Ethiopia: Caucus of Opposition Parties – Press Release (21.08.2023)

Neither force nor a command post will bring a lasting solution; for peaceful solution the importance of a comprehensive dialogue among political forces cannot be overstated.

The current state of our nation, in terms of politics, economics, and society, indicates that we are experiencing a significant amount of chaos, stress, loss, and destruction not just sporadically but on a daily basis. As a result, the public is demanding the Government to live up to its promises and duties, saying ‹‹ Walk Your Talk››. In relation to this matter, during its evaluation of the contemporary state of our nation on the 18th of August 18, 2023, our caucus, cognizant of the fact that our country and its populace are in a phase where they require prompt measures for a viable resolution, has adopted a stance and put forth a solution.

At present, conflicts, instability and public demands for good governance in all regions of our country are accompanied by people’s dissatisfaction and despair; and it can be said that the relationship between the government and the people in all regions has gone beyond mere questioning to total lack of trust. In addition, the relationship, cooperation and trust between the federal government and regional governments, as well as among the regional governments themselves, have fallen into question.

Therefore, it is utterly imperative to take urgent and permanent action to reverse the current situation so that our country is not subjected to even more security crises, and our people to even worse pain and suffering.

Although the situation in all four directions and regions of our country is very serious, in the past mainly in Tigray, then in Oromia, and recently in the Amhara region, there have been clashes between the government defense forces and the armed forces; in previous conflicts and problems, and in connection with these conflicts, the government tried to bring a solution through forceful measures by issuing a state of emergency at different times, but it did not bring a lasting solution except to expand and worsen the political instability and tension, economic loss and destruction, loss of life and social crisis. Instead, in the first Tigray case, the pain and suffering ended as the conflict was resolved through reconciliation and negotiation. Although there is a fear that the problem will recur due to the delay in the implementation of the agreement or the failure to implement it according to the agreement, we have actually seen that the disaster, the massacre and the crisis were not stopped by force or the declaration of the state emergency, but by discussion, negotiation and agreement. Although the dialogue that started to resolve the security crisis in the Oromia region was not open and inclusive, and the fact that it was started and ended has darkened the hope of the people for a short time, it was an indicator of peoples trust in dialogue and negotiation.

Henceforth, we advocate for a departure from the conceit and implementation of political machinations and stratagems as markers of astuteness and erudition, which has become the reflexive response during the short-lived tenure of the prosperity party. Instead, we strongly advocate for prompt and meaningful dialogue aimed at fostering tranquility among all political factions, for an enduring and comprehensive resolution.

Therefore, we call on the ruling party to respond positively to this call to save the country so that the political thinking and experience of our country can improve and grow, and leave a positive mark on our political history building on the past learning experience;

We implore media institutions and all relevant stakeholders of the nation to refrain from portraying the present state of affairs as if it is a conflict among the people, as such a portrayal may impede the attainment of a durable political resolution and inadvertently extend the life of the existing system;

We call on religious leaders and elders to assume their rightful place among the populace and diligently carry out their social obligations.

Caucus of Opposition Parties.

August 21/2023, Addis Ababa.

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