Ethiopia: Press Release from OPM on negotiations with the Defence Force (08.11.2018)

Ethiopia: OPM – The Press Secretariat within the FDRE Prime Minister’s Office holds first Press Briefing (05.11.2018)

TPLF fears the changes: As chairperson Debretsion Gebremichael will defend their ways!

The change of getting Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO) and Demeke Mekonnen Deputy Prime Minister from the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM). This change after resignation Hailemariam Desalegn has changed a lot and also many political movements. That many wasn’t prepared for and also the negotiations with former terrorist organizations in the view of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Defense Force (EPRDF) this being Oromo or Ogaden organizations that has been deemed illegal and has been in exile. Therefore, this movement is change in the political life. While there are still violence and killings since the new PM. Actually rising in certain areas like in the Ogaden/Somali Region. Which should bring fear to anyone.

While the Woyane, the TPLF who has controlled the EPRDF seems to feel they are losing power. At least it looks like it on the vision and the words. They wasn’t prepared for what the PM and his men would do. That is how it sounds like, but they are blowing the horns. Saying their normal ways, of you don’t follow us. You have to be part of our revolutionary democracy. Where we the TPLF selects people and delegates who get to rule. That is what the Chairman was saying. Just take a look!

I have taken an outtake of the “TPLF Chairperson Debretsion Gebremichael’s speech to the party’s Congress in Mekelle on September 26, 2018:

We have pardoned political parties who reside abroad and came to their homeland. Unfortunately, they are working so hard in collaboration with foreign forces and exploiting this chance to topple the government. They a created a situation where they can engage in both peaceful and unlawful activities. The constitutional rights of the people are undermined and individuals from any ethnic background do not feel safe to work and move anywhere they want and are being attacked” (…) “We, along with other nation and nationalities, should battle these threats in order to maintain peace, development and democracy. We should also battle those who want to establish their own system by creating ethnic tension, disturbing our peace and creating chaos. We are in a very difficult situation and if it is not handled properly it can cause a huge destruction. Therefore an all-round struggle in defense of our revolutionary democracy, constitution and federal system is expected” (Kibreab Beraki – ‘TPLF: ‘Struggle in defense of revolutionary democracy…and federal system is expected’’ 24.10.2018, link:

Somethings doesn’t go away quickly. Like the will of the TPLF to control the agenda and willingly to seek to rule over the rest of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. That is just their intent. By any means. TPLF and their chairman are using these, because the changes has occurred and therefore, he has to warn people. Especially the ones just pardoned and the ones political parties who could come home. As long as they doesn’t create chaos and interfere in their revolutionary democracy. That is initially what he is saying. Not that it is new, but shows the sentiment of the TPLF and their central leadership. Which haven’t changed a single bit. They are more about the same, they are the ones who had no trouble silencing the Oromo or the Amhara. Now, the Oromo acts wild on the Ogaden. But they can do that, as long as they doesn’t interfere in the power struggle in their revolutionary democracy. Because that is just the fringes.

The TPLF. The Woyane wants to stay supreme. They want to rule from their Iron Throne. We just has to wonder. How long will people accept it? And how much change can the PM Abiy really do?

As all the changes make it seems like the TPLF Chairman cringes and wants to overpower. That is what it seems. Peace.

PM Abiy Ahmed – Press Release: Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund is Now Live! (23.10.2018)

Ethiopia: Should we worry about the Growing Violence during the short tenure of PM Abiy Ahmed?

The Ethiopian government continues their crackdown on demonstrations and protesters, even if there are positive steps towards better governance within the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Defence Force (EPRDF). Still, the government have not stopped using the army and there has still be lots of fatalities since the appointment of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali in April 2018.

Though Abiy’s tenure has been heralded as a pacifying influence, the number of violent events and protests have actually increased by over 8% in the 6 months since he has taken office, relative to the 6 months prior (from 388 to 420 events). This has corresponded to an increase of over 48% in the number of reported fatalities from 644 fatalities in the 6 months before Abiy took office to 954 fatalities from April to October” (ACLED – ‘CHANGE AND CONTINUITY IN PROTESTS AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE PM ABIY’S ETHIOPIA’ 13.10.2018).

This is from someone who follows conflicts and violence has not stopped, but surged a bit. The positive vibes and the diplomatic steps within the Horn of Africa haven’t helped internally. As the sins of the past and the seemingly revenge of the Oromo’s has happen too.

This was also proven further in the report from ACLED: “There has been a marked increase in intercommunal violence since April 2018, concentrated largely in Oromia, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ (SNNP) Region, and Amhara. Between April and October 2018, there were 43 violent interactions between communal militias (an increase of over 168%); over that time period, such intercommunal violence accounted for 10% of the overall number of violent events. Violent events between communal militias and civilians have also been on the rise since Abiy took office, rising from 1% of events in the six month period prior to Abiy’s swearing in to 5%.The prevalence of this violence suggests that local flashpoints over access to resources and mobilization around ethnic lines is on the rise since Abiy took office. Mobilization along ethnic lines during this period of political change may be a result of the Ethiopian government’s system of ethno-federal regionalism; emphasizing ethnic identity may be a way for ethnic groups and ethno-regional politicians to signal their strength and jockey for influence” (ACLED – ‘CHANGE AND CONTINUITY IN PROTESTS AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE PM ABIY’S ETHIOPIA’ 13.10.2018).

We should really worry with the risign communal militias that has sky-rocketed, this has happen in the Ogaden Region or Somali Region. The Oromo and Queero and Liyu Police has really taken it in their own hands and held the ethnic Somali people down. This is worrying, as the Djibouti government even became worried about the escalated violence in the region, but there have been nothing from Villa Somalia on the matter. Maybe, because the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) is part of AMSIOM.

I am worried about this and the consequences, as the Oromo are doing what the Tigray did to them. But instead of retaliating, they are acting supreme elsewhere. Amhara is also played around with, as the former terrorist organizations are now allowed to return from Eritrea, as the peace between the neighbors are making it more possible to work together. This being Ginabot 7 and Oromo Liberation Front. These will also add possible local conflicts and surge mobilization, which is now combined with the return of other heroes. Could either create a better regime or more hostility, which have already seen.

These numbers are really worrying. This is not positive news, also the grand amount of fatal deaths during protest isn’t winding down, but become worse.

PM Abiy has work to do and clearly change even more within the ethical borderlines, but also the need for dialogue. This dialogue has to happen internally, PM Abiy have been busy with the neighbors, but not within region since he quit his national tour early in his tenure. 

Should we worry if this persist or change, as the numbers of mobilization and fatalities, are showing signs of not hope, but of death. The EPRDF and the PM needs to focus on what the internal issues and the concerns of these numbers. However, we should also know these numbers of fatalities are people, not just mere statistics. That is why the PM should take action and not see the surge, but a healthy decline. As the public should worry about this too. Since the appointment of the PM gave us much hope, but the reality of his reign isn’t as positive as it could have been. Peace.

Ethiopia: Agazi Squad strike a possible salary increase at the Menelik Palace today!

Today, because of a sudden change of power and lack of progress, the authorities ensured the capital of Ethiopia was without Internet. That was because the soldiers of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) strike at the Menelik Palace, as the Prime Minister Dr. Ali Abiy Ahmed (Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) and Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen (Amhara National Democratic Movement), which is part of the political coalition Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Force (EPRDF). That is the one who controls it with its parties and leaderships, that the EPRDF Council of Ministers are where the final say, as the National Assembly are rubber-stamping their agenda usually. The EPRDF have usually also solved their internal troubles by keeping people down or groups of people with the guns. That is why today is significant as the ENDF has reacted against their leadership and settled down with guns around the Menelik Palace.

We know this is serious and the ENDF are reacting to their lack of the pay raises for the soldiers. Many of the ones who was protesting in-front of the Palace today, was the Red-Berrets or the Agazi Squad. The ones who has been ordered to quell protests in Oromia and Amhara in the recent years. The are the ones that is called upon as the trained soldiers of the Republic.

This is not a sign of strength, as the military men in fatigue, the capital filled with them in the streets and the government shutting down the internet. Are showing to all parts of the world, that they are not as strong and secure it at some point has seemed. Since, the Aghazi has now entered the gates and negotiated directly with Deputy Prime Minister while at the Menelik Palace in Addis Ababa in an unscheduled meeting.

What was negotiated other than salary increases and whatnot, isn’t easy to know, as the minutes and the agenda of the meeting wasn’t following any protocol. What we do know is that it went down, put the authorities on alert and was enough reason for an internet black-out. Like they have done in any area they have pushed for state emergency and the need for Agazi Squad to quell any protest. Therefore, the EPRDF under the new leadership follows the pattern of the past without a doubt.

We know it is serious when Fitsum Arega writes this on Twitter:

HE PM Abiy Ahmed listened to the grievances carefully, reprimanded them for the wrong procedure they followed to express those grievances, but concluded the meeting with a promise to meet properly in the near future to positively consider their demands” (Fitsum Arega, 10.10.2018).

We knew this wasn’t the ordinary way, but we neither knows if the PM and Deputy would have listen to their grievances if they did file in the right paperwork. As the EPRDF have been more preoccupied with keeping power, than servicing the public. That is why there been so much protest over the recent years. Which the army has been used and therefore, there are huge amount of internally displaced people within the Republic.

There will be more to this and what really went down. We don’t know yet as the initial agreement isn’t released and neither the total reason for the Aghazi squad to strike at the Menelik Palace. This wouldn’t happen if they didn’t feel unjustly treated by the government. But this is also showing how powerful the feet is and how little the need for protocol is. Therefore, we might expect more of this, until people are able to eat and not faring the authorities anymore. Peace.

#AmharaProtests – ENDF continues Martial Law with added force of 25,000 to silence the Province!

ENDF 31.08.2016

“I have given order [for the army] to take action on protestors with no sympathy” Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegne

Today’s report from Amhara is not good as the Ethiopian National Defence Force is continuing to take heavy artillery to the Province. As the picture is evidence of. In Bahir Dar the people have burned down 9 Flower Farms, several shops and even factories in the city.

“I know you will continue working to make our shared vision of a peaceful & prosperous #Ethiopia become reality.” (U.S. Embassy in Addis, 31.08.2016).

As the pictures show, there aren’t much peace of mind in sight for the men and woman who get to meet the Agazi squad from the ENDF. There cannot be peace when the heavy artillery and soldiers are arriving to settle the score with the demonstrators.

The Army are acting with violence and killings in Gondar. It is hard to know the numbers and intelligence is scarce as the Internet blockade is still evident in the Amhara State. This is a government sending their specialized weapons against their own citizens who peacefully protest, not criminals or terrorist. This proves to what extent the Ethiopian Authorities does with their citizens.

TPLF has ordered deployment of additional 25,000 regular army to Amahara region. It is also sending Tigray region special police force dressed in federal police. Wrong move. It might thing it can use overwhelming force to shut down the protest. But its risking further fracturing the army.Also Amhara farmers are armed and they be forced to abandon the current peaceful protest and confront the regime in armed rebellion” (Jawar Mohammed, 31.08.2016).

The effect in Addis Ababa is that the flower prices has sky-rocketed due to scarcity after the violence in Amhara.

“ESAT Radio: 254 fully armed soldiers defected and joined the peasant forces in Armacheho, Gondar” (ESAT Radio, 31.08.2016).

ENDF 31.08.2016 P3

There is reports of four people have been gunned down in Debareq town, where several also been injured. Also protesters in the town burned the house of the mayor down.

Also that certain level of protester has done what they can to phone-lines to be able to call and tell what is happening in the Amhara state.

“Uprisings defense when it is a matter of patience and control obligation , but for 30 million people, has confirmed the fact that the deadly assault on the whole Africa has the capacity of various international organizations” – Dr. Debretsion Gebre Michael.

Reports from the OmoroProtest:

“#OromoProtests BREAKING: armed conflict between Karayu Oromo and Agazi soldiers at Xuxi village in Fantale District, East Shewa. Four Agazi’s and three pastoralists have been killed” (SiiTube, 31.08.2016).

What reported about yesterday:

“Deadly protests have however continued on Tuesday in Gondar and Gojam where seven protesters – three in Adet and four in Simada – were shot and killed by TPLF forces. Three people were also killed in Merawi. In Bahir Dar, angry protesters went to the Sebatamit prison and freed 700 prisoners who were detained in the recent protests. Several people were injured in the shoot out to free the prisoners, according to hospital sources. Gun fire could be heard on Tuesday in the city of Bahir Dar which saw deadly protests on Monday as four people were killed and protesters attacked businesses belonging to the regime. In Amba Giorgis, regime forces attacked residents who on Monday targeted businesses and set on fire houses belonging regime officials. Tensions remained high in Finote Selam that has seen deadly protests in recent days. Offices and businesses remained closed on Tuesday in Finote Selam” (SiiTube, 31.08.2016).

This is what I collected today. The Army and Government continues to silence and oppress the Amhara people as they goes all-in the capital city of Banhir Dar City. While the protestors are retaliating with burning businesses that even has hit the flower market of Addis Ababa. Still, the killings and violence from the government continues… the silence from the world and the little sad reports prove the fate of a people who deserve a government who takes care of them; not a government who comes with heavy artillery and tanks to silence the citizens of Amhara State. Peace.

#AmharaProtests: The Agazi Force and Martial Law in the Province!


On Ethiopian TV and on a Press Conference today the Prime Minister of Ethiopia His Exellency Hailemariam Desalegne said that the Military could take any action against the protestors of Amahara region. This here is not great news as the oppressive behaviour is continuing. The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and the Ethiopia National Defence Force (ENDF) are attacking their own public. It’s scary to know how far the EPRDF are using military to silence their citizens.

As this been told there been reports of total shutdown of Internet in the Northern Regions of Ethiopia. Also, there been reports of military intervention with tanks and equipment to silence the demonstrations. So the Demonstrations in Gondar has been planned to shut down, apparently.

Amhara Protest 30.08.2016

“Amhara regional gov spokesman said the military is underway,  which he describe “to control and take any measure in the region.” (EHRP, 2016).

“Even the little report that is, that Prison of Andasa near Bandahir have the prisoners broken out. “The Gebeya (market) area shut down.” High tensions. Agazi forces on the streets” (Habesha, 2016).

“According to sources in Addis Abeba and Amhara Regional cities, and Addis Abeba based Sheger Radio, thousands of heavily armed members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) along with the special squad of Agazi Force, have been deployed to the Gojjam and Gonder provinces of the Amhara regional state” (Link:, 2016)

In Amahara region the Military have set off the Martial Law. Stopping all people from moving and selling; no social networks, internet, markets and the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) is heavy deployed in the area.

In Bandahir where the forces we’re taking control over the town the tortured people who demonstrated and also killings from the military. But no numbers confirmed.

Second Report from Bandahir: 

“The regional government said yesterday it has invited the military to restore order. But, in Bahirdar city, it appears only federal police and regional forces are actively involved. The regional government disclosed today that it has arrested “key instigators of violence and vandalism”. Since several arrests and subsequent releases took place in the past weeks without much announcements, it seems the statement refers to either mass arrest or high profile arrests” (Daniel Berhane, 30.08.2016). 

Reports of full hospital at Bahir Dar Fekege Hiwot Hospital; the hospital is full of injured people after the army entered the town.

In Gojam and Gondar the Phone Service is shut off from the authorities. So the intelligence from the area is near to extinct. So if the Martial Law is in effect in the scores of the Bandahir.

Amhara Protest 30.08.2016 P2

This is just pieces of the puzzle, not the real picture as the government does what they can to silence their report of their behaviour. As the allies of the Government doesn’t want the world to condemn them. The UN Envoy or Special Representative Michael Keating had consultation meeting with the Minister Taye Atske-Selassie on the violence of Somalia. But the man from the United Nations didn’t care for thinking about the oppressed people in Amhara. So the United Nation takes a blind eye to Ethiopian issues as long as their army fights the Al-Shabab, because the citizens of Amhara aren’t that important. Is that what the citizens of the world should take from this and their actions?

The worrying effect is that the PM can go off on TV at a Press Conference and later the pictures of military artillery and tanks going on the roads towards the Amhara Region. With the reports of civilian casualties! This should be sanctioned and the Ethiopian Government shouldn’t be walked away from even as the United Nation, United States and other allies need their forces as peacekeepers, because their funding of this government are oppressing and killing their own. That they do because they don’t want to be silenced anymore. They does so in peace, but brutally get shut-down by army and their tanks. Peace.