Opinion: Trump is now a felon

The Republican Presidential Candidate and Former President Donald J. Trump have now been charged on 34 counts of falsifying business records and concealing a “hush money” payment to porn star Stormy Daniels. The old skeletons continues to haunt the head of the Republican party.

Sooner or later, the sins are now costing him a price. It seems that his still able to run free. There is still not finished with sentencing or anything like that. There is still works on the business empire and the fraud case that punished him and his family for business practices of the Trump Organization. He still owns the New York state around 400 million dollars and in a defamation case he owes close to another 100 million dollars. So, this man is a walking liability.

A Presidential Candidate that isn’t legally allowed to run a Foundation or a Charity. A political candidate that is a felon and has pending cases across the Nation. Trump isn’t only caught acting with fraud in his business in regards to taxes and such. No, he has done so in the political sphere and has to pay a price. His former lawyer Michael Cohen already have paid the price and been behind bars for the same case. Therefore, Trump is the next one in it. He just have to wait to July and sentencing for his price for the 34 counts that he was found guilty for.

No one should say this is a political warfare or such. If you don’t do the crime. You don’t have to do the time. The documents and the evidence was there. The New York State had the proof and the witnesses to prove the allegations and the criminal intent. He was proven innocent until proven guilty. Which happened just this week.

The MAGA tears will be shed. The Cult45 will go crazy and call it a Banana Republic. They will not leave this in peace. No, they will act in spite and incite possible violence. That’s the craziness of this… as the man was just held accountable for his actions and that he couldn’t keep his pecker in order. A married man trying to hold a “secret relationship” or “hookups” secret and killing the story ahead of 2016 election.

This just shows what sort of man he is… we know the Trump Organization is run on illicit affairs and that has been proven in court. The former President has already been barred from running a charity. So he cannot be trusted within the law doing so. While other former Presidents and career politicians can do so. Therefore, he isn’t a man of integrity or transparency. No, his a con-man and a trickster.

It is hard to imagine that this will deter him from being on the ballot. Most likely will the Republican party launch his third Presidential Campaign. They are preparing him and the family is even in the inner-circle of the RNC. The whole organization is behind him and awaiting the next step for their master. It doesn’t matter what he does or did do. His their man and regardless… he will be blessed and anointed for a new run for Presidency.

That’s the foolishness of it all. A felon, a serial liar and an arrogant old man will be the next Republican candidate. A man who has no scruples or concern about others. A narcissist and self-loving individual. That man want to represent the Republic, yet again and the GOP allows him. They are all in his mercy and awaiting his next move.

We can just await conviction in this case and wonder if he will ever see prison. We can wonder if he will ever pay the damages and millions of dollars that he owes. Because, he has a lot of things to fix, but he isn’t the one who tries to patch the hurt. No, he will double or triple down while trying to find ways to silencing his enemies. This man will be vengeful and come with vengeance.

He has nearly lost everything and soon only has the Republican party. That’s all he has and now they have to bail him out. Peace.

Opinion: Trump is selling the holy scriptures now…

Yesterday, former President of the United States of America, Donald “Papa Don” J. Trump is now hawking bibles. In the middle of Holy Week his starting to sell his “God Bless USA Bible” and it’s a disgusting enterprise.

Just imagine a politician is willing to do this and people are just accepting it. He has sold NFTs, Shoes and everything else under the sun. So, his just following a pattern of sticking his name and brand onto anything in hopes that it sells. However, this isn’t just a random commodity, but the holy scripture.

This is a religious text that many see as sacred. Yes, the Bible is a book and it is for sale in the bookshops across the world. It is given away by various of organizations and used for missionary works too. Nevertheless, that is usually not with the intent of profit, but spreading the good word.

This is done so the message is spread and the words of Christ is getting known. That the words of God get familiar and people get the ability to understand the scripture. This is the message and the reason for the average sale of bibles. It isn’t for a businessman, a con-man and a snake-oil salesman to make patriotic and make him look holy.

What Trump is doing is closer to blasphemy and soiling the holy book. Not only by adding various of legal and historical texts, which has nothing to do with the bible. The American Constitution and whatever else has nothing to do with this. Neither is his endorsement of it or the sale of it. That’s just a grift on spirituality. It is really flabbergasting that he does it and thinks he can get away with it. The Christian Evangelicals should be bothered and react, but we know they are so far down the rabbit hole. That they cannot save themselves from their master and overlord aka “Papa Don”.

You know there is no morals or understanding of faith from Trump when he does this. He just see it as another business deal and a possible way of getting his supporters to dole out more money. Because his in dire need of funds and have lots of expenditure coming his way. It isn’t like the last few months has been cheap and neither is the court cases stopping either. Therefore, he needs someone to fill his pockets and if people are stupid enough to buy shoes. Why not sell a bible too?

Seriously, this is insane. No God fearing man would do this. No one who believes in Christ and the salvation would see this as a path. No, this is a trick and a wicked one at that. It isn’t even funny, as his doing it in the middle of holy week. Nothing is sacred to Trump and its proven yet again.

This man has no bounds and no understanding of what other people believes in. As a Christian this is beyond repulsive and should be rebuked. It is a sacrilege and the holy scripture deserves better. Peace.

Opinion: “Papa Don” runs for the third time…

It is now official or in the air that Donald J. “Papa Don” Trump is the Presidential Candidate for the third time for the Republican Party. His grip on the party has been wavy, but still strong enough to stop anyone else to really contest against him. The inside of the Republican party isn’t what it once was and Trump has altered that landscape.

It doesn’t matter what court cases, penalties or even punitive actions that is against “Papa Don”. Seemingly he can overrun government, burn Washington D.C. to the ground and the MAGA Republicans will still cheer him on. Because, they favour a man of his cadre.

The snake-oil salesman and the flamboyant narcissist who doesn’t mind working-class people, but wants their votes. A man who wouldn’t be anywhere near the lower classes or the ones struggling, but he needs their support to win. A man who doesn’t care about the minorities, but hope they will give him a favour. That’s who Trump is…

Trump has destroyed his businesses and everything in his inner-circle. The ones that worked for him and been a part of his empire is all in trouble. They have either pleaded guilty to crimes or are facing trials. There are so much white-collar crimes, that the civil suit is only the beginning, as others are catching steam.

As a Presidential Candidate who is facing legal jeopardy on multiple fronts. A man who has a half-billion debt to pay and loss of business acumen. He doesn’t have a shot in New York, where he built his organization and his empire. An empire that is soon up for fire-sale and can be taken away by the courts. That’s what is happening and he got no remedy to salvage it.

Still with that in mind. The Republican voters are standing by him. Giving him enough support and credit to try to win another election in November. Even when he tried to coup the previous on January 6. That’s who they are supporting and the man they have faith. A man who doesn’t have any democratic values or concerns, as long as he is in-charge.

Trump will only use the office for personal interests and gains. That’s why the White House was for sale and he could trade policies for benefits himself. The White House advisors and others could change their tune in favour of businesses and companies who swayed it. This is the next step and how he will “build” his Trump Organization up again. That’s if his re-elected in November.

Certainly, there are expectation of his rising to glory again. While that will be the detriment of the democracy and the democratic ideals of the republic. To elect a man who is willing to take power and take away the will of the people, because he lost an election. Wait a term and re-elect the same fella…

The Republican party has lost its soul. The basis of it all is all Trumpified and isn’t what it was under other leaders. That’s why the narratives and everything surrounding it is shady. The dark-side of politics and trading values for cheap tricks. That’s what the GOP is accepting.

This is really telling how a party is selling its soul for one man. They are willing to bet on a man that would betray them and sell them off. That’s the GOP of 2024. They are risking it all on a serial loser and a man who has bankrupted all of his companies. A man of fraud, deceit and deception. That’s who they are banking on to save them.

This is really saying a lot, but they are trusting the American Dream on a person that would betray and conceive behind their backs. Peace.

Opinion: A half-billion dollars debt that haunts Trump

Last week was devastating for the Trump Organization and all entities in connection to it. The recent court order has given the company and Donald J. Trump a death note. Yes, the Judge and the Authorities didn’t take away the certificates or the authorizations to operate, but it suspended it for three years. While also ordering the former President to pay over $350m dollars plus about $80m interests to pay. In addition, the earlier judgement in the defamation lawsuit of E.J. Carrol, which was totaling about $85m dollars too.

When you have a half-billion dollars debt haunting you. That will capture you and keep you in jeopardy until the dues are paid. What makes it worse for Trump is that he cannot take out loans from any bank in the New York state. Meaning he has to find banks with no connection to New York and get them to give him fiscal funds. However, who wants to risk a half-billion US Dollars on him now?

The business and the assets of Trump Organization is now possibly out for sale. As a Independent Monitor will be appointed. This will certainly make his life even harder. As the company and the officers of it is liable for the debt to the state. The damages they need to pay must come from somewhere and I doubt the Trump Organization has the funds to cover it without any action.

It isn’t like the former President has built a rock-solid company. That’s why the business practices were filled with fraud and deception. Because he had to inflate numbers and make himself look like a winner. He had to change the numbers and make himself look golden. While the reality wasn’t as great or even anywhere close.

That’s why the lies and deception is now coming home to roost. He has lied about everything, and the courts are catching up on it. The Trump Organization is now caught, but this is far from over. If the New York Attorney General is wise… then the IRS will make a case and possibly be more punitive damages to be paid. Therefore, the amount of a half-billion dollars isn’t the final endgame. As the reality is hitting the fan.

The former President and his minions will call this a witch-hunt, but my response to that is that the Court found the witches in the business practices then. The Courts heard the evidence and the proof to make a verdict. The Trump Organization and the Trump family could have proven within reasonable doubt of any illegal action. However, they plead the fifth and tried to avoid incriminate themselves. Therefore, we know what they tried to do.

Fools might continue to be fooled. Everyone else is seeing the direct aspect of how the Trump Organization operated. The former President isn’t a man of his words or a man who honors it. No, a man who is willing to steal, deal and con people out of money. That’s what he does and now the courts know.

We can wonder how the former President will survive these costs. The damages must be paid and in full. He cannot run away from the bill. This time the state will ask for it and he have to cough it up. It will destroy his livelihood and his legacy. The whole thing is dying and the man himself destroyed. That’s because he built a house on sand and the ocean waves caught up to him. Peace.

Opinion: Don. Jr. thinks he can run away from accountability…

A person is guilty of perjury in the first degree when he swears falsely and when his false statement (a) consists of testimony, and (b) is material to the action, proceeding or matter in which it is made” (New York Penal Law § 210.15: Perjury in the first degree)

In the order and motion of Supreme Court of New York, Judge Arthur F. Engoron on the 3rd November 2022. What this motion and order did was initially to have an independent monitor to oversee and have oversight of the Trump Organizations; and their plans of creating a new Trump Organization 2, which would be there to takeover the assets and liabilities of the original Trump Org.

In that motion, there was one passage that was very interesting and compelling. Not that people has the best view or image of Donald Trump Junior. The erratic behaviour and online speeches haven’t made things looking any better.

However, there is some parts of the passage on “Donald Trump Jr.’s Disclaimer of Responsibility for SFCs’ Accuracy” which is really unique and telling. That part of the motion alone is saying something about the arrogance and thinking there is no consequences of own actions. This coming from a supposed senior executive and in-charge of a company. An ordinary employee would be fired for the neglect and lack of due diligence.

Just read this:

Defendant Donald Trump Jr. is a senior executive at the Trump Organization and a trustee of the

Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, which was responsible for certifying the SFCs accuracy to

banks and other institutions. He personally signed representation letters to Mazars on each

Statement Engagement while serving as a trustee, and those letters included the representation

that “{w]e acknowledge our responsibility and have fulfilled our responsibilities for the

preparation and fair presentation of the personal financial statement in accordance with

accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.” NYSCEF Doc. No. 48. The statement further said that “(w]e have not knowingly withheld from you any financial records or related data that in our judgment would be relevant to your compilation.” Id. Notwithstanding such representations, Donald Trump Jr. testified at his deposition that he had no knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) outside of “Accounting 101 at Wharton,” and that he “had no knowledge as [GAAP] relates to what it was for, for the Statement of Financial Condition or not.” NYSCEF Doc. No. 43, pg. 10-11. He further testified that despite personally vouching for their accuracy, he “had no real involvement in the preparation of the Statement of Financial Conditions] and don’t really remember ever working on it with anyone.” Id. Accordingly, at a minimum, Donald Trump Jr. signed off on representations to Mazars without performing the due diligence necessary to ensure their accuracy or compliance with GAAP, raising serious doubt as to the reliability of future SFCs for which Donald Trump Jr. may be responsible. Furthermore, the record is replete with evidence that Donald Trump Jr’s statement that “we” have not knowingly withheld pertinent information is blatantly false” (Engoron, 03.11.2022).

It is compelling to read this… that a grown man and a senior executive thinks this sort of statement or reasoning is really bonkers. Just think if an employee or a hired consultant did this for the Trump Organization. That would have been a reason to fire or sack someone. However, we know that the family members of the Trump Organization can’t be touched from within. They are the ones carrying the name and because of that.

Donald Trump Jr. can possibly be charged with perjury over this. Who believes that he didn’t know or had no idea what went on? When it happened year after year and with the same arguments to ensure better loan terms or pay less in tax. That’s why you know these sorts of things are haunting the Trump Organization. Which just happens to be where Don. Jr. was an Executive. Meaning he had power and he followed protocol on this. He knew it was money in these practices and he earned on it too.

That’s why it’s hard to believe that his this sort of stupid. When he had the motivation and the motives to earn on it. There is money to be made by making these statements of financial conditions. Don. Jr. have to answer for it, because he signed off on them. It is only now that it’s investigated and such… his suddenly not aware and had nothing to do with it. Which is weird… when he and others profited on it. That’s why I have a hard time believing his statement on this matter.

Hopefully the jury and the judge does too. It seems insincere and totally bonkers to begin with. Peace.

Opinion: The Trump Organization is in big trouble

The Trump Organization and the Trump family is in the middle of a huge quagmire. As the accounting firm Mazars have dropped some knowledge on the financial practices of the business in question. If you think this is bad, well… this is in the lane of Bernie Madoff and Arthur Anderson’s own practice, which also became a court case and several of felonies on both parties.

Mazars will not be able to run away from this legal case. The Attorney General of New York is still building their case and looking into the financial records of the Trump Organization. The Trump Organization can now be questioned for a decade of financial statements and usage of these in various of operations.

Because these documents can be inflated in one way to sell and get more revenue from creditors who the Trump Organization got loans from or scaled back when paying taxes to the State of New York. Therefore, there is possible wire-fraud, tax-fraud and other similar criminal conspiracies to pin on the company. Which at this point of time wouldn’t be shocking.

What should also happen now as the investigations are going on. The creditors and the ones covering the liquidity of the Trump Organization should be worried about the assets and the real value of the company. Since Mazars are saying the financial statements are unreliable. That means the Trump Organization could have lied about the profitability or the value of any enterprise, LLC or even properties of which in the hands of the company.

That Mazars stops vouching for the company and the former first family. Really signals that things are dire and not in good place. That the accounting practices and the state of the business isn’t in a great place. The Trump Organization has to get a new accounting firm and prove their numbers there. While Mazars has to answer for the ten-years it says is unreliable and not trustworthy. That says something they we’re accepting for years, but now says is wrong.

They are all in dire distress here. The same way things went wrong for the pyramid-scheme of Bernie Madoff and accounting firm Arthur Anderson. Who had to answer for these practices and lack of proper accounting from them. While they where grifting from all of their clients.

Now in 2022 we can now see the Mazars and Trump Organization have to answer for this. The Attorney General have to continue the investigation and discovery of documents into the companies. As the truth has to come out and we will know. However, the Trump Organization is in trouble.

As they have to carry huge debts, which is of unknown amounts of million dollars and that has to restructured. While he has secure his assets and possible salvage of the company, which can destroy the reputation of the company further. Now, we just have to see if the banks or the creditors accepts the financial statements. That we will see in the close future and how things are going.

Because, money talks and bullshit runs a marathon. Peace.

Opinion: Trump’s Hotel at the Old Post Office is a business made of White-Collar crime

Reportedly coined in 1939, the term white-collar crime is now synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals. These crimes are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and are not dependent on the application or threat of physical force or violence. The motivation behind these crimes is financial—to obtain or avoid losing money, property, or services or to secure a personal or business advantage” (Federal Bureau of Investigation – White-collar Crime).

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform have looked into documents from the General Services Administration (GSA) detailing the lease of the Old Post Office Building in Washington D.C., which has been made into a Trump Hotel. The documents and financial transgressions is now blown a lid off.

That’s why the Former President Donald J. Trump came out with a statement that the Republican’s should vote in 2022 (midterms) and 2024, because the 2020 election wasn’t rectified or overturned as he wanted. This is what created buzz and headlines… while the financial crimes of the Trump Organization in concern to this hotel was becoming secondary.

Trump and his companies withheld information of a loan from Deutsche Bank, which in 2018 gave him a $170 million loan. While he was in office, the hotel earned $150 million and out of that he received $3.7 Million from Foreign Governments. He also concealed $70 Million in Net Losses. In addition, he concealed other debts with other properties as he was bidding for the Old Post Office Building. He hid this information of $1.1 billion of debt in 2009/10 in the financial documents when he applied to the GSA in 2011.

All of these things can be seen as corporate fraud, which is White-Collar Crime and he has also possibly violated the Foreign Emoluments Clause with the “donations” or millions of dollars from Foreign Government to the Trump Hotel. All of these things should be investigated directly and the Department of Justice should takeover from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. So, that this can a discovery and subpoenaed further.

We are seeing the will to hide, deceive and lie to entities to get profits. The conceal the facts and get beneficial treatment. While also ensuring illegal means to get the ability to rent and run an hotel while being in office. The Trump Hotel at the Old Post Office needs a serious investigation and possibly more deals done by the Trump Organizations. Since this is just one of plenty and now that his not in office. The state, the committees and state attorney generals can push these cases. That is needed. Because, it has been proven in the past of transgression and illegal activity done by Trump.

That’s why Trump isn’t allowed to run a charity or a foundation. Neither, the former President was charged and had to pay fines for his fake Trump University too. Therefore, expect more to come and more cases to possibly happen. This just shows what his willing to do and using the Presidential term to earn more money. Peace.

Opinion: Trump doesn’t deserve a pardon

For a President of the calibre of Donald J. Trump. He does not deserve pardon, neither is it righteous. To all the folks he has hurt in his time in office. The way the Trump Administration has operated and worked. It is only right that the head of that government acts accountable. For a man who has stifled any investigation and used the office to get away from prosecution.

Trump has stopped the Congress in their investigations, blocked witnesses and avoided to release documents and testify. The man knows his in the wrong. The White House has breached the Hatch Act so many times. The White House has used foreign policy to earn profits for the Trump Organization. The Trump estates and hotels has been places of trading policies over a secret meeting. While profiting on the business and the deals being made.

This President have issued harsh treatment of civilians, asylum-seekers and minorities. The President have shown no remorse and no concern in putting kids in cages and separating families. This man has had no issues breaching international law and human rights violations. Stop the ICC from investigating practices in Afghanistan. A President dropping bombs all the time in Somalia with no oversight.

Trump needs to answer for sins. The criminal activity, the ones where he has conspired with foreign entities and foreign operatives to ensure victory. The man needs to answer the usage of the office for own personal gains. That is necessary by all accounts. Unless, the US is fine with a open corruption and heist within the oval office. That is all up to them.

This man didn’t care if he traded Syrian bases and the Kurdish allies over a business deal in Turkey. That is what this President does and did it willingly. Giving his Trump Organization funding, while selling the stakes of American army abroad. That is what he has done. This is why he has a failed coup in Venezuela on his hands too. Where he even invited the wanted man on the throne at the State of the Union speech. This is how blatant the man operated.

Trump needs to answer for his misgivings, his lack of action and response to the COVID-19 and Coronavirus. There are so many cases and so many times he could have saved lives, but didn’t act. As the Commander-in-Chief. He could have sheltered more lives, but they weren’t important to him. If they were? He would have used enough of his power to install more Supreme Court justices. Because, he had the energy to do that…

Donald J. Trump needs to answer for his activity. Every action made during his tenure. The ill-will and the breaches of trust. The misuse of office and the corrupt activities done in broad daylight. As he was willing to trade the White House and Congress for some sweet dollars. That was his game. At the same time galvanise his supporters with White Supremacy and racist policies, which needs to be addressed now. Because, some of them will be a brunt on families for generations. Where the kids and parents are lost from each other and cannot live life together. That is all because of what Trump ordered and did.

As President, he was responsible for this. That is his legacy of how he treated people. How a President picked business interests over people’s security to have heath care insurance. That is the sort of man he is. If he has a heart? It is either for money or maybe Ivanka. The rest can sail their own boat. The people is useful to cheer him up, but can drown for all he cares. He wants titles and glories.

He can send the army and brutalize citizens for doing their legal duty of demonstrating. The man can use his office to dismantle and destroy people’s lives, because there is a buck for him in the end. That is the legacy of Trump. He is willing to trade lives over profit. Use foreign operatives to win elections and obstruct justice to overcome litigations.

This is why he needs to answer in the Courts of Law. That is why he needs to spend time to address petitions and cases pending. Why he needs to address the possible tax evasion, wire-fraud and whatever else awaiting him in the courts. Plus a possible of other investigations happening after his time in office. Because, that would be healthy and this time around he cannot block witnesses from testifying. Which he has done deliberately while he was in office.

President Trump doesn’t deserve to pardoned. If he gets pardoned, then you have forgotten about the kids in cages and the Zero Tolerance Policy. A policy he accepted and vouched for. Where he gave no mercy to asylum seekers. The same no mercy he deserves, as he enters the Courts of Law. That is justified and this man doesn’t deserve a bargain. He acted with haste to put other people’s lives in danger. It is time that he answers for that and also pays the price for doing so. Peace.

Opinion: Trump has lost [both his Executive Privilege and leverage]

Without a shadow of a doubt the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate and now President-Elect Joe Biden has won the Presidential Election in 2020. This means that the United States will have another President, than Donald J. Trump from January 2021. Therefore, the man is now in shambles and shock. That’s why is erratic behaviour been worse sine the trickling in of results is not going his way. We can now see that his fall will be brutal.

It isn’t without a reason that he was impeached not to long ago. Secondly, that so many people around him was investigated, charged and indicted. The Trump Campaign of 2016 was filled with people who breached law and was convicted felons for doing so. That’s why the President cannot use a few more technicalities when his time in office is over.

Donald Trump doesn’t have the leverage of the Presidential Office. Which he and his close associates have used at a high rate. The Trump Organizations and the family members has used the Presidency to ensure deals, licences and other agreements to gain millions of dollars. The White House and the Trump Administration have also boosted the other family members and their possible trade agreements too. Even using foreign policy as a trading point to get millions siphoned into the Trump Organization. Therefore, the President loses a vital part of his business strategy. However, I am calling this piece losing leverage.

Trump has less of leverage to pay of loans, fines and litigation costs. The President has to answer to cases pending and awaiting. As the Trump Organization and other connected business are looked into.

Donald Trump is losing not only leverage to salvage his companies and cough up dough to failing businesses. He is losing the “Executive Privilege” which he has used exponentially. That he has used to block people from testifying and also said as President he would be to busy to participate in cases he was involved in. Still, he would have time to visit his estates and golf courses, but not had the time … to answer these cases.

So without leverage and executive privilege the Donald J. Trump will not be as powerful as his been the last four years. He has thwarted things, stifled and let things pending. If the Washington D.C. wants the stench of corruption, international interference and possible breaches of criminal codes done by associates of the President. They should get involved, investigate and get the truth all out. Because, there been enough of shady actions made, which has benefited the President and his allies. These has earned fortunes on using the state as cash-cow. That cannot just be brushed under rug. Now that his not President anymore. He needs to answer to this.

Especially, since he got no Executive Privilege and Leverage to linger on. He has gotten away with it for years. However, now the Tax Returns can be released. The Trump Organization and their businesses can be exposed. This is why they are struggling to cope with the new reality. Because, they have no way to save it.

Now, there is time to unravel it all. The most corrupt President in a long time. The one making Harding look like saint. The man proving that you can actually put the White House sale and trade bargains with everyone. As long as he gets a cut. That is the man that President Trump was and is. A man who has to answer for all of this. Time will tell and we can only smell the coffee. Peace.

Opinion: Trump the autocrat who cannot win a second term

White AmeriKKKa is clearly not enough for the incumbent President Donald J. Trump. Who is slowly losing to challenger Joe Biden. The ruling party and the ones who had all houses in Congress. Are now soon only left with the Senate. They had all branches of government, but because of unpopularity. He has lost everything except one.

Yes, the judiciary is changed by all the judges, which has been appointed with haste from the Supreme Court down to lower courts in the states. The President have worked on overtime with the legislators to push it through the House of Representatives and the Senate. That is why the Republicans are fearing what is happening.

Their autocrat, big-man in office is losing. Little by little … his losing to Biden. It is just a few more delegates to the Electoral College before the Presidency is lost. Instead of being the Commander-in-Chief dropping bombs over Baghdad and Somalia. He will go back to struggling debts, losing relevancy, court cases and investigations into his firms. Therefore, the President is not only losing office, but his leverage.

That is why his so erratic, the old man knows this. His racist behaviour and lack of moral judgement haven’t saved him. It has galvanized his supporters, but haven’t covered all bases. The party have gotten more than the White voters, but that is key to his political base. This is why Proud Boys, KKK and other violent right-wing radical groups are behind the President. These together with evangelical Christians, because he served their mission on their conservative causes.

Still, that isn’t enough to save him. The deliberate acts of Trumpism. The Muslim Ban, Border-wall and the tax-breaks for the rich isn’t enough. The President cannot save his office. He has lost in the battle with a pandemic. The incompetence of this administration in combination of nepotism and graft in office haven’t served him well in public.

It’s been four dark years and it’s not yet over. The President have been more pre-occupied with his own narcissist needs, than actually governing. He has spent so much time on his properties. That nearly one third of the time he played golf or was living lavish on the public’s dime.

Trump could order the army on the streets to stop Black Lives Matters protests, but was cheering on right-wing militias taking over the Capitol of Michigan. Even not speaking ill of the ones who was planning to kidnap the Governor of Michigan and such. Because, that is going against his own radical right-wing base. This why Qanon and others are also keen followers of the President.

The President gave the Alt-Right and the Confederacy a voice. Instead of debunking and dismissing it. Trump thrived on it and coined himself by these folks. So, even if his losing. This part of AmeriKKKa will not go away after being so prominent and even having a messenger in the White House. The President gave them a voice by appointing Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller who are the likes who has worked for these values.

A man who wants to use legal means against his opposition. Use the Department of Justice to detain and make cases against his opponents. A man who has no trouble using force against demonstrators. A man who praised dictators, but spoke ill of democratic elected leaders across the world.

Trump is the strong-man, who never was strong, but weak. He could be brash and macho, but go into hiding if he was pushed. The President wanted internal conflict and easily fired staff. He didn’t build, but was working hard to destroy. Create uncertainty and misuse his office. This is why the things that made it possible. Is also the reasons why his losing. Instead of creating things, he was busy destroying. He hopes that he had destroyed faith in the system and working to undermine the election system.

Trump is a losing autocrat. Who couldn’t hold power. That is the betterment of society, but he has opened can of worms you cannot get back into the box. The President have left a scar and wounds, which needs time to heal. That is up the to the public to either steer this way or neglect it. The truth is that society and the state needs to reflect on the values he ushered into power. Using the means of office to get them to upper echelon. Weaponize usage of asylum and seeking refuge, also the way he addressed immigrants. That got to be addressed and fixed.

Trump wanted to be a dictator and earn the spoils of office without working for it. Now, his losing it all and his legacy will remain. Trumpism will remain as a factor. What he exposed and delivered in office will not be gone over night. The US government and policies have to be altered and will take time. There is always hope…

Trump is now a lame duck until Biden is sworn-in. We can wonder how he will act and do. What we do know. He would love to reign for life, but the public have kicked him out. Peace.