Hillary Clinton got paid millions of dollars only to speak in 2014 and 2015!

Bill and Hill Speech Cartoon

This has been used as a tool for both Republic Presumptive Presidential Nominee Donald Trump and also by fellow Party mate and contender Bernie Sanders. Both of them have question Hillary Rodham Clinton’s role as Politician when she has had these paid obligations towards companies. The Same have Donald Trump as I have written about before, as I wrote on the 19th May 2016, that his financial disclosure papers showed the estimated earnings on that was $1,000,000 in 2015, alone. So that Donald Trump have had speeches and earned money on it, sets the standard for the discussion, as he have attacked her constantly. But now there have been released Democratic National Committee (DNC) papers as the Guccifer leaks. They are showing certainty and documents of the past Hillary Clinton and also certain other disputed content on the Democratic Presidential Candidate.

I do this because I have addressed Donald Trump, with care and caution, been honest that I dislike his candidacy and his whole arrangements of xenophobia, fear of immigrants, his lies and his whole right-wing adjusted campaign that eats on fear instead of policy, the same as the ones that one the Brexit, the fear of Polish immigrants instead of thinking to what extent a transitional government and an exit could mean for the United Kingdom, the same ignorance and belittling campaigning is happening from Donald Trump. While this is being said, I am addressing Hillary Clinton today with her facts and not Trumps fictions as the reality of the paperwork and the extent of monies that are proved. Still not the rhetoric or the words of these speeches, but surely the importance is not in the words, but in following the money.


In 2014 alone she have official spoken to 45 associations, companies or LLC that she got paid for doing so. The close estimation in total is around $10.000.000 on the engagements that she had, the most ordinary pay for the speeches was $225.5000. So her earnings on speaking is for some of us astronomical. And could be questioned! The certain companies must have heard some positive words and words of honor as she spoke to the crowds of the GE, A&E Television Networks, Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, Xerox Corporation, Let’s Talk Entertainment Inc., twice for tinePublic Inc., twice for Innovation Arts and Entertainment, Corning Incorporated, Ameriprise, Cisco, Deutsche Bank AG, twice for Salesforce.com and Qualcomm Incorporated, and so many more! These are just a few of the companies that paid her in 2014. The massive amount of them and that certain companies had her twice in the year.

In 2015, she had less of speaking engagements only 6 in total and with 5 associations, companies or LLC. They paid in total $1.475.000. These companies we’re twice tinePublic Inc., Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Watermark’s Silicon Valley Conference for Women, EBay Inc. and American Camping Association. These proves together with the year before that the one that really supports the Clinton’s and Hillary is the tinePublic Inc. The company is known for this: “Oprah Winfrey: tinePublic Inc. is the market leader in producing high profile events and conferences across North America” (Woodlawn Post Canada, 28.11.2012). So they are surely paying to create events with Hillary Clinton as well, it seems.

Hillary Speech

They have had her four times in 2014 and 2015. While the other are banks, associations, medial and pharmaceuticals, Internet Companies and other bigger companies that want their profession in a grand standing with the establish politician.

What is special from the Financial Tax Returns from Hillary Clinton is the first cash at hand in the JP Morgan Custody Account where it’s disclosed $5.000.000 – $25.000.000. Because that is fortune for ordinary folks, and even more for seasoned politician, proves that the years of being in the limelight have made the Clinton’s wealthy (Public Finance Disclosure Report, 2015).

Next time I will look into the donors that funded the Clinton Foundation and the once who have given the most to the Foundation. This is the second part of leak for my part, as there is extensive material and documents in the file that Guccifer 2.0. opened to the public. Peace.


Executive Branch Personal Public Finance Disclose Report (15.05.2015) – Hillary Clinton.

Up for Grab: The true soul of Christmas version 2.1


It’s time to write about Christmas again, I know it’s early, but hey the Christmas products are dropping and Black Friday is arriving quicker than the wind. We all know what that means, we can see the chocolates with Marzipan and specialized packed foods for this part of the year. The sodas, beers, meat, horseradish, crab-legs and all the ho ho ho. Not to forget the Oranges and ginger-mixed cakes with spiced up sugar-glazing.

I’m just waiting for Itunes and the radios to play the Christmas tunes and mosh the sad songs of Mariah Carey and Bing Crosby. The strange faces on the billboards on the trams and also on the Clear Channel posters all around town like the Grinch stole the whole town!

I just wonder if our societies have forgot why we celebrate it. Because for some reasons it’s more important to have an Iphone under the tree, then crossing your lips for a prayer and celebrate a birth of Christ! Something is missing in that picture. Something is really missing in that picture. The gingerbread cakes wasn’t it in the Middle Earth, wait! Sorry, the Middle East, where Jesus Christ was born. Either wasn’t a birth made so we had to run to some Supermarket and buy the new mops or laptops made from a sweatshop of factory in the middle of China, which is more like Mordor, then jolly Christmas celebration place of work, who has seen BBC One’s ‘Apple’s broken promise’?


It’s like Scrooge is saving Christmas. Then do yourself a favor eat some more of the gingerbread and hope you’re not to bubbly after it. Still the earliness of Christmas products is coming right before Halloween or All Saints day. So before we celebrate the ones who has built our lands and men of faith of the past – we have to run down the shopping center’s and buy a few limited editions kitchen products that has to be made with either Danish design or Made in Taiwan. Nothing is Christmas as a kitchen machine making popcorn or spatula from Jamie Oliver.

We can all be a little goodie-good and grand hearted even long while before the Christmas preparation starts we have even said our prayers for the saints before we supposed to be sugarcoated and ginger-breaded up to our ears and eyes. Sure that a few of those Christmas tunes want make the day sweeter. Only make you wonder, how quick can ordinary days come back into effect?

The Companies sure want to earn on our nostalgia and good-heartedness towards our loved ones and friends. Because this is the crunch time of the year (Fourth Quarter!) If this sometimes doesn’t kick-off well then the business or shop are not settled to survive into 2016. But that isn’t an excuse to sell me Christmas cookies before November kissed the Calendar.


I am sure the CEO is not Home Alone or busy bodies trying to keeping up with Scrooge. Still their finding their ways of making ordinary products Christmassy, like I am waiting for the Christmas designed toilet paper for sale in my grocery store from Lambi and it will be limited edition.

I wonder why we have to release their special products before All Saints day and make Christmas time or Advent, where we supposed to celebrate the birth of Christ. Not waiting for yet another edition of chocolate in wrappings reminding of Santa’s Red Noosed Deer. Would you buy your summer barbeque special edition products in the middle of January? Still we accept to eat the special wrapped goods from before either versions of Christmas Carrol is on TV.

We can’t soon turn our beamy eyes on social media before every company between Hawaii and Kazakstan who has a Black Friday will jump upon you and wish you to be a part of their event, especially on Facebook! And your friends will invite you on it to hope that they will win a coupon or price for yet another piece of merchandize that either them or me need. But that’s what Christmas time is all about right?

We all have to feed these multi-national companies with our hard-earn monies to secure their parachute payments of their leaders when they resign. So we can be assured that they might only that their Santa Claus will be jolly all the way to bank for kidding ourselves with the wrapped mockery they have sold us since October. That most of doesn’t really want to have before the actual days of Advent. Unless we are the Gingerbread figure in the Shrek movies to be inspired to become Stallone’s Rambo and has his own franchise. Now that I said it, can I pitch a idea? It will be action packed while smashing down people in Ginger-city and kill the ones who try to steal the M&Ms that was supposed to be glazed on him with the working title “The Gingerman runs the mob”.


Instead we’re in the Christmas bonanza and will until new-years like the recent years. I am sure that very few are waiting for new Christmas-products. That as usual got nothing to do with the actual holiday that everybody supposed to wait for. Not anything about waiting or symbolic of the supposed Christmas. It’s like Christ himself is a side-character instead of the main act and coming with one-liners, when the actual plot maker does something stupid. So here we are in the middle of and also start-ups, the yearly prequel of the Advent that has set the real life Scrooges and Grinches into life. They push any kind of products instead of what we are really celebrating. Though the Scrooges do what they are born to do as well, earn money and sell us sweatshop products on Black Friday, instead of giving hope and joy that the day is supposed to celebrate. The Advent is the waiting for the long awaited day that we celebrate, though so many just celebrate the ability to open a present and gifts from friends and family. There is nothing wrong in that, though the day has more value than that. That is like a forgotten story and it wasn’t Scrooge, Coca-Cola-Santa or the Grinch alone that stole Christmas it was our culture, that now lives on the special-limited-edition products that is a part of that time or the year. Instead of actually celebrate what really is Christmas.

It is not that I myself enjoy a special kind of Christmas soda, because though who knows me, knows how much I enjoy it. The thing that I am trying to say: is that we should not be enticed and forget it in the run for products that is symbolic edition and gifts. So we may not forget the main issue of the Advent and Christmas. Because if we forget that then we need help and ask ourselves why we running between stores at the mall and being in rush. Instead of being we actually there for our loved ones and spend our time with them. We are instead using so much time going to these shops and standing in ques. We should use less time on that and spend it with the ones we care about. That is something that has more value than newly fresh pressed money or imported Grincy-Scroogy-Gumball-Dumbo-Dumbledore-Delux Drier that none in the family needed. Peace.

Recent Corruption cases: ‘There is nothing like a free lunch’!


“There is nothing like a free lunch” – Milton Friedman.

Corruption! A long word I have written about for ages and it doesn’t stop. Milton Friedman is right there isn’t nothing like a free lunch. You can get kickbacks, but it’s still not right because it’s not fair, not just and not the way of dealing as a civil servant or as a business person to get a better life or deal. That is what these corruption cases are about from the Netherland, Singapore, Taiwan, and Montana in U.S.A., also Estonia and Zambia. There is all the different kinds of lunches. An all of them have been eating though one company won’t take the risk so they pull out of a market till the last story where Bishop Mambo in Zambia is telling that there is corruption in the Church. Surely their churches, the church-coffee after service must be sweetened by something stronger then sugar.

In the Netherlands the Dutch Staffing Company Brunel has pulled out its operations in Nigeria because of corruption their Chief Executive Jan Arie Van Barneveld says: “The security risk and bureaucracy make it almost impossible to guarantee the quality of our services and the safety of our workers in Nigeria in the future” (…)”If it is actually impossible to do business without breaking the rules and putting our staff in physical danger, then I’ve had it” (…)”Even if we will notice the difference in our books” (…)”We do business there with big oil and gas companies which are run by local bigwigs. They simply tell our staff that the bill won’t be paid unless a certain person is “facilitated” first. To be clear, that means to be paid” (Dutch, 2015).

In Singapore there was a former engineer who worked at the Changai Airport Group (CAG), the engineer Henry Goh Keng Hwee was sentenced to 15 months in jail on 27. August 2015 to the following counts: “three for corruptly accepting bribes and six for deceiving the Group with fraudulent quotations. Another 19 charges under the Prevention of Corruption Act were taken into consideration in sentencing” (…)”The court heard on Thursday that Goh had accepted bribes totaling S$43,780 from Dennis Kang, a director of Fire-Mech, which was in the business of providing installation, servicing and maintenance works for fire protection systems” (…)”In seeking a sentence of 20 months’ jail and S$43,780 fine, Deputy Public Prosecutor Jiang Ke-Yue submitted that Goh, “motivated by sheer greed”, had abused his position of trust and influence, as his recommendations were relied upon by Management. “This is aggravated by the fact that he had built the bribes into the contract price, effectively earning secret profits from his own employer”, DPP Jiang said” (Chelvan, 2015).

In Taiwan Mr. Huang Ching-Tai the former Keelung City Council speaker is sentenced to 20 years in prison for charges involving bribes, graft, bribery, accepting kickbacks and more. A important part of the ruling was: “The court also found Huang guilty of embezzling public funds from the city council, amounting to NT$91.46 million (US$2.79 million), through falsified receipts and forged accounting item” (Pan, 2015).

In the U.S.A. a former Montana legislator Joel Boniek has been fined for violating the campaign laws. After that and denying it, but at the same time claiming the judges for being frauds saying and calling out Judge Motl: “Motl is a political zealot on a political witch hunt,” Boniek said when reached by telephone on Monday. “Being charged with corruption by the Democrats is like Genghis Khan protesting about somebody’s doing violence” (…)”This is all politics. They don’t like people like me who stand up for freedom and small government. It’s not about justice, it’s about getting Joel Boniek” (Talwani, 2015).

In Tallinn Estonia there is a case from ISS that certain high profile workers at the port of Tallinn might be corrupted: “The Internal Security Service (ISS) have apprehended state-owned Port of Tallinn CEO Ain Kaljurand and board member Allan Kiil” (…) ““The Internal Security Police did inform myself and the ministry early on. I learned about the process shortly after taking office [in April 2015],” economy minister Kristen Michal said. According to Michal, the ministry agreed to guarantee the operation of the company once the ISS moved in. “It is in our best interests that the Port of Tallinn is able to fill and service procurements it has won,” he said, adding that this includes the internal ferry route tender, which the company recently won. It will begin to service domestic ferry routes in a year’s time and is currently in the process of acquiring four new ferries” (Laats, 2015).

The last case I will put the light on is the plea and sad news of corruption from Zambia from the Bishop John Mambo: “It is sad that it (corruption) is happening in churches. How can I sink so low to solicit ungodly things in the house of the Lord? I left the world and went to join the Church so that I can be corrected when I am wrong and the hospital I can go to is the Church. That Church should have people of different kinds, including journalists. The pastor is supposed to be the doctor but when you find that the pastor is sick in the way he is conducting himself, then where do we run to?” (…)”When you go to church and you are being told to do wrong things…If that is happening in the house of the Lord, people will now start going elsewhere. It is also unfortunate that state machinery is being abused by the PF” (…)”If you don’t know the language of mafias, the way they operate, you are dealt with” (…)”I would rather die for what is right than me keeping quiet. Someone told me that I have been bought by The Post but I told him that The Post does not have the money to buy everyone who is speaking out on the wrong things that are going on in the country. The government shouldn’t tell us that we should fear them. no! We should fear God. Let them take my life but that will not be the end because God is the creator of my life. The poor are becoming very poor and the rich are getting filthy rich and have forgotten that they come from Mandevu and Chainda. They think they were born on Independence Avenue” (OpenZambia, 2015).


The stories tell it explicitly themselves. The only thing that I have pound about for so long is that it’s not a local thing, it’s a global action with effects on society when civil servants take kickbacks, when businessmen take a short cut the society and government loose in the end. The way the court and rule of law has to apply to the offences and the way local business and global trade get hurt by the actions of those who use Corruption as a tool to gain advance in society. Or use it to get rich by working and giving way to business is also stealing money from the state coffers instead of going to the supposed works of the state. That is why I keep pounding on it. As it is necessary to do so! And people like me will continue. To prove that it is everywhere and greed isn’t dying, it’s moving and there are people everywhere who will take the buck, governments and laws might abide, but it’s the ethics and mechanisms of the state should be able stop it. Sometimes seems that we have to continue to shine the light on the dark side to see if the when the dust clears what monsters will arrive from our society. Wish it wasn’t like this, but with the way we trade and conduct business together and a society where governments guides and gives regulations for the activity, the sad part is that certain areas the government can be bought or set by businesses instead of the actual regulation that supposed to be in place.



Chelvan, Vanessa Paige – ‘Ex-Changi Airport engineer gets 15 months’ jail for corruption’ (27.08.2015) link: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/ex-changi-airport/2080028.html

DutchNews: ‘Dutch staffing agency Brunel pulls out of Nigeria because of corruption’ (26.08.2015) Link: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2015/08/dutch-staffing-agency-brunel-pulls-out-of-nigeria-because-of-corruption/

Laats, J.M. – ‘Authorities detain Port of Tallinn CEO on corruption allegations’ (26.08.2015) link: http://news.err.ee/v/politics/cf7d4f70-5d2b-4716-b07c-8517adbf38cb/authorities-detain-port-of-tallinn-ceo-on-corruption-allegations

OpenZambia – ‘It’s Sad That Corruption Is Happening In Churches – Bishop Mambo’ (29.08.2015) link: http://www.openzambia.com/2015/08/its-sad-that-corruption-is-happening-in-churches-bishop-mambo/

Pan, Jason – ‘Ex-Keelung speaker guilty of corruption, jailed for 20 years’ (30.08.2015 – Page 3) link: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2015/08/30/2003626536

Talwani, Sanjay – ‘Ex-Montana legislator fined for corruption, calls judges ‘frauds’ (25.08.2015) link: http://www.ktvq.com/story/29875106/ex-montana-legislator-fined-for-corruption-calls-judges-frauds

Press release: Kenyan Treasury Announces Clearance of VAT refund backlog (19.05.2015)

Tax Kenya