USA: 13 States has already triggered laws to restrict or ban abortions after yesterday’s ruling

“It’s not that I don’t trust Women to control their own bodies… I trust Women to control when they allow men to ejaculate inside of them – to control intake of semen” – Rep. Karianne Lisonbee

The trigger laws after the overturning is already in affect in 13 states in the United States of America, these are being set into action in Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. While the Vatican and the Holy See did celebrate the verdict. It just shows how discouraging and the demeaning this overturning of Roe Versus Wade is. This referral law is now done with and ended. Giving plenty of the states the options to make it illegal and criminalize the ones who helps with the practice. Therefore, the U.S. is becoming one place for freedoms and other with hefty restrictions.

We know that more states will trigger laws and changes, which will severely restrict, ban and up-right make it illegal to advocate, help or abide in the process of abortion. The states that has already triggered the laws are enacting laws, which give jail-time and possibly make it a criminal offence. Which can strike at a woman, if she crosses state borders and have a miscarriage when returning. Meaning, things that a women already don’t control can become threatening and invoke a criminal investigation. That just show how “big” the government is… the same government that cannot ban or invoke any sort of regulation of firearms, in a sort of reasonable fashion. Because, you cannot take away the constitutional rights to arms, but you can take away the freedom and liberty of a female adult to carry a child or not.

To limit reproductive health care is only tarnishing the rights of women. In a nation of no universal health care. In a nation of no paid maternity leave, decent child tax-credits or social security that could matter. Therefore, the expenses of paying for child-birth, doctors appointments and whatnot can bankrupt a family and especially an unwanted or an unplanned one. That’s why the impoverished will be hit even harder and they will have nowhere to go.

While that is happening people should expect a domino effect out of this. The other rights, which has been legal in recent time could easily be eradicated too. This being contraception, same-sex marriage, same-sex relationships, LGBT rights and so fourth. Heck, people should think that these people of the Supreme Court could find ways to end the legality of interracial marriage, which isn’t that old of judgement either. Therefore, there is plenty of referral laws, which can be swiftly overturned like Roe Versus Wade. This can easily just be the beginning and the these Supreme Court Justices, as we know one of them Clarence Thomas has commented about the possibilities to do so.

In the midst of that and the turmoil that is created. The inflicted harm and insecurity put on the women now. They should start to apply pressure and use this cause to have a say. Since the Congress never used the 5 decades to make it a federal law or codifying it. That’s why the Supreme Court could just take it away over night and letting the states themselves decide how to deem things properly.

It is just striking that the same Justices didn’t believe the States had the rights to limit the gun-control according to the Constitution, but the same Constitution can take away the reproductive of women. So, in practice the women can shoot a baby, but not take an abortion. That’s ironic and the renegade youths like Kyle Rittenhouse can kill protesters, but women cannot decide over their own bodies. However, it is easy to get guns and create a mass-murder, which we have seen often with “thoughts and prayers” from the representatives afterwards.

This is America in 2022… and it’s tragic. This is taking a big step back. USA should be better than this, but apparently it’s not. Peace.

Opinion: USA, the land of the unborn…

The United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Certainly isn’t becoming a more friendly place, but a more hostile one. It isn’t enough with the uncontrolled gun-violence, mass-shootings and gang-violence. The epic proportions of police brutality and corporate run-prison system. The United States of America isn’t the land of total freedom or liberty. No, it is so sanctioned and regulated that you should be cautious. Especially, if you blink twice or happens to be born with the wrong skin-colour.

Alas, birth, the womb and the women’s rights have now become the main subject. The reproductive rights and the prevention options of women in the USA will now be limited. It will possibly matter of which state you reside or the possible costs to do the needed treatment elsewhere. Certainly, plenty of Southern or Mid-Western states, which has a majority of Republican representatives are preparing legislations or state laws that abolish or limits the possibilities to near-none. Therefore, one part of society will be blocked out of life-saving treatment.

The same party and government, the same sort of judges and likes who has called mask-mandates for “fascism” and been so outrageous about COVID-19 regulations. However, the same people are now screaming of joy for policing women’s bodies. They are doing it to save the “unborn” and the ones who haven’t gotten life. These people call themselves “pro-life” but are they really?

These people are the sort of freedom loving people who would block the needs of any regulations to guns, state run programs and social security. They so want the state to be limited and will not grant any sort of tax-credit, stimulus package or sort of child-care programs that would matter. Instead they would rather destroy all that in combination of making the health care less accessible to millions of citizens. That’s the same people, which calls themselves “pro-life”.

They are only pro-breathing but after giving birth. The women and the families are mostly left alone to themselves. The ones who cannot afford or have access to treatment in other states. When the states takes away these freedoms. There will be pushback, but certainly create movements, which the same sort of ideals will be fought over again.

Now is the need for movements that acts and represents women like the Temperance Movement and the Anti-Salon League. The end of Roe Versus Wade will usher in a new era now. The Planned Parenthood, which we know and grown up with will be obsolete. If you though the Tea Party of the Trump’s MAGA was anything. Well, if history tells us anything. These sorts of things will spiral out in a manner, which the White House, Supreme Court or the Congress cannot handle. They just have to listen and obey. Because, this will backfire.

This will be brutal and the consequences will be enormous. Yes, the Republican’s seems like victors today, because SCOTUS validated their claim and overturned a former ruling. The Democrats never made it code or into law. Therefore, the rights of productive rights and women’s right is by default gutted by a conservative bench in the Supreme Court.

First and foremost, the ones who cannot or doesn’t have resources will be put into a quagmire. They either got to do it illegally in “speakeasies” or “underground clinics” to help them out or have organizations out of state to give them guidance and support to make it happen. That’s how despicable it is. Secondly, this is a bunch of men policing women’s bodies and months ago they where crying out loud over wearing masks in public. That’s how degenerate these people are. They should know better, but we cannot expect greatness out of corrupt and greedy men. These just want power and it shows. They want their mistresses to bare their children and they want baby-mamas across the board While calling themselves good family and Christian men. Alas, they couldn’t be further from the case. Most likely the same of sort of gentlemen wouldn’t accept or feel human, if a woman made a law policing their bodies. However, that is another case and it should be spelled out.

We are now seeing not only a divide, but a piece of history, which will ensure a political shift and a turn. That is most likely happening. The SCOTUS, White House and Congress will not understand that today. The people, the ones hurt and the ones banned from acting on their own judgement will turn against this. Some might be silent first, but after a while they will organize. There will be initiatives, groups and new sort of operations, which is out of bound of legislators. New sort of political will and rise to counter this. Because, so many people lost a constitutional right and an option, which has been there for 50 years.

This will not end here. Mark my words. This is a new chapter and a new beginning. The ones thinking publicity stunts and small pushover town-hall questionaries will be it. I hate to break it to you, but you have now unleashed a new sort of movement. Which the political elite or the ones representing the citizens haven’t seen in a life-time. That’s what the SCOTUS has done and this could have been avoided. However, now defiance and resistance is the only way out. That’s all because the Supreme Court judges overturned a ruling. Peace.

Opinion: Biden is acting like an opposition politician ahead of the mid-terms…

Third, if the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November. At the federal level, we will need more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House to adopt legislation that codifies Roe, which I will work to pass and sign into law” (Biden – ‘Statement by President Joe Biden, 03.05.2022).

The term of Joseph Biden as President has been a faulty one. It has been a corporate stooge and furthering the interests of the K Street Lobbyists. This period of time after President Donald J. Trump haven’ been about changes or making significant progress. Instead, the ones running the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Presidency is taking it easy on the job.

The Democratic Party is following party-lines and procedural lines, without any sort of results worth mentioning. Even under the despicable Trump term they got things done for their voters and they did what they could with 51 votes with a tie with VP Mike Pence. The Democrats won’t even do that or push that, as they have the option of doing so. The Republican’s did it. So why can’t Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi pull it off? Is that rule on for the GOP and the Republican’s when they have a gig to fulfil?

Just listen to his interview:

““We will be ready when any ruling is issued,” Biden said. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe ”it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose,” he said. “And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November,” the president said” (CNBC – ‘Biden defends abortion rights after leak of Supreme Court draft striking down Roe v. Wade’ 03.05.2022).

He sounds like his not in office and needs more people in Congress. That is partly true, especially in the Senate, as long as the Filibuster rule is followed. Nevertheless, the President could use the VP tie like mentioned, if they played the political games like the Republicans. However, we know the Democrats will never do that.

We know that Biden doesn’t have a spine or the way to be brutal. Neither does Schumer or Pelosi. They wouldn’t dare to challenge the norm and do that for the safety of woman across the Republic. No, they rather politicking and use it as a means to an end. They rather use this for the mid-terms than securing the lives of woman more safe. That’s really insane and show how little they care.

I called Biden weak-tea ahead of the polls, but his cold-tea and a tasteless fellow too. Instead of using the power, the leadership of two houses and pull the strings within own party to get things done. His asking for the citizens to further their power and get more Democrats elected. Like the public doesn’t know the Democrats already have the House and the Senate. However, that is wasted until the mid-terms.

The Roe V. Wade possibly overturned should be the first memo to start the codification or ensure the motion to create a law out of the ruling. As the Democrats has the power to do so. Nevertheless, that’s too much to ask… Biden is lacking the character and political ambition to even establish abortion rights in the Republic.

This just shows how disingenuous Biden and the Democrats are. They could fix it and make it happen. That is if they actually cared or was concerned. Instead, they are using this as a means to campaign. Because, it is not like the Biden administration can campaign on its achievements or policies it has ushered it. It is an empty shell of government and they are just busy cashing-in-the-checks. Peace.

USA: Barrack Obama – Statement by the President and Mrs. Obama on the Draft Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe V. Wade (03.05.2022)

USA: Missouri Democratic Party – Missouri Democrats on SCOTUS Draft Opinion (03.05.2022)

Opinion: SCOTUS got big-dick energy

Got that real big energy

Got that big, big energy (Big dick energy)

Got that real big energy

Got that big, big energy (Big dick energy)” – Latto – ‘Big Energy’ (24.09.2021)

The leak from the Supreme Court overturning Roe Versus Wade is only proving how short-sighted the right-wing or the conservative victory is. The options opening up with the overturning of Roe V. Wade will be to practically abolish abortion. The various of state can implement laws, which in all practicality abolish abortion. This in-directly policing woman’s bodies and their safety. In such a manner, that is unprecedented in modern times.

This is a victory for the conservative, right-wing and Christian ideology from the Supreme Court. The Court which was filled with conservative picks during President Trump’s term and that’s why it has a majority of them there. This was done deliberately and for reasons like these. So, that the SCOTUS can overturn and ensure legislation in favour of the Republican base. That is what this is and it’s done with no effort at all.

It is just to appease an application and a case serving restrictive laws in Mississippi. That will open up the gates for similar ones in other Red States. This is happening from the same party that has issues with legislation restricting weapons, alcohol, businesses or face-masks. The personal mandates and such is so important, to have legislation of liberties and freedoms on nearly all accounts. Except for the female reproductive system. That is a place, which you can politicize and make a battlefield.

Women isn’t allowed to think on their own, neither are their allowed to safeguard their own bodies. No, they are just supposed to be submissive and take everything. This is from the party of pro-life, but the party of pro-life has no help for after the life is born. There is no real parental benefits, neither are there any help for the mother in question. The hospital can even charge vast sums for the births and the treatment. Therefore, the whole system is out whack. If the life is so valuable, why are you not building a safety-net around the mother? From the cradle to the grave. Instead the same party that works so hard to save the fetus, doesn’t value the person after birth. Than the family and the mother has to fight on their own.

The women now that get pregnant without plans or such in certain states in the USA. Most likely will either have to go to “underground facilities” which will be dangerous and be without governmental oversight. As they are illegal like the Speakeasies was in the 1920s for alcohol. Now, they will instead be facilities for assisted abortions. The few clinics there will have to close and cease most of their operations.

The ones screaming for saving lives are practically endangering many who is already living and of grown age. Instead of having faith in the humanity, their priorities are for the unborn and the unknown. They are willing to risk the lives of the unborn and such without considering the costs and the burden it puts on the individuals searching for a way out. This will cause more harm and danger, which isn’t good for the baby or the mother. However, that is the “pro-life” stance of this. Which only serves a radical right-wing ideals, which cannot value life as is. Only the life, which never was seen in the first place.

And if the Republican Party and the Right-Wing is so Pro-Life. Why are there no real social security?

Or let me end on this one… there is no education on contraception, no sex-education, no universal health care, no living wage, no food assistance, no paid day-care, no paid parental leave, no child tax credit and anti-adoption. Still, the Republican wants to believe they are Pro-Life. They are pro-Fetus and not Pro-Breathing. Because, everything that happens are all on their own and with no help from the state, which is the same state is now policing the uterus. That is some big-dick energy and not the fun kind. It is mental, but shows the aims and goals of the GOP.

They won this one, but sooner or later… ironically… with the full fury of the majority of Americans and taking away the rights of one gender. This isn’t even a progressive value, but an established part of life in the United States in America. However, they rather take that away and these are the same folks that couldn’t walk with a mask. The face-mask was a violation of their rights, but it’s not to take away the freedoms of the uterus. Peace.

Opinion: State Minister Kiwanda indirectly saying, the Republic got Curvy Woman for Sale!

In his efforts to upheave Uganda’s Tourism , Minister Kiwanda Suubi has launched Miss curvaceous Pageant where Ugandan Hot Ladies will unleash what their Mama gave them. Women with Body Curves will get into competition in the name of Boasting Tourism in Uganda” (87.7 Kampala FM, 06.02.2019).

When, the State Minister for Tourism Godfrey Kiwanda, whose been busy appointing different Tourism Ambassadors over the last 6 months. Has now fresh ideas to spark interest and create more tourism to the Republic. However, it is a bit worrying, the initiative and the idea itself.

We have naturally endowed nice looking women that are amazing to look at. Why don’t we use these people as a strategy to promote our tourism industry?” – Godfrey Kiwanda.

What this really shows is how the State Minister objectifies the woman, the ones of his preferences, as he has proven that with who he appoints as Ambassadors under his ministry. That Kiwanda likes woman is now public. That he enjoys their company and hires them. That is more than proven. The reason why he changes and appoints new ambassadors for various of reasons.

Whatever that strikes his mind, that the Miss Curvy Pageant would be a good idea? Who knows really, but he is already in a Republic with Miss Tourism Uganda and other pageants for international shows of similar kind. What he has created is after his preference and what he looks for in woman.

But what is even more striking is that he is proclaiming, that Curvy woman is a product to sell the Republic. That the woman is a perk and speciality of the Republic. He is indirectly saying their sexiness and beauty is something that will attract tourist. So, is the State Minister indirectly saying, he is looking for Sex-Tourism and the ones going to the Red-Light Districts to solicit woman?

Because, when you make a person, a individual as a product, they usually tend to deliver a service and get paid for it. In this instance, it is disgusting, if that is the idea or the ideal of the Minister. That he wants to use the beauty of woman to allure people, who comes there to get laid. That is how it seems to me. That is if he really claims the curvy ladies should be a promotion tool to gain interest in tourism.

Woman are not tourism attractions, they are not objects for sale. That should be so simple and not hard to understand. Whatever way Kiwanda is looking at it. If he thinks this is smart move, he is foolish and makes his Ministry looking like an open-air bazaar.

Ugandan woman, woman in general deserves better. They deserves to handled and talked about in whole another manner. They are more valuable, than being a promotional tool. They are not for sale. That should be so easy to see and say.

Kiwanda should know this, because he is really out of bounds here. He should apologize and scrap the idea. This is chauvinism and also paternalism at its worst. Kiwanda isn’t honouring the culture or celebrating woman, but he is trading them away for some foreign exchange. That isn’t romantic or even noble, that is demeaning and disgraceful.

Time to step up and take a bow, Mr. Kiwanda. Peace.

Skeet Skeet Skeet Part 16: Order Denying Plaintiff’s Motion for Reconsideration (19.06.2018)

Skeet Skeet Skeet Part 13: Avenatti files a complaint of breaches of fiduciary duties from Cohen and Davidson towards his client Stormy Daniels!

Clearly, Attorney Michael Avenatti and his team is not giving in. They are really releasing all parts of what happened with his client Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford. This is really damaging, in the big scheme of things. This here isn’t much, but what Avenatti has delivered to the courts is telling that Donald J. Trump’s Attorney, Michael Cohen was directly involved in Keith Davidson’s defense of then client Stormy Daniels. This here is damaging as this shows intent of muffling with the plaintiff, just to silence the client of the other party. Anyone should know that this is wrong. It is to easy to know that is foolish.

So this goes back to January 2018 where Cohen worked directly for Trump to stop the stories of Stormy Daniels get into the media. Because Daniels was supposed to appear on Sean Hannity on the 17th January 2018, but because of the communications between Cohen and Davidson. Cohen told Davidson that all things about the case and about Daniels should be through him and not any statements or interviews. Cohen even called Davidson his “pal” on the 18th January after they both agreed to do it this way.

As February 2018, Davidson secretly tipped Cohen that she was planning to switch Attorney. Also did the same after Cohen also filed an order to obtain a temporary restaining order against Clifford. He again tipped Cohen in March in secrecy tipped that there was a possible lawsuit coming against Cohen and Trump. Therefore, Cohen texted “Call me” to Davidson. This to get information about the coming the lawsuit. After this happen after the violation of duty as the attorney for Clifford, Cohen used this information to falsely advice Melanie Trump on the coming case and also allege that Clifford was a liar.

After termination of her relation and use of the legal advice of Davidson, Clifford has several times tried to get her communication and case documents. So that she could get the judicial documents from Davidson, even the ones containing the communications between him and Cohen. All of this is damaging on both lawyers and their practice.

They have both violated their terms and their conditions as legal representations of their clients. This is clear breach of trust and off the duty as attorneys. As Davidson was supposed to represent and defend the case of Clifford, not help out the defendant in a possible case.

If Cohen was Trump’s fixer, he surely thought he had this in the bag. Until Clifford got Avanetti to represent her. Again, he shows flex and adds new possible legal trouble. As he has text messages between Davidson and Cohen. He has timeline and the possible evidence of the colluding between them. Peace.

Skeet Skeet Skeet Part 12/ Russian Probe: Report and Recommendations of the Special Master (04.06.2018)