Did President Museveni set-up Hon. Kabafunzaki for the three counts of corruption?

It is the responsiblity of every human to know their actions and the consequences of their actions and to ask questions and to question things when they are wrong.”Michael Moore

As it been told by the unraveling stories on the corruption scandal landing our way, is that Herbert Kabafunzaki went into a trap at the Serena Hotel, where everything was prepared, even the camera’s and the media was there at the arrival. As the Police Officers was the closely monitoring if he would eat the monies offered by the Aya Group. What makes me suspicious is two new revealed things, not the three counts but this.

Kabafunzaki charged on three counts of corruption for soliciting a Shs.15M bribe and directly accepting 5M bribe in exchange for clearing Mohammed Hamid from allegations of sexual harassment” (NTV Uganda, 11.04.2017).

So with the knowledge of the counts of corruption put on the State Minister Kabafunzaki, as he is lingering in Luzira Prison. This revelation in New Vision earlier if true, show’s that it is something missing right now: “He was allegedly arrested with an envelope containing the money by a combined team of Special Forces Command and Police at around 3pm” (…) “Hamid said President Yoweri Museveni was informed about the minister’s demand from which Police was tipped” (Lumu & Etukuri, 2017).

Three key aspects here, that should not be put under the rug. That the businessman himself, the one who needed to clear his charges of possible sexual assault tipped of the President. That means that the President himself called the Special Force Command, the group that has been run and become his Maj. Gen. Muhoozi unit inside the army and than also tipping the Police Force. This shows how little institutions and how little care there is inside the Security Organizations. That they follow the orders of the President blindly.

Secondly is that the mixed Special Force Command, army personnel are together with Police while arresting a fellow Minister and State Official. That they are there without warrants and for-warning. Thirdly, which are mysterious, that the Aya Group has the direct-line to the President. Also shows how license and business in general is operated in Uganda. That the foreign investors are directly in the loop of the President!

Counsel Kenneth Muhangi (Kabafunzaki’s lawyer) has presented three sureties as requested by court for Minister Kabafunzaki’s bail application. State prosecutor asks court for stringent bail terms including hefty amounts of money, passport & a land title. State prosecutor also wants Minister Kabafunzaki to report to court weekly if granted bail” (NBS TV Uganda, 11.04.2017).

So the Minister set for Luzira is really in a pickle and has a few hefty nuts to crack. This corruption scandal and Aya Group ordeal will be hard stain to wash off. Hon. Kabafunzaki can clearly look guilty and can be determined after the evidence to set so as well, but the idea that the President knew from Aya Group’s own Hamid, the man paying the bribe. Says something is wrong. Why would the one fixing the bribe and the payment of the Minister keep the President in the loop? Why? Secondly, why aren’t the Aya Group and Mohammed Hamid charged with trying to corrupt a fellow State Official?

His P.A. pleads guilty:

Brian Mugabo, the political assistant to Minister Herbert Kabafunzaki, pleads guilty of the charge of accepting a bribe of Shs5m from AYA brothers, on behalf of the minister and trying to make the minister escape punishment by throwing away the Brown envelop that contained the bribe” (Wesaka, Anthony – Daily Monitor, 11.04.2017).

So that the PA didn’t ask for guidance or even advice before the trial, as the Minister brought his set of lawyers, as the PA did say he was guilty of accomplice from the get-go. Makes the whole events seem stranger. Have the PA already made a plea-deal and made sure his future is set, as he did fix the set-up for the State Minister? Since the Personal Assistant usually keeps the diary and the other needed administrative tasks a Minister needs. Therefore, he knew what was happening at Serena Hotel and who he was meeting.

What still, doesn’t stop pumping in my chest, as the bets are off and the trials are really starting. Why did the Aya Group report to the President Museveni before the arrests and reveal the corrupt behavior of the Minister?

Because the counts shouldn’t only be on the State Minister and his PA, why isn’t their any case against the company who planned to alter the sexual assault case with him. Not that I want this minister free as the tapes and the revealed evidence to the public. There are many lose leads… there are many things leading one direction. But will the State House and the President say why they intervene and make arrangement for this too happen. That is how it looks and it is weird that these conclusions can come. Since a President should have better things to do, than to incriminate a fellow Parliamentarian… Peace.


Lumu, David & Etukuri, Charles – ‘Minister Kabafunzaki arrested for soliciting bribe’ (08.04.2017) link: http://www.newvision.co.ug/new_vision/news/1450604/minister-kabafunzaki-arrested-soliciting-bribe