NRM failing on bills again, this time to New Vision!

There been sent a letter to the National Resistance Movement (NRM) from the New Vision Group. The NRM and the President paper, who usually write all the favorable propaganda for the NRM Regime. Therefore, that the New Vision sent a letter on the 13th June 2017, didn’t pay for its adverts in the Vision Group in 2010 and 2011. In 2010, the party haven’t paid the bill of 508,886,927 Uganda Shillings and in 2011, the bill is 406,578,614 Uganda Shillings. The total lacking funds are 915,465,541 Uganda Shillings. So the NRM are closely behind to 1 Million in debt to the Vision Group.

Just like another report from the same campaign in 2016:

Judgement on admission is hereby entered against the respondent (NRM) in the amount of Shs4.9b. The issue of cost of the application shall be determined by the suit” Mr. Opesen held yesterday” (…)”The money arouse of supply 60,000 T-shirts, one million scarves and 200,000 sleeveless shirts” (…)”Kampala Modernity Stationers and Printers sued the ruling party in 2013 for contribution of the said money to be paid to Dubai based firm, Bright Arrows Trading which supplies the ready-made garments” (…)”M/S Bright Arrows Trading have sued Kampala Modernity for breach of contract leading to third party proceedings compelling court to add NRM as party in the case” (Buule, 2016).

So the NRM Party and the NRM Campaign of 2011, clearly the NRM Campaign of 2011 was not run well. The NRM Organization clearly doesn’t respect the providers of the needed materials for their campaigns. This are old bills from the previous presidential election campaign.

You can wonder if they have stifled the men and woman making campaign material for 2015 and 2016. As they have done for 2010 and 2011, as if the providers want to come forward and leak it now? It would be natural to complain a year after for the missed tab created by the ruling regime and the ruling party. Seemingly, the funds from the NRM party are not sufficient, as even parts of 2016, the NRM wasn’t paying out salaries to their own staff.

The organization isn’t functioning or have good audits of their accounts, since they are not paying on time or being able to plan their actions and campaigns. That is why the old bills keeps pumping. This is just another one. There might be more skeletons in the closet, we just have to wonder if the NRM has paid the bus companies and the other one delivering services during the campaigns. Peace.


Buule, Jon – ‘N.R.M. in 4 billion debt over poor quality Yellow T.Shirts!!!’ (01.03.2016) link:

Dr. Tanga Odoi lacking salary is the proof of maladministration from the NRM regime


National Resistance Movement hasn’t apparently paid Dr. Tanga Odoi his salaries for the six months. That is half years pay that the ruling party hasn’t paid their internal Electoral Commission that we’re in charge of NRM Primary Election that we’re before the General Election in 2016.

There isn’t something right when the ruling regime, the ruling party run by the President isn’t doing the right thing. The ruling regime is keener on keeping their loyal investors and cronies as in the recent months they outspent monies and emptied the treasury chest of the State House. Still, they couldn’t cough of funds for the NRM Organization. The NRM Central Executive Committee should focus their funds. They must have diversified the funds that we’re for the NRM House and the NRM fundraisers that we’re before the General Election this year.

The President knows that the party and organization needs him, therefore he can even let them starve, while the land-grabbing are happening in the districts far away like Amuru, while the Kampala based investors get to eat from the government plate.

We would think the Musevenist would be paid by the grand man himself. Instead the NRM-O and NRM-EC is left in the sticks without the needed funds to even pay salaries. This isn’t new as the civil servants can walk for months without pay. That is the way monies are allocated in Uganda, where people can walk and work for months without pay and still strive.

Dr. Tanga Odoi complained during the campaign on his salaries and had a brawl with Secretary General Justine Kasule Lumumba, which has gone into hiding after the President we’re sworn in. She has hid under a rock or fiercely becoming silent because of her brash attitude and irrational rhetoric that isn’t fitting in any society.

The NRM Party has lost their marbles, they have forgotten their own as they need a loyal party line to continue to work for the tyrant who detains and orders killings of his own, where he put the blame on the victims. That is Kasese for you, while that is happening Makerere, teachers and now Party Organizations are walking unpaid.

Tanga Odoi is just a crown example of the maladministration and mismanagement. National Resistance Movement who is the ruling regime and sponge of the state funds. The state funds must be misused or mismanaged as the allocations cannot make sense. We can understand with the recent history of mismanagement can be proven with the suspension of funds to Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). That couldn’t be the only part of government that could have gotten the same treatment if the International Community had looked deeply into the procedure and waste of state funds.

The NRM Party own model of payment is out of control and the reason is that the President doesn’t even care for his own, other than the ones that are corrupting him and securing his existence. Who is really eating right now could be a mystery, as the closest elite an the NRM-O should be taken care of together with the army and police who are making sure the illegitimate regime alive. Peace.

Tanga Odoi Faults UNEB, NCHE over NRM MPs Disqualification from Parliament (Youtube-Clip)

“The NRM Electoral Commission has distanced itself from the ridicule surrounding nine NRM members who were thrown out of parliament by the courts of law over academic documents. The ruling party argues that all verification of academic papers was done by UNEB and National Council for Higher Education.. The NRM EC boss Tanga Odoi is now threatening to take legal action against the two academic bodies should more MPs lose their seats due to academic credentials” (NBS TV Uganda, 2016).

NRM MPs express dissatisfaction with party CEC (Youtube-Clip)

“A number of NRM MPs have questioned how the party’s Central Executive Committee appoints representatives on bodies like the Parliamentary Commission and the Pan African Parliament. The NRM CEC last week voted and forwarded the names of six MPs appointed to the two bodies” (NTV Uganda, 2016).

NRM expresses concern about high rate of party MPs losing election petitions (Youtube-Clip)

“It has emerged that chairman of the National Resistance Movement party President Yoweri Museveni is not happy with the way his party members are losing election petitions. So far 11 NRM MPS have lost election petitions in court, though they have won 27 out the 38 cases that the courts have already dealt with. This development has resulted in the party secretariat returning to the drawing board to determine if and where the party erred in managing its candidates” (NTV Uganda, 2016).


Opinion: Demoted MPs in the 10th Parliament are a sign of the fraudulent election

MPs Parliament Uganda 16.05.2016

The cards game of the 10th Parliament has started in the recent days, not only with the vetting of the Members of Parliament, but also the grievances of the regions not represented in Pax Musevenica 7th Term Cabinet of 2016-2021. So with that in mind there are rulings and changes, which are small, but important, as they set the precedence for the loyalty to the ballots and the election that we’re held. We knew it was rigged and was a sham, so that a few MPs getting kicked out for the Qualifications are nonsense, as they are handpicked men by Dr. Tanga Odoi or by the NRM Regime, National Resistance Movement we’re picking new loyal men and loyal to the brown envelopes of President Museveni, those who thinks differently have lost the plot.

We have already gotten Busiro South MP, Peter Ssematimba and Lugazi Municipality MP, Isaac Mulindwa Ssozi, Vincent Woboya, Budadiri East MP, Lucy Aciro Otim, Aruu North, Pader MP, Lillian Nakate Ssegujja, Luweero Woman MP; they are disqualified in Court on their Academic Qualifications oron Electoral Malpractice before becoming Members of Parliament (MPs) in the 10th Parliament. This is just a few of the MPs that have been kicked out of Parliament after trouble in court recently!

There are total of 40 MPs who are questions in Court over their standing after the General Election of 2016. This is 40 MPs out of over 458. Still a massive amount as the FDC has only about 30+ MPs in the Parliament and not really having a voice in the Parliament at all. The NRM have the majority and creative control and legislative balance of the house. So with the fall of up to 20 MPs sets also the standard of internal NRM Party and NRM Electoral Commission that couldn’t even have the structure to validate own candidates before the vetting in the 10th Parliament. That is an embarrassing view and proves yet again the stagnate truth, that they are handpicked from “above” and not “elected”. Therefore the vicious handouts get now slapped by the court-cases that cannot kiss the ass of the President and his loyal vision.

Uganda EC Wall

So that some of the 40 MPs from the NRM fall short is not surprising, but another proof of the sham that occurred in February and the Eng. Dr. Badru Kiggundu shady hands into the coffers for tripling his pay right before the polls.

If you think it is bad, then look at this:

During a Caucus meeting of NRM MPs at State House on Friday, Government Chief Whip Ruth Nankabirwa told the President that the party may lose seats in the 10th Parliament if he does not come to the financial rescue of those battling petitions in courts. Yoweri Museveni subsequently directed the party secretary general, Ms Justine Kasule Lumumba, to compile a list of NRM MPs with petitions in court and compile a budget of the financial requirements. More than 40 NRM MPs are defending their seats in court”.

With all of this in mind, the NRM have to cough of more money, as they already misused state funds and empty all of the safes on both Entebbe and Nakasero Statehouses during the Campaign Trail between 2015 to the 2016. The General Election have already been costly as the Police Force have already spent over budget with feeding and fuel for driving Besigye back and forth from Kasangati in Wakiso to Naggalama Police Station in Mukono.


So the National Resistance Movement continues to sparkle in glory of theirs, in the basking vision of Museveni and his cadres, which they all are. So with that in mind, they are all begging for his help to fund the court cases, as much as the ones who lost the NRM Primaries asked for help to cover the campaign and local pledges in October of 2015. The Money issues always come back when it comes to NRM. The same is with the NRM MPs who are in court defending their Electoral Malpractices and Academic Qualification, and if they lose it in court, they have not only been vetted to early, but also proved the ‘stealing of an election’. It’s the thieves theme with another rap on the flip-side.

They wouldn’t not lose their position and seats if they we’re really elected and had the followed the guidelines to become Members of Parliament, as some are taken to court on bribing voters, others that they haven’t real school-papers or Academic Qualifications as they are forged documents claiming their status of education. So to be undressed and kicked out of parliament because you never went to Makerere, Kyambogo or any other higher education… lied and came with documents that weren’t verified from institutions who are concern with the Academic merits.

That together with the ones that have clear evidence of electoral frauds and malpractice as bribing voters and also bribing Electoral Commission officers; that secures the place in the Parliament, instead of the men and woman who went into a fair game, and used other practices to fix themselves inside the legislators chambers instead of men and woman who actually had the right and the vote of the people in the county and district.

So with the knowledge of all of the malpractices of the General Election 2016, for every MP that are kicked out of Parliament through a legal process where they cannot defend their title and place, proves the systemic malpractices that I and other have said it we’re. For 40 MPs to be challenged and with already dozen backhanded and lost their place, proves the validity of the claim of a fraudulent election. If it was justified… and if it was a free and fair election, it wouldn’t be that many, in my calculation about 9% of the whole Parliament. That is big reach to have that many questionable MPs in one election alone. Together with the knowledge that certain candidates we’re unopposed in their constituency like Hon. Sam Kuteesa for instance. That should really say something about the sham that occurred and should not be forgotten. Peace.