Seventh Day of Presidential Rallies in Uganda and a letter on illegal fishing and reports of a kidnapping ++

FDC Cranes 15.11.15

There been a slow Sunday. Seems like many of the camps has little to offer today, I am sure it will be more on tally tomorrow. Especially considering the KCCA ruling will happen tomorrow. The others is the continuation this next week of the other candidates. Will be NRM based today, but Go-Forward was dealing with getting venues and their new radio. FDC was silent and celebrating soccer result to the Cranes. Abed Bwainka, nothing? TIC Candidates, not much! And so I can go on. To little meat on the barbeque and little food. But try to enjoy this meager supper.

NRM rally:

The Dream Live Team with Maurice Ochol and Suhail Mugabi was heading to Zombo for the rally.  After Zombo rally he has later had a rally in Nebbi.

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s best quote today: “People who live along the border should take you along to campaign for me” and the second best in Madi: “Is there internet here?”

NRM 15.11.15 Nebbi

Only in the NRM:

“President ‪Museveni at Rhino Camp Arua: 242,000 children in primary school in Arua more than the whole population of Zombo”.

NRM Youth League deflects to Go-Forward:

“A section of NRM party youth members from the districts of Mbarara, Isingiro, Ibanda, Sheema and Ntungamo have defected to the Go-Forward camp, declaring to support Mr Amama Mbabazi for presidency in the next general elections” (…)”The Ankole region DP/Go-Forward coordinator, Mr Didas Lukyamuzi, said they are ready and willing to work and support those that show allegiance to Mr Amama Mbabazi in his presidential bid” (Mugume, 2015).

NRM Membership Cards 15.11,15

NRM Member Cards dumped:

There was certain members who dropped their member cards at Kololo. This former members was from Kassanda South in Mubende District.

Jessica Alupo Independent 15.11.15

Going Independent:

Jessica Alupo has now planes to run as an independent in the race for the ballots and polls in the 18th February. She will try for a Place as Woman MP in Katakwi District.

TDA Logo


This if to inform all members of the Summit of The Democratic Alliance that the 21st meeting of the Summit will take place on Tuesday November 17, 2015 starting at exactly 8:00 am. We are conscious of the busy schedule of the campaigns but you are encourage to ensure that all members are represented at the meeting. All the best wishes on the campaign trail to all candidates and campaign teams sponsored by TDA members. – TDA Secretariat

Message from the FDC after Rakai district rally:

“This is Kyotera in Rakai District. They have never let us down. We want to say thank you Abakoki for the love and support you show to the People’s President Dr. Kizza-Besigye and FDC in General. Liberation is soon. We are taking back our power. We shall over come. Kigwa Leero”.

FDC Message on the KCCA Act:

“‪Dr. Kizza Besigye’s Campaign Message is that Ugandans no longer have power/rights in their country, then ‪#Frank Tumwebaze introduces a law to stop People in Kampala from electing their own leaders/Lord Mayor”.

Parliamentary race of Toroma County:

“The new entrant in the race is former Kampala International University (KIU) student, John Moses Odeke. The 27 year old, graduate of Human Resources revealed to the Investigator that the “cries” of the people of Toroma forced him to give a shot at the race” (…)”Odeke says the cries of the people of Toroma basing on poor performance on the part of the incumbent Amodoi Cyrus Imalingat prompted his desire coupled with the love for his people. “I want once in parliament to ensure that issues of Health, security, education and sports, agriculture, religious institutions, youth and women are revamped,” he said. Odeke who is an agriculturalist notes that the infrastructure in Katakwi is so bad. ‘Now with the current rains, roads become impassable, gardens are water logged,” he said” (Jaramogi, 2015).

Unknown kidnappers of Charles Kafeero Mutaasa:

Unknown kidnappers have kidnaped Charles Kafeero Mutaasa who is the Chairperson of the Red Top National Youth Activist in Uganda. He was kidnapped by unknown people, possibly suspected security agents at around Kidnapped Monday at around 11.12pm, at Church road, Kamwokya. However today there has been a new development, he was dumped at Northern bypass strapped up in ropes and saved by boda boda cyclists. At the moment he is at case clinic Buganda Road, under intensive care because he was beaten to pulp. We welcome any information that could help us raise a case against his kidnappers.

Go Forward 15.11.15

Go-Forward change the tour:

“Go-Forward officials said: “a formal letter to the Electoral Commission shall be dispatched on Monday morning” and that “We are working with the teams on ground to book venues for each of these locations” (Aine, 2015).

JinjaRoad Roundabout Kampala

Erias Lukwago comments today:

He said today: “If the program was laid out by Electoral Commission I wonder why the Police came in” (…)“I am doing my civic duty and am not duty bound to respond to police directives” (…)”It is my supporters suggestion the Nakawa plan for their concern of government frustrating me” (…)”I am yet to consider standing in Nakawa, but for now I am preparing for nomination tomorrow”

Cars 051115 Frank Tun.. P2

Hon. Frank Tumwebaze Statement today:

“My equally humble appeal goes also to our media partners, who by virtue of their impartial-umpire-role can help their audiences to probe with rigor the substance of the issues from each presidential candidate , ask what they stand for and how realistically their promises translate to the social economic well being of the citizenry” (…)”But what can also be true as I suspect, is that the same camp of the man desperately craving for sympathy could have hired those same goons to do it themselves so as to portray the Museveni camp in bad light. There is much reason to suspect and believe that. Every day in every campaign including this very one, President Museveni’s posters get defaced especially in kampala. We however don’t make a mountain of weird allegations about it. The masaka posters’ story was not the only one. There was the famous ping-pong the lawyers of mbabazi tried to create with the DPP over their own created and headline seeking story that their man was to be arrested for offenses they listed on the eve of his nomination. Fortunately mbabazi was not arrested as they had desperately wanted and the DPP rebuked them to stop playing political gimmicks with his independent office” (…)”The various candidates in this campaign must address how they intend to manage and mitigate certain adverse effects that arise from wrong monetary and fiscal policies ; like inflation. Good Monetary and budgetary policy settings are always aimed at low and stable inflation and sound public finances that are conducive to long-term growth. Sometimes these policies will also help to contain shocks, but there can be trade-offs. Monetary policy that has ensured a firm anchoring of inflation expectations will allow a stronger response to shocks and helps guard against deflationary spirals in the wake of large negative shocks” (Tumwebaze, 2015).

Official: UPC has strike a deal with NRM

There is now official and not a rumor anymore. That means that UPC and Jimmy Akena is parting way with their heritage and selling their soul to the NRM and to  their now Presidential Candidate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Somewhere is Milton Obote turning in his grave. 

Read more about it: 

Weird team-up between UPC and NRM; getting crazier by the moment; beating history

Something else: 



Think this mediocre supper is enough. Hope you have patience will pick up more goodies and more juicy stuff on another day. Peace.


Aine, Kim – ‘Mbabazi changes campaign programme’ (15.11.2015) link:

Mugume, Colleb – ‘Youth defect to Mbabazi camp’ (15.11.2015) link:

Jaramogi, Patrick – ‘Former KIU Student John Moses Odeke To Tussle Out With NRM Incumbent For Toroma County In Katakwi’ (15.11.2015) link:

Tumwebaze, Frank – ‘Let us Probe for issues in this campaign and reject idealistic propaganda’ (15.11.2015)