USA: OMB – Statement of Administration Policy: H.J. Res. 46, Terminating the National Emergency Declared by the President on the Southern Border (26.02.2019)

USA: House Committee on Armed Services letter to Acting Secretary of Defence Shanahan on use of DoD funds to build a Wall on the Southern Border (25.02.2019)

USA: House Judiciary Committee. Democrats announce “immediate investigation” into President Trump’s national emergency declaration (15.02.2019)

USA: President Donald J. Trump – Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Southern Border of United States (15.02.2019)

Opinion: Trump’s forged “National Emergency” on the Southern Border!

Emergencies” have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have eroded.” Friedrich Hayek

Not like facts are important for the Republican Party or the GOP, they have been swallowed in the daily lies of the President and his Administration. President Donald J. Trump is a not only a serial liar in Chief, but also the sort of man that manufactures crisis to his benefits. At least, the President tries to do it. At a phase that is getting into stupid levels.

President Trump have in today’s White House statement ‘President Donald J. Trump’s Border Security Victory’ said: “NATIONAL EMERGENCY ON OUR BORDER: The President is using his clear authority to declare a national emergency as allowed under the National Emergencies Act” (…) “ADDRESSING THE CRISIS AT HAND: President Trump is taking the necessary steps to address the crisis at our Southern Border and stop crime and drugs from flooding into our Nation” (White House, 15.02.2019).

As the President does this and claims this problem, as he wants to use illegitimate measures against something that is not existing and especially not to the extent he claims. Because, the reality is that the numbers game are showing a decline of immigration during the latests year.

The U.S. Border Patrol at the Southwest Border Sectors has shown a steady decline in the apprehension of illegal aliens on the border. Between the 1990 to 2001, there was over a 1 million aliens crossing the borders. For two years, it was just over 900.00 between 2002-2003. While again between 2003 to 2005, there was over 1 million aliens captured again. By the time of 2009, there was apprehended less than 500,000 on the border. By the time of 2017, it was down to 303,000 who was apprehended. Therefore, the numbers are already significantly declining and that was even happening in the first whole year of the Trump Administration. Still, he has spawn this idea of a border wall and need. Will change the pattern and the crossing of illegal aliens.

So, when the President in his statement even claims the arrest of 260,000 in the last two fiscal years. That even proves how fake this National Emergency is. If it had been as in the 1990s or even 00s. Than, the numbers was striking and as high as they ever been. Now, they are lower and showing that the President are just using his Executive Powers just for his own means. Not to make a better republic, nor justifying it. As, the ones who was President during the 1990s like Bill Clinton had a much bigger issue with this, than President Trump ever has. Also, the first term of George W. Bush was even worse than now. Still, the others tackled this differently.

However, none of the other mentioned President was spreading the message of the Alt-Right, the White Supremacists or being irrational in the office. That is just the way this man is. He is playing another con-game and thinking he can win. He is thinking he can win over the forged, the fake and use emergency powers to extend his will for a border wall. Against problems that is not there. So, he can fight ghosts and make his monument of his Presidency. Even if the real monument of his Presidency, is that he faked and didn’t make it. He has just weaken the state and the ability for the United States to be trusted.

President Trump is again showing how ignorant, how blatantly destructive he is. Fabricating a problem. Just like the President tried to fabricate a problematic migration caravan during the recent election last year. But he has not been kicking and screaming about that of late. That, because it isn’t a real problem and seeking asylum isn’t illegal. President Trump own family is filled with migrants and his own wives are it too. So, he should be a bit more grateful about that. Apparently, his arrogance and little mind isn’t able to think of that.

That is why he is faking it, until his making it. Peace.

Rep. Bennie Thompson letter to DHS Secreatry Kirstjen Nielsen on “the Wall” (04.01.2019)

President Trump letter to the Congress on “the Wall” (04.01.2019)

USA: White House – Decision Memorandum – Subject: Department of Defense Support for Border Security (20.11.2018)

USA: Memorandum of Agreement among the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Customs and Border Protection of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security regarding Consultation and Information sharing in Unaccompanied Alien Children Matters (13.04.2018)

Opinion: Who needs enemies, when you have Trump?

There isn’t anything about this man that is about trust, except of his own ego and his own scary love for his daughter. The rest is just a relic of man, whose role in the world is supposed to be trusted and secure, but instead is a beacon of distrust and disloyalty, there isn’t any cause or any effort he will thwart because of his world-view. It isn’t anyone else he will make sure suffers, because it doesn’t fit his narrow little cable-TV mind of his. President Donald J. Trump, has yet again betrayed the world, this time with Iran and Middle East as a the pawns.

That President Trump is untrustworthy is with the change of guards, the twitching ways of bombing in Yemen, the drone attacks in Somalia, the possible pull-out in South Sudan and so on. The sudden suicidal mission in Niger, the blatant support of Saudi Arabia and other friends in the Middle East. While not having a coherent strategy in Iraq and in Syria. Therefore, that today, the United States is pulling out of the Nuclear Agreement with Iran.

Everyone should know that Trump cannot be trusted, the allies in NATO should be worried, as he has attacked them and said they haven’t done enough. Who knows if he pulls out of there too. Just like he has done with the TPP and the Paris Agreement. Nothing seems impossible, if he would ask the United Nations to change their headquarters too, would seem reasonable at this point. Because this man is of the chains. Nothing is stable, nothing is done with consensus or quorum, all in the midst of misty fog, which the farts he has made by eating to many cheese-burgers and drinking to much diet-coke.

Clearly, the world cannot anticipate a trustworthy partner in the United States, the NAFTA negotiations team, the Chinese Trade Deals and the North Koreans should know that Trump is unreasonable and a megalomaniac, who only praise his own ego, but not caring about the costs for the world around him. Like it is seemingly done on impulse without other reasons than, Obama did this, so I have to do the opposite. If Obama acted like a grown ass man, I have act like baby, if Obama talked with tact with his allies, Trump has to insult the Montenegro Prime Minister Duško Marković, because Trump has to be the big-shot and King Kong at the NATO Meeting.

So, the world doesn’t need enemies when it has Trump, he has already lied about missiles ships in Asia to spread fear around North Korea, promised that something might happen in Syria or other places. This man is pulling out of the world, but expect his guns and ammunition to hit conflicts with a steady phase. If he thinks this is wise and controlling, it will just be by rare luck if nothing going to pop-off, not like Ivanka Trump or Jared Kushner can even trade their bad estates of 666 fifth avenue in New York, and copy-cat fashion designs to make a deal like the Iran Nuclear Agreement. 3 years into the deal, he pulls out.

If I was North Korea, I would wonder if the United States can be trusted and if they should just directly talk with Seoul and not Washington. Since the mad-man in DC is off the hinges and could suddenly send drones to Pakistan, because his newly appointed such-and-such with a mustache said so. Since, nothing is impossible in this mess and the lack of reflection is a bad sign. That the microwaved and lack of possible outcome of a self-inflicted wounds are the result of pulling out of it.

I am sure Fox & Friends, Tomi Lahren and all the bad-boys of the Republican going to praise this, but the world is looking in awe and thinking, does this man has any hinges? Where does the buck stops? When will this man be better? He is only getting worse.

Who needs enemies? When you have Trump? You don’t need any, no one is so self-conflicted, split-personality and self-indicted, than the commander-in-chief. Also his neglect in lack of understanding and basic knowledge of the concerns is evident too. That is why these sort of acts appears, because he thinks he won the rose on The Bachelorette and gets another shot at the woman. Instead, its big giant policies that affects not only the region, but all powers. This is creating frantic problems, and worries about the outcome. While he is just acting like it was nothing.

Who knows the consequences now, but Iran will with time start up their Nuclear production, the arms race of the Middle East will happen with time. The United States will export more weapons and who knows how it will go. Who will shoot and who will spread fear, but in the equation, the United States cannot be trusted. The United States cannot be trusted at all, as long as Trump is at the helm.

He might end NATO tomorrow. Who knows? He got the capacity and he doesn’t care. Peace.