Opinion: Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye has made his own bed, now he got sleep in it!

Well, as bad day goes, Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye, the MP since 2001, former State Minister of Health General Duties, the former MP for Sheema North until he resigned from that post in 2018 and ran for the post of Sheema Municipality. Which happened to be annulled this week. His even in bigger trouble, as his campaign in 2018 costs shs. 850 millions, which he was begging the President signed on a government letter to pay.

This means his campaign was used to buying voters, rigging and ensuring his victory in a municipality, which was non-existing. He retired from his constituency in 2018. An constituency he had been representing since 2001. Therefore, he took the risk, seemingly to follow the National Resistance Movement agenda in the county and also show loyalty to the President.

However, everything has backfired for the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation. The man has had a steady salary and also minister posts that has been compensated. So, I am not feeling sorry for the man. His been a wealthy man, he owns land and building a mansion in the hills of Kampala. Therefore, its not like his in a sorry bankrupt state. He just want his loyalty points paid-off, because he knows that how the state works.

The Minister and MP, soon former MP, unless he can overturn the judgement and get another verdict. That doesn’t negate the issues at hand and what has been revealed over the last 48 hours. The shade and the glass has already been shattered. You cannot undo the mess created.

It wasn’t shocking that he would go out and defend his deeds. If he didn’t he wouldn’t be true to himself and what he did. The action made, the usage of funds and expectations that the President and the state foots the bills of his campaigns. Shows the dire problems of the state. Just like the verdict itself. That the state have used funds on 6 By-Elections without legal justification nor the Constitutional backing. Meaning, the unlawful actions shouldn’t be celebrated, but be a reminder of what sort of state is in play. They did this and played it out, but they was still outsmarted. The losers are both the constituents and the MPs self.

That Elioda has really lost twice in this. Is a shame, but his own making. Nobody, unless it is revealed too. That he resigned the post out of loyalty and out of perseveration of the State House. That the “high above” directed him to run, as he was a sure bet in the Sheema Municipality, after standing as a candidate since 2000. He wouldn’t loose, where his represented for close to two decades.

That the doctor didn’t find the remedy nor the cure to his own problems is evident. Elioda doesn’t seem to get that, but in the state of affairs he would get away with it. The President and his team would bail him out, as his one of them and has been for over two decades. The doctor and MP might have a loss now, but don’t be sad for him. His been eating and steady eating. The mouth is full, if not his spoiled and wasted the funds. That’s why his begging for money to cover him. Even as he has land and mansion.

Who knows what else he has procured or own as an MP for this long. He can surely have earned his fortunes and not only used it on campaigning in the past. It is hard to believe a man like him being broke after all those years, all the kickbacks, all the suits and cars bought for him. Not like he haven’t gotten paid for voting over the years in the Parliament together with allowances and whatnot. He has gotten millions upon millions of shillings.

I don’t feel sorry for Elioda. Elioda made his own bed and he got to sleep in it. Peace.

Furious Six: 6 Unlawful By-Elections in 2018!

From Bugiri By-Election in 2018

Surely, today the Constitutional Court has annulled the six by-elections held in 2018 in the new constituencies in the Republic. This is mere year in the electoral road map and campaigns. Next Christmas and New Years will all be campaigning. Therefore, a funny timing for a verdict on the petition to annulling them now.

That the case got this and got nullified. Means, that the ones who already represent in the county this municipalities or districts are carved out of. Will serve the remaining the time in the Parliament. This is as were ticking into 2020. These elections where held during the 2018 and isn’t that long ago. That means initially, the MPs in the 10th Parliament for that time. Was representing ghost entities, which isn’t new in the Republic, but shows the shoddy work of the Electoral Commission and the Parliament itself.

There is no greatness to this, just are mere finalization of too much carving up entities in the Republic and these six MPs will carry the cross. Even when its not their blame, but the state itself. Which has initially held these By-Elections and has given them an office. Therefore, they it is rich that they suffer, even if these people most likely will get some kickbacks, until the next window of opportunity arises.



Bugiri Municipality

Asuman Basalirwa (JEEMA)

Nebbi Municipality

Hashim Sulaiman (NRM)

Kotido Municipality

Peter Abrahms Lokii (NRM)

Ibanda Municipality

Tarsis Rwaburindore (NRM)

Sheema Municipality

Elioda Tumwesigye (NRM)

Apac Municipality

Patrick Ocan (UPC)

Well, let me take a few phrases and snippets of the judgement to show the questionable acts of government, who in the end is the blame for this madness. Because, this is just significant, since the state should be able to know when something is running and something is not. Like which constituencies are actually existing, and which is non-existent.

It must foremostly be stated that the creation of new constituencies does not lead to any vacancy in representation in Parliament of the newly created constituency when the creation is made after the holding of general elections. This is because, before a constituency is split into two or more constituencies, a member of Parliament is elected for the whole region which is subsequently split into two or more constituencies” (Constitutional Court Case. 20, 2018; 27.12.2019).

The Electoral Commission cannot be generally directed and the petition only discloses a challenge to elections conducted in the municipalities of Apac, Sheema, Ibanda, Nebbi, Bugiri and Kotido. This is because the resolution of Parliament is lawful. As far as the municipalities of Apac, Sheema, Ibanda, Nebbi, Bugiri and Kotido are concerned, section 20 of the Electoral Commission Act is specific that elections can only be conducted in the next elections if no vacancy had been declared by the Speaker. The conduct of elections in such areas would be unlawful before vacancies are declared or fall vacant by virtue of the dissolution next before the election of new members of Parliament in general elections after the expiry of the term of Parliament” (Constitutional Court Case. 20, 2018; 27.12.2019).

It is really rich know now after all the campaigns and how much power was put into play in these elections. That they are now deemed unlawful and nullified. This means the ones representing these municipalities are only pure fiction. Which was playing out in-front of our eyes and all stakeholders put all energy into them. The President, the Police Force and the Army was all involved in them. While, the losers here are the general public and the constituencies itself.

That means for the ones wanting to carve new districts and such, it will only have an affect in the next general election. That meaning in 2021, these municipalities would be first up for elections. The same for the ones coming after 2021, if there are any other municipalities or districts created before 2026. Than, these has to wait too before they get any representation in Parliament.

That’s why its so rich in hindsight. Because the government and the Electoral Commission should have ensured this didn’t happen. However, they were so into their own hype, that they throw everything into it and hoped for magic. But, as we know now it wasn’t real.

What did we learn from all of this? Well, that the ones rigging the game, cannot even do that properly. Peace.

Sheema North By-Election: It went to the NRM, but nothing was left to chance!

It wasn’t only that the President graced the final rally the day before, or that the military and police used massive amount efforts to undermine the competition. No, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) had no message to send, so they had to arrest all Forum for Democratic Change Polling Stations agents and the big-shots, as they we’re not allowed to directly monitor the counting or the Return Forms from the Polling Stations. As well as we know the CCEDU are not allowed to observer the elections anymore. Therefore, the civil society and opposition was working with bent knees, while trying to run.

That the NRM won was made on the sky before the polls, as the military even took over Tally Centre before the ballots arrived to the polling stations. The talk of democracy or even level playing-field is foolish in this manner. When at the days of the polls, 20 FDC Polling Agents was arrested. These was the big-shots that was arrestd: Oddo Tayebwa and Stanley Katembeya.

To further prove the allegations. FDC MP Francis Mwijukye reported this earlier in the day:

Police Director of Operations,Asuman Mugyenyi has ordered for the arrest of FDC leaders and agents in Sheema North where a parliamentary byelection is on going today. So far 15 leaders and 20 agents have been arrested. Meanwhile Am also surrounded here at Nyabwina primary school” (Francis Mwijukye, 08.10.2018).

When that is the case, as well as the police everywhere and the military too. The intimidation and the acts of government was made for the NRM to win. There was no other way out of this. The opposition wasn’t working together behind the candidate, which they have usually blamed FDC for their own works. So, now they left them all alone without any sympathy or putting up camp for the final week. There has been nothing from the ones talking of unity, the FDC was alone against NRM. Therefore, the ones speaking of ill of FDC’s actions in previous elections, better remember, that they have gone behind and supported other parties own candidates in By-Elections, but none gave the favor back here.

That Naome Kibaaju won wasn’t shocking with the manner this went down. If she thinks this is a whole-sum victory, she is apparently wrong. Not because the FDC lost. Any party can loose and that is justified. However, it is not justified when the tallying is done in darkness and the monitoring of the ballots has been only done by the government-friendly agents. That is easy math and shows the disgraceful acts of state.

This here saga continues. The good news is that this one didn’t end up in directly torture, forged up charges and more impunity from the state, other than the preventative arrests and the acts of intimidation. Because the NRM has no message to give the public.

The only thing make me happy, that there was no funeral because of this… there been to many dying over By-Elections and each one of them is one too many. Peace.

Sheema North By-Election – Return Form for Transmission of Results (08.10.2018)

Sheema North By-Election: Voter intimidation and the Calvary on high alert with th arrests of FDC leaders!

Today is the open MP slot left behind after the Sheema Municipality By-Election earlier this year, when Hon. Elioda Tumwesigye one his second race since 2016 and had to resign the Sheema North. That is why there is a by Election in Sheema North and why the NRM is having all the stakes in. While the Opposition are alone with one candidate and one party, as the rest has left them behind. You can wonder why, because recently, there has been joint opposition races in the by-election.

However, this has been a weird by-election, but that is maybe because of the aftermath of the Arua By-Election in August 2018. When the army, the Special Force Command and the opposition there has been charged with treason ever since. That is maybe why there are only two candidates and the NRM is ready with the same weapons today.

We haven’t seen the joint-opposition behind the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) candidate, neither seen the critic against the NRM candidate either. The President joined the campaign on the last day before the election and held a big rally. But there haven’t been much scope or any seemingly to hit the radar. Before today, when the polls are appearing. The real NRM is appearing and they have to use the tools of intimidation and arrests to secure their results, even when they are just going against one candidate. They don’t have the message or the candidate to bring it in without all of that.

At Kigarama Sub County headquarters,the said Tally Centre for tomorrows Voting in Sheema North Constituency. As we speak, Military and Army have already taken over the center ahead of stake holders meeting with the electoral commission. Its supposed to start at 2pm and now 3pm. The meeting has not started. This seems already an army engineered election which calls for more vigilance and confrontation” (Augustine Ojobile, 07.10.2018).

Men in ‘police’ uniform commanded by ASP Kaganzi from Mbarara have arrested Hon. Odo Tayebwa at Kabutsye Town Council” (Forum for Democratic Change, 08.10.2018). Also reports of an arrest of Stanley Katembeya today as well. Therefore, the FDC are getting into usual trouble, as they are using their powers to control them.

Heavy police and UPDF deployment has taken place in Sheema North Constituency in western Uganda as voters elect a new MP today. The race is tight between Naome Kibajju of the ruling NRM party and Guma Nuwagaba who defected from the NRM to opposition party FDC and the security men are said to have deployed across several sub-counties in the constituency” (Capital FM Uganda, 08.10.2018).

There are clear message sent by the NRM, that they are not losing this constituency, as they had it previously and intends to keep it. They have sent the Military to the Tally Centre yesterday, certainly not only at the one spot, but on the ones that matter. Where they can ensure the results are configured and rigged well. As the Opposition doesn’t have the manpower or reach to have checks- and balances.

The FDC are alone swimming in this and their campaign might have been good. Their candidate might be in question himself, as he was a loser in the NRM Primaries. The NRM seemingly still uses all intimidation and arrests to secure the outcome. They do not trust the Naome Kibaju candidacy to win the By-Election. If they did, they wouldn’t need the army and the police to do, what they do.

As long as there is no extra judicial killing and another funeral because of this By-Election. Then that is good somehow, though the NRM has little to bring to table, when they need the Security Forces to spread their message, which is, we rule, we reign and don’t try to stop us. Peace.

Sheema North By-Election: Couldn’t Bosco have postponed this one? We don’t want another funeral!

This Sheema North By-Election is the latest of plenty By-Elections during the 10th Parliament, as there been plenty of these, because of the new districts and the sudden deaths of Members of Parliament. However, this one is coming at a precious time. As the Police and Army are more alert, the violence are getting more striking and in the open. The blatant disregard isn’t only for the high-level activists and the leadership of the opposition. But anyone can be beaten to pulp and anyone can be shot by a stray-bullet. That is why, couldn’t the Electoral Commission and the National Resistance Movement (NRM) halted this one?

There has been enough death and problematic activity since mid-August. This is just mere months after and the ramifications of the latest by-elections is still in the wind. The wind-shield of the President is just one out of plenty accusations and possible unanswered violent activity. As the torture of the opposition leaders, their charges and the legal jeopardy many are in. This one will not go as the previous ones has. Where the camping of Opposition until final days of voting. The By-Election have looked like war-zones, but the deaths of civilians and the use of Presidential Guards (Special Force Command) of late, puts the hope for a peaceful outcome much less likely.

This Sheema North By-Election, which open up after NRM MP Elioda Tumwesigye had one his second seat and open the previous one he won. That is why, this election even are scheduled, as the one in Arua Municipality was because of the assassination of Hon. Ibrahim Abiriga. Therefore, the sudden acts and the control from the NRM. Is the reason for these extra races.

At this point, it is hard to believe in peace, as the authorities are speaking that the Security Organizations are acting with restraint, as they shoot live-bullets into crowds and beat the public with sticks. They are acting as occupants in their own country, instead of having steady trust, they are beating the people into submission. If not, that what they hope with the physical torture and hurt.

The 8th October 2018 is supposed to matter, this is to vote for their representative in their district. However, at this point, who will die? Who will be tortured and who will be detained is the questioned? What sort of narrative will the government push to forget their vile violence against the civilians and the public in general?

Because of this moment will we really care about if NRM’s Naome Kibaaju or FDC’s Richard Guma. I have a really hard time to digest this. As the end-game of Arua is still playing out, the deaths and all the victims, as so many people are on bond and awaiting trial. Therefore, the Sheema North seems just like a pinch of salt in wounds. As the beatings are not yet even healed. The lack of tolerance and space are being squeezed. Therefore, the authorities could have waited and postponed this.

It is hard to celebrate, and the donated bikes to the public, will be impounded if the NRM looses. Just like it did in Rukungiri. So, the Sheema North should expect it is only given to them, as a token, if the NRM wins. They double down if they loose and we knows this.

Lets just hope that this doesn’t become bloody, hurt more people and that the final days of the By-Election turns as tragic as the whole Arua did. Because no place should become like that. However, the NRM just wants to signal that it costs to stand in their way. That is why SG Lumumba had to talk about staying loyal to the NRM who came with these “gifts”.

We know what they are. The people should know what they are, a small deposit and if they are not getting anything in return, they collect it back. As the constituency was a bad investment.

Let’s pray, but we know that Bosco is a unforgiving man, who calls the opposition by many names. So we just have to prepare for another funeral. Even if these are supposed to be joyful occasions, where people are supposed to do their civic duty of electing their representative to the next-highest office. Peace.

Final Report on the By-Elections: NRM slams Opposition parties, but that was expected!

If you would think that the National Resistance Movement would leave the new Municipalities MPs and other elected officials to the Opposition parties. You know it would be a lie. That the NRM are supposed to celebrate, but as the ruling party, they still lost Apac Municipality to the Uganda People’s Congress and lost Bugiri Municipality to the Justice Forum.

What is striking is that in Apac the NRM lost to someone who has faked his own death, Patrick Ochan, is a unique character, who forged money from Centenary Bank and declared his own death in 2006. Still, that was not enough for Obote’s son or the NRM to beat him in 2018. That says a lot of the state of NRM and also the opposition.

That Asuman Basalirwa won the Bugiri Municipality was a big deal and the NRM used all the big-guns there to sway the public. While Robert Kyagulanyi used his star-power to boost his campaign. The Forum for Democratic Change tried, but didn’t succeed either. However, it ended in the hands of the JEEMA Party and their only MP in the Parliament.

The rest of the districts like Nebbi, Kotido, Sheema, Ibanda and Njeru went all to the NRM. Sheema was also heavily contested and worrying signs yesterday, when the reports of late evening voting past fixed time for it. That means, the NRM could have countered the methods and secured it by late voting, which is fixing the score in their favor. As the trailing FDC in Sheema, was very close and the reality shouldn’t shock you.

This is like giving the opposition some posts, just so they exists, but still making sure the NRM have the majority. Just like they always do. There is always rigging and bribery, even voting tourism, where the NRM are ferrying people to vote in their favor. That could have occurred yesterday, but because of lack of observers and also intimidation from the army and police.

The Opposition should not shake their heads. They are working against the machine, they are not in a level playing field. The President are doing what he can wipe them out of the map. Therefore, only the dreamers would expect the FDC to get big. NRM won most, but is what they have done in most by-elections since 2016. It is only Jinja-East, Rukungiri and Kyadondo-East where the Opposition have won. The rest the NRM have taken. The NRM are usually the winner of By-Elections.

It is forgetfulness that hits you when you remember back to the rest of the By-Elections. Therefore, getting 2 out of 7 is a good score in a way. Also, the President gets what he wants. The majority and security of the NRM Caucus. That is all expected. To think otherwise, is to be naive, that the NRM is going to give the opposition opportunity to overcome them. As long as the President is breathing, he will not accept that and will rig to secure otherwise. The President is not democratic and not planning to become so. Peace.

By-Election Updates: Return Form for Transmission of Results from MP races in Bugiri (28.07.2018)

By-Election Updates: Return Form for Transmission of Results from MP races in Ibanda and Sheema (27.07.2018)



By-Election Updates: Return Form for Transmission of Results from MP races in Nebbi and Kotido (27.07.2018)

