Opinion: Kusasira fell off the bandwagon very quickly

I have lost everything because of my party NRM,,there is alot of unfairness in NRM as a party..you work hard and be committed to everything in the party for the betterment but never to be appreciated..I really sacrificed alot during the last campaigns where I even went for bank loans and started projects as a way of motivating the youths as a tactic of fighting the pressure group that had arose(NUP).Why NRM..I have lost alot because of you.. business..friends and fans bkoz of choosing you as my party…I thought president MUSEVENI was the commandant and his was always respected by his representatives but then it’s vise versa bkoz for whoever he directs to perform they do the opposite..” (Kusasira, 29.01.2022).

It wasn’t a long time ago, as Cathrine Kusasira was appointed as a Presidential Advisor in 2019 ahead of the 2021 polls to takeaway and be a musician favourable for the Yellow and be vocal voice to the ghetto and the ones who would follow Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. That was an deliberate act of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) as a way of swaying the public and using the image of her and Butchaman ahead of the 2021 General Elections.

However, it is now January 2022 and a year since the polls, which means the need and use of Kusasira is up. Her own office and space is maybe out of date. She was appointed as the Presidential Advisor on Kampala Affairs, got an office, a vehicle and a salary. It was to boost the ego and the party own ability to be viable in the ghetto, but also in the slums of Kampala. Alas, that was something, which wasn’t built on a mountain, but on sand.

Kusasira is now crying out loud. She is on social media calling out for money and getting refunded for her loans. The loans she took out … to support youth and projects on her own merit. Which means that the NRM wasn’t involved and neither the state. Yes, she was a Presidential Advisor and a member of the NRM. However, she did it all alone and on her own accord. Therefore, the singer and advisor should carry the blame and the debt on her own.

It is really pathetic the way she post about this yesterday and today on Facebook. She is looking rather ignorant and was high on her own supply, as she thought everything would be covered by the state eventually. As she was the Presidential Advisor and did so as a state representative. However, it seems that she had to clarify yesterday’s statement, which only making it more obvious.

I did it because I love my party so it was for swagger this is dotcom generation infact I used that money to buy welding machines that I distributed to youth from different parts of our country this intended to have a good image of our Government to our youth who were being driven to bad acts by selfish minded people during election period who ever is using this propaganda is not real, the car the mafia usually talk about it was a gift from the president, I know mafia must come back with such videos to tint the message with in my recent post (kisajjagwe ne Nekikazi gwe) yo the real first enemies of NRM in fact yo the real enemies to my family and the orphans I take care of I will not keep silent to the propaganda being accelerated by the idiotic Mafia so I assure you that I won’t keep quite see my properties go like that” (Kusasira, 30.01.2022).

What Kusasira should know… is that she’s just showing what we all have said all along. That she was a pawn and a tool, which would loose value. As the President and his team only invited her in to be in the way and gain attention away for the People Power Movement. She was supposed to inspire and elevate a part of the public, which the NRM has lost. However, that wasn’t something she was able to or had the grasp of doing.

Kusasira just became another mercenary for the yellow brigade. It like she cannot handle the truth and think she was more special. She was picked for a purpose and that was it all. Neither was she elected or had the capacity to be on a ticket. No, she was just a pawn and got played.

Kusasira seemingly didn’t get that and thought she was a unique maverick of a politician all of a sudden. Like she suddenly could shadow-play and forge a narrative like other seasoned politicians, sorry but not sorry. She wasn’t one of them and the tide has turned.

Kusasira was used, played and is now left in the dark. She has played her part and have to dance to another tune now. Go back to her roots, since she’s not a grand standing or an important part of the NRM. Catherine should wake up and smell the coffee, but I doubt she ever will. Peace.

Opinion: Kadaga says what everyone knew [A Ugandan VP is useless]

“The Vice Presidency Seat is not a position of decision making, that is why they want me to be appointed there”Rebecca Kadaga (Crispus Mugisha – ‘Kadaga refuses VP job as Museveni calls for meeting’ 29.03.2021, Nilepost.ug).

The truth usually sets you free. The truth can unleash huge potential and change things. Now the speaker of 10 years in the Ugandan Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has told the truth to the public. Not that it’s shocking or anything. No, we knew this, but its nice that the ones holding office feels the same.

The Speaker of 10 years, Kadaga is saying the Vice President is not worth anything. Rebecca is stating that its not a place worthy of being. Since she wants to be at a place where she has some sort of influence and power. A Vice President at this time and age lacks both.

Yes, a VP is the second of government, but we all know that this person at this point is the master of ceremonies and nothing else. The VP can look good on paper and be honourable subject. Even if the VP has no direct influence of parliament, cabinet or even in the NRM CEC. The person is just a token leader and a figurehead of the government without any sort mandate or ability sway lawmakers.

No, the VP in her eyes is a useless and redundant appointment. Where you are just a high ranking official, but with no initial power. That is sort of the dream and been the motivation for appointing Vice President Edward Ssekandi, which has held the office for two term and lost the MP’s election this time around.

VP Ssekandi will not be remembered for legislative victories nor his strides in office. No, he has been ghosting with a fancy convoy. He has been busy tearing up venues and showing his face. To prove that the office exists, but for no apparent reason. The VP has been selected as well, because he has no ambition to overcome or become the heir to the throne. No, his just there to officiate at weddings, burials and openings of roads.

That is all happening, because that is the role assigned by the President. The President could give the person of the VP a more powerful role and have bigger tasks. However, that is not what he has done. The President have given more prestige and more assignments to the Office of the Prime Minister. The OPM have a bigger function in todays cabinet and have more of powerful portfolio in comparison to the VP. That is why Kadaga doesn’t want to become the next VP. As she knows that role is worthless. She has seen it for years and doesn’t want to be in docket with no influence and mandate to her name. Especially, after having the mantle of the Parliament as the speaker for so long.

This is all a reflection of the manner of which Museveni is ruling. If he had faith in his deputies and in his second in command. He would have assigned them with a broader mandate and given them hurdles to pass. However, he rather takes it on himself or if not give it further down the chain-of-command. As they have a longer line to pass to get to him.

Kadaga is just stating the bitter truth and a simple reflection of the reign of Museveni. Museveni have made it like this. It is his decision to make it a Ministry/Office without a Portfolio or a Ministry aka Vice Presidency.

That is the making of Museveni and is in his image. If you know, now you know. Peace.

Opinion: Kyambadde knows the truth [but claims the youth doesn’t understand]

Some would tell me that they like me, but they don’t understand the party I am attached to. People are blaming the party because of our over stay. Even with the services delivered, the youth think that they are not prioritised” Amelia Kyambadde (19.01.2021)

The now former Permanent Principal Secretary to President and Minister Amelia Kyambadde has spoken the truth. That is actually not new. Now and then she has blasted the truth in the media and gotten the real in interview. This time is now different.

Even though Kyambadde is part of the Museveni clan. She has all the connections and enjoys the perks of that. Some things we do know is that she will not suffer as long as Museveni is in power. Because, as long as he is in power. She will have access and ability to enjoy the spoils of the Presidency. 

This week again she has spoken the truth. Not that its shocking or anything. It isn’t even that radical or brutal. Just a mere reflection of what is happening and the consequences of their actions. The National Resistance Movement (NRM) have been there and in-power too long. President Museveni have overstayed in office. That is just a mere fact and no reason to run away from it now.

The youth doesn’t feel the services is delivered. When they don’t have work, unemployed and living in a gig economy. In a Republic where one class eats all and the others cannot afford breadcrumbs. That is the sad reality of what the NRM has delivered. Not like Kyambadde was sincere about that part. There is to many lacking factors and options for the youth and citizens in general. Its a deprived state and depleted one. Which the next unlucky loser have to entangle and resolve.

Kyambadde is right the NRM isn’t a party to understand. Since it is a party who only revolves around one person and his whims. His micro-managing and erratic behaviour isn’t making it easier to understand either. However, the final end-game is in his hands and controlled by him. That is just the NRM way at this point of time.

The NRM haven’t cared or invested in the ones she points at. The only interest is in overstaying and securing power. Not to serve or deliver anything anymore. That is why the President could just re-hash old ideas and pledges, as he knows very well … that he didn’t deliver or have the ability to make it happen in the previous term or in the last decade. That is just who he is and the likes of Kyambadde have to act oblivious to the fact.

That is why I will not blindly say she “right” and saying the “right” thing. No, she knows perfectly well the game and how its rigged. Amelia knows how things are working and been in the chambers for so long. That she knows how things get corrupted, stolen and stopped. Kyambadde called out the GAVI funds back-in-the-day and surely seen other things happening too.

Still, she has been part of it and earned her coins. A loyal cadre and a yellow compatriot. That is why I cannot praise her insight. Unless, she wanted to reveal some underlying issues and be a whistle-blower. Alas, she is just stating the obvious, but forging a narrative that the youth doesn’t understand.

However, they do understand and see the game of the NRM. That is why they are voting for the opposition and other parties. In hope that they actually do something. That they are doing the things the NRM isn’t doing. So, that they can have hope for a better tomorrow. Peace.

Opinion: Museveni needed to warn the public on his Nomination Day…

I hear chatter about those who intend to cause chaos. I am a Presidential candidate but I’m still President. I can assure you, nobody is going to threaten our peace. Those who will attempt it will regret it. We don’t joke around, NRM fought to bring peace. Nobody has more guns than we do, but we don’t go around intimidating people. I hear they are working with foreigners. No foreigner is going to change anything here in Uganda. To Ugandans, if you have information on such stupid acts, report it to authorities. It is possible some Police officers are corrupt, but you can use other channel” – Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on 2nd November 2020 (Nomination Day for Presidency).

The President has today gotten nominated as a “presidential candidate” for the 2021 elections. Though this was just a automatic event for him and the National Resistance Movement (NRM). We all knew this day would come. It has been scheduled since 1986 and was a “non-starter” for the most of us.

It is not he would be annulled or be rejected from standing as a candidate. The President was confirmed and verified by the Electoral Commission first. The old man with the hat is only going through the motions. As he could have been riding in on a donkey or on a electric kick scooter, as he would pass through the suburbs of Kampala. However, we knew the man would never do that. He needed the Presidential Convoy and all of his guns on display. 

What we do know and what he did was incite fear and intimidation. That is his steady M.O. and what he has done forever. We know that he has the backing of the army and the police force. That CMI, ISO and other outfits works directly for him. This is common knowledge and isn’t new. He even have LDUs ready to aim at the ones standing in his way. Therefore, the cause of fear and stirring the pot. Is so common for this man.

A man that has been in power since 1986. Still has to use these tactics. Shows how far he has come. That he haven’t ensured real peace and true popularity with the people. If he had the popularity and the trust in the people. He wouldn’t swing out with the guns and the need to speak like this. Because, if he was truly popular. He would feel the love and would bash in it. Not use weapons, the army or the authorities to keep people in check.

However, that is what he does and got too. Because, this is the only way he stays ahead of the curve. This man wouldn’t be the President or have power, if it wasn’t for guns. That is why he clings on to it and uses it at any means. The guns and the soldiers are his buddies and the ones saving his day. He wouldn’t have the audacity or the power, if it wasn’t for them.

That’s why he had to say it. He wasn’t even discreet about it. The man just said it: “nobody have more guns than we do”. That is his message. That is his measure and his safety pin. This is what keeps him relaxed and at sleep at night. That he has the guns and the others doesn’t. He got the army, the police and everyone else armed to their teeth’s. As long as it stays like that.

He feels safe and secure. Not worried about anyone, because he can always aim those guns against the ones standing in his way. That is the memo we can get from today. Peace.

Opinion: It’s either another rap or another lie [the Mzee Akululu Saga]

There been stirred controversy this week as the former People Power singer and National Unity Platform (NUP) Ronald Mayinja released his song ‘Mzee Akalulu’. As song which praises the President and the National Resistance Movement. Today, there is even more ripple effect.

As Mayinja states this: “I said that I am not going to contest. Now that I am a musician, I got a client from NRM who asked me to do for them an advert and that is what I did” (…) “Just like a TV station like NBS TV will play an advert for NRM and in the evening they play an advert of an opposition party and we can not say that it is partisan, I also just want to work” (Jonah Kirabo – ‘Mayinja: I am still in NUP, I just recorded an advert for Museveni’ 31.10.2020, Nilepost.co.ug).

This here clear the air right? Well, it isn’t that easy. Since he wants to say his a bought musician and did trade his political affiliation. Only got used for a few tokens and a few silver coins. However, there is certainly more to this.

As Secretary General of the NRM Justine Kasule Lumumba said this: “We welcome musician Ronald Mayinja to NRM, but I must say, NRM didn’t pay him for the song. He did it on his own as a musician” (…) “This is a sensational hit that will boost the party’s mobilization for President Yoweri Museveni” (David Lumu – ‘We didn’t pay Mayinja for ‘Mzee Akululu’ song – NRM’ 01.11.2020, New Vision).

This seems like a prequel to this campaigns ‘Another Rap’ or last campaigns ‘Tubonga Nawe’. The NRM and the President surely has that prepared to fill the airways with their song. To hopefully go viral and have a clip that people talk about. Have the right amount of popular musicians and get the verses that sings of glory for the regime.

Ronald Mayinja did right on his song. He dropped the dime and showed the supposed “greatness” of this President. Put him into video-clips of big-man leadership. It wouldn’t be shocking if someone connected to NRM hired him to sing this. The song is a gig-song. The song is made to fit a campaign. Maybe, the NRM haven’t paid directly, but through a middle-man.

There is always some straw-men working and maybe Lumumba doesn’t know. It is also possible that Mayinja is lying and tried to get suction with the President. That wouldn’t be shocker either, but because of the backlash. He needed to back-track the tune and make it look otherwise.

Therefore, it is a lie here somewhere. Everything is speculations until the bank-accounts and the pay-offs are proven. Until then, there is only allegations and hear-say. Mayinja should know best, but he might come with a little fig to get off the hook. Lumumba might lie, because she either don’t know or had any prior knowledge to it.

There is also been reporting on giving a car to the musician, which wasn’t stated why. That shows there been some monetary gains for the artist. However, your not getting a vehicle for nothing. So, there is a possibility that Lumumba doesn’t know about the transaction composed with the Land Rover Model 2018 in question.

That is why the song have a questionable history. The origin and the reason for its existence is already questionable. This is before it has even hit the airways properly. We know what the songs presence and what it does, but if it was ordered by someone connected to the President.

That is why we can state that there is a lie here and someone is lying. We just don’t know who does it. To be frank it is just a song… a gig song and not the first nor the last to praise the “old man with the hat”. Peace.

The Campaign of Fear 2020 Edition: As Museveni prepares for 2021 Presidential Elections

The National Resistance Movement (NRM and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is preparing for the 2021 General Elections. As always the President and his regime is using all means to have access and control ahead of the polls. This giving supplementary budgets to the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF).

The red berets ban of the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) is one key component this election cycle. Everything looking alike military attire can cause trouble. This being berets, clothes and even logos. The UPDF will use force and also call in the Police Force to take the goods and charge the ones wearing it. They have even arrested 70 year old lady for wearing red. That is how far they are taking it this election cycle.

One thing they are also doing this year is to re-issuing the Violence Suppression Unit (VSU) at the Uganda Police Force ahead of the Polls. This is a units specifically aimed at the crowds and the gatherings of people, as the state is having “scientific” campaigns. Therefore, the ordinary fashion of campaigning is suspended within this election cycle.

The UPDF have also made use of Local Defence Units (LDUs), which will be used as a tool to incite fear and intimidate the public ahead of the elections. As they are locally trained armed personnel, ready to shoot and kill. If anyone dares to question the authority of the state.

Another newcomer is the joint security and media council, which is issuing guidelines for the Media Houses. One that has barred National Unity Platform (NUP) aspirants across the republic and especially, if they are wearing red berets. The Media Houses have also been warned by the Uganda Communication Commission (UCC) to not host NUP aspirants, as memos have been and possibly loose license to broadcast, if they do. That is the initial campaign strategy of the regime to bar the real opposition from the airways.

The continued pressure now ahead of nomination days is that Uganda Police Force is coming with warnings of processions and gatherings around the Presidential Aspirants. As they have put curfews over several parts of Kampala. They have given out warnings of tear-gas, arrests and said boda-boda’s shouldn’t gather. Calling groupings of boda-boda’s militias even. That is how far the authorities are going these days.

We can see how the state is working on overtime. The UPDF have already stated they are a partisan government entity under the NRM. Civil servants are supposed to be automatically loyal too and so fourth. The State is really using all means to keep the system alive and kicking. This is why the army and police force is coming with intimidating force ahead of the campaigns.

Instead of being there serving everyone equally, the NRM are using the state and its arms to beat the public into submission. The armed personnel and police force is there serving the NRM as an entity and not serving the whole state. That is the brutal reality in all of this.

That is why the State House and the President have ensured they have LDUs, VSU and other ones to ensure total control ahead of the polls and during campaigns. The President is allowed to have much people around his nomination day, while the others are banned from having over a certain amount of people following the convoy of the candidate.

Surely, there will be blood, there will be tears and there will be suffering. As the state will address all opposition with a rough hand. There will no mercy and also fierce retributions towards the public. That is the reality of it all.

There will be more and the next 48 hours will be testing. The state have prepared for this. They are inciting fear, using intimidation and using the joint security apparatus to silence people in their way. That is what they do. They cannot act with humility and give people way. No, they got to shoot and then investigate why they shot later. Peace.

Opinion: Baffled that VP Ssekandi won his race…

If there was one National Resistance Movement (NRM) Candidate for Member of Parliament (MP) that I would thought would cease to exist, it would be current day Vice President Edward Ssekandi. Who was running for another term in Bukoto Central County in Greater Masaka.

So, to know that he again get a chance to run in a General Election in 2021. A man who has been an MP since 1996. His been the VP since 2011 and this would continue as long as he got ambition to succeed the President. By all his actions and his way of being in the wind. The VP is secured and can eat like crazy.

VP Ssekandi is a ghost and irrelevant. Still, he was able to get recognition in his constituency. This is why its weird that nobody else would win over him. Someone who would go door-to-door over the years. Steady campaign and be recognized.

Everyone knows that VP Ssekandi exists. No one can state what he has done or delivered. Ssekandi is just a mirage, someone behind the scenes who happens to appear every blue moon.

That’s why its weird that he even get voters behind him. VP Ssekandi might be able to shake a few hands and say a few words at a burial. Nevertheless, his not a great lawmaker, neither is he a representative for change.

VP Ssekandi is the one who doesn’t make a fuzz, doesn’t make a difference and doesn’t even utter a public word. Unless, it is a tribute and a speech for the deceased. The Bukoto Central has initially given way to another public speaker to officiate events. Yes, his not won it yet, but don’t expect shock in the up-coming elections in 2021.

This man will win there too. If his on it, because he knows his the VP for the President for Life. The one who has no ambition and only serves his master. The VP for the bad days and for the glorious occasions. However, he will never be there to say anything to rock the boat. Neither, will he cause any controversy or even issue a statement on a scandal.

This man is the true testament to live ghosts. The silent whisperer and the one haunts the VP position.

Ssekandi is like an eidolon or a poltergeist, even if he is a real person. Because, he is usually not seen or in public. Even if he is a high ranking government official and a MP.

It is hard to think he is a mortal, but immortal instead. A supernatural person, who gets re-elected and continues to be spirit flying over the Republic. For some reason, the state, the party sees him as useful.

That’s why he “wins” elections. Because, it cannot be for his charismatic persona or his track-record. Because, anyone who has made a motion, petition or even an article in New Vision has done more than this man. Peace.

Mzee celebrates mediocrity ahead of 2021…

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni knows there is no real challenge ahead of 2021. The General Election of 2021 is rigged and fixed. Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine knows this. The Self-Styled President for Life will not accept a loss or losing. That is why he will use all means to do so. We all know this. The election results of 2021 was written in stone and was secured with fatal bullets in the mid-80s. That is the mere reality.

So, Museveni can come with a quick comment, but it shows his true face:

Whether Ugandans want Bobi Wine or “Bosco” (I am made to understand that means Museveni), that is a matter that will be settled early next year. However, recently we had semi-finals in the form of elections of the disabled, the elderly and the youth. Who won the matches in the 3 matches?

Bosco won without too much preparation. I am looking forward to the finals. Greetings to your foreign backers who fear a strong Uganda. Too bad for them” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 28.08.2020):

We clearly see his message. He celebrates victories on the special elections. It is every rich to celebrate victory over Bobi Wine who has only had months to prepare a party and run candidates. The NRM is the state and has fielded easily candidates everywhere. Often unopposed and sole-candidates like in all elections. The President is celebrating mediocrity, when he screams of joy and celebrate this.

He says without much preparations? Seriously? There was well planned party structure for so long. The NRM knows this and the population knows too. The Electoral Commission and everyone else knows this. It is just a mockery to act like it was done on a whim.

That he looks forward to the “finals” is to be expected. He knows his winning. The President is winning, not because of policy, manifesto or achievements, but because he got the public at gun-point. His awaiting the rigging and misuse of power to linger in office for life.

It’s funny that the President pushes the ideals of foreign backers for Bobi Wine. The President wouldn’t have a long lasting time in office, if foreign backers didn’t offer grants, aid or donations to his government. His army and government institutions needs foreign funding to run. The President can act like a foreign lawyer is a foreign backer. However, the NRM and the President … wouldn’t be what it is … if it wasn’t for money from elsewhere.

President Museveni can act a fool, but his only a dummy for doing so. He can cheer for the mediocrity, but that doesn’t make it great. Peace.

Opinion: Museveni doesn’t need to win, but he needs legitimacy…

The ones who thinks that the 2021 elections is about the polls and the ballots. They are blistering naive, because it couldn’t be further from the truth. The election in the republic isn’t about pledges, policies or even the legacy of the President. No, its about his legitimacy.

We can wonder, is the public willing to give him that? Is the public and international community prepared to cheer in the 8th Term of the President?

Yes, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is running for his eight term. The President who has been in-charge since 1986. The President and his party, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) needs the legitimacy. They need credit and accreditation. The state needs to be relied upon and outside support.

The state is borrowing to its knees. The lack of proper grants and donor-funds is hitting the fan. The state is having an evil cycle of loans, borrowing new money to pay interests of the previous ones. While the grace period of major infrastructure development projects will come into action as well. The budgets will be strained and the lack of domestic revenue will be more vital. As the donors, the lenders and everyone else see the tragic demise and self-destructive ways of the regime. You cannot build a sufficient state on borrowed money.

The NRM knows and the President needs to accepted and respected. The results needs to be verified and result in overall positive vibes. The President cannot afford to be looked a cruel henchman, but a statesman. A man who used to be the future, but now is a wise lecturer. Who has the vision and knows what the state needs to be fixed.

Even though the old man, the President has promised the same development, the same economic turnaround and changes in society. He has had the three decades to deliver that, but he will speak of it. Claim people are lazy, opposition are insects and so-on.

While the things he needs the most is the craving for recognition. The President needs to be acknowledge and in high regards. That is why the election need recognized and legitimized. The results are already printed in stone. They were on the skyline since the mid-80s.

President Museveni doesn’t need love, but he needs credit and needs security. The state needs that and the NRM does so as well. Because, if it don’? Then the negative spiral and crippling economy will sooner or later hit the armed forces and the President will loose his most trusted allies. The soldiers and security organizations, which keeps a iron-fist over the republic.

He need that stamp and verification to move on into another term. Peace.