Opinion: 10th Parliament MPs proves that their Greed is more important than the Government programs and running expenses!


This is growing concern not because of the World Bank suspending loans and funds to the development projects or anything else. The ways the allocated funds and tax funds are used in the 10th Parliament shows their level of reckless spending and no concern of accountability.

This happens on the week the Daily Monitor shows reports of 80% of Primary Teachers that teach who can’t read while being government civil servants. These Teachers are the ones learning their inabilities to the future. So the misappropriate funds for the Educational Sector comes into fruition. The Universal Primary Education is surely improperly balanced together with the mismanagement of buildings and salaries; if they get salaries that usually never on time, teachers can wait for months upon months to get their pay. There are enough fallen and depleted schools.

While the Education Sector is in shambles the Members of Parliaments are allocating more money for their private cars. So they can drive around like King-pins in their constituency. They can ride around in the Toyotal Land Cruiser Prado and feel special while their citizens they represent have teachers who can’t read and supposed to teach Vincent grammar. That is just so special ignorance of their duty those 30 years of the Movement should have had enough time to make difference and not make the schooling system weaker.

This is happening in the week that the imported Anti-Retroviral Drugs (ARDs) where National Medical Store (NMS) are distributing medicines, but they are sold more expensively locally than internationally. The Ugandan population are doing the same as Americans who pays an extra fortune for their EpiPen Auto-Injector. Together with the other issues around in the Hospitals like Uganda Cancer Institute and their breakdown of hte Cobalt 60 Teletherapy Machine. That still isn’t fixed and was the only one in the great nation.

While the Health Care and Health Sector are not as functional as it should be. While this is happening the MPs have allocated funds and bought Tablets or Ipad’s for a fortune for themselves. Because these MPs need tablets to write notes and such even if am not sure Prime Minister Dr. Ruhakana Ruganda or Vice-President Edward Ssekandi can even use one of them. So they spending a on this while medicines are missing or empty at a time or another.

The MPs salaries, the MPs Allowance and the MPs wish to exempt their salaries from Tax. Together with appropriating lots of funds for travelling for days to the United States and Boston for a Seminar; together with the extended funds for burials, this is happening so they can have an extravagant lifestyle into the casket.

This is happening while the government institutions and programs are weak or nearly non-existence. They have surely ghosts like the ghost SACCO Mzee gave to a non-existing organization. While the MPs representing their people are living like royals in the National Assembly with fancy cars and houses while the unemployment levels are still strong and the educations of their kids are made by teachers who can’t even write. This shouldn’t be happening, but apparently it is.

The Governance is not really happening. Because the government are not steering towards any place, they are walking on clouds and not taking steps to change the deteriorating state of education and health care.


This is happening while the Government are adding more debt and is by end of the year having over UGX 26 Trillion. This is happening while the Roads Development that been borrowed to Uganda National Roads Authority from the World Bank has been suspended. So the worsen economic situation together with lack of funds for fiscal cash proves the weakness of the economy and the national policies.

This is happening also while the Ugandan Government has to tackle more refugees in Adjumani and other districts towards South Sudan as the neighbour continues with internal fighting. This together with the fluid borders into Democratic Republic of Congo. This has been done with armies and guerrillas in the past to get resources something that has led to another expensive debt to DRC for the Ugandan State.

So the mismanagement and maladministration of the Movement that have had the time to fix it has apparently been more sucked into their own rich-elite oblivion instead of serving their people. That is why the MPs are so into fixing themselves up nicely while the other are living in midst of utter poverty. So the debt is rising and inflation is rising. So the value of shilling isn’t worth much while the imports are more needed. NRM Regime is not having a fiscal policy as they are loose with spending without having secured funding. While making grand plans without having the output to secure borrowing…

I am sure there more things that could be discussed, but this is more than enough for today. As the proof is in the pudding; the budget and the inflated expenses of the Parliament shows how little accountability and transparency of their acts are. This is with the knowledge of months after the General Election 2016… the State House we’re broke right after for those that forgotten. Since the State House had used it resources in the Campaign that cost fortunes and after the election they had to get funds to pay the running expenses.

You think the government should be carrying itself better after been ruling for 30 years, but they are not. They are running like lackeys thieving the little pieces they can instead of building. Therefore the MPs are running the mill like the ability is only counted for when they are pocketed. That is why the greed of getting brown-envelopes is coming when the Mzee needs bills to pass. They get both monies and valuable produce to sell after being in the National Assembly. So with this in mind, the Speaker Rebecca Kadaga should silence herself and take care of her people instead of blaming the media… because they account to the people and the MPs should be more careful spending taxpayer’s monies, instead they use the budget for their own sake and not for the citizens who bleed for this. Peace.

Election Violence sponsored by the NRM in Ntungamo today!

NRM - Go Forward 13.12.15

There have been disruptions on the Go-Forward trail as I myself recently have reported. But today took the cake. The extensive payments of certain NRM men and also the way they started walking through town first plastering over the Go-Forward posters with NRM. Then later go into utter violence; that with help of the local RDC in Ntungamo.

In Ntungamo where Amama Mbabazi held a campaign rally; that place there reports of that the local RDC ordered men in Yellow shirts to crash the venue and let it become a hazard. There been also very simple resistance by the NRM where they have done the spiteful thing of replacing the Go-Forward posters with their own NRM. The youth and supporters of NRM have walked in the town all day securing the area.

NTungamo 13.12.15 NRM - Amama

About a certain car was this:

“Earlier this morning, a Land Cruiser Prado with number plates of State House drove Ms. Sarah Kagingo, A former state house employee, around Ntungamo town, distributing NRM campaign materials”.

On these actions by the NRM- Amama Mbabazi has stated this:

“I would like to urge the NRM to take it easy and know that there’s  real competition and rise up to the challenge” (…)”I don’t mind NRM attending my rallies, but their provocation, comments and interruptions constitute a strong reason for what happened”.

Ntungamo 13.12.15 Yellow

Justine Mbabazi the local RDC must be so proud of his policing today. The UPF surely let the NRM-Supporters do their thing. Also the car of Sarah Kagingo driving around dropping of materials in the town; there is too much rotten activity and the NRM blatant moves that can’t be justified. In the morning there was reports of Dan Nabimanya was going to the boda-boda drivers in Kitwe spending money on them and also giving them t-shirts before the rallies.

The violence towards them and also pure nonsense shall be brought to question. And while the NRM supporters went into the crowds justifying their actions the police protected the men going in on the Go-Forward supporters. The way certain cars and police acts is just vile! If the Go-Forward or FDC did the same towards the Presidents rallies; anywhere in Uganda, they would be shipped to Luzira before the ink is dry on the court ruling or to a “safe house”. The things missing is black mambas and Personal Armored Carrier together with police chasing the supporters and people taking a part of rally for Amama Mbabazi.

Ntungamo 13.12.15

I hope that the world get to see this and condemn it and destroy the happy trip of the President to Saudi Arabia. Because the way his supporters and his paid police did Ntungamo was unjustified. We all know that the President has issues with his former PM, but now it is hurting innocent people and only a few boda-boda drivers earned a few extra bucks and got free yellow t-shirts. That doing it during a opponents rally is just wrong. Hope that somebody else then me address it and release hurtful reports because this is madness. This had to happen after the Pope left the country back to Vatican. So now the gloves are off and hope this is not a start of what is to come. There was too much election violence before the 2011… Peace.