago we’re…) Planning Illegal demonstrations (30.10.2016)

Kasangati 09.05.2016

Uganda Police Force has received reliable information from intelligence sources that Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Mr. Erias Lukwago and other political actors have been mobilizing and meeting vendors who were recently removed from the city streets with the aim of staging illegal demonstrations on Monday October 31, 2016.

Uganda Police Force wishes to inform the general public that it has not received any notification concerning the planned demonstration and that any person who participates in such illegal activity commits a crime.

Police shall take all necessary measures to prevent such illegal acts and ensure that no persons disrupt the normal business life and peace in the city.

The public is cautioned not to be misled and hoodwinked by such opportunistic individuals whose agenda is to cause the breach of peace in the city.

Vendors and hawkers are advised to be patient and work with the ministry responsible for Kampala Capital City affairs to find alternative solutions.
Andrew Felix Kaweesi ‘ndc’(k)
October 30, 2016

Police Confines Besigye Again (Youtube-Clip)

“The FDC women in command, a female pressure group that on Saturday, occupied the Police check point at Dr. Kiiiza Besigye’s home in Kasangati, have lost control to police. The fearless women group lost their base when they retired last night for family obligation. Their attempt to fight back and gain control was futile as Police surrounded Besigye’s home again” (NBS TV Uganda, 2016).

Concerning Besigye; The Police Force of Uganda only abate their own crime, apparently!


Well, it’s one of these days. Not in the name of CP Fred Enaga where-ever he rest his shallow head; the new muppet in charge of nonsense from officials on regards of House-Arrests and illegal detaining of fellow citizens is AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi. The noble man himself we’re publicly utterin these words:

“Police is continuing to monitor and regulate the movements of Dr. Kiiza Besigye as a precautionary measure because he has openly confessed to continue carrying out his defiance campaigns. “We can not abate and aid that crime, “ said Kaweesi. He added that Dr. Besigye is not under police siege as some media houses are portraying it. If he doesn’t involve in activities that breach peace, he is a free man noting that recently, he was in Mbale and Namutumba” (Uganda Police Force, 17.10.2016).

Still, if this is not taking away the freedoms of a man having closed of his property, not allowing him to leave to go to court. Just taking him away without any reason or any charge. Than he is not free. That is not about Defiance Campaign, Defiance Campaign in that regard is a silly excuse, as silly as the excuse of a man Andrew Felix Kaweesi must feel. He is just there because it feeds him and his folks. He can be so proud of his achievement that he is defending the blistering wrongs of National Resistance Movement. The Resistance Movement are having grand issues with Defiance. If it doesn’t sink in, then nothing does!

It besieged if you are booking all guests, throwing food to ground and ransacking every individual going towards the gates of Kasangati. Can somebody please start ransacking everything moving inside and outside the house of Mr. Kaweesi? Also, block his driveway and stand guard 24/7. Then he might now what kind of activities he is sponsoring with his uttering words.

They are monitoring and regulating, but without any consideration of freedom, liberty and justice involved. There are no fresh charges and the Court Orders are now non-existent as the breeches of impunity is staggering. The defence of these activities are just foolish at this point. How can you be a free man when your home is guarded, when your moves is monitored and regulated? Maybe that is Uganda Police thing, that under the following orderly blindly IGP Kayihura is the main assets of his mean. It is certainly not wits. Not that they can understand how the laws works and how they are breaching them, while they continue to pursuit Besigye!

There is not peace and is not freedom at Kasangati in Wakiso at the moment. Nobody claim there is real justice or just behaviour from the Police Force, they way they are acting around Besigye and his property! These acts of brutality where they steal what we common folks call ordinary life. Where his guests are violated as they enter his gates; these without charges or sentencing, proves the neglect of rule of law in the grand Republic of Uganda and under the Executive, the President Museveni who currently lets his Police Force silence his opponent with guards, guns and detentions when it pleases him! Be sure that Mr. Kaweesi has answers for the nonsense, as that is his paid job. Peace.

“House-Arrested without a new Charge”: Dr. Kizza Besigye could not go to registrar at the Judge; where he were to honour his bail requirements!


Again, this is again, again! The Police Force under IGP Kale Kayihura have decided with no pre-warning or added charges to house-arrest Forum for Democratic Change leader Dr. Kizza Besigye. Just because they can so, it seems. The inevitable actions of impunity and disgracing the rule of law. Here is one take on the matter!

Kizza Besigye has been stopped from going to court to fulfill part of his bail conditions as ordered by High Court Judge Masalu Musene. Besigye is supposed to report to the registrar of Criminal Division of High Court once every after two weeks” (NBS TV Uganda, 2016).

With this the Courts are not getting him by the registration that are supposed to be kept until further notice, as the proceedings of the case and the collection of evidence is supposed to happen simultaneously as the charged possible felon can walk and do his normal business until trial. That is not happening with Besigye, as he has to be House-Arrested in Kasangati, Wakiso. Yet, again, just like during the weekend when he been picked up the Police Force and “black-Van” the Torture Van of Kifeesi Police Squad to silence the man and his activities.

He were barred from answer and follow requests from the courts. He is isolated without any consideration to his freedoms, liberty or justice. It is containing him without any justification. The imminent question: are the any precautions rules and acts that can validate these efforts against the citizen?

We should ask that as the continued strive to keep him at bay, arrest, house arrest and detain. To tow his car home and take him to nearest police post together with loyal allies. That is what happens at any threshold of any week. The continued validation of concern of justice arise anytime he thinks of leaving home and going to do both party-work and for instance ordinary stuff as taking out shillings at the Bank.

This is just enough. They continue to arrest, thief the freedoms and liberties of random citizens, but he is not allowed the same. The double Standard that was evident during the General Election is at standstill now after the ballot is cast and sworn-in 10th Parliament. If this does show how weak and fragile the current government is that they without question, without charges are detaining fellow citizens and the ones not fearing the restrictions coming from doing so. We can only a matter of time ask ourselves if the people can accept one of their own are harassed and tortured in this manner. That none of what think is ordinary is there, because the Security Organizations are there to detain and house arrest you at any point and have the Torture Van to pick you up to Nagalama Police Station in Mukono if you ever think of leaving. Peace

Opinion: Besigye arrested again! Can’t Mzee just create a ‘Besigye-Stay-Home-Act’ to legitimize the illegal detention of Besigye?


Today just outside his gates in Kasangati, Wakiso, Citizen Dr. Kizza Besigye we’re arrested and taken to nearest police station, most likely his second home Nagalama Police Station in Mukono. Because citizen Besigye doesn’t deserve freedom or common-man liberty of movement, political affiliation or even congregate outside his compound. His home is a prison and if he walks or drives out he enters prison somewhere else.

This is the we’re getting close to that he has been detained as many times as Manchester United scored goal during 2015/2016 season and that is not funny either. But a sad fact of the state of affairs, under the President Museveni and his loyal subject IGP Kale Kayihura; who really just silences the opposition with powers of impunity and not rule of law.

A report about today:

“Part of efforts being made are to pursue case in court but also petition parliament to prevail on Police to act legally, observe the constitution and respect people’s rights. Renown constitutional lawyer Ladislaus Rwakafuzi and the parliament petition will be presented by Mukono Municipality MP Betty Nambooze to be supported by Buhweju MP Francis Mwijukye” (Katonga Express, 15.10.2016).

I wonder if the Uganda Police and National Resistance Movement have to make a specific law considering people like Dr. Kizza Besiyge and the likes, because they soon to make reasons for the arrest and detaining before crime happens. Since he is arrested every time he moves and thinks of going outdoors and beyond his gates in Kasangati, which is impressive feat how that is a criminal offence to walk outside your home.

The Besigye-Stay-Home-Act as the Public Order Management Act cannot be effective in that manner and President Museveni should know that already, even his credibility must muster something powerful and existential to achieve at this point. The Police Force needs some guarding levels and more than the Colonial Laws as the Habitual Criminals (Preventative Detention) Act of 1951.  But what kind of charge can you put on somebody for walking out their gate?

If you can preventative arrest people for just walking out the gate, why doesn’t this happen to the VP, MP of NRM or of some family members of Yoweri Museveni Brahima-clan in Kiruhura and the married in through Minister of Foreign Affairs Sam K. Kuteesa. Because none of them get detained through walking passed their gates. None of their houses are under siege and none of the loyalist of the Movement is ever really taken. The once taken to court is because of fraud and thieving, but even as the Movement and Mzee has eaten the accounts of Crane Bank are silenced; that should sanctioned against the Bank of Uganda doesn’t have the flex to question the misbehaviour of Crane Bank and the owners of Crane who is either Museveni-clan or his Elite. Because if there we’re somebody else they would have blead in the streets of Nakawa.

Still, this thieving is not sanctioned, but a citizen, a leader in the opposition is illegal alien in his own nation, as he is only allowed to be inside his own compound and even has trouble going to court to answer his phony charges made by the Movements courts that is figment of imagination and set-up to silence him. Besigye-Stay-Home-Act is what President Musveni misses now!

After 30 years in Powers, he has to make a law that reasons for the detaining and house-arresting over time a citizen without reason, as the POMA and Habitual Criminals are not functioning anymore, the extent of these laws are not coving this. It cannot be Preventive Criminality when somebody walks from home, either a possession or public meeting for somebody when they travel from home to Political Headquarter or to the bank.

The Movement and President Museveni, this is not funny, it is not noble and not justice. You’re so far from freeing the nation and steady progress. The only thing steady is the actions of impunity and disgraceful behaviour of the Police towards innocent citizens. As the playing-field is not alike and the rights of people is diminishing in the light of ‘Old Man with the Hat’ who controls and use the government to punish the ones who doesn’t subscribe to his greedy vision. Peace.