Ethiopia: Djibouti’s Proxy War in Afar Region…

1) 26 small sized reconnaissance drones purchased from China by the Djibouti regime were delivered to the Somali region in Ethiopia on Monday, June 3, 2024. Half of these drones can operate at night as they are equipped with infrared. Eight Djiboutian army officers received training on operation of these drones in the Presidential Guard camp in Djibouti and they are currently in Ethiopia in Dire Dawa hosted by the Ugaas of Issa, Mustapha Mohamed Ibrahim to train 15 others for 3 weeks to operate the drones.

2) The majority of Somalis engaged since June 1, 2024 in the fight against Afar region in Ethiopia belong to the Ogaden clan from Kenya. They are paid handsomely and recruited from villages, some from remote villages. The massive recruitment of Ogadenis was made possible by the intervention of certain Somali leaders in Kenya, in particular the former Speaker of the Kenyan parliament, Farah Moalim” (Lettre Confidentielle de Djibouti, 08.06.2024).

Since April 2024 there been reports of skirmishes in the Sitti Zone of the Afar Region. This being done by the Issa-Somali militias, which happens to be supported by the Djibouti regime and stationed in the Ogaden (Somali) region.

It is now alleged that all of the training and military equipment is coming from Djibouti. They are helping the mercenaries and fighters who attacks the Afar region. These who are from the Somali origin and elsewhere. The proxy war is now in affect.

The Ogaden and Issa-Somali are trying to spin it as they are victims and defending their lands. While they are initially attacking and trying to take over the pastoral-ize zones of the Afar region. This is shown now.

That the cosmopolitan city of Dire Dawa is used as a hub for the warfare should be warning sign too. This is what the leadership of Djibouti is up too and it’s weakening the neighbour. The proxy war should be condemned and put chills down the spine of the leaders in Addis Ababa. However, Prime Minister Abiy haven’t said a word or ordered anything. It’s like it has his blessing and it’s weakening two regional states. That’s why his accepting it and it takes away the accountability and transparency in the lack of government services on his behalf.

It is also telling when the Afar Regional Special Forces and the locally trained militias are able to contain and stop the Djibouti sponsored armies. The fighters and soldiers from the Somali region who are getting specialized training. Should by all account be inferior to the Afarian. However, they are able to repel the attacks. This is why it’s going on for months on end. It is showing the strength of Semara, but also the will of the Afar people.

This here is all tragic news as the regions are suffering. The proxy-war is just a damning enterprise and a sign of deteriorating borders. As the foreign supported war is able to harm Afar region so much. It shows also the lack of concern from the Federal Government that let this happen. As long as mercenaries and outsiders are trying to force people to flee their land and settle. They are wanting to annex and ensure superiority over it. That’s what is going on and it’s a nightmare.

This here shouldn’t happen, but Guelleh has his war and is in invested in it. He has people participating and doing his bidding within Ethiopia. That should ring the alarm bells in Addis Ababa. However, I doubt it… because they have enough trying to defeat other internal militias to get anywhere. Peace.

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