Bears Ears National Monument: Energy Fuels Letter to U.S. Department of the Interior – ” Re: Review of Certain National Monuments, Federal Register Notice of May 11, 2017″ (25.05.2017)

Trumps signs proclamations shrinking two national monuments in Utah (Youtube-Clip)

USA: Letter from Pat Robert and Debbie Stabenow – “want President Trump to explain how Forest Service land within five national monuments will be treated under his plan to modify sites” (01.12.2017)

USA: Trump’s Draft Plan to Shrink Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments (30.11.2017)

US: Whistleblower Joel Clement, an executive with the Department of Interior, resigned Oct. 4. (04.10.2017)

USA: Memo for President Trump – Interim Report Pursuant to Executive Order 13792 for BENM in Utah (10.06.2017)