#SONA2017: Mmusi Maimane speaks to the media outside Parliament after walking out (Footage)

Remembering Madiba: Let Us Continue Building a United South Africa, Message from President Jacob Zuma (05.12.2016)

Mandela Quote

Today, on the anniversary of Madiba’s sad passing, let us recommit ourselves to unity, and to working together to build our country, regardless of whatever political differences we may have.

PRETORIA, South Africa, December 5, 2016 – On this day in 2013, the first President of a free and democratic South Africa, President Nelson Mandela passed on, leaving behind a rich legacy of building a dynamic young nation, from the ashes of apartheid.

President Mandela taught us to unite and to love and respect one another as South Africans. He also taught us to build friendly relations with our neighbours and the international community as a whole.

A lot of good work has been done towards building a truly united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa. The road ahead remains long and full of challenges given the unending economic slowdown globally and locally and the need to continue building a better life for and with our people. There is indeed a lot more hard work to be done, as we move towards the ideal society he envisaged when he said let there be bread, water and salt for all.

Today, on the anniversary of Madiba’s sad passing, let us recommit ourselves to unity, and to working together to build our country, regardless of whatever political differences we may have. Let us work harder than ever, to make South Africa a success story that generations to come will be proud of.

South Africa Elections: Interview with Phillip de Wet, Editor, Mail and Guardian (Youtube-Clip)

RSA Election update: Defacing DA Posters in Tshwane!

Tshawne RSA

“The ANC’s theft and defacing of our posters is nothing more than a desperate attempt to slow down our momentum in Tshwane as it becomes increasingly clear we can WIN.The theft and defacing of election posters is a clear violation of sections 91, 92 and 97 of the Electoral Act and must be condemned in the strongest terms. We will be lodging a complaint with the IEC” (Democratic Alliance, 2016).

The proof of the ruling party continuation of controlling the Electoral environment by defacing opposition posters. The ANC should be so proud of their reckless behaviour towards the DA. Even if it elections and soon ballots. There should be some respect for each others craft and material. As the Citizens should pick on the merit and free choosing, not by who apparently has a President for the moment. The ANC and their comrades better act up and be within reason. Especially since they have been the ruling party for decades now and need to give way for justice and common sense. Peace.

Footage: South Africa – This year’s election is the most important since the dawn of our democracy in 1994.

“This year’s election is the most important since the dawn of our democracy in 1994. On 3 August, South Africans face a choice: either more of the same broken promises and joblessness under the ANC; or real and positive change that will help move our country forward again” (Democratic Alliance, 26.06.2016).

This year, on 3 August, South Africans face a choice:

5 more years of corruption, nepotism, joblessness and deteriorating service delivery; or CHANGE that will move South Africa forward again. This is the change that brings about job creation, delivers better services, and stops corruption. While we have made progress since 1994, the ANC has now put our country on the wrong path. We have the opportunity to change this – and ensure that we move in the right direction again. The direction that Nelson Mandela dreamed of” (Mmusi Maimane, 26.06.2016).

“SA’s jobs supercrisis demands a bold new strategy” – Bokamoso by Mmusi Maimane

There are now 8.9 million jobless people in South Africa, according to the latest StatsSA quarterly labour force report, released this week. This is the highest jobless number ever recorded in our country It is easy to regard these just as numbers – but we can’t forget that this number represents people – fathers, mothers, young people – all without work, and fast losing hope in a shrinking economy. SA’s jobs crisis is not just the aggregation of 8.9 million individual lives in crisis. It puts our whole country critically at risk – socially, economically and politically, impacting the fate of all South Africans for generations to come” (Democratic Alliance, 2016).