The Dream of a Public TV-Debate between top three Presidential Candidates in Uganda

Mbabazi M7 Besigye

There is a dream of TV-Debate between the three main candidates in Uganda: the NRM with Museveni, the Go-Forward Amama Mbabazi and the FDC Dr. Kizza Besigye! So what will that be, it should be sent on NBS, NTV and WBS at the same time. So that nobody can watch dubbed South American TV-shows for those who don’t care about the politics or elections.

I can’t expect the now gone away Maureen Faith Kyala or Joseph Mabirizi being a part of this. The same with Gen. Benon Biraaro or Abed Bwanika and Professor Bayramureeba; I am sure some people wont to see this candidates to! But, we know that they don’t have the suction yet to be viable combined with the trio who are really fighting to become the President. Even if the Electoral Commission (Now the Independent Electoral Commission), surely will work towards another term for the Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his NRM! Still, would be fun to have him on the spot together with his arch-nemesis Besigye and new enemy Amama Mbabazi!

Why I discuss it:

“President Yoweri Museveni, also NRM flag bearer, says “he is ready to take on any of his fellow 2016 presidential candidates in a public debate” (…)”While addressing a press conference early Monday in Gulu at the State Lodge, Museveni said: “If Besigye or any other candidate wants to debate with me, I am ready. I don’t move without my mouth or brain…” (…)”The president’s comments today come days after Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) presidential candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye challenged him to a debate ‘to discuss issues affecting Ugandans’” (…)”Besigye became the second candidate to dare the president to a live televised debate after Venansius Baryamureeba” (NBS TV, 23.11.2015).

Though the Professor Barya we’re first touched it and Dr. Besigye we’re second. And then the President answered them. It’s a reason why he didn’t answer the Professor, he doesn’t see he as threat. That he do by Dr. Besigye. So that he sent shots and questioned in the public with other candidates. That is something new, because the NRM-Regime can’t control it or really stare the conversation, they can’t rule it. They can’t script it all. Neither can the other candidates. If it will happen there will be banter and change, even if they set certain terms for the discussion and the general debate between them.

Then the candidates can recharge their words they will stay in memory. Certain facts will be tested. The numbers they drop to each other will be discussed like they also are on the manifestos and speeches. The difference with speeches in campaigns is that the candidate can write it himself and conduct it himself. He will say his own words on the debate, but the forum and space will be different. It’s a place where you need your tongue check and in order. If you don’t do it well you will be political daft or naked by your own words. You can be praised if you have said and conducted yourself accordingly. That is an reaction that you can’t script in anyway, but they have to mobilize and anticipate accordingly to the debate. That will show if the politicians actually has any substance or is just some hot air.

The things that can be good about a debate is if the candidate really get tested. Touched and emotional and loses his cool. Even if many debates can end up in stale boring sadness, because none of candidates actually say something meaningful about the subjects at hand. Since there haven’t been in ages or ever been a presidential candidates debate there would be a breath of fresh air to the citizens. Might even see Mzee out of his comfort-zone! That is something that would be good. I think even Amama Mbabazi could be fired up. Dr. Kizza Besigye has been attacked so much that him I am sure would keep his composure in the debate.

A made up debate between: 

Who is in the debate:

The Canidates are President Museveni, former PM Mbabazi and (rtd) Col. Dr. Besigye. 

And an un-named TV-Host.

On security:

Museveni: “I and the NRM has ensured, secured and made this country safe, nobody except NRM and my government can keep UPDF under control. Then me and the NRM”.

Mbabazi: “You say you have kept the country safe, but not paid the veterans or made people safe, is that why you have hired crime preventers?”

Besigye: “There isn’t just one man who can control the UPDF; the people, the Government, the Parliament can hold the army under control!”

This is a segment we will show more time later in the debate! (the crowd clapping).


On media freedom:

Museveni: “I am revolutionary differs from Obote and Amin, we have given the freedom of the media, look at the Vision, the Monitors, the radios, they can speak their mind, unless it creates problems, they should not speak to much then they create problems for the country”

Mbabazi: “I will address that the media get more funding from the my new government, get digital and fresh new visions, not the secured media of the NRM that have secured in the past”

Besigye: “The media should be total free and not kept under surveillance from the NRM-Junta. There is too much Musveni-Media where his own propaganda get spread instead of the truth!”

TV Host: 

“What are your thoughts on the balloting and election reforms? Are they ensuring the people of free and fair elections in Uganda?”


On Elections:

Museveni: “We have re-introduced free and fair elections, an independent Electoral Commission, that have delivered more than before 1986 when the government had fraudulent elections. If you see somebody who rigs the elections take it to the police and their will take care of it”.

Mbabazi: “After you have voted and not sure if the polls will matter and get the correct result. Ensure to stay at the polling station until they finish. So that the Election Officers can’t fix it! Don’t  leave!”

Besigye: “We need a new Electoral Commission, now it is a Museveni-Commission. The culture is to rig for the NRM-Junta. There isn’t a way that this entity will give the will of the people. Until we reform it and change it, we will see that the will of the Ugandans will happen”.

Dr Kizza Besige From Police Station to Police Station 151015 Kiira Road

On the Police:

Museveni: “The police are ensuring and securing the people, my people all of Ugandans which the revolutionary force that I have made since the 1980s. Obote or Amin never had the safety and security as the police is doing now. The police only acts, acts upon those forces in Uganda who works against the government, like ADF and LRA”

Mbabazi: “the Police under me and Go-Forward will be police for the Ugandans. The Police will not stop public gatherings and meetings. They will be going against criminals and fight corruption, will make a new commission to fight corrupt much better”

Besigye: “The Police needs reforms. They are not for the Ugandans, if not the Ugandans means the NRM and Museveni. They are a unit and ensure the regime to crackdown on anybody, anybody who speaks against them or acts towards them. We need a police reform that ensure that the IGP, DPP and Courts are independent and not loyal to Museveni, but according to laws to ensure safety for Ugandans”.

TV Host:

Now it’s time for a commercial break please don’t switch the channel, it’s more juicy quotes to come!”.


On Foreign Affairs:

Museveni: “We fought against sectarianism; we the NRM are a Pan-African Movement. We Move-Forward. We fight to liberate and have liberated Uganda and Ugandans. In the same way we will fight these guerillas, guerillas [who] will destroy the NRM and Uganda. We will continue to fight the LRA, the Al-Shabab and other force together with other African armies to secure Uganda and the movement”

Mbabazi: “We will continue to fight together with African Union in AMISOM and continue to have forces in C.A.R. to fight LRA. We in Go-Forward will re-evaluate the police to civic protection, not to fight Ugandans as they do now. The Armed forces will get better housing and better salaries”

Besigye: “We have to change the UPDF from a mercenary force which it has been in South Sudan, been hired to fight in C.A.R. but I will still continue to have forces in Somalia as part of the struggle of our fellow comrades in Somalia. But the NRM-Junta and have kept the UPDF to have seats in Parliament, that is something I will change!”

Uganda Shillings

On the Economy:

Museveni: “We the NRM will continue to build a secure economy as we have done since 1980s. The NRM has built stability and we will over the next term, create a industrial economy, there will be more towns turned into city status, more villages turned into industrial towns, we will stop land grabbing and secure the development. We will focus on agriculture and cash-crops like coffee and tea. I myself as a farmer, a farmer knows the importance of cows and I got rich of agriculture myself! That is wealth creation which Ugandans can do himself. Parts of wealth creation that ensure our YOUTHS! Our Ugandan people we also will strengthen the NAADS and SACCO’s to assure that districts and counties get funding for their and our agricultural projects, agricultural projects who will ensure the Ugandan people and grow our economy”.

Mbabazi: “We will establish more of our economy to support our famers. Farmers are the main workforce. We will move forward to support our farmers. We will support growth with the cooperatives and ensure that districts get silos, follow up budget by the Mputo Declaration. That they get silos in every district and cheap fertilizers! Get more education on cash-crops and learn about more effective methods to earn more on their farm. We Go-Forward! ”

(Some guy in crowd scream: “WE GO FORWARD!”)

Besigye: ““This will be in recognition of the pivotal role of the Agricultural Sector in economic growth and development given the fact that the sector employs 70 percent of Uganda’s labour force.  We boast that the backbone of our economy is agriculture yet the budget allocation is small, something that has curtailed the growth of the sector and poverty fight among the farmers. Once voted into power I will increase the budget allocation to agriculture to 15% Time to revive ourself from the NRM-theives”.


The host ends with asking: 

“Does anybody in the crowd here have any questions for the candidates? Please grab the microphone so the candidate can try to answer you question, and please adress the one or who your asking the question!”


Like this I could have continued. Don’t you think it would be interesting! What do you think? It would be special with a TV-Debate between three Presidential Candidates. Who can address the public on TV and can’t make switches and changes to their statements and can’t retract quotes. Their banter will stay and they can’t stop the filming and their mouths from blabbering! That can be beautiful. Peace.