Kenya: Governor Alfred Mutua letter to IGP Hilary Mutyambai – Re: Treats to me by DP William Ruto, Aden Duale and Kipchumba Murkomen (16.12.2019)

Council of Governors: Jamhuri Day Message (12.12.2019)

Kenya: MLK LLP letter to Chairman Kirogo – Ref: Request for Information on Dennis Njue Itumbi (09.12.2019)

Opinion: Kenyatta’s Week of Anger

It seems like its been a week of anger in concern of President Uhuru Kenyatta. It is hard to know why he suddenly gotten so mad. Maybe the fuzz of the beers or whatever he drinks doesn’t work anymore. Maybe some international organizations doesn’t want to borrow money without to many strings anymore. Who knows? But certainly, his not the happy, go lucky President of the past.

Kenyatta has gone after the ones claiming he was silent. He has targeted the ones who commented on the BBI Report before it was published. Uhuru has addressed the Tanga Tanga and Ruto allies. But not in friendliness, but straight forward attacks.

First with the silent quote, before the carrying own cross!

They see me silent and think ‘he is just there and knows nothing. There is nothing I do not know and when the time comes, I know those who speak and they are not those who are speaking now. When the time comes, we will come and we will speak to you about what we will do. Mwaka mpya, we are with you. Let’s just first listen to their lectures. We are with you” – Uhuru Kenyatta on the 4th December 2019

Please let us not politicize the war on corruption. When an individual is stealing public resources he doesn’t do so on behalf of his family or community. Therefore, anyone who is implicated should carry their own cross” Uhuru Kenyatta on the 8th December 2019

With this he shows that his made and furious. Not that Kenyatta haven’t shown that before. He has whined before in public about his war on corruption. Not that its believable, because his closest cronies and known grand corruption scandals, which are not touched or have had any consequences. They have just gotten appointed elsewhere or gotten away scotch-free.

That is why his anger and frustration only seems forced. That the President only says this things, because he knows this is the right thing to say. However, his actions and his state of affairs is saying otherwise. That is why its not believable.

It is a mirage, that the President think he can create on his own. He thinks he can build it and make the image of it into reality. When its only a creation of his own imagination. The President can continue with his harsh words, warn and talk of sanctions. The President can continue to assault one part of the political elite or professions, but that wouldn’t change anything.

Kenyatta can act mad, can act sad or even glad. Nevertheless, the real actions are shown with what he borrows, the debt-ratio he leaves behind, the state deficit and the lack of good results from his time in office. That Kenyatta have little to show compared to the Big Four promise or the other pledges. Is because the state has been busy doing other things and securing their time to eat. The President has accepted it too, because he has eaten too.

That is why, the current outcry and stable battle against corruption goes old. When it really isn’t targeting the ones on the top, but the small fringe players and the ones whose has their turns. That is why Kenyatta can play and think PR speeches will save his behind. However, it will not. It is a lot of noise, but no real action. Peace.

Kenya: National Police Service – Press Statement on the Arrest of Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko (07.12.2019)

Opinion: It was Sonko’s turn, apparently…

Arresting Nairobi City County Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko will not solve anything. Neither will it change the ways this are done. Governor Sonko has just followed the footsteps of the previous governors and County Officials. Not it’s righteous or make it right to steal from the public coffers, but that is ingrained in the system. There was no significant change from Evans Kidero or anyone else before him.

The Presser of DPP Noordin Haji and his arrest order of Sonko will not do a big whoop in Nairobi. Than, the whole political elite and all the stakeholders has to change overnight. As they are working as business as usual. Yes, Sonko is a thief, his comrades is involved and his misused power. Nevertheless, in Nairobi, who hasn’t and who of the political elite isn’t benefitting at this current moment?

It is not like the slum-dwellers nor the citizens outside the posh areas feels significant changes from who reside as the Governor. It is just another head and another big-man, who has his time to eat. That isn’t inspiring nor justification for what Sonko did, but he does what everyone before him has done too in this role. Land grabbing, putting associates on County Boards and appointing friends as county officials. That is just what they do.

Before he got elected, he had already been convicted and a run-away prisoner too. So, he knows the rule of law and know what it entails to break it. He has served a stint behind bars and that’s not new to him.

If his corrupt, than his just as blimy and outrageous as plenty of the government officials and the ones running the Jubilee government. Not like the Jubilee have gone long and far between corruption scandals, neither the mere scope and the amounts of grand corruption too.

Therefore, Sonko has to answer for his misdeeds, unless they are baseless and taken out proportions. Some even claim this is the sins of the previous administration and Sonko trying to clear the bill. But that is up for his legal aid to defend the man.

Sonko’s time was up and suddenly he had to appear. Somehow, it isn’t far from being a high ranking official to be answering in courts. Even Cabinet Secretaries has gone from High Ranking Officials to felons overnight. Therefore, that Sonko does it now isn’t that special.

His just one con down, more to go. Wouldn’t be shocked if he got caught slipping and had cases against him with viable evidence. However, that is up to the courts of if the DPP has his paper-trail in order. It wouldn’t be shocking if Sonko got caught doing some illegal bidding and some tenders out of whack. That just meant he was the perfect target at this very moment.

Since the DPP and other agencies has targeted less friendly faces and ensured they have a bad day. Like Hassan Joho of Mombasa has already been under fire for other reasons. Therefore, that Sonko is in trouble today isn’t a sudden new trick of the sleeve. More another play and to show that someone gets charged for corruption.

If this plays out well and not a PR stunt, than the DPP and EACC has done their best. If he just get free and the case is dismissed. Than it was just a play for the façade and hoping that no one notice the charade. However, that is to early to know.

Nevertheless, when you elect a crook and a thief, don’t expect him to not steal. He will not turn into a preacher man and a saint, when he has already been charged with it in the past. That should be public knowledge and common sense, but apparently is not. Peace.

Nairobi City County: Office of the Governor – Press Statement over DPP’s Arrest Order (06.12.2019)

Kenya: office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Statement on Allegations of Corruption in Nairobi County Government (06.12.2019)

Sonko: “Miguna Miguna for Deputy Governor of Nairobi” – Wasn’t he Canadian just a minute ago?

Let’s be clear, this isn’t funny, this is yet another result of the infamous and the handshake, the building bridges initiative of Uhuru Kenyatta. They have been playing footsie with Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), offered whatnots of relevance for the opposition and left breadcrumbs for the NASA Co-Principals parties and clientele. However, this is about the saga of Miguna Miguna. Which has already been deported twice for his second nationality, being Canadian, while still being able to run for governor for Nairobi in 2017.

That the newly minted and elected Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko send a letter to Beatrice Elachi titled “Re: Nominee for the Position of Deputy Governor Lawyer Miguna Miguna”, being sent on this the 16th May 2018. It is ridiculous after everything, after the assault in his home, the hostage, the non-show in court all across Kenya, the first deportation. Than the second deportation and the sealing of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and keeping him there for a long time, before deporting him again. The whole scenario of making him a victim, taking away his citizenship. Calling him a non-citizen and also expelling him. That as a result of the swearing-in of Odinga on the 31st January 2018. Miguna paid the price for doing so, he really got the cost and was the biggest loser.

Miguna Miguna has been humiliated, he has been acted upon in a manner ,that is without any common sense or reason. Other than being part of a bigger political game and being used as a pawn. To show the power of the Jubilee and they can make anyone lose the privilege of being a citizen of the republic. When doing this, the Jubilee and the Authorities run by the Jubilee Administration didn’t give squat about the Court Orders and their open disregard for the Courts was evident. They didn’t care if they wanted to see Miguna in the Court, even if they wanted the leaders of the National Security Outfits to appear to be there because they hold contempt of Court. Still, they didn’t care much and didn’t need too. Because the state was ready to ditch Miguna like spilled milk. They just didn’t see his value and he was a cast-away.

Sonko and the Jubilee, I don’t know what he is playing with this, what they think they can gain for doing so. There is a saying enemies in politics isn’t forever, however, this is a really assuming that Miguna will take the challenge and become part of establishment. Even as he was an outcast and thrown in the bin by the same not merely a few weeks ago. It is not like the Jubilee has begged forgiveness or even tried to patch the hurt.

This is just further insulting the intelligence of the people who was on the side of Miguna, however, that may be, but there are many who sympathize with his case. As he has been unjustified taken away, he has without any legal bound lost his citizenship and has been a political prisoner without any justification. If so, then the CS and his Police Service would have brought the man to Court. However, they didn’t because they didn’t have a case, not even mere affidavits to build a scope for discovery even.

Miguna has been a victim of the unfavorable and the unjust society that the Jubilee has created. The looting and the destruction of trust between the citizens and the ruling elite. The evidence of this is the lack of proper actions concerning Miguna. This isn’t that, this is mere shenanigans and hoodlums trying to build up their self-esteem, trying to offer another man an office to silence and to consolidate him. Because if he is part of them, then he cannot be vocal critic, as he is on their payroll. It is an old game. It is played out all in front of our eyes. Peace.

Miguna Case goes bananas with the defenses from Matiangi, Kihalangwa and Boinnet!

Today, the three fellow dignitaries that was in-charge of deporting Miguna Miguna back to Canada for the Second showed up to Court. Not that it really mattered, because it is farce and the saga continues. They act still with contempt and the show of illegitimacy of their activity, the answers of the CS Fred Matiangi, the Immigration PS Gordon Kihalangwa and IGP Joseph Boinnet in Court wasn’t that flattering. Is is more an insult of natural intelligence. That is why isn’t worth noticing and showing to the world.

The Miguna scandal that is drawn out of proportion, is because of how its handled, what the state has done and how they acted upon it. Nothing has handled with care or after procedure. It has been less protocol and more ignorance is bliss. But the aftermath shows the indifference, that wolves are circling around the sheep. The eagles are flying over their prey, they are all waiting for the moment to strike. To hunt and to get their reward.

You can wonder what these gentlemen are out of this, what is stripes and their value for money. What did they get out of deporting Miguna for the second time? What was the purpose of the exercise, other than making Kenya looking foolish abroad? They certainly succeeded in doing that. Kudos, Matiang’i, Boinnet and Kihalangwa. You did it and deserves a token of success. Maybe a fake DVD will be sufficient?

The Courtship today was just a facade of forged play, it is an insult to the judiciary, who had dozens of Court Orders to bring him to Court and get justice for Miguna. But the state, these gentlemen deported him, they detained him on unknown location, they took him hostage and sent him on a plane. They have done that twice. They even made parts of JKIA M.I.A and that is special. Like Miguna was magician who could suddenly create all sorts of troubles with a passport, a phone and his hat.

With all finesse and attitude, the Kenyan Government needs to grow a pair, need to structure itself right and get a reality check. The balances and the ignorant state of affairs cannot continue. The contempt and the ignorance of the Courts, is the reason, that the Jubilee and their top-dogs are acting with impunity. They are not caring, but showing-up after the man is deported again. He is again a ghost in courts.

You can wonder if Miguna is the grandest thief, the biggest cartel boss of Kenya, even if he smuggled all sugar and drugs out of Somalia to run for governor of Nairobi last year. Because, surely there must be more valid reasons, more concerns and more underneath, if the three gentlemen would do this charade, unless they are three stooges of Kenyatta and Ruto. Who are playing forged games by Cambridge Analytica and trying to figure the pulse of Kenyans. To see if they care about a citizen losing citizenship and being deported. FYI: they do. They feel insulted and so should you.

This is not fun and games, this a sad reality. It should have been otherwise, but it isn’t. The State doesn’t give a damn, they are violently and aggressively taking their own. They are sending them away. Not giving in.

Miguna didn’t deserve this, neither did anyone else get the state sanctioned violence during the campaigns, the post-election from the police or the government. But they did, because they don’t really matter. Not like the President do, who has a motorcade passing Mombasa Road yesterday with 38 cars. Not all of Kenyans are that wealthy, they are kidnapped and lose their citizenship, because of your rule.

The world knows this now and your loyal minions are serving that will, taking away everything from the people who doesn’t matter to you. It is evident. Miguna is one of them, first of many, who knows who else will be kidnapped and taken away, lose their rights and lose their place in the Republic. Who knows?

Only Kenyatta and Ruto does, because they orders this mess. Peace.