“50 Shades of Stealing Ballot’s”; Has still hope for peaceful change by the FDC; while waiting in the tense atmosphere.

Kampala 19.02.2016

As the silence of the streets, the result has been addressed and the congratulations are coming in, usually either between trading partners and close neighborhood countries that have worked together at some point with President Museveni.

The people are mourning the result as the shock of the thieving ways and the disregard of the value of the voters and ballots, as the elections was “50 shades of stealing the ballots”. The way Dr. Badru Kiggundu the chairman of the Electoral Commission ended his last term, was more of a morning ceremony where only NRM Secretary Justine Kasule Lumumba; only one with vigor and smile as the people was terrified.

The army has been on the streets, in the towns and the police force has worked hard and been armed with guns. The once seeing the pictures wondered if the authorities had plans of launching “Martial Law” or “State of Emergency”. That because of the disregard of voters with the police going in at polling stations even showing the voters whom to vote for as for example of walking with the voter and not trusting the voter to drop the ballot in the basin.

The way the Military Police or Special Force Command, even Formation Field Unit has been around the Presidential Candidates and securing them in their homes and areas so that they don’t deliver the reports and clarification of results that the Electoral Commission don’t want out. The Authorities want to silence the opposition as the legitimacy is non-existence. Just like Kofi Annan said in a statement days before the result got served the public.

Andre Kaweesi FDC HQ 19.02.2016

There is a reason why there wasn’t a jubilee in the streets of Kampala, there was reasons there wasn’t NRM people screaming around and just a few people trying to recuperate the internet and tell about the wonderful wins of Moroto and other districts that the Electoral Commission told of the wonderful victory of Museveni and his men. The issue is that we know that most loads of ballots got invalid or never gotten tallied as of the time of verifying the result the Electoral Commission; so no matter how valid some results might be; I don’t or wont trust these results as the rigged elections doesn’t give me faith in the results.

m7, besigye

And then todays press conference post-victory as he as a winner has to tell the world this:

“I don’t need lectures from anybody on how to organise elections” (…)”I have been doing it since school says at Ntare School” (The Insider, 2016). As the clearly you might not need lectures; you need a new way of doing it as this here was a shambles of one and a reason why you we’re alone with your cows; instead of celebrating with the ones that apparently or supposed to vote for you.

On Dr. Besigye and his house-arrest:

““Col Besigye cannot be allowed to disrupt our peace” (…)”Nobody can burn our city. We shall use both soft and hard means to guard our city” (The Insider, 2016). The Peace that your supposed to have created is kind of vague as the people are hiding in their houses of fear of your police force and army as they have killed people who have demonstrated and you have detained, jailed or house-arrested during the election day and the days that has followed. If this is generating peace by detaining your opposition then is not a joyful peace or a true election as the ones you don’t need lectures on.

As the vital information and the tension, the mourning of the thieving level of the government that has decided for them and taken their fate in their hands as their paternal advisory of giving the power-hungry and army man President Museveni another shot of taking more of the gold and government funds, instead of earning the money as civil servant and serving the nations as the President should do. I am sure if you Mr. President thinking of getting the buses ready and getting the leftover t-shirts and get ready to use more governmental funds to pay the Crime Preventers to secure crowds for Kololo Independence Ground on your Swearing in.

Jinja Road 15.02.2015 P2

There is very few indications or any certainty of the ruling regime caring about anything else then themselves and tried to pull the card that certain MPs have been voted in from the Opposition, but that is just a too save face and try to look like a legitimate affair. That is while many expected the numbers for Museveni to end between 60% to 69% so when it ended where it ended, it was something wrong, especially with the tally-numbers and the declarations forms that has surfaced online; something that says a lot that the fortune tellers can fore-say the results months in advance; as a certainty! That is not looking good as non-expected Barrack Obama at his first tenure to really get all the way. This is elections and a guy who doesn’t need lectures should know that; if had known elections that his facilitations of the “NRM” Independent Candidates, that many of them would fly out the gate; is that they we’re voted away from their constituencies and councils already, with adding more locals they should not be able to get through anywhere… But hey President Museveni doesn’t need any lectures. Kahinda Otafiire might need one!

As the “50 Shades of stealing ballots” is the next book from Amama Mbabazi, President Museveni or Janet Museveni, Mike Ssebula will get funding for the publishing and the forward will be written by H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta and Hon. Ofwono Opondo. While a honorable mention will go to Dr. Ruhakana Ruganda. That is the future of this sad affair where the people has mourned and been silent; as they should be their fate and future gotten for the moment stolen from them; their own government and government entities has stolen their civic duty and taken it right in front of them.

Amuru Election Statment Paper

The international community should act and not recognize the Presidency of Museveni while the donor funding shut be suspended until the public and citizen’s will has been teared apart in minutes on the screen and days of labor; the Electoral Commission fried the crested cranes and goats while the people was stolen their beans that was promised to their stews. This here is such a wild affair and assessing the manufactured results that make the tally centers look like the Police did the counting instead of Polling Officers and rewriting Declarations Forms as the result did not fit their masters, the police, the army and the President. This here has been a display of arrogance from the NRM-Regime as the Opposition is detained or silenced. There is certainty that the people should react in ways the NRM hasn’t seen before, as the November nomination day and all the rallies been happening across the country should be visible The same crowds could show the level of loyalty and wish for change as the sounds of the campaigns; the way people turned up and cheered for their hopeful in the far corners of Uganda. That is the hope and that was the thing that gave me hope before the tallying and the ballot-papers got pre-ticket or disqualified by the Electoral Commission, and even the non-concern of the voters who never got to give their votes or counted their polling-stations. That should be worry because that is what will be remembered as the fear speeches of NRM regime and the security outfit leaders ahead of the elections. That is the story that will be put a blazed and tarnish the legitimacy of the regime that currently running the great nation; which deserves a government that the people wanted to represent them, not the one that pre-ticket their choice for them and used the government funds to pay Bebe Cool and Dr. Jose Chameleone for free concerts country-wide. That is not the business of a serious government, that is concert promoters job; hope that sinks in Mike Ssebula.

Koboko 18.02.2016 Evelyn Anite Voting

While we mourn and wonder, while we hope the FDC Power 10 structure can bring a change, while we hope that the government and the regime can be toppled in a peaceful way and get the honest result and honest ballots cast that is the fate of the citizen of the country. Then the leadership will deliver and try to deliver as they are will try to work for the ones that elected them and not because the big-man with the hat wanted his loyal YES MEN and BOUGHT cronies into parliament to give-way so he can steal more of the state coffers… Peace.