Uganda – Former Presidential Press Secretary Tamale Mirundi speaks out again on WBS TV (16.08.2015)

Interesting, eh? Good to hear from him again. Though he as arrogant as ever. This time he isn’t talking wealth, more about his education and political science! That he claims to master, if you mastered it, why are you here addressing your life in public? Doesn’t make sense? Shouldn’t you play shaddow games and get the public behind you in a proper way. But I was happy to not hear you massive claim of self-made trip this time. Actually talking with some calm and relaxed not acting up. One thing: I have to ask Hon. Mirundi after seeing this interview!  Who knows that person out there, that is the supposed computer genius that leaked the tape? I am sure just somebody left a recorder in the room and then sent it online. Get back and run your Minibuses, Mirundi!   

Tamale Mirundi Tape from Youtube from 20th July 2015 – The controversial 8 minutes!


Listen to the Ugandan Presidential Press Secretary Tamale Mirundi talking about the President, Oil and Riches (Youtube-Clip)

My opinions after listening to Tamale Mirundi rants:

If your ever think that this guy actually has been living as a spokesperson for living and being a called serious man! Than at this moment you will struggle with that, right? He doesn’t seem like that after this tale and speeches. Neither if you respect anybody he talk about. It’s hard to take him serious when he speaks about changing borders to get more Oil to Uganda from Democratic Republic of Congo. An the tale about London and Cameroon, poisioning wells, seriously?  Then the struggles and cons of Maj Edith Nakalema and Brigadier Proscovia Nalweyiso in the Statehouse. As a Press Secretary of the President of Uganda. Is talking cracy here..! And whatever: he says isn’t showing character as he wishes. He sounds more like a litte afraid man! That he forsees that somebody will steal the goatmeat from his plate. After that he is trying to convince the public of staying the course for the Team Museveni 2016. Hope he got enough cars to sell on the used market in Kampala. Because as a serious spokesman and Presidential Press Secretary Tamale Mirundi is sounding just like a Lone Ranger on steroids. Enjoy! Peace.