Opinion: Besigye new Safety Features on his Car is a sign of the Impunity the State serves him daily!

If you don’t know, there are someone I admire for his compassion, his determination and his persistence in rally for true democracy, freedom and liberation of the Ugandan republic. That man is one of the founders of the Forum for Democratic Change, that man is Dr. Warren Kizza Besigye Kifefe. Someone who has seen the Police Force more than I can count. I am sure he has been charged for inciting violence and creating havoc more than words in the ordinary dictionary. Besigye has been under fire and no matter what he do, he is monitored and followed by security operatives.

Besigye, the opposition leader and bigger critic of Museveni. Who has no trouble to get into more trouble. By just existing and breathing. National Resistance Movement and the Uganda Police Force has detained him without much reason, has charged in nearly all courts of the country. He has been charged twice for treason and the last one is still pending. Not that this is real cases, but more to try to stop him from acting and breathing his voice of dissident against Museveni.

That is today is a sign. It is a sign that Besigye wants to show the world with his car. How far the UPF and NRM are acting towards him. We have seen shattered windows, we have seen gun-shots hitting the front window. We know they have cracked the sun-screen on top and dropped tear-gas into the car. While they we’re stationed on a police compound. Clearly, the UPF and the Police Officers has no issues tormenting the man for just being a voice against the NRM. That is his crime, that he defiantly are standing against them and rallying across the republic.

Besigye, clearly is tired of the harassment, the violent attempt on his car. Hope he has tinted the glass and made it gun-proof. Since the police has in some instances really tried to aim with live bullets. The pictures we’re clearly telling stories. Even if the UPF always blame him for showing up for rallies, not that it is the fault of the ones creating havoc and violence. That being the UPF who has no issues silencing the opposition instead of catching crooks.

That is why Besigye is the enemy number one of the state. Not because he shares message of violence or of destruction, but because he speaks of defiance and not compliance with the state. The state that is taking away his freedom and his liberty. The republic that does the same to fellow supporters and leaders within the FDC. Who can become criminal for their political affiliation and not for doing anything illegal. That is the state of affairs. That is why the windows of the car has gotten an upgrade. So the glass cannot be directly shattered like in the past.

If this isn’t a sign that something is wrong. Than nothing is. Besigye shouldn’t need to this, neither show up in courts all around the republic for arbitrary arrests of him and getting out on bond. It continues like that and it doesn’t stop. He is still showing up to court for charges dating back to Walk to Work demonstrations. So the state really are working on overtime to harass Besigye. No stone is left untouched. Not a single one. Peace.

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