Clinton Foundation leaks: Phantom aid to Ethiopia


We can all question the Clinton Foundation and the CHAI works in Ethiopia, especially after the reason for the visits in Ethiopia. By the memo of 2011 with Sheik Mommad of Midme in Ethiopia, if Bill Clinton would visit Ethiopia than the CF would get $2US Million from him; that doesn’t sound like a donor aid, but greased politician for their foundation. Not something that you should expect from a man of the Stature of Clinton’s. This is insulting, and the next levels of how the continue, when you look into it isn’t what it it’s all perceives.

CHAI would like to request that President Clinton call Sheik Mohammed to thank him for offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia and expressing regrets that President Clinton’s schedule does not permit him to attend the conference. Ed Wood has prepared a briefing memo for President Clinton about the call which is attached. Please contact either Ed or me if you have any questions or if you need anything else from us” [Ira Magaziner to John Podesta – ‘Subject: FW: Talking points for President Clinton and the Sheik’ 22.11.2011].

After that one fellow staffer answers it with:

“Unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check, this sounds crazy to do” [Adesai to a group of Clinton Foundation Mails – ‘Subject: FW: Talking points for President Clinton and the Sheik’ 22nd November 2011].

So after the agreement between the Sheik, that he sends money every-time Bill Clinton travels to Ethiopia. With that kind of suction to the Midme leader, he is still not allowed to travel to their Conference months after the agreement between Bill and the Sheik. Proves that only “Pay to Play” if the Sheik had paid another fortune of $6 US Million to the CF, than he be included at the Conference, which is not how it is supposed to be, but the CF Staff acts like its normal to ask for this kind of bribe.

Proven results of Work in Ethiopia and beyond:

“I’m sensitive to that (which is why I’m asking) but those CHAI Stats are on nearly every public listing of CF accomplishment. I’m want to make people think twice about calls for dropping grants to CF or return the money and the HIV/AIDS work hits home in a way that other stats don’t. Plus it’s international work. I’m concerned about saying we used money to fund healthy schools (because we didn’t use the funding for that)” [Craig Minassian to Tina Flournoy – ‘Subject: Re: WaPo – Draft Quote’ 25th February 2015].

This here just shows that the importance of the projects in Ethiopia wasn’t on building resilience towards HIV-AIDS or healthy schools as the Clinton Foundation and staffs doesn’t feel secure of showing the numbers that they have delivered to the numbers they have professed to change before. That is a worrying Foundation, Humanitarian Organization or even Aid Organization that should deliver some results; the results seem to be more important that the Foundation secure funding from the Sheik, than delivering results. Peace