When did it become okay? That the Politicians of our time are richer than businessmen!

There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people.” Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

Something is wrong in our day and age. When the Members of Parliament, the politicians and the appointed leadership are richer, than ever before. When the politicians and the ones representing us are richer than the ones building factories and owning businesses. That is just wrong, that is not right. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

The Members of Parliament, the politicians, the councilors and the local government officials wasn’t supposed to be the kingpins and have the biggest mansions. They are supposed to represent us and make sure that society are working for all of us. Maybe with different ideology and party affiliation, but their existence and their livelihood depend on the idea, that they are representing us. The politicians are supposed to be there for us and be there as guards. And if we don’t like they way they are guarding our society, we change them with someone else in the next election. That is how it is supposed to be, right?

However, that is not the case in our day. To many places they are honorable, they are noble, they have more businesses than businessmen, they have more investment too. They are using their connections for government tenders and also trading with State Owned Enterprises (SOE). All of this so they can sponge off the state and secure even more profits on the dime of the citizens. Instead of delivering and representing, they are become traders of faith and billing society too.

That wasn’t the intention. It wasn’t supposed to be rigged elections and fixed results. That makes sense for the leadership not representing the people or delivering. Since they don’t have to, it is just a charade securing the leadership “legitimacy” with an election, but the people didn’t elect them. That was ghosts, bots and algorithms. They have no interests in caring or delivering. Neither has the ones who used a coup to gain power. They fought there for their own will, not depending on the goodwill and trust of the public.

There are so many leaders and MPs, so many parliamentarians who seems more preoccupied with their SUVs, Mansions, Salaries and expense accounts. That they are not considering the troubles of the working people, about the pensioners and the ones unemployed. They are just happy go lucky, that the fortune hit them. The poverty, the lacking services and the misuse of power doesn’t mind them. These people could make it on their own, that is why they are unfortunate. Not that it’s the MPs, the Presidents or the representatives who didn’t see who they represent.

When we forget that they are representing us, they are representing the ideas of our society and the will of change that is needed. There is always need for change and need for productivity. There is always need for service delivery and making sure the government are accountable. However, when the representative is more keen on their own pockets and getting connections to enrich themselves. Then they loose their meaning and their purpose. They are then marionettes for the elites and the corporations. The politicians becomes stooges and relics instead of the representing the people of their constituency.

This has to change, we have to change this, we cannot accept that the MPs, the politicians are taking us for granted and using us for their own gain. They are there to serve, unless they don’t change. We have to serve them, we have to demonstrate and boycott their well-wishers. We cannot just look at these leaders of ours and be happy with it.

If they wont represent us, then we have to get fresh blood. Get people who actually care and give a damn. Because the ones in our time are greedy, selfish loot of people, who needs to recognized and be dealt with, before we are dealt with and we will be left behind. Peace.

Free Uganda statement in support of the YOUTH WARRIORS who are spreading the message of Revolution and mobilizing the masses for the Freedom Struggle (01.04.2016)

Museveni Idi Amin

Ugandans will not allow Museveni to impose himself on the country using NRM cadre judges, and the savage barbarism of Kayihura//Muhoozi killer-torture squads. The nation’s patriotic youths are igniting the fire of Revolution that will spread across the land in the coming months.

Uganda’s Revolutionary youth are leading the Struggle for Freedom, and their message of DEFIANCE is spreading like fire across the Motherland.

As the ‘CHAIN’ WARRIORS’ were successfully highlighting the state of terror in the country, by chaining themselves in strategic areas of the capital city, Music Superstars, like Eddy Kenzo, Bobi Wine, etc, were making their contribution by using their performances as a launch pad for mobilising the masses.

Free Uganda thanks these patriotic youth for paving the way for the evolving struggle. We applaud their courage and determination in the face of intense brutality and repression from the Museveni / Muhoozi / Kayihura negative forces.

Fellow Liberation Struggle Patriots of the young generation – the CHAIN WARRIORS, the MUSIC WARRIORS, the STREET WARRIORS, the CITY WARRIORS, the VILLAGE WARRIORS, etc, your noble stand against injustice and Museveni’s terrorism is inspiring millions of our citizens and preparing the country for the final show-down in the People’s Struggle for freedom and democracy.

Demonstrator Kampala 31.03.2016

A lot more is to come in the days and months ahead, and Despot Yoweri Museveni must know that the Ugandan People will not rest until he is squarely defeated in his attempt to illegitimately hold onto power after what was the MOST RIGGED ELECTIONS ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT

Never mind what some NRM CADRE JUSTICES say, in such incredible shameless support for the Despot, Ugandan People are not going to allow the Museveni Family apparatus to continue forcefully imposing itself on the country. Ugandans will not allow Museveni to hang around state house for what are purely egoistical and self-fulfilling motivations.

Museveni must understand that this time round Ugandans are not going to play any SOFTLY-SOFTLY GAMES with him.

The liberty, democracy, happiness and ‘Museveni-less’ future they seek is not negotiable.

Ugandans have decided to move on without Museveni, and it shall be so, whether the despot wants it or not.

And, for God and Country, every means permissible by the Constitution of Uganda will be deployed to achieve the desired outcome.

Issued by Dr Vincent Magombe, Secretary FreeUganda Leadership Committee and Press Secretary FU.