RSA: Alleged relationship between D.Van Rooyen and Gupta’s before appointment to be Finance Minister (30.10.2016)


“In a reply to a DA Parliamentary question, Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Des van Rooyen, denied visiting the Gupta’s compound in Saxonwold in the run up to his disastrous appointment as Finance Minister. Yet, reports today indicate that van Rooyen met with the Gupta’s at their residence not once but seven times. Clearly he was misleading in his reply and in so doing he has contravened the Executive Ethics Code. We will now report van Rooyen to the Public Protector, Adv Busisiwe Mkhwebane, for this violation of the act. The DA will not allow a Minister to get away with misleading Parliament and the people of South Africa” (DA, 30.10.2016).

“Details in today’s Sunday Times indicate that Des van Rooyen’s appointment as Minister of CoGTA may have been part of a longer term plan to allow Gupta-linked companies to gain access to the more than R400 billion in municipal expenditure. It is also reported that van Rooyen met with the Gupta’s at their residence in Saxonwold not once but seven times in the run up to his disastrous appointment as Finance Minister. These latest allegations further demonstrate that the minister is little more than a puppet whose strings are pulled to allow access to state funds for the benefit of Zuma and his cronies. We will be submitting parliamentary questions to the Minister to determine the nature of his relationship with the Gupta’s and whether he in fact did meet with them in the week prior to his appointment as Minister of Finance. We will not permit South Africa’s municipalities to be looted by the Gupta’s or the ANC!” (Mmusi Maimane, 30.10.2016).