Ethiopia: Is Abiy planning a second “Operation Law Enforcement”?

“During these discussions, led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the group identified what they called three primary risks if Tigray remains as it is without further weakening according to UMD Media sources: 1) Tigray’s current status could embolden Amhara Fano and other forces such as Oromo Liberation Army who are fighting against the federal government; 2) Fano and Eritrea might ally with Tigray to strengthen the challenge against the government; 3) Tigray might hold the government accountable for crimes committed during the 2020-2022 war. The meeting considered various measures, ranging from targeting Tigray’s military and political leaders through isolated poisonings and assassinations to waging a full-scale war on Tigray” (UMD Media – ‘UMD Media Sources: PM Abiy Ahmed held meetings on launching war on Tigray in the presence of, among others, current IGAD Executive Secretary’ 21.05.2024).

There is now rumours, speculations and possible talks of negotiations or meetings in regard to a new conflict with the Tigray region. A war that has been put on hold, but never  totally honoured the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, as the Federal Government is in a bitter conflict with former allies in Amhara Region, the FANO or Amhara Popular Front (APF). They have also been in a constant war with the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA/WBO). So, Addis Ababa never gotten peace or lack of warfare in the era of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.

In the era of Abiy, the never ending war and consolidating of power never ceases to stop. The Prime Minister is waging wars and creating conflict to get rid of people who doesn’t adhere or obey his direct command. He avenges them and orders the guns on them. If it is Ogaden, Oromia or Tigray regions. The PM can order his forces and authorities to crackdown on anyone who opposes him or doesn’t follow his every command. He will kill and arrest anyone who doesn’t comply with his every whim. That’s what his does and his known for it now.

We can wonder what he gets out of these conflicts, as there are civilians and citizens who suffers because of it. The warlord and tyrant is ceasing all power from the regional leaders, but he isn’t getting more popular. That’s why people are signing up and becoming part of insurgencies. This is because of their way of life is endangered and they are seeing fellow people directly suffering because of him.

Prime Minister Abiy could easily order another round of war in Northern Ethiopia. The silence of the guns in Tigray region has only been to stall for time. He hopes to totally destroy the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the political elite of the Tigray region. The ones who didn’t accept the merger of the EPRDF into the one-national-party, the Prosperity Party. The medemer terror has been waged on the people and he will continue to do so. Just as the PM is realising new books and acting like a Supreme Overlord.

We should now fear another bloody war and the end of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, as it was only used to buy time and re-group. You can wonder if Mekelle has planned or seen this coming. As they have negotiated and talked openly with Addis Ababa. We can wonder if the Interim Regional Administration of Tigray are prepared or even have considered another defensive war.

That’s what’s up on the horizon and it’s tragic. The conflict, the war and the massive losses. The destruction of society, the fabric of life…. And everything that was known in the regions. Ethiopia is losing and Abiy is continuing to destroy the nation. Just so he can rule over the ashes and the burned villages. That’s what he will be King over. The destructive and annihilation of his enemies. He speaks of peace, but wages war. That’s who Abiy is and it’s not a secret anymore. Peace.

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