Ker Kwaro Acholi: Statement on continued Violence in Apaa (01.09.2023)

Amuru Land Grab: The Apaa Village evictions is never ending story…

Legislators from the Acholi sub-region were blocked from accessing the Apaa township, bordering Adjumani and Amuru districts. The eight MPs from the region were in Apaa on a fact-finding mission following an arson attack, displacement, and reports of gross abuse of human rights over persistent land wrangles. These were instead met by police officers and army men heavily armed with teargas and guns who blocked their access” (NBS Television, 10.06.2022).

This here story goes back in time. So far back that we are now soon two decades since the state gave the land to the investor. Since then the Apaa village has seen the forceful state, evictions and other sorts of tactics of the state to takeover the land. In the Northern Uganda land has been taken and given to “industrial” purposes like the plantations for the Kakira Factory for instance. Therefore, the ideas of taking land for “development” isn’t new. However, the state doesn’t give anything in return to the evicted and only creates more internally displaced persons. Which is another crisis in the making.

The Apaa village and Apaa community deserves better. They have been victims, which shown by this quotation from a report in 2014.

The case of land in Apaa Village (Amuru District) illustrates the suspicions of local people concerning the acquisition of large tracts of land. In 2005, when people were still living in the camps, land was given to Bruce Martin from South Africa who was investing in game reserves for sports hunting. When resistance from the community intensified, it is claimed that the government changed tactics and asked the neighbouring district of Adjumani to contest ownership and claim that this land actually lies within Adjumani District. The Adjumani District authorities then passed a council resolution giving the land away to the ‘investor’. Some participants in this research argued that the boundaries between the two districts of Adjumani and Acholi are clear, and that some district politicians are manufacturing the boundary conflict. During an interview with the District Chairperson of Adjumani, he showed a map of the area in dispute claiming the area belongs to Adjumani District” (Otim & Mugisha, P: 8, 2014).

What is striking is that this case has been a running case in the 9th and 10th Parliament. Now, it returns to prominence in the 11th Parliament too. That means the Apaa village never been resolved, neither has the rights of the Apaa community really been heard. Secondly, the former MPs and Local Councillors haven’t been able to voice it up. This because it is a stalemate and the land is still up for grabs.

We know in 2018 that Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) did some evictions of people in the area. This was done with the support of the army or the Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF). That just shows that the District Land Board and Area Land Board wasn’t able to petition or have a say. Therefore, the directives and the promise of land was already settled without considering the implications locally.

That’s maybe why the MPs are trying to investigate it. They are MPs representing the Acholi sub-region, but still not allowed to access the area. That says something about the what is going on and possibly could be furthering escalations. We can be rest assured that the State House has directed it and is silently behind it all. As they have promised the land for the investor.

It is tragic that this is happing to Apaa village. Wonder, if the President would have been so kind to an “investor” if it happened to his farm in Rwaiktura farm in Kiruhura district. As a Namibian “investor” was given land and for “development” purposes in the greater Mbarara area. Because, that would be the same and he would have to idly move without any compensation. That would have been a similar act of land grab, which is what’s happening here in Apaa village in the Acholi sub-region. Peace.


Otim, David & Mugisha, Police Charles – Saferworld: ‘Beyond the reach of the hoe: The struggle for land and minerals in Northern Uganda’ (April 2014)

Uganda Wildlife Authority letter to All Residents of Adjumani District – “Re: Shifting of Apaa Market to Zoka Centre” (10.04.2019)

Press Statement by the Acholi Parliamentary Group: On the Issue of Land in Acholi Sub Region (28.02.2019)

Statement to Parliament on the Situation in Apaa Parish, Adjumani District by the Minister of Internal Affairs (05.0.2019)

Solidarity March against the Apaa Land Grab in Gulu today: It was shutdown by the Police!

Today, there was held an demonstration in Gulu town for the land evictions happing in Apaa village. This is a planned land grab by the authorities dating back to 2006. As the land in Amuru have been given to Madhvani Group to the planned Kakira Sugar Factory there. Therefore, these evictions have been planned for decades.

That why I rewrite this again: The Amuru Land Grab: What is ours, is OURS; What is their’s, is OURS; and Whatever is your’s, is still OURS.

Here is today’s reports:

SOLIDARITY MARCH Monday 4th February: Apaa Monitor has received information that a demonstration is taking place tomorrow at 8am, departing from Ker Kwaro Acholi head quarters in Gulu, in solidarity with those who are suffering in Apaa, and to denounce the atrocities that have taken place there. 8am, Ker Kwaro Acholi, Gang ker ma dit” (Apaa Monitor, 03.02.2019).

Acholi MPs; Amuru Woman MP Lucy Akello, Kilak South MP Gilbert Olanya, Kilak North MP Anthony Akol and Aruu North MP Odongo Otto arrested over Apaa land demo. They were detained at Gulu Central Police Station for holding an illegal demonstration” (, 04.02.2019).

He we see again, that the public, the Members of Parliament and others are not allowed to address or voice out their grievances. This is currently very normal. Even if the people behind or organizing the demonstration had notified the authorities about their planned demonstration. The Police might still stop it or even bar it from happen.

They might have all the papers right, but still the police would come all out, because it doesn’t matter, even if they did follow the Public Order Management Act (POMA). The Police could still deem it illegal, as they didn’t notify correctly or “incited violence” breaking the penal code.

This is very common, therefore, I have a hard time believing this rally/demonstration was illegal. If it was, they did it this way. Because the MPs and the ones behind it, knew the authorities never would get it accepted. Since, the Apaa Land Grab is an accepted deal between the State and Madhvani Group since 2006. Therefore, the President would be humiliated and the Police Force cannot accept that. Peace.

FDC Youth Forum reacts to the TDA approval of Amama Mbabazi and want Dr. Kizza Besigye out of the coalition


The saga continues. The race between the Amama Mbabazi new position in the TDA has set things on fire. The same is with the FDC and FDC Youth Forum whom has rights to question the position of their flag-bearer which they wish to have as the leader of the opposition and not the fallen out of grace from the NRM which the other guy has.


“The group of FDC youth have raided storm Royal Suites Bugolobi, the venue for the TDA summit meeting demanding for their party’s withdraw from the opposition alliance” (Odongo, 2015). “The youth who were armed with placards demanded that Besigye leaves the summit and announces that FDC has quit the Alliance. Despite hesitating, Besigye came out of the meeting to address the rowdy youths. He advised them to go to the party headquarters in Najjanakumbi where he would address” (…)”The Youth were lead by MPs Odongo Otto, Geoffrey Ekanya and Jack Sabiiti who some days ago petitioned that FDC withdraws from the Alliance” (Waiswa, 2015). “The National Candidates Selection Committee of the Opposition coalition, The Democratic Alliance, recommended Mbabazi as the most favorable to joint presidential candidate. Not long ago Mbabazi as prime minister was being faulted by the opposition for stifling democracy in the country” (Waiswa, 2015).

Dr. Kizza Besigye 170915

This is what really went down:

“Dr Kizza Besigye, the FDC flag-bearer in the 2016 presidential elections has called for restraint and calmness after a group of radical party youth dragged him from a meeting of The Democratic Alliance on Thursday” (…)”The youth warned that FDC would not accept TDA’s endorsement of Amama Mbabazi as the alliance’s flag-bearer in the 2016 election, as alleged in the media” (…)”The youth claimed that while they did not have anything personal with Mbabazi, his alleged “involvement in the suppression of our struggle are still fresh in our minds, he is responsible for our continued suffering” (Aine, 2015).

Dr Kizza Besigye said this: “Our people are concerned by this alleged unfairness” (…)”They are saying the process is unfair. The people are right, it must be questioned. The process must fair” (…)”NEC must sit and discuss concerns of unfairness. People are confused that how can a coalition of opposition support Hon Mbabazi who is an NRM member” (Aine, 2015).


Well, with the recent actions from the FDC Youth Forum proves that the issue of whom is running for the flag-bearer post in the TDA. That will also create issues between the parties in the alliance and coalition. The frictions that it takes when a independent man that was the former menace to society is now the front-runner of the opposition. Now he is the man to run for office after being split from the mothership or the party he was a poster-child in.

Dr. Kizza Besigye was the same for the NRM, but went out earlier and was involved also from the Bush to the rewrite of the constitution so that President Museveni could sit until indefinite and not leave the office. So after that Dr. Kizza Besigye has lost elections in 2006, 2011. Who even made the issues with the government over the famous ‘Walk to Work’ riots!

That’s why the FDC Youth Forum reacts when the opposition candidate to fight the NRM sole candidate who has been there since 1986, which everybody already knows. The issue that is concerning is the reaction, not from the Youth Forum since they already has addressed their plea. It’s the reaction from FDC flag-bearer Dr. Kizza Besigye who is the people’s president. That has addressed the matter and how it changes the power struggle in the coalition of the TDA. But it’s frightening if this is the way that Dr. Besigye is now addressing the procedures of NEC in the TDA. If this is now really weakening the coalition then it will hard to go back, that the issue becomes a struggle between Amama Mbabazi and Dr. Kizza Besigye, instead of a unity going to show strength towards NRM regime. They need to stay strong against it, if not the fractions and frictions will always be in a coalition, but the way it’s turning isn’t making a solid effort to achieve the changes in electoral reform and also making sure of giving an honest fight against the NRM party. If they go back to scratch then the time was a wasting in a unity that didn’t leave a trace in the 2016 race other than failure. That Dr. Besigye or any of the other opposition party leader want to see happening. Peace.


Aine, Kim – ‘Besigye Calls Crisis FDC NEC Meeting as Youth Denounce Mbabazi’ (17.09.2015) link:

Odongo, Otto – ‘Otto, FDC youth stir chaos at TDA meet’ (17.09.2015) link:

Waiswa, Baz – ‘Youth Storm TDA Summit, Force Besigye To Withdrawal From Alliance’ (17.09.2015) link: