The Calvary have besieged and house-arrested Betty Nambooze MP!

Five patrol vans and dozens of Police and army men sorround my home…..Am told that the number is five times bigger at my other home where I had organised a Press conference for today. At both my homes, police has set up heavy barricades disallowing any movement in or out. UGANDANS are getting used to tyranny…grave actions of human rights abuse and persecution are mented out on individual activists but because they have been happening for long…it has more or less become a way of life and its normal….other people even have the audicity to mock the victims!” (Betty Nambooze, 22.11.2019).

The Democratic Party Member of Parliament for Mukono Muncipality, Betty Nambooze was from early morning under house-arrest. This happens as the MP wanted to have a signature drive in the district for the People’s Government ICC Petition.

Therefore, the state is using their police and their resources to stop the opposition from doing their work. By illegally arresting her and keeping her home in Mukono under siege. The government are so afraid of the popularity of the ICC petition among the public. That they have to stop her from doing this in Mukono and the Greater Kampala area.

If the NRM and the government doesn’t fear the ICC petition, maybe it should ridicule the assessment and the things it alleges. Instead, they are amplifying the evidence and the case itself. By using state law-enforcement to illegal detain an MP in her own home. This without any warrant nor court orders. She is proven guilty, before she was proven innocent.

That is the Police Force ways in the Republic. Where opposition leaders and MPs are more criminal, than violent gangs and killers itself. They are monitored and detained at will. This house-arrest of Nambooze is another proof of that.

Nambooze didn’t even need to do more, than announce the signature drive in Mukono district to get this into trouble. The authorities really doesn’t care or has no issues taking the liberty, to away the liberty and freedoms of its citizens at any given time.

Today it was Nambooze, tomorrow it might be someone else. Peace.

Uganda Young Democrats: UYD Office Surveillance by Police (25.04.2019)

Opinion: Mao’s empty run for the President in 2021!

I don’t know if Norbert Mao sees it or not, if he thinks he is so viable and has the ability to garn the masses. He tried in 2011 and got about 150,000 votes. In 2016, he couldn’t even be fielded as an candidate for MP for the Gulu Municipality in Gulu District.

Now in 2019, he plans to run as a Presidential Flag Bearer for the Democratic Party (DP). Which is fine enough, surely he will get support of Abed Bwanika and other ones joining the team. Alas, they are not combined in strength to ever compete with regime of today.

If he would ever think he has the capacity now, to build momentum and challenge Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, he is terribly wrong. No one is, because the system is built either for him to win, as the crook or by the book. There is nowhere in between that gives space for Mao to strive. Neither, does he has the capacity to garn the masses or even sound like a strong opposition figure.

Mao in the last go around supported the The Democratic Alliance and its candidate Amama Mbabazi. Which wasn’t successful either, that is why his been a vocal voice on NBS Frontline, but not a leader with a purpose, as he is more disfranchising the opposition and his own party, then building something strong. As he has let Lord Mayor of Kampala, Erias Lukwago (People’s Government, Betty Nambooze (People’s Government), Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi (Minister of State for Youth and Children Affairs ) and Mukasa Mbidde (EALA MP) go along with either with the NRM Camp or whis fellow Opposition Kizza Besigye alternative People’s Government.

Therefore, he has not shown strength as a leader of his own flock, neither his own leaders nor MPs, who has shown character and joined sides. His not sanctioned the ones directly taking part of NRM functions and within the Cabinet. Only shown strong words against the ones who has chosen a defiant side to the current regime. Which is striking in itself. Since, as a supposed viable opposition, he should show finesse in these manners, but instead shown partisanship, by whom he attacks.

Do I believe that Mao has a shot to the throne? No, do I believe anyone has? No. Does Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine or Dr. Kizza Besigye, at this point no. They are candidates that are more viable and has a bigger voice. More reason behind them and more consistent with their supporters. Nevertheless, the system is built for Museveni, so it doesn’t matter who the Opposition fields. Because, the system is made for all the others to loose, and for the incumbent of 1986 to win again.

So, even as Mao is now saying his a candidate for the highest office, he will self-destruct his chances of being an MP. Mao, will by default go against both Bobi Wine and Museveni. Who knows if Muntu will join the team and who the FDC fields for this. JEEMA, UPC and UFA has enough struggle to even get momentum for their MPs, they should focus there.

That is why, the only interesting thing about Mao’s return to the battle for the highest office. How will he explain his ineffectiveness towards his fellow MPs who accept a close relations with the NRM and why he has attacked Besigye and his People’s Government? Because what striking difference is it between a Mao of 2019 versus the ones who called Besigye a serial loser a few years back?

Since I cannot figure out a time or pretext, where I thought of Mao as a winner. He haven’t even had the ability to run for MP last election and before that, been abysmal as a Presidential Candidate in 2011. Therefore, a little humility and grace, would be nice, but maybe his planning a TDA 2.0 with himself, and hopes Muntu can join the team with his ANT(s). Peace.

DP Reunion in Jinja: Cancelled out by the Calvary!

The Partisan Police Force was again at it, as the Democratic Party and Uganda Young Democrats had scheduled a Reunion on the Jinja Rugby Grounds. The Party Officials and the Organizers had notified as by law to hold the meeting in Jinja, however, the Police blocked the venue and did arrest several of DP officials.

What was striking as the authorities, the DP Reunion, took the DP President Norbert Mao was blocked, there was thrown tear-gas in Jinja. But, the Police quickly reported to the Daily Monitor, that the President of DP was negotiation and holding a consulting meeting with the officers at the Central Police Station of Jinja. Not, that he was directly arrested as previously reported by other sources. Clearly, there are something missing. As the State was notified, the paper trail has leaked online, by Mao himself. Therefore, it was known by the state since early February.

The Police does this simple cat- and mouse game with opposition. AS they have to comply with the restrictions of the Public Order Management Act and even if they do so. They still can be blocked for whatever reason the Regional Police Commander and others to clarify their intent. As, if the meeting and the rally itself was saying enough. We are getting close enough to the National Campaign Road Maps for 2020/21, that if a Party doesn’t comply them in combination with the POMA. They will be in deep trouble with the state. As we have seen previously in the Republic.

What the DP and UYD seen today isn’t groundbreaking, not a watershed moment or sign of the decades of control of Museveni. No, this is just the ordinary manifestation of the power and force, the state use against dissidents. Even the ones that usually complies and are very friendly to the powers, that be. But because, they still tries to operate as an independent opposition party, they still get into legal jeopardy. Because, that is how the state operates and continues to do so. Until the swearing-in of Museveni for the 6th time and pursuit of his 8 rings of service. There will surely be plenty more of this in the two years coming, 2020 and 2021, will be filled with stories like these. Just different names and parties, but the same mumbo jumbo.

What has been done in Jinja today to the leadership of the DP is nothing new. These arrests comes with a steady phase. Especially in a run-up to elections and within the narrow window of the campaigns. As well as during campaigns and the post-elections. If you’re lucky, you get extra bonus rounds of house-arrests and treason charges. That is for the unique, popular and resilient sort of politicians. Not mere mortals get that. They are behind bars and released on mockery of charges. Before, they try again to hold a rally or campaign. Peace.

Opinion: Norbert Mao will kick- and scream, but not act upon the indisciplined!

The Democratic Party in Uganda have been for long, seemed like a NRM-Lite. Like the sort of brew, that stinks like the ruling party, but isn’t the ruling the party. Feel me?

Therefore, the latest Presser with DP President Norbert Mao is coming of age. Like Whiskey if you like, its supposed to get better with age. However, in the case of Mao, it becomes more bitter and less flavourful. He might have more swagger in words and could resemble a vintage Tamale Mirundi. But his actions are weak.

Mao could have acted with swift actions against the “Good DP”, the DP’s whose in favour of the President. This being Fred Mukusa Mbidde or Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi. However, as he said he didn’t favour their positions nor sanctioned them. They should question their allegiance to the Party. However, that not been in question. Even Mbidde has been hanging around Museveni and the NRM Party in needed time before the vote of EALA MPs. Therefore, he did it too eat.

That was fun cases, as the DP Party getting prospects of power and reach. Even Mao didn’t directly sponsor or go behind it. He still hasn’t sanctioned it. His soft actions of letting it be and letting the MPs decides for themselves, where they want to be.

However, his words haven’t been soft after the People’s Government of Kizza Besigye was formed. The words against Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and Betty Nambooze Bakireke has been fierce. The daggers was out and he was ready to get his game. Clearly, Mao was insulted that they went to work with Besigye. A man he has called loser, surely, because Mao favoured Mbabazi the NRM member gone “independent” over a real opposition. That is why just like Museveni, Mao throws shade on the ones affiliating with other opposition.

Surely, Mao sees it fine to hanging out with Abed Bwanika and other into the fold. But they are growing the stature or the stamina of the NRM-lite. Instead, they are showing a diminishing factor and lack of progress. The DP isn’t looking better.

Neither is Mao, whose been brash with words against others. But he himself wasn’t capable of even running as MP in the last General Election of 2016 and his stint on the 2011 trail wasn’t amazing either. Maybe, that is why he has become so friendly with NRM and Mbabazi. Because, he needs kingpins and support. That is why he is still entertained on the NBS Frontline, while the likes Mira Matembe was kicked-out. Surely, the man whose drinks soda at the Police Stations, while the others are behind bars for the same “inciting violence and disturbing the peace”. Therefore, he must have done something to someone to have that reach.

That is why his so inactive and enable of sort, but when his own men, his own members and people are acting in spite of the regime. He comes kicking and screaming, but was soft like dove when the Mzee came knocking. Seriously, there is something not adding up. However, then again, the DP acts and talks like NRM-lite.

Therefore, he has to strike at the ones who forcefully shows finesse and goes against the dictatorship. Not just mere puppets for the facade. If Masaka’s own, Mathias Mpuga Nsamba showed gravitas like during the Walk to Work. That would be a living hell for the DP President. Who surely thinking of how to run as an MP or Presidential Candidate after the failure of last go-around. As his party is flinched between to stations and not sure where to take-off.

What is clearly showing is that Norbert Mao. Isn’t the enforcer or the deciding anything. He has a microphone and a office, but not using it. Because, people makes decisions on their own and don’t have to follow party line. Neither, if its being a GOOD DP or a BAD DP. That doesn’t matter.

This saga will continue, especially in the run-up to 2021. Mao got to make headlines and act like he does something. Even when he in reality does nothing. Just let them say and speak their peace. Not that it matters, as long as he doesn’t serve time or feel the stench of tear-gas while politicking. Peace.

Uganda Human Rights Commission – Re: Detention of Hon. Betty Bakireke Nambooze, MP. Mukono Muncipality (21.06.2018)

Opinion: Is Hon. Nambooze a terrorist? Since she is investigated as her condition is worsening!

Its been a week where the Democratic Party MP for Mukono Betty Nambooze has been charged and arrested for offensive communications in the case of deceased politician Abiriga. So since 13th June 2018, the troubles has been heavy for the Member of Parliament, she was even taken from her home and dispatched between police stations before she was supposed to be allowed on bond. However, she has been buried in cases.

Where she with her heart condition has not gotten the needed treatment, even seen enough doctors and be to the hospital. So her condition is deteriorating. Not that it matters to the law and the authorities. They don’t care if her body and mind is failing, if the sickness are creating more weakness for the MP. Because they are building a case and showing force.

So finally, yesterday, because what she wrote after Abiriga was assassinated. She has deserved treatment and if she had violated any law. It could be postponed until her health was better. That she would be normal and not bed-ridden in uncertainty like now. This is really showing the lack of understanding and needs of the citizen.

That on top of this, they are now ceasing her phones, tablets and computers to be used in investigation as per Court Order on the 20th June, as well as prolonging the investigation by 14 more days. That means the state will use in the first part of the discovery and to investigate the matter, a total of 22 days or a little over 3 weeks. This while her heart condition is making her life worse. That is punishment in itself and harming her.

The Police have even used Court Order to storm the Kirudu Hospital where she is bedridden to get the collect the evidence, as she was for over 48 hours in Police Stations. Before she was taken to the Hospital by the lawyers and also with help from the Uganda Human Rights Commission. Clearly, this shouldn’t be this hard and the state should be ashamed of how they are charging and investigating a fellow citizen.

It is like Nambooze is the biggest terrorist and the one that is the biggest threat to the state. With the acts of the Police, you would think that she was cousin of Kony and if she was the offspring of the ADF. Because that would make sense. However, common sense is that she is pinned and a picked victim of the failing insecurity in Uganda. They are pinning her and using her statements to show the people what is justice. Instead of actually considering her words, they are detaining and ready to suffer for her comments.

The state is ready to violate human beings and misuse their powers, that is the signal of the activity and oppression that the MP is going through. This will not bring Abiriga back and she is not the killer. There is someone out there laughing at this and thinking how foolish the Police are, as they are pinning offensive communications on someone as they please. Even Museveni has said much worse about random state subject since 14th June 2018. Therefore, the law is justified. Peace.

A Message to the UPF: You won’t solve Abiriga’s murder by arresting MPs!

I don’t know if this is the remedy, the Uganda Police Force has or the National Resistance Movement (NRM) have to secure their existence, because at some point of time. They just have to arrest some Members of Parliament on some fraudulent charges. This time it hon. Hassan Fungaroo Kaps, the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) the Obangi County MP and also Betty Nambooze Bakireke, the Democratic Party (DP), the Mukono Municipality MP.

Today, the Police Force first took Nambooze from her home in Mukono, than she was put in Jinja Road Police Station before taken to Naggalama Police Station. Where she after a whole day was released. This after producing a statement and let out on bond until Friday, as the probe on Abiriga continues. That is because the Police says the MP has delivered “Offensive Communications”. Meaning, she said something profound online or in a broadcast. Which was insulting the intelligence of the NRM.

Certainly, the same must have been done by Fungaroo too. Both of them have to show up on Friday as the Police are investigating them. This is all a charade, where they are used as pawns to create chaos. Certainly, the UPF and UPDF don’t want people to look into the cover-ups and the sudden arrests surrounding Gen. Kale Kayihura, also the strange events around his airlift. Nothing seems like the statement the UPDF said. Neither, the changing narrative. They are doing that, as people are worked-up of the assassination of Abiriga.

Therefore, because these MP’s was speaking out, writing their heart out and actually taking a stand. The Police are shielding the state arresting them and trying to stop them from questioning the death of Abiriga. That is why the Uganda Communication Commission are also explaining how people should communicate about the investigation into Abiriga, because the state doesn’t like thinkers. The NRM Regime need loyal followers, everything else is sectarianism.

That is why this arrests and this threats against to MPs is just sad. They are used as tool from the state. Their arrests and their investigations into the words they said, won’t bear fruit and create any changes of the cause. This sort of investigation is more a public mirage, than actually making a difference. The investigation should be into the motorcycle killers and the leads from the murder-scene. Not if an MP wrote something on Facebook or talked on NTV. That is just nonsense and the world knows that.

What is saddest is that the state use these tools, instead of solving the murder. They are misusing the state resources on mirages on forgery and not on the initial investigation into who actually killed Abiriga. Because they are more preoccupied playing with these MPs and their lives. Using their time and spirit. This is not making the Republic better. Just hurting it instead and also the integrity of the Parliament. As again MPs are suddenly made criminals for speaking their mind. Peace.