Joint Communique on Criminal Activities on Migingo Island (24.08.2016)

IGK Kenya Uganda

Pursuant to the Intelligence reports of alleged resurgence of criminal activities in Migingo Island, and in the spirit of ensuring peace and security in the Island as had earlier been agreed in a meeting held in Kampala, Uganda on 23rd August 2011, and following a directive contained in the Joint Ministerial Communiqué signed on 26th July 2011 at Nairobi Kenya, there was a joint visit to the Island by Chiefs of Police from the two countries on 17th August, 2016.

The Uganda delegation was led by General Kale Kayihura, the Inspector General of Police, while the Kenya delegation was led by Mr. Joseph Boinnet, the Inspector General of Police.

The two delegations held two meetings, one of which was held at Migingo Island, while the other meeting was held at Muhuru Bay, Migori County.

Both meetings were held in cordial atmosphere, and in attendance in the meeting at Migingo Island also were the local community leaders.

The meeting agreed to constitute a Joint Task Force of technical personal from the two sides to review specific areas of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to enhance security at Migingo Island that include 1. Deployment 2. Joint Operations 3. Arms Control 4. Communication 5. Crime Management 6. Community Policing.

The meeting noted the need to enhance border security beyond Migingo Island to cover the entire borderline from North to South in order to address the contemporary trans – national crime.

The meeting recommended the following

1. That police officers deployed at the island should enforce the law without favor or discrimination as to the nationality of the offender.
2. That the fishing community should recognize the territorial boundaries and adhere to the law of the respective countries.
3. The Police Officers in liaison with the local leaders should ensure that all residents in the island are registered to avoid infiltration by criminals.
4. To review the composition of either force on the island to include Marine Police.
5. That the maximum number of police officers to be deployed should not exceed 12 at any one time.
6. That the security officers as and when need arises, may evacuate the patients to the nearest health facilities in emergency cases.
7. That the Kenya Police add an organic weapon. I.e. one light machine gun commensurate to the weapons with the counterparts.
8. Optimal use of the existing frameworks like the border security committees and the Joint Permanent Commission (JPC) agreements.
9. The joint survey team should expedite the survey process and produce the required report.
Allegations contained in the intelligence report are conclusively investigate

Fighters of Justice: UPF and M7 Hails to No One On their duty as the “Crime Preventers” in the General Election of 2016


You think that the issues between police and Ugandans are inflicted with a huge rise of crime. Since they have hired such numbers of Crime Preventers! If you don’t know its election season and it will continue until the General Elections in February to March 2016. The Inspectorate General of Police Kale Kayihura has spoken out again. Therefore has to show how arrogant and also how his rhetoric is so demanding while pushing the public and opposition figures at every move. While he is using laws to benefit and not policing the actual public or citizens, but controlling them with force. I might be called a foreign influence, still I shouldn’t be feared or putting him against for instances the public. It’s about check and balance. We all should be able to ask for transparency and accountability, something that is hard to see and being held accountable because the police have the right to charge with violence in case of security. It’s hard to see accountability from the Police and Government when they don’t shed the light on their own misbehaving and claiming everybody else is the troublemakers. We should all wonder what the use for all those Crime Preventers and so sudden the amount of people that are affiliated with the police, but not official police force. They will surely create animosity during the election and spread more fear, then the sectarianism and tribalism that supposed to be the issue that usually the President Museveni calls out. That I fear for all the other parties and independents running in this coming election. I hope I am not alone. Because the evidence and numbers of people is crazy! Period, just take a look!  

Kale Kayihura

IGP Kale Kayihura on a press conference today:
“This is now foreign influences. We want to turn the population against the government. It is absolutely rubbish. It is not true. Absolutely not true. Absolutely not true! (Kale Kayihura shakes his head). Yes off course what I cannot deny is that there is something called National Security. Forget it! We target, in fact we should be faulty, we should have, we should have known these groups you talking about. Through protection, protection is constitutional, protection involves off course involving some bad characters like terrorism. Terrorism! We shouldn’t carry out to intelligence work to protect terrorist” (WBS TV, 26.10.2015) .

Uganda Police Force deal with North Korea:
“The panel discovered that the Ugandan government had contracted with North Korea to provide police force training. Ugandan government officials purported that they did not realize that UN sanctions prohibited this type of activity, according to a USUN official” (GAO, 2015).

There been released and having public rallies with President Museveni like yesterday in Lira. The same has happen in Kasese and Gulu. Therefore there been set into force lots of Community Crime preventers. That’s the once that IGP Kale Kayihura discussing on the Press conference today. The real issue is the manhood and level of upgrade towards this group of Crime Preventers into society.

Crime Preventers

In August President Museveni did this:
“President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has passed out 30,000 crime-preventers from the district of Ngtungamo who has completed a cadership and crime prevention course conducted by the Uganda police force at Kyamate secondary school grounds” (…)”Recently, Museveni presided over the passing out over 8,000 crime preventers at Nyakasharara grounds in Kiruhura districts” ( , 2015).

On the 5th of October 2015 President Museveni presided over and passed out 50,000 Crime preventers in Mbale. The National Youth Crime Preventers:
Mbale residents have pledged full support to the National Crime Preventers Forum (NCPF) on the pass-out of over 50,000 Crime preventers due to take place tomorrow.The Business community who are the biggest beneficiaries of a Crime free society which is a result of Police coordinating or Cooperating with the people (Community Policing) confirmed their attendance and Support to the cause”. That is what they self-claimed about the actions happening on the 5th of October in Mbale”.

Earlier the UPF commented like this:
“His Excellence the president of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who was the Guest of honor on Monday 12th October passed out 23,000 crime preventers at Nyakakinda grounds in Kasese district” (UPF, 2015).

Budget wise:
Plans by the Uganda Police Force to recruit up to 7,000 officers ahead of the 2016 general elections may stall following the failure by the Ministry of Finance to provide Shs 8.3b required for the activity” (…)”He also said that in order to professionalise the Uganda Police Force, there is need to improve quality of personnel through continuous training in basic courses which include leadership, command and control, public order management, traffic control, investigation and crime management” (Uganda Parliament).

Why I do this now is to show the numbers of crime preventers that Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has now on his hands and also the how the NRM regime is arguing for the necessity of this kind of security agents “right” before the general election of 2016 in Uganda. What scares me is the unfolding of it and at the same time the old reports of the budgets for the Police. Especially with the way that IGP Kale Kayihura and his rhetoric towards everybody else, like he has attacked the opposition and the media. Together with amount of extra personnel should be looked up and followed up by the donors and international society to address the matter.

Nobody has address the Crime Preventers and their role up to the 2016 General Election. YKM is surely starting to be afraid of his own people when he has to get that amount of people together with the army, police and special police squads to target individuals of fear. The fear should also be with the special training of police from the North Korean Police forces and training of parts of the Ugandan Police Force. Together with the Crime Preventers in this certain levels that is surreal. This is reality and the fear that IGP Kale Kayihura and President Museveni are staggering. Also the rhetoric that been used by them both is also more onto “them” and “us”. The citizens and the National Security issue. It doesn’t seem like the population isn’t what needs National Security, but the NRM-Regime. The Police has been inconsiderate when it comes to people who is not in the Yoweri Kaguta Museveni wing of the NRM, and their loyal cronies. Then the Police even shot and spray tear-spray over them. As they have done to the opposition as well for a long time, ever since they has followed them and policed them since the 2005, Uganda Police Force and Crime Preventers will surely make this election messy.

And without them IGP Kale Kayihura, his DPCs and Special Forces like the Flying Squad can easily do damage to any Election rally that is supposable “illegal” by the Public Order Management Act. That will surely happen, also the coming actions of Police against DP, UPC and FDC rallies will happen in due time. Secondly also the leaders of these parties will be handled in a fashion called Preventive Arrest and house arrests. We will also see that they also without any court judgement taken to custody by law enforcement before them even send their kids to school. This will happen because they are affiliated with the wrong political party. Peace.


The Insider – ‘Museveni masks 30, 000 militias as crime preventers’ (12.08.2015) link:

Parliament of Uganda – ‘Police needs to recruit 7,000 officers for 2016 elections’ link:

United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) GAO:15-485  – ‘NORTH KOREA SANCTONS – United States has increased Flexibility to impose Sanctions, but United Nations is impended by a lack of member state reports’ (May, 2015) link:

UPF – ‘They aren’t militias groups’ (23.10.2015) link: