[Insert a bogus charge] Besigye detained again at his home in Kasangati


Another day, another empty charge, another time Dr. Kizza Besigye detained for no other reason that he is home and breathing. Like the crimes of the Forum for Democratic Charge ever has amounted to anything, because it’s all political and controlled from above. The Police in-charge knows this and uses all kind of spin-control to make it look otherwise, because they think the citizens of the Republic of Uganda is blatantly stupid and ignorant like their leadership.

Therefore as he arrived during the weekend and on Sunday morning the Police Force set their guards at the gates, as they put out metal teeth’s and such to stop cars from entering the compound of the political man. He was taken together with his famous driver Fred Kato, who has charges because of his allegiance to Besigye, but they have all been dropped. Besigye we’re also taken with Christine Behimbisa.

The black “Torture” van picked them up and the Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago together with Farouk Mugerwa went to Naggalama Police Station and Prison in Mukono, to see if they could get him released from his detention today.

While Ingrid Turinawe, the FDC Mobiliser has been detained on the way to Kasangati and her whereabouts is still unclear as the charges for driving to Kasangati has not been written as a cardinal sin, but we can surely see that information soon coming out of the mouth of AIGP Andrew Felix Kaweesi. I should not know the Name of Police Officers, but I do, because this arrest of FDC people has constantly and with rampant acts. Like the arrest of Doreen Nyanjura who had this Friday closed of the Kasangati for the arrival of Besigye. Because of this insult to the Police, she was detained without charges and we’re bailed out the day after.

So we all know where we are going, the NRM Regime cannot help themselves as they are on a spiral of killing innocent and rule of law to the level of fearless non-sense like this. Where they arrest people for no apparent reason than they exists and without charges, because they apparently at this day and need none. They are okay under the wings of IGP Kale Kayihura and Mzee.

The is the acts compared to Medieval kingdoms with kings who thought they we’re God and had all reason to spread their justice over all men kind or in meagre existence inside their own fiefdom. The pride that the Republic of Uganda is now the same, as it all connects to the power-hungry President who will tarnish his reputation and his legacy over continuation of these acts of impunity. He can bike around and act like road-show to try to overshadow these acts of violence against own citizens, but the truth will conquer that vile attempt of spin-control. Peace.