Zimbabwe: Kadzere, Hungwe & Mandevere – The Firm letter to Speaker of Parliament – “Re: Our Client Honourable Themba Muswa – Threats of Death and Personal Security by Honourable Dexter Nduna” (13.02.2019)

Opinion: Nduna MP, there is no honour among thieves…

“Don’t call me a thief, I am saying this for the last time, don’t call me a thief, I have people who I killed who I don’t even know,”Dexter Nduna MP

I don’t know if Dexter Nduna, the Chegutu MP, the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) noble and representative said in Parliament, as there was a heated discussion on Monday, the 11th of February 2019.

What is striking how easy it was for the man to say this, that he had killed. That he says he is responsible to taken lives, that he doesn’t even know. That means subjectively, that there are plenty of people, which he have killed without people knowing. Also, that he has gotten away with it too.

Also, should be said, is that MP in question is known for using violence as an election tactic. Meaning, he has fired shots during primary elections and sponsoring it for his cause, himself. Therefore, him saying he has killed someone or somebody. Might, even be an understatement, because who knows what he did during the election campaigns in 2008 and 2013. To be elected and get in office.

Therefore, who knows what he has done and sponsored on his road, in elections and in Chegutu constituency, as he boosted so strongly about on Monday. We can clearly, see and state, that there is more to follow and there should be an investigation.

Because, the man, has a problem with thieving, but not issues with murder. Nduna has at least not pulled off the perfect crime, because he cannot keep it tight. His lips are far from sealed, when he get into an intense argument. However, these words shows to what extent, that he does to get in power. To what extent he will go, to get his way.

It is chilling and cold-blooded. Just like when the President is deflecting and saying, he needs evidence for the sinister acts during the shutdown this year. We can see a party, who promotes and who has no scruples. They are a den of thieves, crooks and killers, who are congregating in the halls of power. Instead of sealed of cells and in secrecy.

What is clear, even as vicious and vindictive the man is, he is not the brightest. Because, these words that was said, was recorded and went viral. They opens up a can of worms and he to answer for those. We knows, that ZANU-PF shields their own, but for how long, when someone as toxic as this hangs around. Peace.

Opinion: Inaction on the White Collar Crimes is killing our Governments…


I’m tired; I am so tired of these suits getting away with felonies while the Chicken thieves are starving worldwide. The chicken thief does deserve punishment for stealing the neighbour’s chicken; while tailing it by the sidewalk before the Police Officer picked him-up and threw him into the Police car before stalling him in the cell at the Police Station. Still, the one who does bigger work and on paper get rid of the charges at ease it seems.

White Collar Crimes:

White collar crimes, on the other hand, originally referred to those crimes committed by individuals with a higher social status or upper-level occupation that often required them to wear a suit and a white collared shirt. In this day and age, white collar crimes are those crimes which are generally committed in a business setting and are considered to be non-violent. Some people refer to white collar crimes as “paper crimes”. A few examples of white collar crimes include wire fraud, forgery, embezzlement and more” (Henrickson & Sereebutra LLC, 16.11.2012).

With this in mind, with the knowledge at hand; the ones who does this are higher level of corruption, are inside trading and also their networks. If there we’re judgement fair and caring than the ones who stealing the chicken. The Multi-National Corporations with their profits are accepting to try whatever way of not paying taxes and even when courts are judging even against it; they do whatever they can to cast judgement and also expect to run away from it. Like the Apple Corporation who has dodged taxes illegally in Europe, still trying to dodge the payments of excessive taxes to the Republic of Ireland. If it wasn’t Apple Corporation, but McGuiness stealing a beer at Tesco he would pay dearly for the thieving.

So the White-Collar crimes pays off, like all the embezzled funds world-wide, the grand corruption where the culprits are walking sideways and stashing funds in Swiss Accounts and foreign islands Tax-Havens far away from the tax-man and the ombudsman. The proud force of the world and the reality of it all, that the White Collar can release their mind and get off the way they do.

These Suits who knows the Mayors, Governors, Senators, Members of Parliament, Presidents, Foreign Investors and CEOs! They forged arrangement paying fees, setting up shell-companies and securing family members work inside other businesses. Because of these ties between them the implications cannot become public. The Central Government who forged this deals are also on the line with their reputations while they accept this contracts and agreements between the suits who takes advantage of them.


That a Telecommunication Company can get licenses cheaply while running a profitable business in the nation. That they are selling airtime and subscriptions to costumers of the nation, while the state employees are in oblivion of the real deal between the Telecom and the MPs who worked under the President to offer the CELTEL Limited the Operation License in the nation. This is happening and nobody acts on the Suits or the MPs…

Still, they get it easy and get off. I wonder why the businesses that are running the mining operations and mining licenses from foreign lands. These owners of giant businesses are keep exporting Rare-Earth minerals and the Coltan; these companies are nearly in charge of guerrillas that are keeping control of the workforce around the mines. That this is going on and the human rights violations are under the direction of the Suits. They get high profits from the deals and arrangement hold by the guerrillas. They don’t get any slack for doing so, they do it in low profile and certainly where the world sees as the wrong zip-code since his crime doesn’t matter.

The White Collar Crime continues and the world just keeps turning. The International business community keeps doing this and living with it. They are feeding the fume for the fire and nobody is really questioning it hard enough. While the Corporate Media owned by the Conglomerates doesn’t want us to question this world order. Where the money goes and who keeps this upkeep, they don’t want us to be enlightened and be in the dark. That as long as the decisions are happening in the boardrooms as Corporate Trade Secrets and Government doesn’t want their dirty secrets.

The Suits prefer these secrets as with the tax-evasion, the tax-dodging practises and the luminous deals done with nondurables in the Parliaments. This with the stakeholders and liability firms that shelves the properties and fortunes that are squandered away like small-change at the cashier in the Supermarket without any consideration of the implication of these transactions.


It’s time to take this serious, it’s killing society and killing the livelihood of our economies and tax-base with impunity, as the wealthy is getting wealthier and the states are crowd-sourcing more than needed; while the Multi-National Corporations together with the lawyers and board-meetings decide how to trick the money from the expensive and profitable place to the tax-haven. This or making sure the producers and stifle the workers who produce the products as they are wishing to nullify them. This is the reality and the mentality, the ethical and moral conundrum would be to deliver the tax from where you profited and also pay the men and woman decent wage for producing the products. Instead the Corporations try to avoid both and earn a grander margin on each unit they sell. This is all legal, but still should be seen as White Collar Crime!

That is why I ask myself… If we want to get rid of this the investors, the capital of the nations and structure between government and them has to settle in a different way. Because the Government cannot be to connected with the giant businesses, than they will have the ability to deteriorate the levels of governance and the regulations of them.

We have seen that time and time again. The crime of our time is letting this happen and not do anything serious about it. The thieving in the broad daylight and without any concern of the citizens that is not eating of it as they supposed to through the solidarity of the state! Peace.  

Would you steal 791 million from the government? | Nairobi Vibe Ep. 5 (Youtube-Clip)

Recently Ann Waiguru and other prominent members of state have been accused of embezzling 791 million from the Kenyan government. it seems as though corruption has become a normal part of life in Kenya, is it normal? Would you steal 791 million KSH from the government without a problem? We went to KCA university to find out if they would steal 791 million from the government and we got some interesting answers, check it out” (Swafi TV, 2016).

Mzee might think Besigye and Muntu is “unserious” about Veterans Pay; We think you are foolish Mzee; Who don’t compensate those who fought for you or the country you have been running!


“Besigye and Muntu don’t talk in a serious manner. They just talk in a manner which is not serious, which is not responsible. I am also a veteran, I have not been paid. I am actually a bigger veteran than all those fellows combined” – Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at a presidential rally in Busoga late December as a response to FDC leaders in Yumbe the same week.

We have all heard rubbish before from Mzee. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has been speaking with power before. This is nothing new. This is actually normalcy. If he didn’t address the matter like Abim Hospital visit, he wouldn’t be his normal self. He can’t help himself.

We know that all three is veterans. They all served under the army or battalions of either rebels or governmental forces. Even if we go back to the now governmental forces; that are now the former rebel forces, that is going back to 1980s.

Besigye Luweero 1980s

We know that Yoweri Kaguta Museveni have been in army since 1970s, even Dr. Kizza Besigye have become a colonel, Mughisa Muntu who became a General in the same army. Yoweri himself became only a lieutenant. And he claims to be more than them. That is kind of ridiculous. That is not what the matter is about!

The matter remains on one single fact. Veterans are supposed to be supported after fighting for the causes of their nation, armies and their expected time spent serving their nation. It is a way of securing moral authority and validity of the nation by paying back to the citizens who pick up arms.

Mugabe Military

A national leader and head of state will know the value of their armies. Even the great dictator Robert Mugabe or Bob of Zimbabawe do. Recently the only paid civil servants are the army personnel, not teachers, bureaucrats or other state officials. That is because they have army training and can point guns. They can make a coup d’état or overthrow a regime. That is why certain individual leaders decide to be gentlemen with their armies and keep them happy first, to secure their power.

That is not always the way. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is different recent reports tells a story of his army in the AMISOM mission in Somalia have not been paid for 9 months. Their wife can have a baby in the time they are out in the field and still not wage for their duty. That should lead to mutiny in the field. Though that news would not come out, unless there we’re reports from eye-witness through social media, because the press sending news from Somalia is payed and secured by the agents of the states who have armies as a part of the AMISOM. The matter why I say this? Is simple! When the leader of the day doesn’t really sufficiently pays the armies who fight for him now? Why would he pay the ones who are done serving him?


Mzee can say that he is more of fighter then the two FDC leaders, still doesn’t make it right. Secondly he can say that he isn’t paid for his duties as them. That doesn’t make his argument right. As the head-of-state for 29 years, he had time to fix the issues and secure funding and funds to foot-the-bills and make a difference on the matter if it really did matter to him. Instead he has secured business for him and his family. Made sure his farm has gotten more cows and gotten bigger private planes and car-park. Not securing funding for veterans or payment for salaries of the armies of today. That is beautiful like a masterpiece of thieving, not being a statesman. Something Mzee should be by now. He have had the time to leave the legacy. Instead he have been thieving and taking money through special programs. NSSF and other have been embezzled for ages. That is how he has afforded to this business.

That is why Mzee haven’t been too busy building out hospitals or medical systems. Since he can now afford to travel abroad with him and his family to be healthy. That is the life of the president. Who can himself travel to Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom or anywhere else to secure health care, why build your own countries health care when you can pay abroad for the care with the tax-payers money.

Mzee have surely kissed his own ass and served himself well. That the statehouse in Entebbe is the state of the art, house in Nakasero hill is a fortress and his farm have more equipment then a American Southern farm of the same size. He surely doesn’t need veterans pay. As so many of the other men who fought the same wars as him or the ones who fought for him after in DRC or recently in South Sudan for that matter. Well, they are just common folk, you only need their vote and that they vote for you know and then. Well, they don’t need a secure lively hood, they are just common folk, and they can fix that on small plots with the hoes they are not getting from you! Because you can’t allocate funds for that either!

cadets10 UPDF

Mzee you can say that Besigye and Muntu are not speaking in serious matter. If they we’re speaking in a serious manner, they would do like me, and make you naked. You’re the king in the new clothes. And that is none! Be proud of you none pay of veterans salary; While you have embezzled more funds than letters in the bible. To be honest it is kind of impressive and sad at the time! So with your magnificent lifestyle you can’t compete with the common man who fought for you and deserve creditials and compensation for served time. They are the ones that need so, not you, you Mzee have already taken enough and eaten enough. And you should stop taking your armies for granted. You never know when the time is up and when their hunger strike at you. Peace.