Opinion: We have seen the Kisozi model before…

How can the Kisozi model be up-scaled to the whole country? Very easy. Every parish in the country is now getting Ushs. 100 million per parish. The soft loans are Ushs. 1 million per one person or homestead. Ushs 1million is able to give you 450 seedlings of coffee to plant in one acre and 50 seedlings of mangoes to plant in one acre. All this progress is before we add other elements, such as irrigation. Production and earnings, will go through the roof” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni – ‘Kisozi Cabinet Meeting, 24.05.2024)

You can wonder how many times President Museveni has to re-invent the same scheme. It must be boring to re-invent and do the same thing over and over again… expecting a different result as well. That’s insanity, as the President expects a different results when he does the same thing over and over again.

That the President says it is “Very easy” is a blatant lie. The President has tried the seedlings, the micro-finance schemes and others, which haven’t created massive development. Museveni has since the 1990s issued various of schemes without any luck. The citizens haven’t gotten out of poverty or since proper changes in the era of National Resistance Movement (NRM).

The NRM have as a government offered both micro-financing schemes and direct agricultural support mechanisms, which haven’t been sufficiently institutionalized or even prepared for the needs of the citizens or the farmers themselves. That’s why the NAADs, SACCOs, OWC and Emyooga haven’t delivered the fruits. They have been spoilt and only been short-con ahead of the polls and created to gain popularity ahead of elections. Therefore, NRM are only showing up when they need people to tick them on the ballots. After that the whole thing falls like a house of cards.

That’s why hearing the “Kisozi model” is very easily to upscale for the whole country. I beg to differ, as the logistical bottleneck, the lack of institutions and the lack of procedures will be default issues that will destroy any sort of progress in this matter. The state doesn’t have the mechanisms or the machinery to pull it off. They have tried with the PDM, OWC and Emooya. They have proven they don’t have it in them or have the will to do so.

President Museveni can say it is easy and should have been easy. The State should have experience and knowledge of doing so. Nevertheless, we have only seen failure and misuse of office along the way. The state and ministries doesn’t have the capacity of the financial backing to do so. Neither does it has the idea or the plans to make it happen. It looks brilliant on paper, but we know it doesn’t have it or can achieve it.

The dream will become a nightmare. Yes, the public and citizens deserves proper government services. The farmers and the citizens deserves to be helped and get government subsidies to enrich their produce. However, we know it is futile and lacklustre. The state cannot finance or fix the issue. Especially, when it has failed in this manner time and time again. I wish it was differently, but all public reports on these mechanisms or schemes proves my argument.

President Museveni can lie… and say it is “very easy” but we know the truth. If it had been that easy. The NAADs and SACCOs would have solved this. The Emyooga and OWC would have done the trick. However, neither has and we know the drill.

The Kisozi model is nice for propaganda and beautiful pictures, but as an agricultural mechanism or support system. I don’t think it cut it. We have seen this sort of thing before and it only ends up in tears. Peace.

Opinion: Nabbanja cannot lie about the Red Berets…

“The issue of berets, I always see people putting them on and I haven’t seen anybody arrested, including MPs here, I see you putting them on, but I haven’t seen anybody being arrested, even Joel Ssenyonyi is usually on berets, have you ever been arrested? Have you ever been arrested?” – Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja (07.02.2024).

We have a familiar discussion and it’s nothing new. Not long ago the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) gazetted and made it illegal to wear “red berets” in the Republic. That is public knowledge, that happened as a result of the People Power Movement and the rise of Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine in the political sphere.

However, as time has gone on and it has become normalized. The red beret haven’t been used as a mean to target and arrest people. While in the beginning the authorities has arrested civilians, activists and people for wearing it. The authorities even went after Bobi Wine for wearing it years ago. Therefore, the Prime Minister is lying.

There is people behind bars for wearing an attire. They had the “red beret” and that was enough reason for them to arrested and detained. This is why people are reacting when they are seeing Andrew Mwenda and Lillian Arber wearing military uniform. These high-ranking officials within the regime are allowed to wear military attire, but others are charged, arrested, and detained for doing the same.

This just shows there is a difference between the average joe and the ones who is connected. The ones who has a function and a role within the regime can get off the hook, but civilians and others have to beg for mercy. This is the gist here.

It is not funny that the Prime Minister is mocking this. When we know of individuals who are charged and having trials in Court Martial as civilians for wearing “red berets”. Maybe it hasn’t caused headlines in recent time, but in the last few years there are incidents of this. There are times when the authorities have gone after politicians, activists and civilians for wearing that.

This is why the PM in her arrogance forgets the plights and the hardships of the ones on the frontline. The PM can do this, because she is living the fine life now. She has achieved everything and living in her golden era. That’s why the PM can mock it and laugh at the Opposition for questioning this.

While the PM disregard the citizens who are behind bars for this, but her allies are allowed to cosplay as soldiers or uniformed personnel. So, please step your game up. This isn’t it. We should feel sorry for the ones behind bars for wearing the red beret. They shouldn’t be there, but they are.

These people are prisoners of conscience and out of political affiliation. Peace.

Opinion: The people of Karamoja have understood the value of PDM…

In some sections of the community, there is negative attitude towards PDM money as it is compared to other similar government poverty eradication programs which are generally perceived by some people as failures. Some people perceive the PDM as a thank you token from the President for voting him in power and others view it as Personal Pocket Money like I said in (Karenga) Karamoja, some people were reported to be referring to the money as Personal Drinking Money” – Ojara Mapenduzi, Chairperson Parliament’s Public Service Committee (22.11.2023)

We know the drill and we have been here before. Now the Karamoja sub-region and the population, which have been starving and been in conflict. The ones who are used and getting taken for granted. The population of Karamoja isn’t thriving and that’s a result of years of neglect or lack government services. They have been kept this way and for a purpose.

The Parish Development Model (PDM) like any micro-finance scheme the government has created are flawed from the onset and with lacking due diligence. The PDM was launched just in time for elections and making a continuation of the endless programs like these. The SACCOs, NAADs, Emyooga, OWC and whatnot. It is just an endless money-pit and programs destined to fail. The PDM is no difference. Another name of the same scheme, which happens to be re-branded and tweaked just a little bit to look different from the others. However, the core business is the same and in the end… it will amount to little to nothing.

Well, with that in mind. Here we are… and the Karamoja sub-region is speaking fact. They have seen it coming and they spell the rain on the horizon. The people know what the PDM means and why it exists. That it is a cash-grab made around elections and to ensure the regime votes. That’s why they make new ones and with additional “incentives” to sweeten the deal.

It is just amazing to know the PDM is seen as a pocket money and drinking money. That wasn’t the intention, but there been so much shady going on with the PDM money. So, who cares about a little fun around “happy hour” aye?

The PDM was destined to fail and just like the predecessors did too. The NRM did make amends or ensure it’s longevity. That doesn’t matter either, because they just launch another one before the next General Elections anyway. Before their been any serious reporting or oversight into the PDM as a whole.

There been reports that shows how the PDM has failed. These have been very direct and shown how the government have failed this one. There are just to much drive and very little protocol. Neither are there safety-nets or anything ensuring the usage either. This means the money will be spent on frivolous activities and who doesn’t mind a free beer.

I’m sure the Waragin O’Clock is hitting smoothly in Kotido or Moroto for that matter. They are just enjoying the buzz of the PDM. These people deserved the brew and the tingly feeling after all their hardships. When they can get functioning roads, schools or hospitals. At least a free drink and a nice evening is a small bargain. It doesn’t the patch the hurt, but it give momentary relief.

Alas, the mabaati thieves is discussing it, but not seeing the grander the picture. Just like the MPs and Ministers took from the state. The PDM was taken for granted too and they cannot be blamed for that. They are not seeing a concerning government or a service delivery. Instead they are pawns and now they used their peasant power for their own legendary night(s). Peace.

Uganda: Office of the Prime Minister – Press Release (25.10.2023)

Opinion: Nabbanja don’t know the role of the opposition, apparently…

You will realize that the political tempers are becoming high in our political divide. And so, people like to be seen doing something, so however much you tolerate them, they have a mission, their mission is to collapse Government and we shall not allow” – Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja (19.10.2023).

It’s hard to imagine that the Prime Minister already has had a term as Member of Parliament between 2016 to 2021. She was re-elected as MP in 2021. Meaning she has been in office and a Parliamentarian for about 7 years now. While being Minister from 2019 to 2021, when she was promoted from a Ministerial Position onto the Office of the Prime Minister. Therefore, a person like that should be well versed in politicking, but clearly I am wrong.

Robinah Nabbanja just shows her ignorance and blatant misunderstanding in the roles of political parties. The Opposition should sought for her role and the Presidency. If they don’t… then they are not actively wanting change. They should believe they are more fit and has the capacity to run the nation better than the current one. That’s what an honest opposition should do.

What she is implying is that the Opposition is planning a coup d’etat or violently wants to overthrow the National Resistance Movement (NRM). The party that pays her and keeps her in office. She wouldn’t have a chance elsewhere and she just shows it.

The PM should learn more and even study some books. It would be helpful, because it is impossible to write anything sincere to her. As her stances are so obnoxious and naive. The opposition aren’t supposed to be in favour of government and is there to hold it in check. Because people like the PM will blindly praise anything and defend crimes if she has too. That’s why the opposition has to question and keep the government accountable. Everyone knows that will not come from within, but from the outside. This is what an honest opposition does… and it’s not about overthrowing, but about governance.

The Opposition are there not only to question, but to keep the government accountable. That’s a fact and by doing so… they are boycotting, walking-out and stopping government business if they have too. We know there will be ramifications from this, but that’s the only way a minority can cause some stir. That cannot be done from the stands, pulpit or anywhere else. The NRM won’t listen or budge, the votes will be in their favour and they will follow the command of the “high above”.

So, the PM should be careful and possibly listen a bit too. It would be healthy for her to take some advice. However, we know she is arrogant and entitled. She feels she’s special and one of a kind. Though she can easily exchanged and get another one in her stead. Not like the PM needs a statesman or builder of confidence anymore. If the President needed that.. he wouldn’t have appointed her.

This PM needs lessons and she needs to get civic education. Someone in Makerere or Kyambogo should offer her a lecture or two. Even after all these years in Parliament. She still don’t get the vibe or the mandate of the opposition. That’s why someone has tell her and if a professor could enlighten her. It would be beneficial for the Republic. Peace.

Opinion: Nabbanja and Kasule Lumumba doesn’t do squat anyway…

With the ongoing wrangles between PM Robinah Nabbanja and her junior Minister Kasule Lumumba, over travel privileges to the UN General Assembly meeting in New York, there are fears that such wrangles could affect service delivery to needy citizens. Policy analysts and politicians are concerned that Ministers are wasting a lot of time in wrangles rather than pushing for development programs, simply because they don’t understand their roles” (NBS Television, 01.10.2023).

This here is much to ado about nothing. The Prime Minister Nabbanja and Minister of General Duties (Office of the Prime Miniser) Kasule Lumumba aren’t known for service delivery or delivering on government policies. No, these two are busy bodies and there are plenty more in the cabinet.

The Prime Minster should just chill. She’s not there because she’s clever or witty. Neither is she there for her class, ability to govern or to delegate. The PM isn’t even there because of her organization skills or ability to galvanize the other Ministers. No, she is there as a pawn and a usable asset for the President. A person who is a “yes-man” and someone who can be directed and will follow orders. It is that simple and that’s how she gets her salary.

In regard to the former Secretary General of NRM, Justine Kasule Lumumba who knows what she does as the “Minster of General Duties”. She is just appointed and never really been heard of since. Not that it matters. She had a more prominent role as the SG after Amama Mbabazi. Now she is a shell of existence and I cannot remember the last time I ever referenced her either. That’s because the office she’s occupying is a duplication and pointless.

So, when policy analysts and politicians are worried about these two. Well, I don’t get it. They are not there to perform anyway. These two ladies are there to fill a void and look like the government have everything in order. Not like they have to turn up or even do something substantial. That’s for the civil servants and whoever is working in the Office of the Prime Minister. The PM herself can read pre-made speeches and act holier than thou in public. While the General Duties can do her “general duties” whatever that means…

I think nothing was lost with the travels in regards to work or the Office’s these ministers has. It is sad to say, but these lavish expenses aren’t going anywhere. This is a system and modus operandi that the President has created. The bickering back and fourth is only showing how little they know or how ready they are to serve. Neither is it showing brilliance either.

The Prime Minister is lucky to be it and the Minister of General Duties is the same. They have gotten plum-jobs and easy commitments. These two doesn’t have to fear anything and someone else will collect the hardship. Their posts are easy and can get off the hook. They can act a fool and still have a pay-day. Therefore, it would be better to remain silent, show up on stage when needed be and be humble for once. However, that’s just too much to ask.

These two wasn’t appointed to revolutionize or even develop the nation. These two was appointed to entertain the masses and overlook the failure of the government. The PM is useless and couldn’t manage a restaurant of Kampala Road. The Minister of General Duties was able to handle the Secretary General position, but it wasn’t without unnecessary controversy. Therefore, these two are lucky to have these offices. They should pray to the almighty and hope Museveni continues to bless them. Because, that’s the only reason why they are there.

Nothing has been lost, especially when there was nothing to win to begin with. Peace.

Opinion: Museveni’s get-rich schemes haven’t reached the North…

In Oyam, I drove for 27kms, from Col. Engola’s home to Icheme and to Otwal, looking at the different sides of the road. I only saw some little patches of Muhogo (cassava) and maize. That is why at Otwal, I asked the question: “Cente (sente), tye kwene?”- “From where do you get money?” What has Operation Wealth Creation been doing in that area? No coffee, no fruits, no poultry, no piggery, no dairy and no fish farming. In otherwords, no PDM. As I told the Oyam People, I am going back in August to get an answer to that question. The chairman, told me about watermelons and soya beans. Those are not part of the activities for PDM. What is the cura (Kibaro)?” (Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, 07.07.2023).

We all knew this was coming. It isn’t shocking or surprising really… Oyam North or Oyam district in the Lango region. Most likely what the President saw in Oyam, he could have seen in Kitgum, Pader, Lira, Gulu or Karamoja sub-region for that matter.

The issue of lacking government services and proper state functions are surely found all around the Great North. That isn’t just in the heart of Lango sub-region. No, that could be seen in the West Nile, Acholi, Karamjo and in Lango. All of these places are lacking and the micro-money schemes of the government has clearly not hit these regions as intended.

That the President says he didn’t see any OWC is telling. That means the Office of the Prime Minister over the years has failed. Secondly, it means that General Salim Selah haven’t done his duty or what he was intended to do.

We cannot be shocked that the OWC has failed and that the Paris Development Model (PDM) haven’t reached Oyam. That’s just a mere reflection of how the implementation of the state works at this time. It just shows how the central region is feeling it and maybe parts of the West and the East is eating of the plate. However, it takes more to get to the North.

What is funny about all this is that the state had a four day training of SACCO leaders and Community Development Officers in April 2023. However, those days earlier in the year haven’t brought any results or significant change. Which is why the President wants answers after seeing the failure of his prestigious government scheme…

The President has without a doubt cast doubt about his own efficiency and the output of his government. When he unequally states the lack of OWC and the PDM in Oyam. It is telling the world that his government has mismanaged it and haven’t succeeded. That’s a self-own and most likely not intended to be this way. However, that is how it can be perceived.

The ones who has followed knew the OWC and the PDM would fail. The NRM and Museveni would tell another story. Regardless of that… the truth is setting you free and the grim realities of Oyam is telling. This isn’t the only district or constituency where these schemes hasn’t worked. If you went anywhere in the North. I am sure it has never succeeded.

Most likely in any up-country place in the East or West the same results would be prevalent. Museveni and his micro-money schemes are nice for campaigns and a cheap trick to fool voters. However, it isn’t creating the needed development or the structure to change the economy. Peace.

Opinion: We knew PM Nabbanja wasn’t prepared or ready to be the PM

“Amongi, who spoke to media in an interview said they had a candid discussion about their roles in cabinet. “We met in the corridors of Parliament and she (Nabbanja) told me that she does not know anything about the duties of a prime minister. She told me she informed the president (Museveni) about the same but he asked her to be at ease,” says Amongi. “She says the president told her that all her speeches and documents will be written by a tecnical team that shall be given to her on request. She says the president told her she will only be reading what is availed to her on paper,” she adds” (Emmanuel Busingye – ‘“Nabbanja didn’t know roles of Prime Minister,” says Amongi’ 22.06.2023, Ekyooto.co.uk).

Hon. Betty Amongi have been really liberated her mouth to the press these days. First undermining other ministers and telling they only do speeches. To now tell that the Prime Minister wasn’t prepared or ready for her office.

No, one is shocked or in awe that Robinah Nabbanja wasn’t ready to be a Prime Minister. She isn’t that clever or that wise. Neither does she have vast experience or been in other positions that makes you believe she is fitted for it.

What Amongi is saying is that she is just doing what she’s ordered to do. Meaning she isn’t directing or running the Office of the Prime Minister. No, she is occupying it and have the title, but technocrats or bureaucrats are fixing the gig. While she is enjoying the perks and the honour of the office.

PM Nabbanja can also work with ease, as she has three deputies and some of them have long experience in government. Therefore, she can be a ceremonial PM and a face of the Government. Even if she doesn’t do much or even can fulfil the needs of her office. Because there is a massive workload and responsibilities of the OPM. That has been since the days of Mbabazi… and it has ballooned since then.

We can all act like this is funny and that Museveni appointed a clueless person on a whim. It has been done so the OPM is controlled by others and Nabbanja is only doing what is ordered to do or say. She is capable of acting in public, but behind closed doors her staff is directing her every move. That must be depressing, as she has finally reached the pivotal role and gained the prestige. However, she is not to be trusted and only do as she is told.

For a grown woman and a MP that must be disappointing. She isn’t trusted to function or have the oversight. Everything will just be fixed and she will walk in to prepared rooms. She don’t have to cook or clean, the events are there and she just have to utter prepared speeches. Nabbanja don’t even need to think, but just act upon request.

This is how Museveni micro-manage and has a stranglehold on government. That’s why there is little to no good news. Because he even has staff to fix everything for the PM. She don’t have to think or consider anything.

Nabbanja can just walk into the office and be told what to do. Then she does it and call it a night. Peace.

Opinion: PM Nabbanja – what law is Mpuuga violating?

“The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja has directed the Resident District Commissioners to apprehended the Leader of Opposition Rt. Hon. Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba should he again lay foot at government hospitals. An infuriated Nabbanja made her remarks while visiting Kawolo hospital yesterday where the LOP Mpuuga had just concluded his oversight duties. “I direct all RDCs to block Mr. Mpuuga from visiting government hospitals. We have no problem when he comes as a patient, but we will not entertain his politics in our hospitals,” Nabbanja said” (Emmanuel Busingye – ‘PM Nabbanja directs RDCs to arrest Mpuuga, 15.05.2023, ekyooto.co.uk).

The current Prime Miniser Robinah Nabbanja is trying to show force, but has no finesse. We know that she isn’t that clever. That has been evident all along and by the time of writing she’s yet again exposing it.

Instead of showing good governance or concerns about what the Leader of Opposition is doing. She’s instead incriminating him and violating his rights as the LoP. The Prime Minister has no rights in blocking him from visiting or observing things at government properties. The LoP has the right and is justified to visit hospitals, schools, or other public buildings across the Republic. Heck, he should be able to visit ungazetted safe houses too.

The Prime Minister is just showing how the government has failed. When they are not allowing Mpuuga to enter hospitals. It isn’t a sign of strength but of weakness. When you have to use force, intimidate and arrest someone over doing a little peak. You just know the government is in the wrong and lack moral judgement for their actions.

The PM should use her mind and spirit to help or guide the Ministry of Health. The hospitals needs investment and needs proper oversight. However, the PM is more busy being the unapologetic spokesperson for the President to actually do her job.

As the PM she should always entertain politics. She’s a politician and she should dwell into the matters of policy, plans or even her own manifesto, if she even has read and of them. It is hard to believe I say this, but the PM needs to be more humble and less of a knucklehead.

PM Nabbanja just shows she’s a crony and thinks this is the move to salvage the damage. However, it just exposes the total rot in the system. When you got arrest someone who has the rights to visit and to look at the current state of affairs. The LoP has all the rights and as the leader of the shadow government. He should be and allowed to enter government facilities, whether the PM likes it or not. The LoP should be able to do that as a civilian or as the LoP. That’s just being real…

PM Nabbanja is a fool yet again. Arresting someone because she and her party cannot maintain or have the ability to do their job properly. If the NRM and the PM’s party had worked and invested in the hospitals. This wouldn’t be an issue. However, the lack of that and the lack of concern of the state of the hospitals. Is the reason for the visits of the LoP.

That should send a signal to the NRM and the leaders in-charge that they got their work cut out. They will be told what is lacking and where they hurriedly need to improve. Peace.

Opinion: Mzee says “colonial mentality” is one of the reasons for corruption…

This is not a failing system, but a growing system that could be faster if it was not for the corruption and the colonial mentality of some of the civil servants and some members of the political class. In otherwords, the progress could have been much faster and will be faster once we deal with the obstacles. Who has been responsible for the growth? Three players: the UPDF; the wealth creators (the farmers, the manufacturers, the service providers); and the infrastructure builders” (…) “That is why the whole issue goes back to the question of evidence and the need for the Public (the citizens, the farmers, the manufacturers, the artisans, the service providers), who, most of the time, are the victims of these corrupt officials and politicians, to be involved” (…) “The President is the head of the Executive and all Executive Authority is given to him or her by Article 99 (1) of the 1995 Constitution. However, he/she must exercise that power according to the Constitution and the laws of Uganda. Otherwise, that wonderful President, will become a problem himself or herself” – Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (11.04.2023).

The President of the Republic is a mastermind in pinning blame on others. His using all the tricks of the book. Just piling down the blame on others. It is like his Jedi Mind Trick. The force is strong with this one. He has had the years and experience in doing so. Ever since the beginning of time. Museveni has blamed others and that’s what he does now too.

His further explaining his role as the Executive and Head of State, while pointing at all other parts of government, which is ironically appointed by him and following his direct orders. The letters of the President is often mingled in and is changing the narrative. Just like the President Ordered the IGG not to look into Military Commanders and slow down the “lifestyle audit”. That just show the true power of the President and what his capable of doing.

President Museveni acts like we don’t know… we know he micro-manages and does it to his bidding. His acting like his just a “token” figurehead and not the Commander-in-Chief. We know perfectly well how he runs the Nation from the State House. It is his “enterprise” and his will is done.

The High Above” is directing and deciding matters. He can just send a “word” or a letter and things are moving. The President decides contractors and companies involved in development projects. The President orders the Office of the Prime Minister and everyone else to do his bidding. So, he can act like it is others who are too blame. However, we know the drill… and seen the actions over the years.

He can act like he cares or are concerned about “corruption”. We know he couldn’t care less and only does so to look pristine. The President knows what sorts of fruits, vegetables and other plants that grows in his garden. The President knows what sort of animals his breeding and taking care of on his farms. This man knows what is going on and cannot fool us now.

We know his pinning blame on others… when he in 2023 uses “colonial mentality” as an excuse for corruption. That is blaming the “British” and going back to the “enclave”. It just shows that his finding every way possible to pin someone else for his misgivings. This shows what his willing to do and say.

Only a fool would believe this fiction in 2023. Especially, when President Museveni is richer than God and has vast wealth. While the Republic is poor and debt-ridden. You just know the game is rigged and Museveni always comes on top. Peace.