Northern Irleand: Sinn Féin and Alliance Party seems like the winners of the polls

Sinn Féin (SF) and Alliance Party are the projected victors of the elections in Northern Ireland. There will be changes in Stormont and this will have affect on the rest of the United Kingdom. The voters has also turned their backs on Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV), Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) and Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). That is blow for the unionist, as the neutrals of the Alliance Party and the ones who wants Northern Ireland to be part of the Republic of Ireland, SF is winning.

That says something. The Unionists and the ones for ties to London has lost seats and in general mandate in Stormont. This should worry not only the ruling party in London, but make you wonder how this will be materialized in Northern Ireland. As there are more friendly representatives of Dublin, than of London.

That’s if the numbers and the forecasts are correctly. The first results and first picks gives a vast majority and makes SF the biggest party. The losers are DUP, UUP and SDLP. While also Alliance Party and TUV have also gained momentum this time around. However. Alliance and SF will be the two parties that matters this time around.

The DUP will possible cause a wreck and chaos, as they will not accept the results and whatnot. We should expect them to this lightly. As the main competitor is having a massive win and a possible landslide. While the neutrals Alliance is also gaining grounds. This is not good look for the DUP or other Unionists. They are losing ground and it’s so obvious that things are backfiring.

Maybe this is a reaction to the Brexit and how it is impacting Northern Ireland. It would maybe be easier to just join the Republic and be part of the European Union. Instead of being the lost province and the lost territory, which the British still have influence over. That will cause friction and possible issues yet again.

A call for a referendum and possibly join the Republic is on the horizon now. Especially, if the SF and Alliance becomes the winners. That will hurt the Unionists and their causes. It wouldn’t be any sort of shocker. There is a generation who is born since the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) and only felt the results of the Brexit. Therefore, they are maybe moving towards Dublin and the European Union. Instead of being part of London and the United Kingdom. However, that is only speculation at this point.

This election isn’t only a result of Brexit and how it has played out in concern of Northern Ireland. Maybe, also many are tired of how the DUP has been politicking. They have seen how they used their majority and wants to try someone else. It is possible that the Unionists aren’t able to sell their cause and the alignment with UK any longer. Since, the UK is out of the EU and the advantages of it has gone in the wind.

When there is such vast changes between two elections. The latter can be caused by many things. Now that we are seeing the trickling in of results. It shows a change and it can have possible ramifications. That can shatter what we have seen before and we cannot turn the tide again. Nevertheless, the full results aren’t on the table and there is more counting tomorrow. The full tally will settle it all. However, SF and the Alliance is the projected winners of this election. That got to hurt plenty of parts of the Northern Ireland. It should also bring hope and inspire people as well.

It is hard to know how this plays out. While there was talks that Brexit could cause Northern Ireland to cede to Ireland. Now it is getting one step closer. Especially, if the SF gets a huge mandate and the Alliance, which is neutral and could co-sponsor a referendum. Peace.

Brexit: Layla Moran MP letter to Cabinet Secretary Mark Sedwell on the appointment of Dominic Cummings as Senior Advisor to the PM (24.07.2019)

Brexit: David Gauke MP resignation letter to PM Boris Johnson (24.07.2019)

Brexit: Philip Hammond MP resignation letter to Prime Minister May (23.07.2019)

Opinion: Boris is elected in a storm, but is he the trusted captain to get the public safe on the shore?

“Interviewer: Can you give an example, in your political life, when you’ve set your own self-interest aside for the benefit of the country?

Boris Johnson: Well, er, pfft, um, it’s a good question, but er, I, I, I would, you know, I don’t, obviously, it’s an embarrassing but, but true that, um, er, it is obviously, possible, er, how should I put this, to make more money, er, by not being a full-time politician. Um, I don’t, I don’t want to put too finer point on it, er, but, you know, you have to, you have to, you have to, make sacrifices sometimesConservative Leadership Contest Hustings in Darlington (5 July 2019)

Well, this whole Brexit ordeal has been chaotic and without any strong leadership. The Conservative Party or the Tories have been shambolic. They have now used the added time from Brexit Day in March to fight. Whose get the mantle post Theresa May, instead of finding liveable solutions to the biggest quest in their lifetime.

Alas, that is what the British does and the elite, who will not pay for the added austerity, troubling markets or hard border with Northern Ireland. While the Irish has prepared over three budgets and trying to get secured by the European Union. The Tories are flying in without much and still trying to configure the needed basics for a withdrawal from the Union. It is clear, that the Tories and the government doesn’t care much of the consequences as long as they are in power. If they did care, they would have shown the effects of leaving and also put up proper measures to tackle the coming hardships of post-EU membership.

Still, Boris Johnson will try to make it sound simple, as the populist and braggadocio man he is. Johnson will smooth talk, just like he did as Foreign Secretary, but don’t expect him to do much. Because, that is something he really doesn’t do. His a lazy bugger in power and has shown little flex, than playing for the guards whenever it has fitted him.

Johnson is a conning man, a man of big promises, lot of bravado but little flair or care for others. That is why other MPs are resigning as he becomes the PM. Others are condemning him, even before he starts, because has shown racists remarks and utter machoism in attitude. Not the perfect start for any MP, but this is a self-created obstacle, as he himself has shown disregard for a big portion of society and his racial slurs will always follow him.

That is why a man whose career has been to mystify and create division, will not supposed be there to create unity is utterly ridiculous, its obnoxious and demeaning to the public. Maybe the people of Brexit Party and far Right loves this man. But very few else do.

This is not the sort of man that should guide the British out of the self-made crisis they are in, which has been inflected on them because of men like Johnson. Who is a self-seeking diva and lover of power, but doesn’t know how to use it or get things done. That is the sort of man at the helm in London. Surely, Brussels must shiver, but also the other capitals, because his a despicable example of a man and a politician. Boris the Blade has arrived and it’s going to get bloody. Peace.

Brexit: Anne Milton MP resignation letter to Prime Minister Theresa May (23.07.2019)

Brexit: Alan Duncan MP resignation letter to Prime Minister Theresa May (22.07.2019)

Brexit: Boris Johnson MP letter to Jeremy Hunt MP (25.06.2019)

Brexit: Jeremy Hunt MP letter to Boris Johnson MP (21.06.2019)

Brexit: The 1922 Committee – Press Release (07.06.2019)