Opinion: Is ‘Project Muhoozi’ resurfacing?

I beg to question, what is so special about Maj. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba? What is so unique and such leadership skills he has that should make Youths and Ugandan citizens interested in this man? There are dozens of younger leaders within the Republic, which has more swagger, more profound qualities of leadership and has a positive public standing. None of the above is key features with this man.

The only thing and the only reason this is a piece and the reason why I write this. Because suddenly the Sunday Vision has a main story, that the Youths wants this man. I have a hard time believing it. At this point if it was Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine or even of the other renegade Members of Parliament. Has bigger standing in the public, than the son of the current President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. That Muhoozi is famous and known, is not strange, he is part of the leadership and is a Presidential Advisor. He is also a former leader of the Special Forces Command. Therefore, he has been in key roles on occasions and also gotten military training and teachings in specialized school in the United States. So it is not like he has no skills, but being a profound leader of the Republic. He is not and has no entitlement to be.

Even if the President of current believes so and trying to make it seem so. But that is only in his delusional mind. The makeshift of trying to forge a scheme to prepare next elections for Maj. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba is insane, but also shows the lack of understanding of certain key elements that are lingering in the public. The people are already tired of the father and his rule, why would they trust the son to be better or be less of crook in charge? It’s true they are two different persons and theoretically be totally different. However, he has been within the reach of power all his life, seen how his father has maneuvered and acted. Without a doubt, the son will do the same as father. Treat the Republic as he playground and crush the ones who stands in his way. He has already on few occasions proven the quality of SFC and used it even to exile the Rwenzururu King to the Baganda.

Therefore, I doubt people want a man like this, the only reason for his rise and his position, is not for his brilliance, not for his street-smarts or his public persona. Do he really have one worth considering? Even certain NRM historicals has more of a public standing and deeper roots in society, than the son of Yoweri. Let’s be clear. The youths who made this show, we’re most likely paid for it and their gear was made by the Museveni family themselves. To try to make it look like there are people who wants him.

The only time Muhoozi mattered a lot was back in 2013, when Gen. David Sejusa or Tinyefuza who dropped a few dossiers too Red Pepper and Daily Monitor, which initially was closed and suspended by authorities within May 2013. Part of the Second Letter from the General was this, which is striking in itself: “Of course it takes the lead off the can and its not only bad for the boy but actually dangerous to that ambition. Thats the truth. But of course its like the “tower of babel” you wonder if they they understand even what they are saying.( A distinction should be made between Muhozi the man and Muhozi the UPDF officer. I personally would never for even a second discuss the affairs of that young man as a person, for it would be wrong and unacceptable. But then once you make him a general in the army, he ceases to be a private person in that regard and must pass certain scrutiny. )” (General David Sejusa, May 2013).

So if you have forgotten the whole thing, this is even as revealing of the long-term plan of it all: “The government’s anger was prompted by a story in the paper said to reveal details of a plan by senior officials to assassinate rivals opposed to a scheme by President Yoweri Museveni to arrange for his son to succeed him in office. By exposing deep rifts within the ruling establishment, the paper has shaken Uganda’s political establishment to the core. The Monitor quoted extensively from a letter by a senior intelligence officer, General David Sejusa, calling for an investigation into claims that the government is planning to target opponents of the so-called “Muhoozi Project,” an alleged plan to pave the way for 39-year-old Brigadier Kainerugaba Muhoozi (pictured left), commander of an elite army unit, to take over the presidency. The state-owned Uganda Communications Commission (which controls licensing) warned radio stations that they would be shut down for airing the story of Gen. Sejusa’s letter” (Batanda, 2013).

Now in the 2017, the state and agencies are clearly preparing something again. Since they even uses their Newspaper to prop up the son. The son whose supposed to have no ambition and not wanting to become President(he said that earlier this year, not that anyone believed the man). Now, there are Youth prepared for seeing him in. It just happens as the lifting of the age limit is prepared for his father. Just so perfectly and the timing so striking.

That the Muhoozi Project surfaces like an old fish. The old fish is now stinking up the place with the family succession, to a man with no merit or finesse in public. There isn’t anything that could be said about Muhoozi that gives way to say, he should be our next leader. Other than he is the son of previous one. Like that is good fix, just look at the Democratic Republic of Congo and Joseph Kabila. He is such a lovely fellow and statesmen, who has no trouble killing and creating insurgency to stay in power. Not like we need another country with that issue, just because Muhoozi is following the bloodline of Museveni.

I would not be surprised if the 2013 Project came to life and lit up the place. Put some petrol into the steamy age-limit debates and just proves the entitlement of the Museveni-Clan. Since he own the removal of the Age Limit from the Constitution. Clearly, he doesn’t give a fig about how people sees him or his rule anymore. He just wants to rule and if that meaning to secure his family set, when he is left. Then be it. But Muhoozi is a non-character and nobody who seems like a candidate for leadership. He is just there because of his father. There aren’t anything of his persona that says, well, he could be “good one” even. He just have too, since he is already there.

All of that is nonsense and I had to bring up the May 2013 drama around Red Pepper, Daily Monitor and Gen. Sejusa, because it was said to be “Project Museveni” by the government back-then. Clearly, they we’re lying. But that is not so weird too. It is not strange that Museveni wants his son to someday take his place, but that doesn’t mean he has a right to do so. There are enough men and woman who has more public standing, natural leaders or even has the public persona that can be trusted compared to him.

With time there will not be less of leaders and people who could contest for the role, enough people with leadership experience and public standing to take the place of Museveni. There are so many who could and who deserves to try. The Project Muhoozi is back in full steam, by the demands of the old man, not because the people really want him. It is just propaganda by the state who wants people to believe so. Peace.


Batanda, Jackee – ‘A leak in high places puts Ugandans on edge’ (22.05.2013) link: http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/22/a-leak-in-high-places-puts-ugandans-on-edge/

Maj. Gen. Muhoozi, says “he has no ambition for Presidency”, but the meteorically rise seems like ploy to usher him in!

No, I do not have the ambition to be President. I am very happy being in the military and that is where I intend to stay for some time,” Maj Gen Muhoozi said (NBS TV Uganda, 31.01.2017).

Major. General Muhoozi Kainerubaga spoke out in an interview yesterday, not that it out of water now that he has gone through the ranks in the military, had years of specialized training in the United States and we’re running the Special Forces Command or the Flying Squad. That he is the son of the President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, do show that family matters and the reason for the meteorically rise. Maj. Gen. Kainerubaga can claim otherwise, but deep in his heart he knows that is the reason.

Muhoozi Kainrubaga has been a project in the making, that when revealed documentation from Gen. David Sejusa aka Tinyefuza who leaked it to the Daily Monitor. “Gen. Sejusa has kicked up a storm after the Daily Monitor last week published a letter he wrote to the director of the Internal Security Organisation, asking that he investigates claims of plots to assassinate top government officials opposed to the “Muhoozi Project”” (Splash Radio, 13.05.2013). So the questionable rise to power and to become a Senior Presidential Advisor after years inside the army. Therefore, the letter didn’t just stir troubles for Gen. Sejusa, but also closed the Daily Monitor after the release of the letter. Like the Government and Army didn’t like the release of this information.

So if the army and government didn’t like this internal plan come into the public. Than, why was their an issue with the closure of a newspaper and the leadership? One of who is today the Presidential Spokesperson Don Wanyama, who know is crony instead of an opposition voice inside the Monitor journalist.

In 2016 to the Observer he said:

As you heard, I don’t have the ambition to be president. I am very happy being in the military and that is where I intend to stay for some time. It [Muhoozi Project] doesn’t exist, non-existent – that is a red herring. You have never heard of a message where I promote myself, it is always from the promotions board. That is the process in the military” (David Muhumuza – The Observer, 25.05.2016).

So that the Maj. Gen. Muhoozi could easily now be the giant plan the President has in the making, as the years goes and his age sinks in, he needs somebody to carry the torch. Still, the Ugandan Republic isn’t a family company or LLC. Even if the President acts of the state funds and Bank of Uganda is his coffers.

That their has been less of questionable reporting of the acts of the Flying Squad or the Special Force Command as they have violently oppressed people, can be understood that the Maj. Gen. Muhoozi has even had a close relationship and it could be romantic with Journalist Sheila Nduhukire, who has traveled with the general to Somalia and other UPDF missions with him. So the comforting news instead of questing the UPDF and rise to power, haven’t really been there.

Therefore, the son of the President except for the dossier released by Gen. Sejusa has skated by and enjoyed the rise. While other in his generation haven’t gotten to his place or had the possibilities. They have all been left behind or is still in lower level in the army. If it wasn’t for being groomed and made ready for bigger stage. The army is also so he should be rougher and experienced in battle, as the father was a bush-warrior and general. The father wants the same for his son and therefore the Special Force Command was to check if he could do operations and could carry out assaults on the ones who needed to be silenced.

However, he continues to play the role of I have “no plan” and doesn’t want to be President. Still, the rise to power and the senior adviser role is made for him to be the next in line. Gen. Muhoozi, the Presidents son certainly has the initial hope to keep the torch lit. Still, this is not family business, even if the President acts like it is.

President Museveni as all fathers wants the best for his family and sons. That means that Gen. Muhoozi has gotten special treatment and own parts of the army to lead. Therefore, he went from Special Force Command into the Senior Adviser role, proves that the father wants him to learn the political game too. So that he knows the guns and commando operations. Now he will learn to venture into politics.

So this is yet another step into the reigns and the control of the National Resistance Movement, as the father and son plans away to make it natural change. How it will happen, but surely Gen. Muhoozi has no plans to dwindle into a village and be a farmer, just like the father has no plans to run one of his farms. As the NRM Regime plans to subtly subdue and suddenly over night change from Museveni to Muhoozi. Like we didn’t know and forgotten the dossier in 2013.

The Presidency in Uganda isn’t a family matter, even if the current President thinks so. He can even switch the constitution and amend it. So that Muhoozi by law has the rights, soon the President might do as they have worked for long change the age-limit. Museveni has no legitimacy and would use all tricks to stay in power. Therefore, using his son as sideshow could possibly be a sort of play of the old man. Still, he would also see that Muhoozi takes over for him when he is done.

We can just wait and see, if like the first lady becoming a minister in the cabinet, the son could soon in the next shuffle in Parliament become a Minister for Defense, so that he follows the family line. Museveni was a Minister for Defense, before becoming a rebel and going against the then Obote government. Peace.

Opinion: Fake Conspiracy to clear the gates for Muhoozi and oppress the Opposition to interconnected the supposed plot to ‘overthrow’ the NRM regime…

UPDF Rwenzori

In the midst of the fire and the oppression, men can wonder why the oppressive state continues to forge stories, charges and reasons for detaining. They can wonder why the government continues to claim conspiracy against the up-high and coup d’état against the sitting president, as they once back in the day took to the gun and overthrew an ‘illegitimate regime’ of the day.

The National Resistance Movement are right now in a ghost hunt, claiming DP connected man in Gulu, Makindye barracks was shut-up by one soldier who wouldn’t accept to be detained, Lira barracks have solders and colonels been detained by the government forces. Even CDF Gen. Katumba Wamala reported detained at Makindye and Col. Dan Opit Odwee been detained after Gulu Barracks attack. Together with so many other soldiers and such who has been picked up in their own home and not made report of since departed with security forces from their homes or work.

Besigye Detained

This together with the pick-up of Forum for Democratic Change men like Hon. Michael Kabaziguka who have been tortured and detained at SIU Kireka, also other men have been taken for question and been asked for in the conspiracy. While innocent police men and others have been killed in the attacks of Lira, Gulu and Makindye, like flies with no names. Like they don’t matter in the grand scheme of things, as they are useful pawns on the chess set, to set the center stage for the grand conspiracy that are made up by the state for ‘attacking’ and planned ‘coup d’état’ against the Presidency.

It’s all like a wind, it is there, but no visible, you believe it exist, and can feel it now and then, but it is not something that is static and visible to the naked eye. The wind just touches the ones that are literally within the wind-fall, but for the ones who is not there it is just hearsay. So with this in mind, the UPDF and UPF are creating a ghost, a conspiracy that doesn’t exist and at the time, use feasible means to oppress the ones that are not loyal to the “above high”.

Besigye Nakawa 18.05.2016

As the named up rebel forces, acronyms of so-called rebels will pop-up like staged theatrics from the Government, as they comes when needed and gone as quick as they surfaced on the ground. The ability of the army and security forces continues to spin the stories and tales, as the validity of the norm. This is happening as they trying to combine the wished rebellion in the army connected with the handpicked victim of Hon. Kabaziguka and the ‘treason charged’ former FDC Presidential Candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye, while he lingers waiting trials for all kind of charges all over Uganda.

The ones that swallows all of this as sudden wildfires and approaches of misdeeds, does not see the ripple effect of both clearing the army of men that are not loyal to cadre-line of the President and the wished escalating career of his son. Former Brig. Muhoozi, whom in the end also swallowed the loyalty of former Gen. David Sejusa. This is all connected as the Police Force and the Army is all fitted together with central leadership of the President and his cabinet, therefore they still need representatives in Parliament from the UPDF. Because militarism is far from dead, as the guns are close to the heart of the president.

Muhoozi Museveni

That the NRM Regime are right after the General Election going after the ones that supposed not loyal to the Party line and not offering their vote of confidence to the regime, are the ones that are supposed to be detained and taking down the men who doesn’t follow blindly the leadership of the day. This is like the shooter of Makindye Barracks Sergeant Isaac Obua who killed people at the barracks. The ones of Gulu barracks came more in systematic operations and have not really been displayed or called out in public as the men behind it, as they are surely offered some token to create a conspiracy and connect a DP Colonel Odwee to a plot to overthrow the regime. We have no certainty why the Government all of a sudden detained Col. Kibet in Lira and the backdrop behind doing so. And this happens in sort of two weeks all over; therefore there are questionable reasons for doing so. Just like a summer clean-up behind the ranks to fit the ‘Muhoozi project’ or fix more loyal men towards Mzee, as the election and activity from the UPDF didn’t live up to expectations for the President. He wanted a harder force and oppressive behavior and had to both pick ex-M23 men and also hire SPLA from South Sudan to have enough men in the streets around the General Election 2016.

This is just happening while FDC Youth Activist and others who have campaigned with the party have been taken from their homes (Kidnapped) without charges and detained, as the clear fictive oppressive behavior continues with the same speed, as the government tries to silence the opposition and really “crash the opposition” as Mzee stated during the campaign trail during 2015/2016. Just as the FDC General Secretary of Lubaga Division Prince Kahemba Babi who have been detained and kidnapped since before 12th June of 2016 and still not surfaced or any token from the authorities, this happens as the oppression and detain also soldiers and leaders of the army.

issues clinton uganda

So the authorities are cracking down on FDC, like they have done with steady speed since February. Now they are also going after the Army, like they are clearing the shop for the son of Mzee. That is not a surprise, it’s more like a necessity from him as this is the time to do so, as he is already weaken, his legitimacy is not there, as he wasn’t really invited or met by local dignitaries in Germany, proven the signal between Western Countries towards the former new-breed leadership sponsored through Bill Clinton in the 1990s. Therefore the established approached now is to make ready for Muhoozi to control more of the army and not only ‘the Flying-Squad’ or Special Force Command.

So there are many questions and even wonders behind the recent attacks on the Makindye, Gulu and Lira Barracks around the country, while there been violence in other areas like the Kasese and Rwenzori Sub-Region. These been where the UPF have used any kind of reasoning for the killings and taking down Royal Guards of the Rwenzururu Kingdom. But that is not looked really into, as the government sent army men and blasted down as many as possible, both in villages and also around the Palace. Though IGP Kayihura want another story as he want to clean his hands from the blood, as he doesn’t want and see that ‘the Flying Squad’ also went in to renegade against the people and their cultural leader.

So there to many questions and unsolved stories, while the conspiracies and the state affairs are still by all means oppressive and adherent not creating security, but clashing against their own citizens instead of securing their neighborhood. The Police, Army and Security Forces are targeting the opposition and the men of the army who might not be connected directly to Mzee, while the ‘Muhoozi project’ fumes on as he was recently promoted Major General. These kinds of actions cannot happen and not be interconnected, only the blind, cannot see the connection between the promotion, the cleaning in the barracks and the conspiracy that is made-up between the FDC leadership and the UPDF men that are detained in army and the Opposition party. Peace.

Press Release: NAU activists remanded in Luzira prison (21.1.2015)

Another exhibition of misuse of the law to persecute unemployed Ugandans who are peacefully trying to alert the govt about the level of unemployment situation.
Back ground to this story is yesterday NAU members peacefully set off to deliver a letter to the police HQ in accordance to to the legal regime, however they were brutally intercepted and bundled in to police pick up trucks.
Today to our dismay the state charged them with a case of unlawful assembly, the six are namely:

Prince Kahemba Babi
Busigye Phionah
Awangi Bethwell
Buhembo Habib
Serungogi Rashid
We consider this as a flagrant abuse of the law by the Nakawa magistrate to remand the activist for delivering a letter.
Wabulembo Robin also a NAU activist who appeared in Mwanga court was granted a cash bail of 200,000sh. We condemn the habit of granting cash bail to the unemployed youth.

(From the NAU Sources)