Uganda: MoH Press release on the death at Naguru Hospital due to Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (24.08.2018)

Uganda: Letter – “Re: Heightened Index of Suspicion for Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) in Your District” (21.08.2017)

Letter from former Special Presidential Assistance Rwakakanba to State House – “Irregular Salary Payment for Month Ending 31st May 2017” (01.06.2017)

MPS for Presidential Affairs FY 2017/18 proving massive spending on Mzee!

The Ministerial Policy Statement on the Presidential Affairs for the Financial Year of 2017/2018. These are clear of the priorities in the Republic. The Republic are putting as much funds into the State House, which is Ushs. 245 bn and under the Office of Prime Minister in the Development Expenditure Ushs. 245 bn. So there are certain aspects of government priority that isn’t healthy, as both the Office of the President and the State House get Ush. 300 bn in total. But take look at the beautiful priorities of the National Resistance Movement!

Office of the President:

In the FY 2017/18, the total proposed allocation to Office of the President is Ushs 54.268 bn, reflecting a 2.8% increment against the FY 2016/17 approved budget” (GoU, P: 3,2017).

The Committee noted that four (4) districts of Kagadi, Kakumiro, Omoro and Rubanda came in place in FY 2016/2017. In the FY 2017/2018, Namisindwa, Pakwach, Butebo, Rukiga, Kyotera and Bunyangabo will come into operation. The Committee however noted that additional cost implication of Ushs. 2.63 bn to facilitate 10 RDCs is not within the MTEF ceiling of Office of the President in FY 2017/18. The Committee further observed that facilitation for RDCs to conduct effective monitoring of Government programs is underfunded to the tune of Ushs. 3.0 bn” (GoU, P: 4, 2017)

Internal Security Organization:

The Committee expressed concern without substantial facilitation to Internal Security Organisation, terrorists can successfully accomplish their interests of terrorism and insurgency activities and other forms of organized crimes including politically motivated ones without detection. This has in most cases resulted substantial spending in managing such acts” (GoU, P: 9, 2017).

State House:

In the FY 2017/18, the total proposed allocation to Vote 002 is Ushs 245.567 bn, reflecting a 4.6% reduction against the FY 2016/17 approved budget” (GoU, P: 12, 2017).

External Security Organization:

In the FY 2017/18, the total proposed allocation to Vote 159 is Ushs 31.343 bn, reflecting an increment of 16.4°10 against the FY 2016/17 approved budget largely on account of a 10 % budget cut on consumptive items” (GoU, P: 18, 2017).

Office of the Prime Minister:

The Committee noted that the policy on refugees in Uganda is lacking. The Committee was informed that Office of the Prime Minister is in the process of conducting consultations with stakeholders to validate the Draft Refugee Policy. The Committee observes that in absence of the refugee policy, citizens are not aware of the right places and right engagement for refuges. The Committee undertook on-spot assessment of communities hosting refugees in Adjumani, Yumbe and Kiryandongo Districts and noted that in some instances, refugees have too much freedom and are more privileged at the expense of nationals” (GoU, P: 29, 2017).

10.3.5 Lack of sustainable interventions for Disaster Preparedness

The Committee notes that Office of the Prime Minister has not made any efforts in putting in place sustainable interventions for Disaster Preparedness. In its oversight role, the Committee undertook a field visit to Nakasongola District, which is among the drought prone areas in the Country. The Committee was informed that during peak drought season, about 30 heads of cattle died per day and that the drought season occurs year in year out. The most painful thing to note is that Nakasongola District is surrounded by Lake Kyoga” (GoU, P: 29, 2017).


Budget Item UShs. (Bn)

(i) Recurrent Expenditure 118,929,091,000

(ii) Development Expenditure 5,216,904,000” (GoU, P: 32, 2017).


Budget Item (i) Recurrent Expenditure Ushs. 64,786,412,000 bn.

(ii) Development Expenditure Ushs. 245,404,928,000 bn” (GoU, P: 32, 2017)

There are proof of enough lacking resources, lacking policies, even coming from the Office of the Prime Minister, that is the Ministry under Prime Minister Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda, the trusted appointee that was sought to fill the shoes of Amama Mbabazi. Therefore, the government are clearly not planning or having funds to keep the refugees in Uganda. There assistance is coming from donors, the Multi-National Organization and Non-Governmental Organization who apply needed help to the fleeing refugees in Northern Uganda.

We can also see the similar use of Development expenditure under the Office of the Prime Minister and the State House, which is Ushs. 245 bn. This is proving the misuse of funds on the State House, as the development expenditure should be more important than expensive water and all other projects under the State House. As well, as keeping the upkeep of the President. Even as under the Office of the President are alone getting Ushs. 118 bn. Therefore, the whole Presidential Affairs are really not a cheap ride for the Financial Year of 2017/2018.

The are really lot of spending on the President and Prime Minister’s portfolios, but still missing key policies to implement the spending. That is maybe why the State House needed supplementary budget before even getting the vote of the Ministerial Statement. If that isn’t bad planning or even misuse of State Reserves, than who knows! Peace.



State House Supplementary Budget for FY 2017/2018 is practically a watered-down cocktail!

The original budget for the State House in Uganda in the budget year of 2017/2018 was the stunning Shs. 245.567 billion shillings. That should have been more than sufficient, even should cover for more than utilities and all the Presidential Advisors hired by the President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Still, this week, they needed to add the bill and use more monies in the State House. The 245 billion shillings was not enough for one-year, they need more!

So in Parliament yesterday:

“Parliament’s budget committee has raised concern over the Shs 23.1 billion supplementary budget request from State House – less than two months to the end of 2016/2017” (Radiocity 97FM, 18.05.2017). That means that the State House plans to use Shs. 268,667 billion shillings. This now is for other than usual staff and for the bloated arrogance of a state organization like the Entebbe State House. Certainly, Presidential Spokesperson Don Wanyama and Director of Uganda Media Centre Ofwono Opondo will defend this. Since they are eating their envelopes from these budget posts.

However, the use of the supplementary budget should get under question, as the levels of futile spending should be under the loop and not just accepted. Just as the NBS Television reported: “State House asks for supplementary budget of UGX23bn; UGX365m for water bills i.e. at least UGX1m is spent on water bills day” (NBS Television, 17.05.2017).

That a county and a republic where most struggle to feed themselves, the President and his court has the audacity to spend Shs. 1 million a day! The ordinary Ugandans cannot nearly afford sugar that has hit the skyrocketed prices of Shs. 7,500 shillings; t. As their misuse of funds goes into the insane.

That the 30 years of ruling and the National Resistance Movement (NRM), proves that the old man with the hat, is too used to sponge of the state reserves and use it as his own pocket. The clear evident is in the budget and supplementary budget for the State House. Which entails all sort of ministerial works, which is ironic, in the sense that bloated cabinet should have ministries and agencies to fix the other outlaying issues and government work. Instead, it all is spend to through the roof of Entebbe State and the Okello House.

It surely must be genuine and special water in the faucets of the State House. Since the prices and the budget proves the massive spending on it. It must be the clearest and most luxurious water installation in the whole republic. Surely, the water is not bleak; it is like party coming into the taps. It must be so clean, that the WASH agents in other parts of Uganda, so they could wish they had it for the ones in need.

President Museveni, hope you enjoy your expensive water and do not buy any brew. Since the shs. 1 million water per day must really be the best! The smartest would be to tap, bottled and sold nationwide as Okello House water; therefore, you could spread the news about the fantastic State House water. This is why it cost so much. That is just one part of the puzzle, which is the meagre Shs. 365 million, the rest is Shs. 268 billion shillings. This is spend on all the other parts of the State House! That shows the disregard for state institutions, as one of the key beneficiary budget posts, are the State House, where the services comes directly from. Peace.

Uganda: Circular No. 7/2017 – Donation by H.E. the President of Books Titled “Sowing the Mustard Seed” (02.05.2017)

MPS 2017/2018 Uganda Statehouse expenditure and some salaries!

I am sure, that I am not the first to add my best of list of the Ministerial Policy Statement of Financial Year 2017/2018, but still the Presidency pledges are showing how insane it is. The numbers themselves says a lot about the state of affairs. This is just some of the pledges, not the whole picture. But it states a lot, and there are one surprise that enters into Political Affairs, as his payday are still coming this Financial Year.

The budget for the State House in the FY 2017/2018 are 245.567 billion shillings. Office of the President is FY 2017/2018 are 54.268 billions shillings. This shows how much the President plans to use on himself and his loyal cronies. And talking about them. Let me show you some of the best paid people in the State House and under the Office of the President!

The highest earners under of the Office of the President (Monthly Salary in Uganda Shillings):

Musoke Kintu, Senior Presidential Advisor, ush 11,180,000.

John Mitala, Head/Public Secretary Cabinet, ush 17,600,000.

Francis Ojur, Senior Presidential Advisor, ush. 11,180,000.

Dr. Beatrice Wabudeya, Senior Presidential Adivsor, 11,180,000.

Kaliisa Kabagambe, Senior Presidential Advisor, 15,000,000.

Henry Muganwa Kajura, Senior Presidential Advisor, 15,000,000.

Venand Nantulya, Senior Presidential Advisor, 15,000,000.

Amooti S.T. Businge, Permanent Secretary, 15,400,000.

State House Staff (Monthly Salary in Uganda shillings):

Patrick Rusongoza, Senior Presidential Secretary/Economic Affairs, 15,000,000.

Badru Kiggundu, Senior Presidential Secretary/Political Affairs, 15,000,000.

Emmanuel Mutebi, Captain Presidential Jet, 20,250,000.

Gadah Eldam Nagwa, Senior Presidential Secretary/Political Affairs, 14,000,000.

Molly Kamukama, Principal Private Secretary, 15,400,000.

Patrick Nyakatuura Rwakijuma, Chief Engineer, 20,250,000.

Charles Lwanga Lutaaya, Captain Presidential Jet, 17,609,000.

Anule Aloysius Edema, First Officer Presidential Jet, 20,250,000.

Hussain Waiswa, First Officer Helicopter, 17,609,169.

Charles Okidi, First Officer Helicopter, 17,609,169.

Swamadu Bogere, Senior Flight Eng. Technician (helicopter), 17,609,196.

Lucy Nakyobe, State House Controller, 15,400,000.

Kivumbi M. Lutaaya, Principal Private Secretary, 15,400,000.

The Office appreciated the recommendation of the Committee to provide the required funding to effect the appointment of the new 18 Presidential Advisors on Ministerial terms. However, I wish to clarify that the funding to effect the appointment of the 18 new Presidential Advisors was not UShs. 5.931bn, but, UShs. 18.32bn. The Office followed up the matter with MoFPED, but no positive response was received” (P: 179).

We are going interesting times ahead, wonder what else is coming, but the one thing I did not put, but was interesting, was the amount of cars, buses and other vehicles bought by the State House. Seems more like they will turn into used-cars salesmen in a few years time. As the car-park of the State House is growing old, while the potholes of the Republic is growing. Therefore, the pickups surely need maintenance to survive the roads. But, hey that is the Uganda in the vision of the old man with the hat. Peace.


MINISTERIAL POLICY STATEMENT – THE PRESIDENCY for FY 2017/2018 – Presented to Parliament for Debate on the Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2017/2018