Opinion: The Wealth Creation Tour is all about Museveni being the sole candidate not Wealth Creation!

Well, lets settle this ONCE and for ALL. That the trip paid by the taxpayers, by the state to usher in the Operation Wealth Creation Tour, which is a big hoopla by the State House and the President himself. Where he has stages, convoys and sign-offs on projects all across the Republic. Isn’t for the betterment of the state, the citizens or financial growth.

This is all to boast the ego of the President and seal his “victory” internally in the National Resistance Movement to become the SOLE CANDIDATE for NRM and be the eternal guiding star of the “movement”, which isn’t really moving. What the movement is really doing is repeating itself and hoping no-one notices it.

The President is going on a overdrive to campaign for himself, because he needs to settle the score. Even if he is saying exactly the same thing he did 20 years ago in a godforsaken district, which he has split twice since taken the reign. He has maybe said the same for 30 years ago, but who are able to follow all the pledges and promises of the promise-land. Everybody is just busy praising him and ensuring that they will be counted for after the next election.

That is why every village NRM chairman, every LCV and district representative is signing off on charts and on posters, proclaiming Museveni as the SOLE Candidate for 2021. Like it is a secret, like this is a mysterious cult of leadership, where only he can lead them. Because that’s how it seems. They are not even trying to have delegates and an internal election held by Dr. Tanga Odoi. Odoi is in this picture the ugly duck, just catching a envelope for being the chairman of the NRM Electoral Commission. His role there is pointless in concern, as by visiting Mubende district, the President has visited 15th districts to boast his ego.

He has his ordinary agenda, his speech and his loyal cronies following him there. They are blindly putting out the same statements and tokens of representation. These old same-old, same-old stories and proof of what the public need to do. Because, the old man is guiding them, while his campaign on behalf of himself. That is what he does. This trip is all about him. Not about Wealth Creation. That is just the mask of it, the usage of expression for what it really is. To make him look vibrant and ready, to usher in the 9th Term in office and ensure that none one will question him.

That is what the President is doing on his Wealth Creation Tour. He isn’t guiding people into wealth or earning a fortune. No, his ensuring his own position and using the state reserves doing so. He will continue to do so. Because he can and he will. Surely, there will be more than opening roads paid by the World Bank and other donor agencies. Yes, there will soon be gifts doled out to village chiefs, RDCs and whatnot to ensure their loyalty. That is what he does. Peace.

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