Footage of how the Police Blocked Ingrid Turinaw on the Kabale Rukiri hills and pictures of how the Police acted the rest of the 19th April 2016

I think the footage speaks volume itself of the dire sitatuation that the FDC are in when it comes to the Police Force and their impunity against their own citizens. Peace.

Nandala Mafabi – “Our leaders and agents in rural Uganda are being hunted to sign falsified Candidates’ declaration forms” (25.02.2016)

FDC 25.02.2016

Ugandan people shun the Local-Government Elections today; While Dr. Kizza Besigye is arrested while trying to go out and vote!

Poll Station 24.02.2016

Today is the Local Government Elections in most places in the country except for the once that gets suspended because of wrong names on the ballots or the persons who are supposed be on the ballots. This time around the ballot-papers we’re delivered on time, everywhere actually and the polling agents was ready. There was also informed to be a public holiday so that there should be possible to show up, but this here is a silent demonstrations and a free-for-all after the sham of an election the 18th February.

Just as the main elections of the Executive and representatives in the Parliament, this here will be marred with malpractice and even rigged. Therefore the people have shunned the event and polls. As they don’t trust the Electoral Commission; I have lots and lots of issues from around the country, this here is not just an reaction to all those people who never got their say on the 18th February, but also all them who never got counted that day. Here are some reports.

Radio One Polling Station 24.02.2016 P1

From Kampala in the morning:

“Although polling materials were dispatched early enough by 6am, the poor turn up of voters has caused delays in starting of the voting exercise. At some polling stations in Nakawa and in Namirembe at Mengo primary polling station, Makarere and Kabale among others voting started after 7:40am with one or two voters occasionally showing up.  The stipulated time to open the polls is 7am and closing time is 4pm. The Electoral Commission has done its part to deliver the materials on time and ensure their electoral agents are already stationed for duty” (Radiocity 97FM, 24.02.2016).

Radio One Polling Station 24.02.2016 P2

As the Electoral Commission stated on social media:

“Kyankwanzi District that elections for the District Chairperson have been suspended today” (EC, 24.02.2016).

The Observer wrote this:

“Voting material mixup: Wrong ballot papers sent to 6 sub counties in Bundibugyo in  Busaru, Nyahuka, Bubugwanga, Ntoroto, Kasitu & Ntandi” (Observer, 24.02.2016).

Bushenyi 24.02.2016
Comboni Hospital Polling Station, Bushenyi

In Bushenyi:

The NRM continues to rig elections in the area as the NRM get the FDC Monitors of the elections is arrested, while the NRM starts to bribe the voters to vote for them. And stacks of money are taken to the sub-counties in the area as well. The NRM mobilisers are in the markets and buying the voters. This report from one of polling stations in the district: “Empty Polling Stations in Bushenyi, here at Comboni Hospital; people have refused to go to vote. Atleast 100 people have voted out of over 350 people who voted at this polling station last week”.

In Lungujja:

“Signed blank declaration forms have been discovered in Lungujja by Rubaga MP Elect Moses Kasibante. Chaos has ensues” (93.3. KFM, 24.02.2016).

In Kabale, Moroto and Katakwi:

“In Kabale, voter turn up is low, partly because the district chairperson is unopposed, our correspondent reports” (NBS TV, 24.02.2016). “9:53 LIVE: Our report David Ochieng in Tororo says voter turn out is still low. Voters are complaining about the Biometric Voter Verification” (NBS TV, 24.02.2016). Our reporter Mike Onyang says in Moroto, more locals have been seen at drinking joints than at many polling stations. Onyang says many voters he has spoken to in Moroto say they are fatigued and are still mourning the loss of ‘their’ candidates (NBS TV, 24.02.2016). Very low turn up in LC5 and LC5 councilor’s in Katakwi as the case in the rest of Uganda.

In Jinja:

“Voting for the district chairpersons and councillors is underway, but here in Jinja the voter turnout is significantly low as compared to the just concluded presidential and Members of Parliament election. All this, despite today being a public holiday” (89 Smart FM, 24.02.2016).

In Nebbi:

“Local government elections in most parts of the country have been characterized by low voter turn up compared to Presidential and parliamentary elections. For instance in Nebbi district at boma one polling station by 11:00am only 57 out of 500 voters had voted while boma two out of 142 only 37 had cast their vote” (Radio Paidha Ltd, 24.02.2016).

In Iganga:

There police and military are at the Polling Stations and the roads in the district.

In Kumi:

“Electoral Commission has postponed the polls for the Kumi District LC V chairperson, following the death of Charles Otaok, the Go Forward Candidate. Otaok died in a motor accident along the Mbale-Soroti highway, a fortnight ago. The Kumi District Returning Officer, Monicah Ngobi, said this morning that they received communication from the Electoral Commission headquarters in Kampala, to postpone the elections of the LC V chairperson until further notice” (RadioCity 97FM, 24.02.2016).

Mbale 24.02.2016

There been low voter turn-up in Entebbe, Gulu, Makindye, Lyantonde, Lwengo, Masaka, Sembabule, Mukono, and Kampala. In certain areas there are more Polling Officals then voters. Look forward to see how they will fix the results from this locals elections Seem that the country there is low-turn up as people seem to have lost faith in Eng. Dr. Badru M. Kiggundu and his Electoral Commission. Who decide for them and therefore they boycott this election to prove as a demonstrations against the regime! As with the other election on the 18th February there been people captured with pre-ticket ballots. There been silence and not much action since the announcement of the Presidential and Members of Parliament elections has been rigged and taken the public for granted. Therefore the result is low turn-up and showing the Electoral Commission.   

Reports from Presidential Elections in Karamjoa and explains the 95% for President Museveni:

“In Karamoja the Electoral Commission District Registar has been beaten by the Special Forces command on the 17th February before making off with all the ballot boxes. He is currently paralyzed”.

Kizza Besigye 23.02.2016

Just as the low-voter turn-up the Local-Government does not need Dr. Kizza Besigy’s ballots it seems:

“Col dr Kizza Besigye has been blocked from leaving his Kasangati home. He planned to travel this morning to Rukungiri for local government elections. From the start of the week, Dr Besigye has been kept by police, inside his Kasangati home during the night, and in police cells during the day. Last night at around 10:30pm as he was being returned from police detention back to his home, Dr Besigye said he was tired of this routine, and that he would rather remain in police custody, than being enslaved inside his own house. Besigye on the other hand says he needs to prepare to legally challenge the presidential election results in courts of law, and has now less than 6 days to put together all the necessary evidence” (RadioCity 97FM, 24.02.2016). In the New Vision: “Kizza Besigye of FDC was earlier today denied chance to leave his home to go to Rukungiri to cast his vote in the local council polls by the area DPC, James Kawalya” (New Vision, 24.02.2016).

As the voters shun the election, Dr. Kizza Besigye still not allowed moving freely and under arrest on yet another day! The Electoral Commission will struggle to get more voters than the polling stations as the numbers should be small and the percentage of total voters should be very low. Close to 20% or even less many places, if it is more than it is pre-ticked for NRM candidates as that is the Modus Operandi of the NRM-Regime.

I want to say I understand the people and their demonstrations is vital and viable as the world is following Uganda and the people know about the non-sense re-election of President Museveni. As the opposition continues to be under pressure and harassment as seen by Dr. Kizza Besigye; Seen yesterday in Mbarara and Ibanda; now also in Bushenyi where they arrested FDC mobilisers today. Since it is for the ruling party the access and reason for it is not necessary as the fear and intimidation is what the NRM lives on, and not on vote-ability or accountability for their actions. Peace.