Opinion: Kanye could have ended up like Nader

I know the Year of 2020 is full of surprises. Kanye Omari West, the rapper, entrepreneur, music mogul and fashion designer could have caused havoc. Kanye could as an independent presidential candidate caused similar results to what Ralph Nader did in Florida in the 2000s.

I know this sound bonkers and weird, as the Flordia 2000 Presidential Election was contested and close. There was technical glitches and possible helpful hand by the Governor of the time, Jeb Bush. To push his family member and Presidential Candidate George W. Bush to victory. Alas, the game is different in 2020.

However, my key point here is that he could have ended up as the Green Party Presidential Candidate Nader. Nader was able to gain enough votes and ballots in such a manner, which in the end gave an edge to the incumbent president.

Nader was much more organized and was a political savvy guy. His in another league than Kanye. That is without a doubt. Even if Kanye is more of a celebrity and a musician. He still within a minor campaign and without to much spending was able to get 60,000 votes in 12 states where he got qualified and had ballot access.

This is why in an obnoxious way… the phenomenon of Kanye could have been the one tipping scale in favour of Trump in 2020. That is, if he had been able to hit the deadlines and be eligible to run in all the states. The states where there was less of margins between Trump and Biden. There he could have thrived just enough to tip the scale for Trump. Just like Nader did with W. Bush.

Nader got so many votes in 2000. That he in a way gave way for W. Bush. He got the moderates and the ones who could have voted for Gore and secured a Democratic Win of Electoral College in Florida. Therefore, the same story could have been told in 2020.

Where the Independent “non-starter” and “gimmick” candidate Kanye could initially be the one who caused enough stir to take valuable voters from Biden. However, Kanye came into states where he wasn’t the factor or even concerning either Biden or Trump. He just was on the ballot and the votes he got was indifferent to the results in the end. It wouldn’t alter it or make an issue.

Kanye, if he had done this more organized and had a real team behind him. Not just ad-hoc nonsense, which he did. The man could have stirred the pot and done a Nader in 2020. There was close enough races to call. That him on the ballot could have added weight to the scale. So, the lack of knowledge and timing has suffered more his campaign. Which in the end only let him be a punchline in an election. Instead of being a man with swagger and a campaign worth taking serious.

Kanye was a joke and held worrying campaign rallies. The man looked unstable and the erratic behaviour wasn’t a good sign. However, that hasn’t stopped people from voting on candidates like that.

This is all hypothetical and only mind games. Kanye could have done 2000. That would have hurt Biden. That is maybe what Democratic Operatives was worried about when he decided to run. However, he couldn’t even muster a decent game. Kanye couldn’t even drop a quality 16 bars to be a feature. Peace.

USA: EPA Acting Deputy Adminstrator E-Mail – “Agency’s Workforce Shaping through Voluntary Early Retirement and Separation Incentive Payment Authorities (VERA/VSIP) – (01.06.2017)

U.S. House of Rep. Smith’s got the Honest ACT passed, that regulates EPA opportunity to spread information!

“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”Garry Kasparov

Welcome to the Banana Republic, the United States of America (USA), the Trump Administration has a new golden child and has to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), that has to be silenced. The EPA under Scott Pruitt. The Environment and Climate Change is lie under the Trump regime, that is myth that the environment gets destroyed or worsen by industry or mineral extraction. Still, they have to make sure that the EPA doesn’t explain the environmental regulations without any scientific evidence. It has to be tested and retested the narratives, as the EPA should not question the need for free release of CO2 or any other damaging gas that can worsen the sky, or the after effects of crude-oil pipelines and the damage of soil in the areas after fracking.

Well, take a look at the Lamar Smith proposal that get through and passed in the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday:

To prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from proposing, finalizing, or disseminating regulations or assessments based upon science that is not transparent or reproducible” (…) “The Administrator shall not propose, finalize, or disseminate a covered action unless all scientific and technical information relied on to support such covered action is” (…) “publicly available online in a manner that is sufficient for independent analysis and substantial reproduction of research results, except that any personally identifiable information, trade secrets, or commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential, shall be redacted prior to public availability” (H.R. 1430, 2017).

Representative Lamar Smith the man behind the bill, who has a magical fascination with silencing and stopping the EPA, as he is from San Antonio, Texas and Republican, surely if somebody would have remembered what sort of greatness, he showed in February:

On Tuesday, Smith held a hearing titled “Making the E.P.A. Great Again.” From the list of witnesses, it was clear that Smith was not, however, interested in improving the E.P.A.—in fact, just the reverse. One of the witnesses was a lobbyist for the coal industry, another a lobbyist for the chemical industry. In a display of hypocrisy so blatant it could have been hilarious, but wasn’t, Smith used his opening statement to rail against “conflicts of interest” at the E.P.A. The agency, he complained, depended on the expertise of scientists to whom it sometimes also awards research grants. His proposed solution to this problem? To stack the E.P.A.’s science advisory board with scientists who work for regulated industries” (Kolbert, 2017).

So Rep. Smith has no issues listening to the Coal, Chemical and Oil industry, if it benefits them at a U.S. House hearing on making EPA great again, like the ones who wants to pollute and drop hazard into the environment for a buck is the ones to listen to. Shows the lack of thinking and integrity that is in the Washington D.C. right now and is accepted by the Trump Administration. Where the businesses are more important nature and the future, where the kids of Trump has to live in wasteland and in narrow future of damaged rivers, creeks and polluted air.

The donors for the 2015-2016 Campaign for the U.S. House Representative for Texas and parts of Committee for Science, Space and Technology, those we’re $95,050 from Oil and Gas, either as PACs or individuals, other important donors for the campaign of Smith we’re Nustar Energy, AT&T, Boeing Co., Koch Industries and Marathon Petroleum (Check Opensecrets.org).

So, the man who has massive support for his elections and campaigns was supported through business who needs to extract their resources and has to pollute to do so. It could seem that they scratched an itch for the Representative and when he was elected he scratched an itch for them. Instead of direct brown envelopes directly into the pocket of the representative, they paid for his campaign and his viable campaign in Texas.

Now that he has a place on the Committee for Science, Space and Technology, there he can change legislation that fits Nustar, AT&T, Boeing Co., Koch Industries and Marathon Petroleum, as they will not have any sort of information that cannot be verified by generous study. They have been silenced and cannot question climate change or even the implication of pollution or environmental damages by industry, as the Honest ACT, who is made to stop certain information from getting into public.

So it it good to know that the EPA sentiment is old:

But I don’t know whether Americans want the EPA and Congress to be honest. You say, “What do you mean, Williams?” There are numerous laws, restrictions and regulations based upon the EPA’s fraudulent report on secondhand tobacco smoke. How many Americans do you think would say, “Hey, now that we know that EPA 1992 report was a fraud, let’s repeal all those laws and regulations based upon it”? I’m guessing most would say, “I don’t like the smell of cigarettes and if it takes government fraud and duping the public to get rid of it, so be it.” (Williams, 1999).

So there are surely many who has hard feelings against the EPA and their practices, but they should still wonder if it is wise to stop the EPA. They might get wealth to buy cars, but nature is not something that returns after you have used it and extracted the minerals. There are so many places destroyed by industry and not habitable, so much touched nature that will not come back after oil industry and other industry has used their tools. Together with the knowledge of pollution, there are invisible particles that might hurt mother nature on the long run, but that doesn’t Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump or Lamar Smith. Peace.


Kolbert, Elizabeth – ‘THE CONGRESSMAN WHO’S TRYING TO MAKE THE ENVIRONMENT WORSE, AGAIN’ (08.03.2017) link: http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-congressman-whos-trying-to-make-the-environment-worse-again

U.S. House of Representatives: H. R. 1430 – ‘Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act of 2017’ or Honest ACT (29.03.2017)

Williams, Walter – ‘Do Americans want honest EPA?’ (09.06.1999) link: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/701389/Do-Americans-want-honest-EPA.html

Opinion: Eric Trump are right, under the Trump Administration, the US is becoming a “Third World State”!

It’s really sad that we’re in an environment where tax returns are leaked by whoever it may be” (…) “Just think about it. Think about how dangerous that is, how third world that is on a practice that happened. When personal information is put out by people for political agendas. As a civilian, it’s actually scaryEric Trump on Fox News (Tani, 2017).

It is just one of these days where the sons of President Donald Trump speaks their mind and hits the nail. The nail is in the coffin, with the knowledge of the plans to make the republic less attractive, less business-friendly, more lassiez-faire and more focused on army than on progressive financial instruments and regulation to create growth. Trump Administration is busy with deporting millions, building a wall and starting trade-wars. The U.S. Government does not need to be transparent or accountable while doing so. Especially, not in the minds of one of his sons. That claims something unique and special. I have claimed in the near past that under President Trump, the U.S. Government could turn the Republic into a Banana Republic, a sort of style government that could be described by others as a third world one. Therefore, let the dictionary explain that!

Eric Trump needs a definition of the Third World:

1: a group of nations especially in Africa and Asia not aligned with either the Communist or the non-Communist blocs” (…) “2: an aggregate of minority groups within a larger predominant culture” (…) “3: the aggregate of the underdeveloped nations of the world” (Merriam-Webster).

So the United States can itself soon be fitted, not that it is an Asian or African nation, neither Communist, but still it is getting underdeveloped by the way the financial framework and industry is set-up under the Trump Administration. Where the Industry and Financial industry has the Administration by the balls and no eager of taking care of nature or the resources, except for eating the profits without giving anything back to the Republic. Just like the Oil Industry in Nigeria or in Ghana. The same as the mining and mineral industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo. So the United States under President Trump, will be similar. Eric Trump is not so far off, just not the way he thought he would be.

Another man’s vision:

This brings about complete dysfunction. It makes everything — economy, politics, roads, bridges, police, school — broken and shitty. Those who can leave do. Making it worse. This leads to more extremism, and more corruption, and more cynicism. And sometimes extreme violence. Because the other side becomes evil” (…) “The US has been shifting towards all four of these over the last 30 years, with inequality leading the way. We are more divided, economically and socially, then we have ever been (we are less divided racially. But only marginally so.)” (Arnade, 2016).

So when you have a system on the brink of collapse, a wealthy elite eating of the government plate and settling score to not pay their bills to the public, while the citizens and middle-class cannot build a steady life or afforded needed services, you know there are something wrong with the system and the state. That makes the Eric Trump words so right, that United States is becoming more like a third world country, with a sophisticated army, but cannot afford health care, schools or infrastructure. Just like the countries President Trump doesn’t want to affiliate with or been seen with. Since him and his advisor Bannon are supposed to be superior, and like a dictator in a Third World country, he believes he is always right and isn’t wrong.

So one smudge of evidence of his fathers Tax Returns from 2005 leaked to MSNBC Rachel Maddow, proves the realization of the state, that the Trump Administration would dislike. As they are not capping the debt, neither taking into account their ideas of taxation and tax-releases, as much as their will to deregularte industry and financial institutions. Therefore, leading the space of more expenses and negative environmental policies, that damage earth and only gains profit for a slim elite. Just like a Third World Country.

This is degrading for the United States, but the harsh truth, the ideas and policies in the making, the killing of health insurance, the idea of building the giant nuclear silos, while not paying for food for the starving. Proves that the U.S. Government are no closer to countries it does not want to be affiliated with, but still can be consider to be assimilated with. President Trump and his administration is clearly not wishing to be differing from chauvinistically taking charge and not caring what effect it has. Clearly, it is only his image that matter, just like any big-man and authoritarian leader.

So, soon we can say that the United States is underdeveloped and need aid, as their waters are daft, the industry is lacking technology, the roads are more potholes than tarmac, the bridges are weak, their railways not working and often not trusted. The United States has soon more expensive foreign imported goods, than what they produce and is losing money on their export of cash crops as soya and other grain. Therefore, President Trump leading his Republic to become underdeveloped or become a Third World Country.


Arnade, Chris – ‘USA: A Third World Country in the making’ (05.10.2016) link: https://medium.com/@Chris_arnade/usa-a-third-world-county-in-the-making-14064ea5c534#.ah2gi0loi

Tani, Maxwell – ‘Eric Trump blasts Trump’s tax return leak on Maddow: ‘Think about how dangerous…how third world that is’ (19.03.2017) link: http://nordic.businessinsider.com/eric-trump-tax-return-leak-maddow-third-world-2017-3?

Merriam-Webster – ‘third world’ link: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/third%20world

Trout Unlimited President and CEO Chris Wood responds to President Trump’s Executive Order Rescinding the Clean Water Rule (28.02.2017)


U.S. Republicans are now putting forward a law to terminate the EPA by 2018; because the Republicans want to pollute without consequence!


The Republicans under the Trump Administration are going all in. Their ideas are the wet-dream for Conservative Party, which wants to transform the laisses-faire, industrial wonderland, where waste, industrial waste and low-taxes can go side by side. The green-gases only belong in fairy-tales and in sagas of the liberals.

Therefore Republican representative Matt Gaetz from Florida is the sponsor of the bill; his co-Sponsors the Republican representatives are Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Steven M. Palazo of Mississippi and Barry Loudermilk of Georgia.

The Republicans doesn’t care about toxins in water or water-taps, therefore if Detroit or Flint Michigan is dangerous, it doesn’t’ matter, because this people should afford their own tap-water, not buy licenced water from the state. If they had wealth they should have dig for wells in their gardens and in the public housing, instead of trusting the state with deliverance in the modern age after the millennium. That is too much to upon the Republic Party.

The other reasons are for the diligent work of Environmental Protection Agency, when it comes to fracking and regulating of the gasses into the water, has been tormenting the agency, as they have backpedalled and their own internal document have proved differently from the study they delivered the public. The Pro-Fracking lobbyist has sometimes even persuaded the EPA to change their stance, as the real reports if their internal documents of 2015 where right. That all parts of fracking could cause all sorts of toxins, in waste-water, in the dirt and the nearby-taps; something the Republicans of our day doesn’t want to hear.


However, EPA could also have intervened in the building petroleum pipelines like Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Where the reports could shadow the fact that pipes usually leaks and this could damage import forests and rivers through a dozens of states. The state could be seen with possibility of putting sanctions on the reopening of coal-mines and their waste in various states.

The EPA tried to keep regulatory actions on stuff like the Clean Care Act of 1990. Where the value of different toxins in the air if the Republicans would get their will would be doubled from 2010 to 2020; this values would for instances be Mortality Ozone values from 4300 to 7100. For instance Asthma Exacerbation in 2010 be 1,700,000 and in 2020 become 2,400,000. This proves how little they care for the environment, as long as it gives fortunes for the people who run the companies.

The financial industry and industry itself wants to earn cash and massive profits without care of environment, diseases or any sort of spill. Therefore the Republicans who are in the pockets of big-oil, big-tobacco or Wall Street don’t need the EPA. So with this in mind the Republicans are now not only silencing the EPA and wanting to edit their studies and reports on climate change, which in the mind of President Trump is a hoax.


The 4 representatives are doing the business, the industry a favour, but not Mother Nature or the ones living in it. They want to make sure the ones creating waste-lands and all the pollution as the polluters are free men without any charges. The Industry and the ones extracting resources don’t have to fear the state or government bodies, as they might not even exist. They don’t need to force their jobs into regulations that are costly as they can just drill, extract or even use the worst methods to get the gases, petroleum or coal.

Certainly, the Republicans when they have raised the water-levels above the 51st street of Manhattan, when they have destroyed the lakes and rivers of Middle-America. Than the riches can move to Liechtenstein with the rest of the Alt-Right Banonesque government official existing! Peace.

The election in Florida in year of 2000 – What did Governor Jeb Bush do?


Remember back in the old days when I was watching national-TV and reading tabloid papers. This is all back to the year of 2000. Which is already 15 years ago, there has happen a lot in that time. Still much is the same. This here will be a reminder on a certain person and his brother place in an election that got George W. Bush elected for the first time as president in the United States. His actions as a brother Jeb Bush as a governor of Florida gave way to the then new president. With certain affirmative actions and choices gave George W. Bush and edge over democratic candidate Al Gore. This also lead to his fall and him ending up making an environmental documentary feed himself. So what did Governor Jeb Bush do? Why do I write about this today? What haven’t I written about it before? For a reason, it hasn’t been necessary to address it.

Krosnick said this: “Bush’s placement at the top of all Florida ballots almost certainly allowed him to win that state, given the closeness of the contest” (…) “George W. received an electoral boost by the fact that a Republican – his brother Jeb – is governor”(Research, 2000).

“Between May 1999 and Election Day 2000, two Florida secretaries of state–Sandra Mortham and Katherine Harris, both protegees of Governor Jeb Bush–ordered 57,700 “exfelons,” who are prohibited from voting by state law, to be removed from voter rolls. (In the thirty-five states where former felons can vote, roughly 90 percent vote Democratic.) A portion of the list, which was compiled for Florida by DBT Online, can be seen for the first time here; DBT, a company now owned by ChoicePoint of Atlanta, was paid $ 4.3 million for its work, replacing a finn that charged $ 5,700 per year for the same service” (…) “, Florida’s Supreme Court had twice ordered the state not to do so, just months before the voter purge. Nevertheless, at least 2,873 voters were wrongly removed, a purge authorized by a September 18, 2000, letter to counties from Governor Bush’s clemency office. On February 23, 2001, days after the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights began investigating the matter, Bush’s office issued a new letter allowing these persons to vote; no copies of the earlier letter could be found in the clemency office or on its computers” (Palast, 2002).

Here will be main information from Volusia County in Florida and the electronic issues that this certain election had. Black Box Voting had memoes and timelines. This here is the information worth remembering:

“Two memory cards were uploaded from Volusia Couny’s precinct 216, the second one was loaded sometime close to 2am in the morning. It automatically replaced the first card’s results and reduced Gore’s total by 16,022 votes and added several thousand votes to Bush plus a variety of minor candidates;

– Both memory cards loaded into the system clean and without errors, indicating (contrary to the official line) that they were not faulty;

– After the error was noticed the original card was reloaded and the mistake was rectified;

– The error was introduced in such a way that the total number of votes remained unchanged (again something that could not happen by chance.);

– According to the technical boffins, the chance of the memory card being corrupted and still passing the checksum error test are less than 60,000 to 1;

– The technical managers at Diebold Election Systems considered it a reasonable possibility that the second card was part of deliberate conspiracy to rig the election results” (Thompson, 2003).

“If the Palm Beach ballot had been subjected to the usability testing that most commercial software now undergoes (or, at least, should undergo), the problem would have been detected. With only 550,000 registered voters in Palm Beach County, an astonishing 19,000 ballots were eliminated for having been double-punched. Assuming a roughly 60 percent turnout, that represents an astonishing rejection rate of six percent. And that’s not even counting the statistically suspicious counted vote of 3,000-plus for Pat Buchanan” (Trachtenberg, 2000). Furthermore: “The Florida Supreme Court ordered only a recount of so-called “undervotes,” about 62,000 ballots where voting machines didn’t detect any vote for a presidential candidate” (Factcheck, 2008). Even more ballots was played around with: “According to unofficial tallies, 1,547 overseas absentee ballots — about 40 percent of the total Florida received — were thrown out by county elections workers, mostly because they lacked either a date or a signature, or in some cases because they were not filed by registered voters” (Dougherty, 2000).

The problem wasn’t gone by next election in 2004: “Florida undertook a similar purge of voter rolls in 2000, but that list was shown to include the names of many who were not felons. The new effort at such a purge, begun by Governor Bush’s administration in May, was supposed to be free of those problems. But after a state judge last week ordered the release of the current list, it became clear that thousands of felons who had been granted clemency were still on it” (Fessenden, 2004).


With all this evidence of rigging the 2000 election in favor of his brother George W. Bush, we can all ask ourselves, do the GOP or the Republican Party live with it? This is the start of the preliminary election in the USA. Where the parties try out and see which candidate who has most traction and also in the public eye and has the x-factor to become the next president. The numbers are staggering considering the actual voting numbers in certain counties that has lost their ability to vote in that election of 2000. When knowing that the voters in these counties would by big reckoning vote for the Democratic candidate Al Gore. So that the result got so marginal after second round voting and needing of supreme court to accept the result. This is something a big democratic nation shouldn’t do. The way the technical issues, the double ticking off and unreasonable numbers of voters shunned for elections should be warning sides. Set off an alarm. That Jeb Bush the governor of Florida with help of his helpers. The candidacy of his brother got a first place on the ballot. Secondly many voters and counties where they dominantly vote for democrats lost bases of voters because of Ex-Felon laws, even if many of these voters apparently wasn’t really felons. So with this helping hand he led us and the world into the second Bush era. That gave us Britney Spears and the whole shebang – George W. Bush president of USA. Thanks to his brother Jeb Bush and Florida Voting laws. Also were the modern day election-technology and this memory-card-scandal that discarded many voters because they got cleaned or the numbers and then didn’t add up. Some even claimed that the second memory-card had other voting numbers that was prepared and rigged. If that is so: then it’s even worse than discarding, but actually fraud. This wasn’t an election to get George W. Bush to become class-president or prom-king. Here is about the state that would seal the faith of him or Al Gore. That was played out because of family affairs. Also how Jeb Bush had chosen any kind of method to get his brother to win in his state. If people forget this and all the valuable information from this time then GOP should pick another man to be their presidential candidate. That is if they are wise. If they want a man the world will trust, it will not Jeb Bush. Because of his track record even if it is 15 years ago. It stills a reminder of how you can use any kind of tools to hit the dry-wall and get the result you wish. So let’s hope that this reminder is put into action in a real way. Credibility is a fickle thing and the public usually forget. Hope somebody else then me remembers this scandal. Peace.


Dougherty, Jon – ‘JUDGE ORDERS FLORIDA’S MILITARY VOTES COUNTED’ (12.09.2000) link: http://www.wnd.com/2000/12/2256/

Fessenden, Ford – ‘Florida List for Purge of Voters Proves Flawed’ (10.07.2004) Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/10/us/florida-list-for-purge-of-voters-proves-flawed.html

Factcheck- ‘The Florida Recount of 2000’ (22.01.2008) Link: http://www.factcheck.org/2008/01/the-florida-recount-of-2000/

Reserch – ‘STUDY: BUSH’S PLACEMENT ON TOP OF FLORIDA BALLOTS GAVE HIM EDGE’ (09.11.2000) Link: http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/bushfla.htm

Palast, Greg – ‘Ex-con game: how Florida’s “felon” voter-purge was itself felonious; Annotation; election law; Brief Article’ (01.03.2002) Link: http://www.diggers.org/freecitynews/_disc1/0000001e.htm

Trachtenberg, Mitch – ‘Florida’s User Un-friendly Election Ballot’ (12.11.2000) Link: http://www.alternet.org/story/10076/florida’s_user_un-friendly_election_ballot

Thompson, Alastair – ‘The Diebold Memos’ Smoking Gun – Volusia County Memos Disclose Election 2000 Vote Fraud’ (24.10.2003) link: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0310/S00211.htm