Malaysia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Rebuttal by the Government of Malaysia for the Offensive Statement by Nigel NG (18.08.2023)

Opinion: Uncle Roger banned in China…

Well, Nigel Ng or Uncle Roger, the Malaysian comedian have now been cancelled in China. That comes after a video for a show that is about get released on June 4th has sparked controversy in Beijing. No one should be shocked or anything.

This is practically routine in China. The banning and blocking of “unfriendly” content is supreme. The internet and the social media is all monitored. Therefore, it was a miracle it lasted this long for Uncle Roger. A man who speaks, thinks and talks like that in public was bound to fall out with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Sooner or later he would say the “wrong” thing or act a fool. Which would cost him his strips, the ability to promote or even have shows in China. That the Weibo account is now suspended and his losing possibly out on the Chinese market wouldn’t be surprising either. No matter if he cracked jokes on the expense of Taiwan in the same breath as making a mockery of Chinese rules or regulations.

The gig stays the gig. Uncle Roger’s fried rice isn’t for everyone. Neither is Aunty Esther either. Certainly, someone haven’t bought a rice-cooker and low sodium soy-sauce in a dish. Nevertheless, the truth still remains.

Never ever offend Xi Jinping or the CCP, if you want to do business or be able to hold shows in China. That is just a mere fact and Uncle Roger dared to do so. Even if it was satire and easy skits about reality. This is apparently to much for the Chinese authorities to handle.

Yes, some might call these jokes sensitive or “racists”. I have seen that, but jokes tend to go on the narratives or in the manner of generalization. If you want total “culture friendly” jokes… you will not find good satire or fun for that matter. It will be grim, soft and be so censored your heart, mind and spirit will leave your body. Therefore, someone need grow some balls and understand the craft.

There been others wanting him to joke or mock Malaysian politics. Maybe Uncle Roger should and not only sell MSG. However, that is up to him and what he chooses as a person. That the Chinese Authorities does this only shows their heavy hands and how they operate. There is little to no wiggle room for any sort of expression. Except for the expressions fitting the stories of the party.

The CCP and Xi Jinping only looks smaller by doing this. By cancelling him over a small video, which is released before a final release date. This is giving Uncle Roger lots of publicity and talk of China at the same time. It is free publicity for the comedian. While other will wonder why China bothered…

Well, the CCP is censoring and monitoring the web, online and social media with an iron-fist. Now the same hand whopped Uncle Roger. Surely, Nigel Ng will be fine and possibly has calculated that this would happen.

However, no matter how foolish this all is… a joke is a joke and if you cannot stomach a joke. Please, just change the channel. Peace.

Opinion: The Def Noodles controversies is getting out of hand…

You know you’re a hot mess when the only person buying you drinks all night is yourself” Chelsea Handler

After following Def Noodles aka Dennis Feitosa since the COVID lockdowns and all of the internet “news” and “drama” videos. He himself is becoming the centre of gravity and all for the wrong reasons. The man should leave the internet and be off social media for a while. Because, that way he can salvage his business and his own channels.

Right now, the main channel is bleeding subscribers and losing viewers too. His podcast has abysmal numbers as well. The Def Noodles brand and such is already wasted. The talk of self-destruction and killing own career is evident.

What is even more striking because of the second roast. The people are starting to look into the history of the lore and reasons for Def Noodles to become like this. They are starting to analyse his channel and his content choices. What is more striking now… isn’t that Kavos made him nearly quit YouTube at one point.

No, what is more striking is that his wife and YouTuber has been copied by the former husband/partner. Def Noodles has copied the content, the cat-ears and whatnot. Just like everything was Filipino at one point, the former wife/partner had everything Korean. Their channels went in tandem and did about similar things. He couldn’t even be original about it. Def or Dennis copied Lauren down to the thumbnails. That’s really biting her craft and becoming big doing so.

We know that Def Noodles has no plans of reviving the “irrelevant news” and the TMZ sort of internet news era. He has stated that himself, however, the foolishness of doing so.. is that the reason people subscribed and followed him was because of that. They didn’t come his way for jokes, pickle-ice-cream or “pallet cleansers”. No, they came for the ridiculous happening of the online sphere.

Now his turning not only into a failed actor and director. He is turning into a failure of a comedian and internet personality. Def Noodles owns a comedy club that no one respects. Certainly, because of his actions of late. He will get into trouble and more litigation possibly. Both for taking art-work from creators and possibly getting sued for doing so. One creator who was used for the first ticket-sales to the first roast is planning to do so. Secondly, he could face a lawsuit from Salvo Pancakes and the altercation or the assault on stage, which was caught on camera. Third, there is talk of people alerting the authorities of the possible breaches of serving liquor without liquor licenses at the venue. Last, he might have to answer for fire-safety and the seating arrangement in the comedy club. Since if you look on the tapes. It doesn’t seem to be designated way to the fire-escape and clear walk-way, if the unfortunate things was about to transpire. This is all speculations, but isn’t making things better.

Def Noodles already has a legal challenge and a lawsuit against Keemstar. The mortal enemy and the one who he has spoken ill of for months. Many thought he went the commentary route to emulate and a look like of internet enemies. Now it seems even more creepier, as he possibly copied his former wife/partner. I don’t know about you… but that is suspect things. When you can look into her channel and see how much he has copied over the years. It is really something else.

You also know it’s all bad when Social Blade estimations of loss of subscribers over a year could reach about 300k and a channel with about 550k. That’s over half of the ones who subscribed to you. This isn’t a good look, but showing what sort of downward spiral the man is in. It doesn’t help him that he has only yes-men and people boosting his ego around him. That’s why his not listening to criticism or anyone questioning his actions.

He is acting like a tough guy, but never acting responsible for it. Only gaslighting and acting as a professional victim. That can only work for a while, but the cover is already up. The means to an end only get you so far. Being on the trending tab on Twitter isn’t feeding you. What is feeding you is either views on YouTube, the amount of Patreon members and people buying merchandize. However, how much money can be in that now?

Def Noodles has to pay for staff and keep his business afloat. He has to ensure revenue from the Comedy Club and also all the other things he got going on. Those liabilities are now on him. We cannot know if the pressure and the internet has gotten the best out of him. Since, his trying to carve his own lane, but not managing to do so.

Dennis certainly want to achieve things, but his alienating his own audience and the ones who followed him. His only wants “ride or die” fans and the rest can just scatter. There is enough other sources or places to find what he was doing in the past. He was a glorified “tea channel” and now he wants to be something else. However, that isn’t working for him.

Last night performance just shows what he does to get controversy. He cannot handle the pressure or the double role of being an owner and the main-act. That’s just to much for him. He wants to be the big-shot, but instead becomes the butt of the joke. People are not laughing at his joke but at him. That’s because of the epic failures and the mismanagement from him. It doesn’t help with the aggression and the means that he used against Salvo. This just shows the character of Def Noodles…

He cannot morally be objective in his pieces anymore. For someone who is so vile and aggressive. Def Noodles is surely out of his mind. That is obvious to everyone who watches. It is not strange if people critic him and questions him now. This isn’t about spreading defamation or false information in his previous videos. Neither is the lack of credibility the man has. No, now its about the manner and the ways his operating. Which isn’t controversial but straight out foolish. The man is trying to act all cool and edgy, but comes out as cringe. He isn’t built for this… and Salvo caught him red-handed.

It isn’t “are you from Detroit?” Or “Do you want to make out?” but a real roast battle going all wrong. This just shows what sort of man he is. Def Noodles certainly cannot handle it and the coping mechanisms isn’t helping him either.

Time will tell how this is backfiring. This weekend has been brutal to Def Noodles and it isn’t getting any better. There is no hope on the horizon. Unless, he has a sudden change of heart and tries out another character or stick to sell on his YouTube Channel. Because, the comments on his videos is indicating the losses. Def Noodles is destroying his platform and his own name. One day at a time and it’s a crazy journey to follow. Peace.

Opinion: Def Noodles, the wasted YouTube Commentary Channel… Part IV

The last month has been brutal for Dennis Feitosa aka Def Noodles. The educator of Comedy and gatekeeper of the art. He had yesterday his first “Roast Battle” in his newly made Comedy Club. It is clear that the YouTuber has invested and tried to expand his business. That is all fine and dandy. Anyone who can should do so.

We know that Def Noodles has tried to become an Edge-Lord, but that’s not working. His constantly backing into questionable territory. Him getting Twitter back is clearly not healthy. That’s the place where his loosing it and not able to keep his head cool. Def gets triggered and writes the most outrageous stuff. Like telling a man to get educated on the barrel of shotgun. That’s the sort of man he has become and that’s why the “Dennis the Menace” is being spread around.

For being someone who has tried to cater to the “woke” and “left-wing” commentary crowds. That’s a big shift and his losing subscribers. Yes, his trying to shift over to Paetron and get paying subscribers to keep the gig up. As his rates of viewers are going down. The average on his videos on his main-channel is bleeding. That’s because people are tired of his stick, hypocrisy and seeing how two-faced he is.

Secondly, this man cannot take criticism. In such a way, that he had to build a Comedy Studio fitting with about 20 chairs or so. Where he can host roast battles and whatnot. That is a feat in itself. I’m sure while he was trending during the pandemic. The money was flowing in and the ability to get notoriety was giving him hope for the future.

However, now in August 2022 the story is different. His not only been called out by many for being dishonest in his reporting of stories. He has shown his character and that he lacks the objective sense of feedback. If you give him negative feedback, your either a troll, hater or para-social. In addition, if you give positive feedback or writes like he talks – “your a ride or die fan” who understands him. That’s how he operates now and shows how he treats his following.

Certainly, there are people who are missing the Minecraft and Cat-Ear Era now of Def Noodles. Because, this Howard Stern knock-off isn’t it. Trying to be edge and hard isn’t him. He might try to be, but it falls flat. That’s why last night show or roast was a sad event to see. Just imagine the time and the workers building the venue, the famous wall and see amateur hour for about an hour. Well, we should have expected that much or that little.

Def Noodles LLC was incorporated in March 2021. Surely nice to become a LLC. He has hired a Videographer editor and has an intern. Maybe he has more people on his payroll. As the podcast has fellow hosts as well. Therefore, a lot of expenditure is going out before the profits. That’s just the gist of it. He has a sort of team now, but they are not helping his content sadly enough. His also selling merch as Def Noodles SUX. So, his trying to get as many revenue streams as possible now.

That being YouTube main channel, Podcast, Patreon and Twitch (suspended yesterday for 7 days). He says his been de-platformed, but it was breach of TOS. Not a shocker there, but that’s how the story goes.

We are seeing a man willing to do whatever, this arch isn’t his best, but maybe the pressure to keep the business afloat while trying keep it alive is to much for him. I’m sure that he miss being a actor and partake in movies nearly no one watched like “Donna” and “Eddie”. If not he sure wished he was able to sell the sitcom dream of “Appland” instead of ending up with cringe-fest of roast yesterday. Because, this wasn’t it. No matter how you play this one out. There is little meat on the bone here. You couldn’t even muster up a proper joke and only wanted to give Miranda the mantle and check. Def Noodles didn’t even try, no punchlines, no comeback and no comedic timing. Just like plenty of us has told was lacking in the YouTube Commentary videos. However, he has never listened.

Surely, something got to give. To have comedian in a bio doesn’t make a man funny. That’s what jokes does and they are far between. Def Noodles is currently lost and his bravado isn’t helping him. It most cost and that’s why his branching out. He got a business to run and people to pay. So, he needs cash. Controversy is supposed to sell, but at the moment it’s only bleeding. Also, it is backfiring when his not getting a turn-up or a response worthy of the craft itself.

Just like the taglines on Appland is “Starting Up is Hard” – we are seeing that doing Stand-up is even harder. Peace.

Keemstar’s Motion to Dismiss the Def Noodles Lawsuit is “exposing” him…

The subject Tweet makes no accusation of acts of a sexual nature. There is no accusation of specific criminal conduct. The context is that the subject Tweet is a “mock” of prior fake stories and in response (in kind) to posts made over the three preceding days by the Def Noodles character, in which it repeatedly used “allegedly” to frame the comments about Keem” (Motion, 05.08.2022).

That Dennis Feitosa aka Def Noodles and Daniel M. Keem aka Keemstar has gone through a lot online isn’t anything new at this point. It was on the 19th May 2022 that Def Noodles filed his motion to sue and go after Keemstar for damages over a tweet from 2021. Now after all the recent controversy. The motion from the attorney of Keemstar is out and it has aspects, which digs much deeper than what Def Noodles had in first piece of litigation. Certainly, this is showing things that Def Noodles don’t want to undress in the Courts, but because of the Court case he has to address.

The motion itself shows how they both as YouTubers and Social Media influencers has operated on Twitter. It is really shattering seeing how the document shows the hypocrisy of Def Noodles in comparison to the Tweet that is the reason for this lawsuit. Because, he shows that plenty of Tweets from Def Noodles are much more direct and worse with the content. That is the obvious case here.

One of the best part of the Motion was this one:

Here, the alleged defamatory statement, on its face and as pleaded in the complaint, is not “of and concerning” plaintiff Dennis Feitosa, as a matter of fact or law. Indeed, the subject Tweet does not mention him at all. Rather, the subject Tweet is of and concerning a fictitious internet cat character, “Def Noodles,” which exists solely as a comedic instrument for generating jokes and satirical commentary. (Smith Decl., Exs. 1 and 2, and 12-15). “Def Noodles” is not synonymous with Feitosa, as Feitosa has repeatedly admitted, disclaimed, and emphasized. Def Noodles is a separate, outlandish, comedic character developed to satirically criticize, mock, and otherwise attack other social media personalities –and to be mocked and attacked in response. In his own description of this created character, Plaintiff has written that Def Noodles is “a satirical take in Internet news commentary hosted by a cat in a Minecraft house.” (Motion, 05.08.2022).

This here is so detrimental to the case, as it goes to the aspect of the character versus the person. That’s really poignant point, which is far beyond the reasoning in the original lawsuit from Def Noodles.

The best counter argument towards Def Noodles and damages is using his own Twitter history against Keemstar: “The statement parrots the cautionary language “allegedly” – which is a known signature disclaimer of Def Noodles and how the Def Noodles character couched each of its demeaning tweets about Keem in the three consecutive days (May 18th, May 19th, and May 20th) immediately preceding the May 21st responsive subject Tweet.4 The subject Tweet also mimics the “reached out for comment” line that the Def Noodles character has admitted to using falsely in the past. (Smith Decl., Ex. 2). The reference to “Big YouTuber Source” further highlights that Keem is poking fun, in kind, at the Def Noodles character and consistent with the joking/mocking environment in which they are operating – not stating serious facts” (Motion, 05.08.2022).

Here the arguments are showing that the comedian are struggling to comprehend and understand the satirical aspects of it. What is striking in the counter motion is showing how Def Noodles went after Keemstar on Twitter. That is clearly how he operates and does his work. We have seen that with other content creators how Def Noodles has gone after Papa Gut lately. Keemstar’s lawyers has really done him a service and showing how Def Noodles has acting in the same sphere.

The motion is clearly outlining why this isn’t libel or defamation, but instead play online between two content creators. Again, showing that Def Noodles cannot comprehend jokes made by others.

One vital part of which the attorney of Def Noodles failed to do or produce facts was the damages done by the Tweet in question. Which is sort of foolish in consideration of everything he has produced against others and proved in the court document by Keemstar’s attorney’s.

The part of defamation and the burden of loss or consequences to the Tweet. The reason why Keemstar should pay any damages to the one suing. That seems to beyond reach and explained in fine print: “Indeed, Feitosa does not allege any loss of income or other economic harm, nor does he allege a loss of YouTube subscribers or social media followers. Accordingly, this Court can dismiss the Complaint under Rule 12(b)(1) for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. See id. (“[I]in the event the complaint does not allege, on its face, facts plausibly suggesting that the amount in controversy exceeds the jurisdictional minimum, the court need not presume that the general allegation that the amount in controversy exceeds the jurisdictional minimum constitutes a good faith representation of the actual amount in controversy.”)” (Motion, 05.08.2022).

This I discussed in the piece “The Def Noodles Lawsuit is here… and the “comedian” cannot take a joke…”. As Libel and Defamation cases needs proof of loss of revenue or credibility. In such a way that the other party can sue or ask for damages. This just shows how Def Noodles or Dennis failed in this instance. Because, he has no proof of that or any evidence to prove it. If he had… he should have proven it. This is the most powerful statement in the whole legal drama.

The defence of Keemstar is really solid and shows both characters, their work and how they both as acted online. It wasn’t a one-time thing and certainly Def Noodles needs to come with proper evidence to let this one fly. Because, he has a mountain climb and prove that he should “win” and get the damages. Especially, when he tweeted similar things ahead of the Tweet that caused the lawsuit. Just proving how he wants one law for him and another for others. Which isn’t striking and the best part of all.

The defence of Keemstar is using the Def Noodles “comedian” and “satirical” character against him. In such a way… that he now has to either switch up or say it all is “serious”. Which will counter the “lore” of Def Noodles.

Time will tell, but this case isn’t over yet, but as Motion goes. This was a good one. Peace.

Teacher Mpamire as Ugandan President – Who doesn’t understand why someone want him to retire (Youtube-Clip)

“Welcome Welcome Wel..What???? My name is Teacher Mpamire from Uganda!!”  (Teacher Mpamire, 2016). He is not only Teach Mpamire he is also known as Professor Joel. Peace. 

Statement by Mabarizi: “When the victim is to blame” (10.03.2015)

Mabirizi Debate16

1. When my brother Kizza Besigye bandaged his hand after he was shot by a rubber bullet in his finger during the walk to work protests of 2011, a government minister said he was lying – that “he was using the bandage and arm sling to attract sympathy”.

2. When Police undressed FDC Women leader along Masaka Road on her way to Rukungiri, police said she had “undressed herself”.

3. At the start of my presidential campaign in Busoga,when I was abducted my men in military uniform never mind that I was under the watch of 11 counter terrorism policemen who had been placed to guard me 24 hours a day even as I use the bathroom, “They said I had kidnapped myself. That I was a comedian”.

4. When armed personnel broke into my brother Amama’s petition lawyers’ offices they say it was an inside job; “that the lawyers broke into their own offices and stole their own computers and documents..

Lets wait to see who abducts himself next.

You cannot fool all the people all the time.

For God and my Country.

Elton Joseph Mabirizi