Opinion: Mzee says it colonialists fault for him torturing civilians today…

Asked to comment on Kakwenza’s, and other critics’ torture allegations, Museveni said that he has confirmed some incidents of torture although he had not yet followed up on the former’s case. “It is true that some people were tortured. I have not confirmed on that one (Kakwenza), but I have confirmed some other cases, and I took it up,” Museveni said. Adding, “You see, part of the problems of Africa is capacity building, we are building armies and security forces. These sometimes come with traditional ideas from the village or they get imported ideas from the former colonialists. For instance, the Police Force which was here during the colonial times; they were using those methods.”” (Jonah Kirabo – ‘Museveni blames Kakwenza’s torture on traditional ideas, colonialism’ 07.03.2022, Nile Post).

We are living in 2022 and the Republic was liberated in 1962. It has been 50 years since the United Kingdom held the Republic of Uganda as it’s protectorate. The “British enclave” which President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni usually refers it too. That’s why it’s astonishing that a man who has held power since 1986. Is blaming the relics of old, as if he couldn’t have changed it or the traditions of the security agencies in the Republic. If that was true… then his really powerless in office.

I have already proven in previous articles through human rights reports, that the National Resistance Army and National Resistance Movement has used torture as a method all through its’ reign. Yes, the NRM has enacted laws that makes it illegal. While the same government keeps institutions, safe-houses and organizations unaccountable for torturing civilians without due process or legal justification.

There is clear indication that the Security Agencies are using torture, keeping citizens incommunicado and kidnapping them. Just like the “Panda Gari’s” did and we in this day and age call them “drones”. While the citizens are kept in dungeons, safe-houses and whatnot where they are tortured with methods that is “Kandooya”, which is still prevalent to this day. Therefore, the President can claim “colonialists” inspired this, but he instead has kept the operation and the means of Amin. That’s the tragedy here… which he claims to have ushered in a new era post Amin and Obote II governments.

Museveni promised a “fundamental change” but only difference was a bus and a “heroic” tale of 27 guns of the NRA. The rest is just hogwash and sold out ideals on the alter of massive wealth for the inner-circle of the President. The rest is hanging and getting breadcrumbs of the initial promises of old. The pledges and promises haven’t been kept and the governing is more of the same. While dissidents, activists and political opponents are meeting the grave reality of harassment, torture and legal jeopardy, as they try to stand tall in a battle of the political space. Therefore, NRM and Museveni haven’t achieved or made it possible to be better.

The Museveni era and reign will be remembered for the amount of pain, suffering and hurt it has caused. The damaged lives, the loss of limbs and the suffering that certain parts of the Republic has. While others been living lavish in Kololo or elsewhere. Because, they was part of the elite and the clientele that served the President wisely.

The rest is getting the blunt and unforgiving force. They can all be taken away, swiftly and eruptly without any forewarning or warrants on their heads. No, the state can just take them and punish them for their political stance or their opinion online. It is enough justification to go after someone and take them down. Since they offended the Don or his avenging Son.

That’s why it’s hard to believe that this is the fault of others. When the system is built by the means of His Excellency and he has never disbanded these efforts. Peace.

Opinion: Two writers into exile within a month [a sign of the lack of freedom of speech in the republic]

Kakwenza Rukirabashaija fled into exile today and his not the first dissident to do that in 2022. He is the second high profiled writer and activist to flee the Republic. Dr. Stella Nyanzi fled into safety in the end of January 2022 and it was official on the 31st January 2022. It is only two weeks in between the fleeing of Kakwenza and Nyanzi.

So, it is clearly a pattern here. Dr. Nyanzi was for in exile in Kenya from end of January 2021 to April 2021. We don’t know how long Nyanzi will stay in Germany now, but this is the second time she says she’s in exile.

We are now seeing Kakwenza has crossed the border and without a passport, which is kept by the authorities, as the writer and activist wasn’t allowed to travel for medical treatment elsewhere. Today is really a worry as he has turned into a fugitive now.

This shows how limited the freedom of speech is and what the ones who dares to challenge regime has to do. The regime is clearly on a warpath and directly targeting the ones who writes, types or thinks outside the correct line. It is clear that there is only one man with a vision and the ones who doesn’t follow is endangering themselves.

That is why Kakwenza and Nyanzi had to flee. We know they have both written and stated on social media publicly what they feel about the regime leaders. They have written texts which humiliate and mocks the President and their family members. Since then they have been in legal jeopardy and been harshly treated by state security agencies.

It is not strange they both have fled and it is a sign of the times. As dissidents and honest actors in their writing they are getting barred, attacked and tried to be silenced by the state. This gives them all the reasons to flee or leave. Since, their voices are not heard and if so… it makes a court case or a torture case, which we have seen recently.

This just shows what the state does to the ones who doesn’t comply or follow the “guidance”. They have dared to write insulting words and been direct in their dissent of the regime. That has cost them a lot and they are also mocked. However, the state shows how limited the freedom is and what sort of liberty the state operates within.

They are just the proof of how limited and lackign ability to speak freely there is. These two are proof of the dictatorship and how the security agencies are working directly for the first family. As they are serving the avenging powers upon those who offend the Don or his Son. Therefore, everyone should know about this.

If your own citizens has to flee into exile to be able to speak their mind. You know the Republic is a heaven for the dictator and not for his subjects. Peace.

Uganda Law Society (ULS): Statement on Torture of Suspects under Detention by Security Forces (05.02.2022)

Opinion: The court documents proves torture of Kakwenza Rukira

The writer and activist Kakwenza Rukira who dared to question and call Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerubaga ‘obese’ in December 2021. After prolonged agony, kept in detention in-communicado and not produced to court from mid-December to early January 2022.

The writers document and court documents are really revealing, as it states some fact, which the government cannot deny at this point. While he was in Kitalya Mini Max Prison showed that he was healing from scars from torture on his back, buttocks, thighs and hands. As well, as the St. Francis Hospital Nsambya report the Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), blood clots under finger nails, multiple lacerations and healing bruises on his back, buttocks, thighs and right forearm, stress fracture left distal tibial shaft and periostitis left fibula.

As you can see the court document says very substantial torture which he went through in government detention and at unknown facilities. The Special Force Command (SFC) the former unit, which Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerubaga lead before he became the Commander of Land Forces (CLF) of Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF).

It is really frightening that they can do this to a civilian and a writer. That means that the SFC on command and orders of the “high above” can torture someone just out of spite and revenge. This is the message and meaning of spreading fear.

Torture isn’t new and has been a staple of the National Resistance Movement (NRM). As it has used SIU Kireka and ungazetted safe-houses to torture civilians and activists for decades. Therefore, the state and it’s security agencies has been doing so. While fragments of the horror stories are revealed in courts and sometimes the injustice is vindicated with paid cost and damages.

If they can do this Kakwenza Rukira, which is a public figure and writer. The state can be even more hostile, more avenging and causing fatalities as well. That is well-known… and it has been visible with the “drones” and extra-judicial killings, which was prevalent in the campaign season and up to the polls. We also know that opposition activists, members of parliament and civilians affiliated is still linger behind bars, as we speak.

Therefore, the writer and dissident has been tortured for questioning the first son and third ranked army commander in UPDF, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi. That is evident and clear for everyone to see. Peace.

Opinion: Muhoozi is so obese, that his fat-ass stands in the way of rule of law

“Muhoozi has humongous hips and breasts. He’s obese. How can a soldier who went to genuine military training and exercises everyday have such a sedentary figure? God punishes the corrupt in a good way with a badge of stupid figure” (Kakwenza Rukira, 27.12.2021).

Today, the writer and critic Kakwenza Rukirabashaija were bound to be released on bonds after being captured, tortured and detained since 28th December 2021. He was finally produced in court and was supposed to be later released. However, right after being released from Kitalya Prison and put on bond by the Buganda Road Courts. A vehicle with unmarked registered plate kidnapped the dissident and sent off.

Just like the plain-clothed invaders of his home on the 28th December 2021. As they took him away and arrested him after writing the forementioned tweet. Clearly, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerubaga has a fat ass and that is standing in the way of rule of law. The obese mindset, which implicates everyone to bow down to his greatness and lack of heart. Since, everyone is bound by an unknown law to love the man and gentle massage his ego. Like the keyboard warriors of the NRM and the whole GCIC staff apparatus.

That is very clear, as anyone can be touched for calling a man obsess. Just like the state could arrest and go after Dr. Stella Nyanzi too. There is no bound and reasoning, only merciless betrayal of freedom of expression, which is limited and narrow. Unless you are one of them and are powerful. Then you can call people pigs, insects, vermin, or any sort of derogatory word in book. Heck, you can throw the book at them and use the whole spectrum of insults, which is what the father of the offend son does on the regular.

The kidnapping and re-arrest today only shows how fragile the over bloated ego of Muhoozi is. As he can use his power and rank to demolish his detractors. While we still can name-call his ass and be blunt. Muhoozi is a fragile and weak individual, who calls himself a general. A man who thinks of greatness and aspire for the highest office but isn’t fit to even stand up to a few whiny words on social media. That’s the sort of fella he is and its weak tea.

We are clearly seeing the fat-ass of Muhoozi is blocking the avenues of freedom of speech, as the writer and such wasn’t allowed to talk about the case or anything to the media. He was muffled by the court order with his bond. While the state also confiscated his passport. That’s all done to humiliate and capture him. So, he cannot leave into exile… because the state wants to severely punish him.

It is even proven by how they take him right after the release and didn’t even get a cup of tea or say hello to his family. He just got out of the courthouse and boom, the vehicle and agents of state was there ready for action. They want to scar him more and prove their point. That Muhoozi is an obese man with a very big ego.

Muhoozi needs guidance and help, he needs mercy and some self-reflection, however, the ones around him is only boosting his ego. They are there kissing his fat-ass and cleaning up his plates. They are just “yes-men” who hopes to eat of the career of Muhoozi. They don’t mind this mind-numbingly stupid Lt. Gen. who cannot even carry a few insults or infuriating words. He just supposed to be praised like the baby dictator he is. The future despot and prince of darkness with an ass that can carry few more calories than most apparently. Why do I believe that? Since, his arresting people for calling him obese. I wouldn’t believe, if he let it fly and didn’t pay it no mind. However, when he uses the state apparatus to go after someone for calling him that. Then I have to believe it is true.

So with today’s action. I believe the fat-ass of Muhoozi is the reason for why there is a limited freedom of speech. His ass is blocking that and there is only a dark hole in space. The ass of Muhoozi is blocking the freedom and liberty of men to speak and to digress in public. Because, his ass is so afraid of ridicule and mockery. Since his raised in the belief that anyone should praise the ground his walking on like the demi-God, he believes he is. Peace.

Uganda: The Home Office of Andrew Karamagi – Re: Kakwenza Rukirabashaija – Enactment of Magnitsky Sanctions against Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Commander of the Land Forces, Uganda People’s Defence Force (25.01.2022)

The Case of Kakwenza Rukira is a proof that the rule of law is dying

The National Resistance Movement and President Yoweri Tibuhurwa Kaguta Museveni promised a fundamental change and a new state of governance. However, with time those promises has withered and proven to be a fault-line. There is a correct line, but that isn’t the ones of rule of law or justice for that matter. No, it is blind loyalty to one man and his quest for eternal power. The rest is just a game of scandals and spin to forget the injustice and the plights of the population.

The NRM and Museveni just show their sinister attitude towards their civilians and the dissidents when they are keeping a man incommunicado from 28th December 2021 to the 11th January 2022, as his charged in court for disturbing the peace of the President and his son Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerubaga. After the writer insulted and infuriated the ones power. Now, his behind bars and in prison for insulting the President and his Son.

If you thought Museveni brought fundamental change, you are wrong. It is more of the same and his acting just like the ones he “liberated” the people from. There is no difference between him and the ones who fought. The liberation war was for a chosen few and not for the general public. The NRA historicals and the elites, the rest has to beg for mercy it seems. The President wants beggars and people on their knees to get blessings like the former tormentors did to the people in the past.

Museveni and Muhoozi isn’t supposed to be ridiculed or mocked. They are supposed to have fun content and praising texts of glory. These men are supposed to be beloved and cherished. However, these are harming and going after the dissidents, the opposition and the ones who isn’t behind them. They are using the authorities and the law enforcement to silence the ones who dares to defy them. That’s what has happened to Kakwenza Rukira.

The writer dared to call Muhoozi obese and a drunkard. The writer of the Greedy Barbarian dared to question and mock the first family. While he did so in the public and in social media. He did what Dr. Stella Nyanzi has done and others like Pastor Joseph Kabuleta. They have all been taken to court and been detained for their writings. Therefore, the state isn’t acting in a new manner.

They are just resolving it quicker and with more brutality. While not producing him in the courts within 48 hours. Not giving him access to legal representation or having due process. The writer has been gone for days and weeks. The man was missing from 28th December to the 11th January 2022. That’s the sort of act of injustice and impunity. This is not proving the state to be fair or treat their dissidents fairly. It is showing the world that Museveni and Muhoozi bears grudges, they are ruthless and reckless. They don’t mind blood, pain or suffering upon the ones who challenge them. While they don’t have the character to address it back in the written word.

It was God damn tweets with a few words, not a decree or a ill advised speech. No, this was quick remarks and mockery on social media. A public figure of the stature of Muhoozi or Museveni should handle that. They should have the character, not only as public figures, but as army commanders. However, they have thinner skin and bigger egos than movie starts. They are sentencing and charging people, because they cannot manage criticism. Maybe, the words of the writer is true, then? He is obese and a drunkard? Is the Lt. Gen. Mr. Obese? Is he fatty-fat and feels ashamed of it? S

Since he has to order and get daddies to help to arrest, torture and keep someone incommunicado for days. That is maybe even validating the mockery, instead of refuting and rebuking it with simple words. That is what the state should do and it has several of spokespersons, government communications outlets and a few ministers who could do something useful. However, they are instead answering with violence and law enforcement. That is showing what lack of resolve and character the two men has.

They cannot articulate or use their minds. Instead they order guns, glory and pain on a civilian. Muhoozi cannot even defend himself. A man who is boosting himself and his position on social media. A man who can be vile and attack without any hesitation other political leaders like Bobi Wine. Muhoozi can write whatever and say what he feels without any other than positive coverage. However, a civilian must face jail and the courts for doing the same. That shows the discrepancy of the current state.

Museveni didn’t come with real change. Neither will Muhoozi. They are just liberators of their own fate and hopes the naive believes their arrogance and their rash acts of insincerity. Clearly, their egos are fragile and the Leopards Anus needs to save his buttocks from his son obese tummy. Peace.

Opinion: When you got nothing, you can always point at Kigali

Ugandan intelligence has discovered that Kakwenza Rukirabashaija who has been running a smear campaign against Ugandan government officials is a Rwandan agent. Kakwenza was recently arrested following a number of social media posts in which he was insulting President Museveni and the Commander Land Forces Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba. CID Spokesperson, Charles Twiine, said that for his recent arrest, Kankweza is charged with “insulting President Museveni and Commander of the Land Forces of UPDF Muhoozi Kainerugaba via his Twitter handle.” (The Kampala Post – ‘Ugandan Intelligence Confirm Kakwenza Rukirabashaija is Rwandan Agent’ 04.01.2022).

We have been here before, as critics and people falling out of favours are suddenly arrested or getting into legal jeopardy. In September 2021 Dr. Lawrence Muganga, the Vice Chancellor of Victoria University faced also espionage case concerning Kigali and Rwanda. Alas, there was never any proof of these allegations. Neither has there been produced any evidence or proof of the allegations towards the VC.

Now in January 2022 we are seeing Kakwenza Rukira getting the same treatment by the authorities. As he has been kept incommunicado and haven’t even produced to the courts within the 48 hours. While the law enforcement and authorities are creating more charges on the individual. That is all happening, because Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerubaga is to lazy to go to the gym. The CLF of UPDF cannot stomach criticism… and there is now alleged torture of the writer and critic of the First Family.

However, what is clear is that the state is using all of its resources on this. They are trying to prove a point. While Muhoozi and his buddies are trying to sell him as the second coming of Jesus on social media. That’s why it’s hurting his pride that someone dislodged the majestic persona and image online. This is why Kakwenza Rukira is taken into custody and proving a point off.

The same the state did also with Dr. Stella Nyanzi who wrote about Museveni mother and the saga of “buttocks”. Now, it is about fatigue and health concerns in a colour expressed ways on Twitter. Clearly, the ones in power and a high ranking officials cannot handle their role as public officials. If you cannot handle the heat, you shouldn’t be in the kitchen. The same is to these gentlemen and the whole first family. As no one there has shown to have character to stomach their role. Since, they arrest and detains the ones that humiliate them online.

The President and the First Family should be able to handle words and articles made about them. This is the same family that has a head who calls people for bean-weevil, insects and pigs. There is no short-change of bad words and utterings about others. Therefore, these people should look onto themselves, before they judge and use the state against others. Peace.