Clinton Foundation leaks: Phantom aid to Ethiopia


We can all question the Clinton Foundation and the CHAI works in Ethiopia, especially after the reason for the visits in Ethiopia. By the memo of 2011 with Sheik Mommad of Midme in Ethiopia, if Bill Clinton would visit Ethiopia than the CF would get $2US Million from him; that doesn’t sound like a donor aid, but greased politician for their foundation. Not something that you should expect from a man of the Stature of Clinton’s. This is insulting, and the next levels of how the continue, when you look into it isn’t what it it’s all perceives.

CHAI would like to request that President Clinton call Sheik Mohammed to thank him for offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia and expressing regrets that President Clinton’s schedule does not permit him to attend the conference. Ed Wood has prepared a briefing memo for President Clinton about the call which is attached. Please contact either Ed or me if you have any questions or if you need anything else from us” [Ira Magaziner to John Podesta – ‘Subject: FW: Talking points for President Clinton and the Sheik’ 22.11.2011].

After that one fellow staffer answers it with:

“Unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do” [Adesai to a group of Clinton Foundation Mails – ‘Subject: FW: Talking points for President Clinton and the Sheik’ 22nd November 2011].

So after the agreement between the Sheik, that he sends money every-time Bill Clinton travels to Ethiopia. With that kind of suction to the Midme leader, he is still not allowed to travel to their Conference months after the agreement between Bill and the Sheik. Proves that only “Pay to Play” if the Sheik had paid another fortune of $6 US Million to the CF, than he be included at the Conference, which is not how it is supposed to be, but the CF Staff acts like its normal to ask for this kind of bribe.

Proven results of Work in Ethiopia and beyond:

“I’m sensitive to that (which is why I’m asking) but those CHAI Stats are on nearly every public listing of CF accomplishment. I’m want to make people think twice about calls for dropping grants to CF or return the money and the HIV/AIDS work hits home in a way that other stats don’t. Plus it’s international work. I’m concerned about saying we used money to fund healthy schools (because we didn’t use the funding for that)” [Craig Minassian to Tina Flournoy – ‘Subject: Re: WaPo – Draft Quote’ 25th February 2015].

This here just shows that the importance of the projects in Ethiopia wasn’t on building resilience towards HIV-AIDS or healthy schools as the Clinton Foundation and staffs doesn’t feel secure of showing the numbers that they have delivered to the numbers they have professed to change before. That is a worrying Foundation, Humanitarian Organization or even Aid Organization that should deliver some results; the results seem to be more important that the Foundation secure funding from the Sheik, than delivering results. Peace

#PodestaLeaks: The whispers of mismanagement and lies from the Clinton Foundation!


I have earlier looked into the mails considering the Campaign advice and also the Media’s connection with Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Let it be clear, I do not because like Trump! I don’t like his campaign one single bit, but these leaks of insider information and the scale of it at such extent at this present time. Makes it very hard not to dig deep and look into it. Because the needed looks and quest through the paper-trail left behind her campaign and such. This paper will be about the charitable campaign and the E-Mails I found that we’re interesting because of the actual behaviour there are accepting and subscribing to with their name up high on the mantle.

The Clinton Foundation, the subsidiaries and their programs are already a bit scrutinised and the legendary “Pay-to-Play” where a politician get monies for Super-PACs or Foundation, when service rendered the obligated politician will help the donor and their companies with legislation, regulation and even licenses they usually wouldn’t get if it wasn’t for their charitable and giving ways.

Today, the piece about something simple as the way they are signing promises as the Clinton becomes Secretary of State after Barrack Obama becomes President. Therefore with Hillary Clinton’s position the Foundation could not get donor-funding from foreign sources. The Foundation went out with information claiming they didn’t receive or suspending it, but inside and behind closed doors that apparently still happen. Take a look!

Broken Promise by the Clinton Foundation:

“Operation of CGI.  Should Senator Clinton be nominated and confirmed for Secretary of State, the Foundation will incorporate CGI as a separate entity from the Foundation.  President Clinton will continue in his role as principal host and be identified as CGI’s Founding Chairman, but he will not serve as an officer or director of the newly established entity.  Consistent with current practices, President Clinton personally will not solicit funds for CGI and only will attend fundraising events as a honored guest or speaker.  President Clinton also will continue to send invitation letters to potential attendees and guests of CGI; however, he will no longer send sponsorship letters (which seek contributions to CGI).  Apart for attendance fees for CGI, CGI will not accept contributions from foreign governments.  CGI also will suspend plans for CGI events outside the United States during any service by Senator Clinton at the State Department” (MoU between the WJC Foundation and HRC Foundation with Obama Administration (Draft Document) – 28.11.2008).

CHAI Program under former President Clinton:

“You probably already are aware but just to be sure: yesterday in the CHAI board meeting, Ira discussed the formation of an advisory board for CHAI – he said he is targeting 10 people to each give $500k per year for 3 years. He mentioned the names below. He also said he is looking to do a series of dinners on the west coast, east coast, and overseas to raise money for a CHAI Innovation Fund that would “invest” in projects / businesses that CHAI deems worthy. He said the first dinner is on west coast with 30 people and hosted by Christian Anthony who he said he found via the Brown University alumni network. Given the enormous range of things that Ira is proposing the Fund be empowered to invest in, it occurred to me that IF the organization is comfortable with the creation of such a Fund bearing WJC’s name (via CHAI), then why not have CF do it, so that CF can decide whether to invest in CHAI projects or also in other things like a farm in Africa, etc – and also to give WJC better control of it? The proposed CHAI Innovation Fund seems poised to go well beyond what we would consider to be the core traditional work of CHAI on HIV/AIDS, malaria, etc (at least based on the investment examples in the documents Ira provided) and I therefore just wondered why we’d cede this to CHAI to do/control. It’s probably safe to assume that any Fund that bears WJC’s name will attract “investors” or donors or whatever we call them. Maybe I am over-thinking this, but just wanted to brainstorm aloud and I’m happy to drop this if it’s not worth discussing further. Thanks, Ami NAMES IRA MENTIONED FOR CHAI ADVISORY BOARD (I probably am misspellin these): – Craig Colgate at Pegasus Capital (Ira found via Brown U) – Bob Selander (former CEO of Mastercard) – Tood Fisher, Chief Admin Officer at KKR (also via Brown U) – Bill Shuster at Evercore – Bob Mancini, CEO of Cogentics (formerly at Goldman) – Jeff Kushner from Blue Mountain Capital in the UK (Amitabh Desai sending mail to fellow Clinton Foundation Staffers – ‘Subject: CHAI fund and advisory board’ 27.03.2012).

Foundation Policy Adjustment Draft:

  • Suspend Planning for New CGI International Events:  The Clinton Global Initiative will no longer undertake CGI-International events nor accept any funding from foreign government hosts beyond the already-scheduled events in May (CGI-Morocco) and June (CGI-Greece) of 2015.  And, apart from membership fees, CGI also will not accept sponsorship fees from foreign governments for its domestic CGI conferences/meetings”. (Foundation Police Adjustment Draft answers for TinaMP, 08.04.2015) Rather than say “suspend planning” why not say that the Foundation will not host international events beyond the one (or two if we do Greece) already committed to for this year. THIS WAS LANGUAGE FROM MOU – FINE TO CHANGE – SEE TRACK CHANGE OPTION (Foundation Police Adjustment Draft answers for TinaMP, 08.04.2015).
  • No Contributions from New Foreign Governments:  The Clinton Foundation will not accept any funding from new foreign governments for its programming ; the Foundation will only accept contributions from:” (Foundation Police Adjustment Draft answers for TinaMP, 08.04.2015). This leaves out endowment and things like – if there were another disaster like Haiti – is that the intention? IT IS SAYING WE WON’T TAKE SUCH MONEY IF THERE IS A DISASTER; BY SAYING WE WON’T TAKE NEW FOREIGN GOV’T CONTRIBUTIONS, WE ARE SAYING NO NEW COUNTRIES TO THE ENDOWMENT EITHER (Foundation Police Adjustment Draft answers for TinaMP, 08.04.2015).

What it is supposed to say on Foundation letter:

“The Foundation should not announce what CHAI will do. We could change the beginning to say the “the Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative will adjust their policies during the period of Secretary Clinton’s run for office as follows:” (Bruce Lindsay to Maura Pally – ‘Re: RE: Re:’ (08.04.2015).

Cheryl Mills on Foreign Contributions:

I sent a correction yesterday to what the policy wason foreign contributors – it was not a blanket no foreign contributions (though that  is what happened in practice); i*t was no foreign contributions for CGI; for other initiatives like CHAI (Aids), CCI (climate change), CHDI (development in Africa), it required approval by DOS/WH to accept NEW contributions (or significant increase in an existing one)*. So question would be – if a country like Germany decides to contribute to funding aids drug that the foundation facilitates through a low-cost consortium, is answer no, the Foundation wouldn’t do it or yes, it would and would immediately disclose it – that is more likely situation facing Foundation.” (Cheryl Mills sent to John Azalone of Anzalone Liszt Grove Research – ‘Subject: Re: Foundation | Foreign Contributors Statement’ (19.02.2015).

You cannot say after reading it that it looks good for the Clinton Foundation when this kind of practices are happening with sanction from the CF staff and their allies. That they are doing illegal funding of their operations as they are not honoring the agreement with Government of United States and as a key role as Secretary of State; so one of the persons who has one of the noblest positions used her family-name to get donor-funding to their foundation and programs without legality.

Here I am turning into something else that is also worrying about place that a man like Rwandan President Paul Kagame has gotten in the Foundation and it’s subsidiaries. I don’t know if it has become like that because President Bill Clinton didn’t have to stomach to stop the genocide in 1994 and continued supporting the RPF and RPA conquests to oust former American Ally in Mobutu in the DRC. Also, knowing that the other darling of U.S. Museveni in Uganda we’re helping and facilitating the rise of RPA as Kagame we’re a vital part of the NRA and their first government in Uganda. People’ tend to forget this and see beyond those chapters of life. Like they are long forgotten past, but even to this day President Kagame is in good hands with his former American Ally. We will see in 2012, that he was set-up as a Co-Chairman with Carlos Slim. Also that through the graces of Blair that Kagame appreciated Bill Clinton’s “unflinching support”. Take a look!


Rwanda – Kagame Co-Chair in CGI projects:

“This is follow-up to our accomodation of these folks at CGI. As you may recall, this commission is co-chaired by Kagame and Carlos Slim. We’ll set a call with the commission chair to discuss further his proposal in this letter to WJC that we do a broadband panel at CGI in September. Thanks, Ami” (Amitabh Desai, sending mail to fellow Clinton Foundation Staffers – ‘Subject: Fw: Letter to President Clinton’ 20.01.2012).

Rwanda- by all means Kagame accepts their support!

“Ambassador asked if WJC/CF/CGI could do anything to help on education/universities in Rwanda. I explained we are constrained by funding but if they have specific ideas, to let us know. He said they’ll put together some ideas for us. – Ambassador asked about attracting more investments/businesses to Rwanda, including mining/natural resources investors. I emphasized CGI as an opportunity for Kagame to engage investors. I also mentioned Barclays interest in doing something at CGI on investing in Africa. Also mentioned Kagame doing a side-meeting at/around CGI that convenes investors interested in Rwanda, akin to WJC’s investor meeting for Ireland or session WJC did for Haiti last year at CGI. – Ambassador said criticism of Kagame seems to have quieted, partly due to WJC and Blair’s unwavering support for Kagame. Ambassador said Kagame and Rwanda very much appreciate WJC’s unflinching support” (Amitabh Desai sending mail to fellow Clinton Foundation Staffers – ‘Subject: Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, Rwanda’ 16.04.2012).

If all of this isn’t worrying, if this state of play is what can be organized through a Clinton Administration it says something about the words they pick for the society and press to read, and how they really act. That their saying something, but act differently; that is not a good state of affairs for transparency and accountability of civil servants, Clinton Foundation or any organization.

We can all question why Rwanda and President Paul Kagame we’re getting so much credibility through programs of Clinton Foundation as he is not really a gentleman. He is surrounded by military and oppressive behavior that takes total control of state and business. Is that something the Clinton’s and their Foundation wants to be affiliated with, really?

It’s enough of sadness and disgusting e-mails for one day. Peace.