Kagoma By-Election: Grand issues as heavy deployment seems to rig it all for the NRM!

The 11th May are the Polling Day of the Kagoma By-Election in the Jinja District. As there are unsettling reports and also proves that the National Resistance Movement (NRM) cannot win a sincere election. Since they are coming with a presence of mambas, armed police officers and all the gear to intimidate the public. As even during the campaigning, the President Yoweri Museveni said: “I am tired of wars. I want you to vote for pro-NRM members of parliament like our party flag-bearer, Mr Moses Walyomu.” (…) “I don’t want to go back to the bush to fight again. Don’t send me people who will disagree with me in parliament. I fought in 1986 and I am tired.”(Kirunda, Nakato & Katabulawo, 2017).

Arrested day before the ballot:

Sadiq Amin, the National Defense Secretary of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change-FDC party and seven others are in trouble for alleged electoral violence in the Kagoma parliamentary by-elections. The eight were picked up last evening from Buwenge town council ahead of the Kagoma County parliamentary by elections later today. Asuman Mugenyi, the Director of Police Operations, told journalists at Kagoma county headquarters last evening that Amin is wanted for masterminding violence in the just concluded Kamuli municipality MP by elections” (URN, 11.05.2017).

The Police has deployed heavy in the district and in the area. They have even arrested people around the voting stations, on the charges of violence. But there aren’t reports of people at the Hospitals. As there is only FDC leadership who has been detained the day before and know more people being charges. Seems like a day where the Police Force are intimidating the public to vote for the NRM candidate today.

Security has been beefed up in Jinja town as voters in Kagoma County constituency go to the polls to elect a new MP in today’s by-election . Busoga regional police commander Twishimwe Geofrey says the tension between two groups; supporters of Brandon Kintu, an Independent candidate, and Moses Walyomu of the NRM, were high and so far eight people have been arrested in connection to violence” (88 SMART FM, 11.05.2017).

Despite some polling station receiving voting material beyond the required time as well as reported cases of a pre-ticked ballot paper, heavy police deployment, the country’s election prefect maintains that nothing is amiss. According to the schedule, voting was supposed to begin at exactly 7am and close at 4pm” (…) “However not all polling centres kept that time. Some polling stations were also forced to suspend voting for hours after the biometric machines failed to function despite earlier assurance by the chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Justice Simon Byabakama Mugenyi that everything was good to go. According to Mr James Otim, a resident of Budondo sub-county, it emerged that voting some at polling stations started late” (Ladu, Tausi & Okeya, 2017).

Byakika Voting was suspended for nearly two hours at Kiranga-Busoba Polling Station in Butagaya Sub County following the breakdown of election machines. Only 19 people had voted before the thumb-detecting machine stopped working. The station Presiding Officer Paul Kigenyi says the voting temporarily stopped around 8:30am. By 10:30am the E.C team led by one Samuel Kiyingi was still struggling to fix the machine. Voting resumed a few minutes later as voters expressed their anger” (City Beat Magazine, 11.05.2017).

So there been clear malpractice and also intimidation, as the FDC leadership has spent time behind bars, as the Kagoma By-Election was going-on. So if the result doesn’t end with victory for the NRM candidate, I would be shocked. All the cards are stacked against the independents as well as the FDC candidate. This is going on and the government sponsors the fear, in the midst of a by-election in the Jinja District. The clear evidence is already there, that before the tallying, the return forms and the party agents start to take charge over the ballots. This is just beginning of the electoral process, and the issues are here from the get-go. Peace.


Kirunda, Abubaker; Nakato, Tausi & Katabulawo, Andrew – ‘I don’t want opposition in parliament, says President Museveni’ (09.05.2017) link:http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/I-don-t-want-opposition-in-parliament–says-President-Museveni/688334-3919496-71atniz/index.html

Ladu, Ismail Musa; Tausi, Nakato & Okeya, Moses – ‘Complain of pre-ticked ballot papers, faulty voting machines blemish Kagoma by-election’ (11.05.2017) link:http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Preticked-ballot-papers-faulty-voting-machines-blemish-Kagoma/688334-3922948-s0x8bxz/index.html

Kagoma County By-Election: FDC Surge the crowds, while the NRM believes in Voter Tourism!

There is a by-election going on in Kagoma County in Jinja District. This is in Busoga region and inside the Busoga Kingdom. In the recent days there been campaign rallies in the towns and villages of the county. As the candidates together with the leadership of the parties has arrived to spell their program and get their candidate into the 10th Parliament.

That the President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni together with the NRM has held rallies in the district isn’t surprising, neither is it that today only he has hold 4 rallies in the county. What is more common is the proof of bribery and in general using intimidation as well. Therefore, the reports that the NRM used violence against FDC mobilizers. On the 5th May the pictures of innocent party organizers bloody t-shirts we’re spread on the internet. Therefore, the proof that the NRM cannot win without violence or use money, is yet another proof.

Another typical trick of the NRM, has been how the buses has been driving around in the county and district, giving away t-shirts, offering 10k shillings and food; if they participate to the closest rally of President Museveni and his coming Candidate Moses Walyomu Muwanika. This one is supposed to stop the Forum for Democratic of Change (FDC) candidate Timothy Batuwa. Instead of like the FDC who gather natural crowds with their leadership and convoys.

The NRM uses buses and payments, giving away T-shirts, beating up Independent Candidates supporters, which happen earlier this week. There are certainly double standard in this, as the NRM uses intimidation, harassment, than condemning violence, later knowingly paying for supporters and getting support by bribery. Than, sending buses (Voter Tourism) and picking up crowds, while the other parties scraps people together honest. Therefore, the ruling regime and ruling party uses all tricks of the trade. To get the MP for the area elected again! Certainly, the NRM has no honor, only cheating and rigging to win.

If there will be pre-ticked ballots on the 11th May 2017 and sudden ballots taken away with Police Officers during the tally wouldn’t surprise anyone. Also, that the late release of the Declaration Forms and the Return Forms, which the NRM will comprise as they have already started to do. That with the bribery of citizens and the ways the buses rides to pick-up and give food. This is all manipulation and selling the ballots for scraps. Certainly, the electoral process isn’t respected when the NRM trades the ballot for 10k shillings and rallies to elect their man. Peace.

Opinion: Flabbergasting to know that funds used from Ministry of Works was used to print NRM Manifestos in 2016!


“Ministry of Works officials reveal to PAC that UGX47m budgeted for the roads fund was used to print NRM manifesto last year” (NBS TV Uganda, 01.03.2017).

The Yellow Movement have no nerve; they have Presidential Handshakes, buying jet-planes for the President, but not money for maintenance. They want to buy helicopters to the Speakers of the Parliament this year. But last year they impressed as well!

Hon. Monica Azuba Ntege, the Minister of the Ministry must feel stupid, as she knows perfectly well that the funds should go to transport or to roads, even gone to the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) development, even to build ports like Bukasa Port on the Lake Victoria.

That this proves something that we all have feared all along, is that the National Resistance Movement are eating of the plate of the public funds when they need. This is if the NRM needs money for gasoline or hiring buses during the campaigns they just take the unallocated salaries for teachers to that. If President Museveni needs more funds to pay musicians for campaigning for him, than going to the function where the allocated taxpayers monies we’re supposed to go.

This shows the lack of transparency and respect of the government funds when the ruling regime and ruling party uses state funds to inner-party campaigning. That NRM and their party organization used Ministry of Works funds to print NRM Manifestos for the General Election of 2016, show lack of governance and allocation procedures. We can question the oversight of the allocation of state funds that is diverted to party work.

The NRM regime is now openly telling to the world that they are misusing the funds and doing in broad daylight, during the plenary sessions on the audit of funds from former financial year of 2015/2016. The world would not be surprised if the NRM used more funds from other ministries to campaign in the recent campaign. Especially knowing that NRM and President Museveni doesn’t seem to have any care with the scrutiny or good-governance. Good governance is apparently a giant issue that will continue be hurt one for regime, because they don’t have the ability or wish to change. Since President Museveni are only focused on his own riches and own wealth, as he is not a civil servant, but his own master who controls the Republic. Peace.  

NRM claim victory in recent elections in the new districts; it was expected, but how long can they rule on borrowed time?


It is just one of these days, where the result of the recent election; to be frank another one of days after the ballot is casted and things are just back to normal. It is just one of these days. Where the news of the National Resistance Movement picking up most of mandates and representatives from the newly created districts in Kibaale, Kagadi, Rubanda Omoro and Kakumiro.

The ones that are surprised that there do exist a voting apathy and low turnouts has lost the plot since the rigging generation under the current administration. As there are clear reports of Pre-Ticked Ballots even in this minor election. Where the good news we are that the Electoral Commission was actually prepared and had some sense of delivering Electoral Material. Though late at some polling stations as 10:40 but still closing the Polling Station at ordinary time, which is an insult to injury.

It was not strange that the Movement got most of the candidate in a race where the locals anticipated bribes to decide their votes. Something the CCEDU clearly saw and reported in the districts. Where the Police and Crime Preventers was guards at the Polling Stations, but the good news was no clear violence during the election. The only one where the certain individuals where caught planning to put fire on one radio-station. While it were reports that other Radio Stations had focus on spreading the news of the Movement and let the others, just run astray. This is a proof of malpractice and maladministration as the ruling regime does not care about the freedoms of assembly of the fellow citizens.

Together with FDC Mobilisers who tailgated NRM initiators who we’re bribing locals to vote for them and in the end ended up serving time in jail for questioning the behaviour of the Movement. This proves that the fate is already sealed and that the election is not a necessary arrangement for picking leaders since the Movement have already done it for you. The FDC did not get any mandate, but still had more campaigns that the other parties who really put their soul into the campaign of Omoro, where the NRM captured the representative. In all the new districts all but one person outside the Movement got a position and that was an Independent Candidate. The system obviously made ready for this kind of outcome. As the registered leaders of other parties where in Omoro and the contests as the newly formed districts where the function was clearly a horserace to bribe the men and woman to give them vote and let them be for the rest of the term.

The Forum for Democratic Change lost this one, but the contest of bribing; the Movement won it. Certainly, the Uganda People’s Congress and Democratic Party must feel hurt by losing Omoro District to the Movement, but their way of bamboozling opposition continues and it is a reason why Hon. Jacob Oulanyah still is an MP and Deputy Speaker in the 10th Parliament. Not because of his ethics, but because of the Movements acts to stay in Power.

The initial outcome was set from the get-go. The reality is the same as yesterday. The Movement the shallow creature it is ask Selah. Sorry, ask Sevo. Not ask Dr. Ruhakana Ruganda and not Hon. Edward Ssekandi. Remember ask Selah, he can answer why the Movement in shallow in the chambers of the hotel he is lodged in eating on government salaries.

It is reasons why the elections in the newly created districts ended this way; the signs in the stars and moons was smiling about it. At least what the cow farmer is concerned. The Movement continues to linger on and cheat their way to happiness and further acts that are more corrupt and behaviour into oblivion. Still, they wonder why there are voter apathy and uncertainty of value of their ballot unless they get some shillings to buy soap or millet.

The Movement can celebrate these wins like a victory of their glorious movement who is a people’s movement, as they did with the double celebration at Kololo after both the ballots, the rigging and the Supreme Court validate the Movement and its leadership yet again. But the reality is that is on borrowed time as the apathy proves the dissolution of the current leadership. The tiredness and current instability of the ones above. The silence and contempt will surface, but when it boil over is not something you can say.

The only way for this to end well is if the apathy turns into pleasure of the current status quo and that the people, the citizens are contempt with keeping the militarized Movement there. If not, then there are something else brewing; that is something Sevo and Selah doesn’t want hear. They might swallowed and paid through the hurdles for this one. Made it peaceful and organized it to an extent well, but the tarnished reputation, the violent Police Force and the abuses cannot last forever. You cannot keep your opposition in prison and still legitimize your rule. Just like the wise men of Nakawa in Kampala these days tries to defend.

The Movement and their supporters might believe they won this one and got it. But they didn’t. They bribed it and took it. They didn’t win it. They didn’t because it wasn’t rhetoric or policies that won, but who pays who for their vote. If the locals expect always to be paid for their vote, then the coffers won’t sore but be tore. As proven with the recent expensive campaign trail of Mzee and the empty bank accounts of the State House right before the opening of the 10th Parliament.

So enjoy your victories and pleasures of emptiness as the borrowed time and for every minute counting the expected payback will come. How and when is not up to me to say, but the grave danger of missteps and loosen control will widen the spectrum and the disfranchised citizens might want their justice back. Peace.

VIDEO: Martha Wanguo stripped in Malindi by rowdy youths. She was bribing voters; Women leaders condemn stripping of woman over voter bribery allegations (Youtube-Clips)

“VIDEO: Martha Wanguo stripped in Malindi by rowdy youths. She was bribing voters (allegedly)” (News Kenya, 2016).

“A Malindi woman who was stripped during Monday’s by-election has recorded a statement and wants two police officers prosecuted for negligence. Martha Wanguo demanded justice saying the two officers, who allegedly arrested and dragged her to a polling station, should be apprehended” (The Star Kenya, 2016).