Nakumatt Applied to the High Court to go into Administration (30.10.2017)

Statement by Knight Frank Uganda on Nakumatt Stores Closures at Acacia Mall, Village Mall and Victoria Mall (01.07.2017)

Nakumatt: Internal Memo – to all Employees – “Re: Payment of Salaries” (30.06.2017)

Nakumatt Statement on lacking stocks of products in their shops (30.01.2017)


Opinion: Inaction on the White Collar Crimes is killing our Governments…


I’m tired; I am so tired of these suits getting away with felonies while the Chicken thieves are starving worldwide. The chicken thief does deserve punishment for stealing the neighbour’s chicken; while tailing it by the sidewalk before the Police Officer picked him-up and threw him into the Police car before stalling him in the cell at the Police Station. Still, the one who does bigger work and on paper get rid of the charges at ease it seems.

White Collar Crimes:

White collar crimes, on the other hand, originally referred to those crimes committed by individuals with a higher social status or upper-level occupation that often required them to wear a suit and a white collared shirt. In this day and age, white collar crimes are those crimes which are generally committed in a business setting and are considered to be non-violent. Some people refer to white collar crimes as “paper crimes”. A few examples of white collar crimes include wire fraud, forgery, embezzlement and more” (Henrickson & Sereebutra LLC, 16.11.2012).

With this in mind, with the knowledge at hand; the ones who does this are higher level of corruption, are inside trading and also their networks. If there we’re judgement fair and caring than the ones who stealing the chicken. The Multi-National Corporations with their profits are accepting to try whatever way of not paying taxes and even when courts are judging even against it; they do whatever they can to cast judgement and also expect to run away from it. Like the Apple Corporation who has dodged taxes illegally in Europe, still trying to dodge the payments of excessive taxes to the Republic of Ireland. If it wasn’t Apple Corporation, but McGuiness stealing a beer at Tesco he would pay dearly for the thieving.

So the White-Collar crimes pays off, like all the embezzled funds world-wide, the grand corruption where the culprits are walking sideways and stashing funds in Swiss Accounts and foreign islands Tax-Havens far away from the tax-man and the ombudsman. The proud force of the world and the reality of it all, that the White Collar can release their mind and get off the way they do.

These Suits who knows the Mayors, Governors, Senators, Members of Parliament, Presidents, Foreign Investors and CEOs! They forged arrangement paying fees, setting up shell-companies and securing family members work inside other businesses. Because of these ties between them the implications cannot become public. The Central Government who forged this deals are also on the line with their reputations while they accept this contracts and agreements between the suits who takes advantage of them.


That a Telecommunication Company can get licenses cheaply while running a profitable business in the nation. That they are selling airtime and subscriptions to costumers of the nation, while the state employees are in oblivion of the real deal between the Telecom and the MPs who worked under the President to offer the CELTEL Limited the Operation License in the nation. This is happening and nobody acts on the Suits or the MPs…

Still, they get it easy and get off. I wonder why the businesses that are running the mining operations and mining licenses from foreign lands. These owners of giant businesses are keep exporting Rare-Earth minerals and the Coltan; these companies are nearly in charge of guerrillas that are keeping control of the workforce around the mines. That this is going on and the human rights violations are under the direction of the Suits. They get high profits from the deals and arrangement hold by the guerrillas. They don’t get any slack for doing so, they do it in low profile and certainly where the world sees as the wrong zip-code since his crime doesn’t matter.

The White Collar Crime continues and the world just keeps turning. The International business community keeps doing this and living with it. They are feeding the fume for the fire and nobody is really questioning it hard enough. While the Corporate Media owned by the Conglomerates doesn’t want us to question this world order. Where the money goes and who keeps this upkeep, they don’t want us to be enlightened and be in the dark. That as long as the decisions are happening in the boardrooms as Corporate Trade Secrets and Government doesn’t want their dirty secrets.

The Suits prefer these secrets as with the tax-evasion, the tax-dodging practises and the luminous deals done with nondurables in the Parliaments. This with the stakeholders and liability firms that shelves the properties and fortunes that are squandered away like small-change at the cashier in the Supermarket without any consideration of the implication of these transactions.


It’s time to take this serious, it’s killing society and killing the livelihood of our economies and tax-base with impunity, as the wealthy is getting wealthier and the states are crowd-sourcing more than needed; while the Multi-National Corporations together with the lawyers and board-meetings decide how to trick the money from the expensive and profitable place to the tax-haven. This or making sure the producers and stifle the workers who produce the products as they are wishing to nullify them. This is the reality and the mentality, the ethical and moral conundrum would be to deliver the tax from where you profited and also pay the men and woman decent wage for producing the products. Instead the Corporations try to avoid both and earn a grander margin on each unit they sell. This is all legal, but still should be seen as White Collar Crime!

That is why I ask myself… If we want to get rid of this the investors, the capital of the nations and structure between government and them has to settle in a different way. Because the Government cannot be to connected with the giant businesses, than they will have the ability to deteriorate the levels of governance and the regulations of them.

We have seen that time and time again. The crime of our time is letting this happen and not do anything serious about it. The thieving in the broad daylight and without any concern of the citizens that is not eating of it as they supposed to through the solidarity of the state! Peace.  

Nakumatt Corporate Posistion Statement (27.10.2016)
