Opinion: Muntu’s Grand Illusion

We have no illusions that we or any other opposition actor can stop General Museveni from the abuse of national resources during the electoral process. He is already doing so. We also have no illusions that there will be a level playing ground in the 2021 electoral process. Our understanding is that no dictatorial regime ever creates a level playing field. Our participation in 2021 is therefore not going to be based on any expectation that the political playing ground is going to be level. That there will be a transparent, free and fair election. Our participation will be from the understanding that we can only overwhelm the regime from a position of superior organization. That is why we focus all our efforts on getting well organized. We know for sure that when you are well organized and disciplined you can overwhelm such a regime in spite of all the odds ranged against you” – Mugisha Muntu (Black Star News publisher Milton Allimadi’s Q-and-A with Mugisha Muntu – ‘Mugisha Muntu’s Beyond Regime-Change Vision: How ANT Wants to transform political culture in Uganda’ 31.01.2020).

By all means, there is a need for a change in the Republic. No one would deny that. Not a single soul would deny the need or hesitate to pursuit that mission. However, the National Coordinator and the founder of Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) Mugisha Muntu hollow point is coming across.

His been a political operative for so long. He knows this game, his been through his share of elections. Therefore, him speaking about it, he has the authority. However, the hollow points and the lacklustre ideals has to be addressed. Because, does he believe it himself? That he got the spirit, the drive and the vision to build this from the ground up?

What difference will his organizational skills be from Amama Mbabazi? Why will ANT matter more than Go-Forward. Not like he has had decades building a team, hold meetings and consult across the Republic. Not like ANT has an office space in every major town or has the ability to spread their message to every single individual. No, its like wishing for greatness, but not having the ability.

Muntu wants the change, he speaks of it, but only wants it his way. A mediocre and a lack of courage. He thinks building his own entity and his own brand will change the day. The “Country Before Self”. Even if he himself was himself before party. It’s a reason the whole operation is hallow just by that alone.

Mugisha Muntu might speak game, but if he really believed in this, why isn’t ANT everywhere and that his delegations on rotation to every single district of the Republic? Why are they not speaking loudly?

Why isn’t Muntu on Frontline or NTV Uganda more often? Showing his face and speaking his message of change through his operation and his party? Seemingly, he should be in people’s faces and on the radio. However, his a ghost and the machinery he has is like it too.

That is why its a grand illusion, that his ANTs will do it. It might be a clever to make Muntu relevant and has a new day job. But, for now he will not be the microphone that catch the attention nor spark fury for change. His more of the weak tea moderate, who would wait to trade favours for a pot of gold. Peace.

Opinion: Muntu is so pragmatic, that’s why the NRM doesn’t fear him

There are so many approaches in the struggle to liberate Uganda however; this that requires signing a petition to ICC will not have my signature on it. I, however, do not stop any other Ugandan from signing it because it is their right” – Gen. Mugisha Muntu

Mugisha Muntu, the former Party President of the Forum of Democratic Change (FDC) and now the Co-Ordinator of Alliance for National Transformation (ANT). His had this third force for over a year now. His consulted with the Special Vehicle of the Democratic Party Block. While some of his allies and fellow leadership is also involved in the People Power Movement.

With this regard, the pragmatic man has a foothold everywhere else, than the People’s Government and the FDC. Muntu is still possessing some star power and swagger, as his still proclaimed a big-man by the likes of Andrew Mwenda.

But, I am hesitant about him. Since he continues to say Museveni isn’t the problem of the Republic. That he is reluctant to say and speak up with force against the National Resistance Movement. He wants to build a party, he wants to build grassroot organization, but what will it do? Other than being the organization that feeds him?

Because, he seems not to fear Museveni nor his dictatorship. His pragmatic ideals, whatever they are. Not to go head-on or challenge it directly. He wants to focus on his own and his structure. His third force, his sort of ANT. That is all. He has said that Museveni isn’t the problem all back to 2010. That is nine years and he did the same this year.

So, we know, that his soft, mellow and not really all that. His against the defiance, against resisting the system. He wants to build within it and hope to dismantle it by working with everyone. Thinking people will flee and go after him. Because, his speaking softly and tactful.

I don’t see how Muntu will liberate or even struggle to topple the dictatorship. When his so friendly and cosying up to everyone. His just busy body building his own ANT and not trying to show any force or way to distort the leadership of today. His continues about bad leadership, corruption and non-working system. But he has no solution to uproot it. Only, that he has to viable party and structure to compete with the NRM.

What does it help to have a party if it doesn’t stand for anything?

It is not like his come out with a platform, ideals or anything that is substantial within the year ANT has been there. Not like ANT has shown any significant objective. It says it want to battle NRM and have a peaceful transition, but nothing about how. It is a mystery. It is myth. A living legend.

That is why Muntu doesn’t say Museveni is the problem. Museveni and NRM isn’t the real issue. It is because its all about him. A one man party, a one man cause, the cause of finding relevance for Muntu. That is why he has to discredit FDC and also say there are other ways. But not say which?

That is why he fits the paradigm of syncopates and apologists of the regime. Since, Muntu is not even targeting them. His just doing himself. That’s why its “country before self”, because in his instance, its self before country.

Since, I don’t see any reason for Museveni or any of his allies to fear this man. His just so justifiable weak and spineless. He doesn’t have the ability or the will to push it hard. Even if that is the only way out. That was for others in the FDC and with ANT he will not do it. He will not risk his possible positive outcome and way out. That’s why he was against defiance and wanted a more suitable way. Where he would consult and negotiate, because that is how the big-men fall… not really, they fall with disgrace and with force of the people. With the strength of mobilization and show the opportunity, that the government is weak and lack support. In such a manner, that the armed forces and everyone gives way to the popular uprising. Which is not working with Muntu.

Muntu wouldn’t work a revolution nor a uprising. He would have talked with the right councils of NRM. He would have talked with the armed commanders and he would have tried to speak pleasantly to His Excellency. Muntu wouldn’t have condemned nor retaliated to the lack of protocol from the government. Only, if it makes him look wise, than he might strike. But he prefers fake peace, than real peace. He prefers soft conversation, than to tackle problems heads-on. Because if he does, he has to handle the solutions and actually show some opinion.

Muntu will not sign the ICC and says there are other ways out of liberation. The same he said about Defiance too. But he hasn’t come out with any other way, than joining other movements and other organizations, as he runs his own show. Where he is not bound by the FDC protocol or NRM for that matter. His been both places, but now has his own.

This man doesn’t a problem, but at the same time. Doesn’t come with any sort of action or solution either. Just, that he will not participate and such. Only build his nest and ensure his livelihood. Peace.

Opinion: Muntu’s mellow approach to end Musevenism…

Once upon a time, there was a bush-war NRA who became an opposition. Who went from having aspirations of being an journalists to become a full-time engaging opposition. However, in his quest to uproot the master he helped putting into power. He has never significantly been able to address to how to change this.

Even to this day, Maj. Gen. Mugisha Muntu, the former Party President of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and now Coordinator of Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) seems like a lost puppy on quest to nowhere. Before I continue. Let me take a snippet of yesterday’s speech from the man.

Ugandans could take to the streets one day and eventually drive Gen. Yoweri Museveni from power or he could fail to rig the next election and be gone. Unfortunately all of the problems that Uganda is enduring today will remain with us the day after Museveni is out of office. The most intractable problem is the lack of political engagement at the grassroots. That is why dictatorships have flourished, leading to political violence, deaths, corruption and economic destruction. There has never been a peaceful handover of power from one president to the next one in Uganda in our 57 years of independence. Yet the right of citizens to determine who governs them is a fundamental and universal human right. Those who govern must obtain the consent of those on whose behalf they exercise political power” (Mugisha Muntu 11.10.2019).

I don’t know about you, but this sort of address fails the parameter of a real change. This is the soft approach and the reason why NRM has said they are open for a return of this man. Because, his manner and ways are so smooth, that you cannot fix it all.

It is true, the dynamics and the state apparatus will need time to be rebuilt and institutionalized in a manner, where the orders from above doesn’t control it all. However, the approach of Muntu is weak, bitterly so. Like he wants to await the final destination and said his education of the grassroots is the way to solve it all. Which is really an insincere approach, considering how the other parties has tried to educate and operate within the limited space the state has given them.

If there is a election with Museveni on the ballot, he will not fail in rigging it. That is what his been doing ever since 1996. Not kid ourselves, no one can conquer him on a ballot. As long as Yoweri breathes, no win will win in a contest. Even if the tides are turning and the state has no support other than the army. Still, he will not loose. Because of the fear of opposing Mr. Incumbent President.

Once people are truly empowered at the grassroots they will be the guarantors against future dictatorships. We do not believe in replacing guns with guns” (Muntu, 11.10.2019).

Therefore, if Muntu was sincere, he would promise more than civic education to over win the dictatorship. Because, he wants a soft teachings and lessons for the public. So, that they can deep into their mind know what is just and what is their right. However, they most likely know this already, as it is basic and understandably so. Nevertheless, when risking life or arrests for questioning the actions of the state, they rather stay silent; which I don’t blame them. Everyone is not built for getting in trouble.

Just like, Muntu knows he cannot preach defiance or resistance against the state. He cannot, because than he sounds like the ones he lost in the FDC. He needs to preach another gospel. Though, it falls short. Because, we all know that educating isn’t enough. Action is needed too, even though it costs.

I’ll end with wise words of Dr. Kizza Besigye: “I am very alive to the fact that: no freedom, no political changes, comes without a cost” (June 2011). Peace.

Opinion: Tired of Muntu’s hypocrisy

Democracy is not just about the will of the majority being done. It is also about the voice of the minority being heard. The greatest lesson we need to learn as a country is to think of politics not as a means to win power, but an opportunity to serve our people.” – Gen. Mugisha Muntu

I have no grudges or anything personal against retired General Mugisha Muntu, the former Party President of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), which now is both apart of Democratic Party Block and its Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and has members in his leaders in the People Power Movement (PPM). Clearly his ways are spiralling for relevance into the upcoming General Elections in 2021.

Alas, there is the case, his not only playing two horses, with his pragmatic ways, while his always trying to shine with his words. Which he at some point does, but I find it bit dishonest. Knowing how the Alliance of National Transformation exists. ANT didn’t become a thing, because the Nation asked for it. ANT didn’t become a thing, because there was a need or an uprising like Action 4 Change (A4C) or anything.

No, it happened because the General lost to Patrick Amuriat Oboi and since then held consultation with the FDC and externally. Withheld and postpones the operative dates and rescheduled the start of party. The New Formation turned ANT.

I wish I didn’t feel this way, I know its politics. But when this man speaks of “country before self” and such. Plus speak of opportunity to serve, why couldn’t he serve on the sidelines of the FDC? What was the need, if he believed in change to be the king on top? Wasn’t it possible if he humiliated himself and swallowed his pride.

Instead, he jumped ship and creates his own, by also putting the stakes in every other avenue possible. Which seems to be finessing the whole situation. To find the bargain and get the best out of the DP Block and PPM. By any means, consolidate his position and strategically find relevance as new alternative.

In addition, speaking with the tongue of a poet, like a magician, as he has done so many times before. Muntu knows this and therefore his quotes are golden. They can demystify a person. However, his actions are speaking loud too. Since, his insincerity about serving, as long as his the top coordinator, the man in charge and head. Than its fine, but don’t ask him to play second fiddle. That is not acceptable.

Muntu doesn’t accept to be second place, even if it means country before self, or serving the country. He will only serve if he gets the first place. Not a narrow second. That is why he should trade waters more carefully. He might thinks his outsmarting people by his pragmatic ways. But his falling short on his service, on his record and on his own astute beliefs. Because if he really believed it. He wouldn’t have created ANT, but worked for it inside his old party.

Alas, he didn’t because he doesn’t want to serve, he wants to number one. Peace.

Opinion: Muntu’s launch of ANT(s) is questionable at best!

If a leader loves you, he makes sure you build your house on rockUgandan Proverb

The official launch of the Alliance of National Transformation (ANT) happen today at Serena Hotel in Kampala. A massive launch with several of former prominent Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Members of Parliament. The ones who hasn’t been in the good grace of the current leadership of FDC. Therefore, it comes as no shocker who left the FDC and become ANTs representatives.

They call it an Interim leadership while awaiting time to conduct time to make a Party Constitution and so fourth. As anticipated the National Coordinator or the Chief is Mugisha Muntu. The man who has left FDC awhile back and tried to find his way, ever since. It would have been a sincere move if he believes in the principals he speaks of, if Winnie Kiiza or Alicia Alaso, even Yokas Biandi. We all know these people from FDC. It is like he salvaged the ones whose wasn’t in favour Patrick Oboi Amuriat and left the scene.

Not that I wish Muntu any trouble. No one deserves trouble, but the whole party is started on the premise that Muntu didn’t win the Party Presidency in the FDC. It is built on the same shaky ground as Amama Mbabazi’s lack of respect for the Sole Candidate in National Resistance Movement (NRM) and started his Political Pressure Group Go Forward before the General Election in 2016. Which failed and was a flustering attempt without party organization to be able to show strength at the polls. That even with a famous and well established political figure.

Clearly, the politician and former General Muntu knows this, ANT is just the newest launching pad of the man. It is really what it is and the others ones following in hope for a resurrection in their career. The words used today is something that is done before, the bravado and the whole play. It has been seen before, even Beti Kamya have tried it and lost her own party with time. She came out of FDC and made a Uganda Federal Alliance (UFA). Something that is in the wind now.

That is why its really special that he said this: “If we continue claiming that politics is dirty, who on earth do you think will clean it up; as Alliance for National Transformation, we intend to do so”. I will claim the ANT isn’t cleaning the politics, as the way it has gone out from the FDC. Even with the Consultation Meetings done in the shadows and without direct talk with the new leadership after losing the Presidency in the FDC. Then, trying to play the Republic for a fool, until he postponed the launch and the allowed for the registration of the “New Formation” or the now ANT.

We can play a fool, we can act like it doesn’t matter, but it does. Surely, others will celebrate like it means nothing and all well-wishes on the new journey for Muntu. However, if you don’t know the main reason for this escape. Than you are forgetting the one vital thing. He is only doing this, because he cannot be second in command. He couldn’t manage to be under POA. It wasn’t in him.

Therefore, anyone joining him. Know that he will not accept anyone under him. That will only be a pretext for his rise and his redemption. ANT is a launching pad, it is at the take-off stage, but who knows how this bird will fly. Peace.

Uganda Police Force: Police Statement on Planned Political Activities (13.05.2019)

Opinion: Muntu’s ANT(s) start building!

Even the sharpest ear cannot hear an ant singing. Sudanese Proverb

Today, the New Formation, the Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) is unleashed, as the Party Name and certainly a logo/sign will come. Therefore, the awaiting new party of the retired general and former Forum for Democratic Change President, Mugisha Muntu is happening. This has been something in the works and been a slow reform.

However, we have really waited since Gen. Muntu left the FDC after he lost the FDC Presidency to Patrick Oboi Amuriat (POA) in November 2017. Clearly, he couldn’t manage to be uprooted and be lesser of a person, he wanted to lead himself and not be a part of a party. That is why he has used this time since he held a presser with several MPs in the end of September 2018. We can wonder if these MPs still will leave their parties and their stations to join this ANT.

These being Paul Mwiru, Herbert Ariko, Elijah Okupa, Angeline Osegge, Gaffa Mbwatekamwa, John Baptist Nambashe, Anna Andeke and Gerald Karuhanga. We can wonder if these ones are ready to be under the umbrella of ANT or if they just thought it was a good idea last September.

We can also wonder, if there are more NRM rebels joining or even people from the UPC/DP to go with Muntu. Not only a bunch of FDC MPs whose already been speculated joining him. We are even wondering if the ones close and the ones appointed him in the Shadow Cabinet like Winnie Kiiza and others would also jump ship. That they would do it in time before the General Election of 2021. To all show the strength of ANT.

At least, the ANT would have more force, than the Go-Forward of Amama Mbabazi had in 2016 Election, even as the political pressure group did have the The Democratic Alliance (TDA), but still not as plenty of regional and representatives like the ANT could have. Even before starting to recruit or becoming viable.

Even so, the ANT or the New Formation has to sing, it has to dance and it has to build a party in the climate of nothing accepted, unless the Police Force is knowing it in advance. Therefore, even putting up a Party Office can be a criminal affair. This is something Muntu knows well, that is why he really has to work hard. Since, there is no supporting structures, only himself and his close associates.

That already, by the slow time coming, people has been awaiting the official ANT since 29th November 2017. This is 475 days from losing in Party Presidency to get the Electoral Commission to accept his new party. Clearly, he has ensured funding and enough stakeholders to get a party. Since, he should have that done by now. That is why his been so silent and slowly working.

We are now awaiting more information about this infamous party, this new formation, this new breed into the politics. Even if it is with old faces and we can wonder, what Muntu means with Country Before Self, when he couldn’t even demean himself and be humble after the loss in the biggest opposition party. Alas, he couldn’t manage to be second fiddle, that is why his running around on his own.

Certainly he wants his ends. He wants his paycheck and his respect. Who would deny him of that. He has struggled with the FDC and before that the NRM. Now he has to struggle again with the ANT. Who knows if it will be successful. If not, he can do like Beti Kamya, bail on his own party and ask to be in the good graces again.

Nobody hears the ants sing, we can wonder if we will really hear Muntu scream as well. Peace.

New Formation: Press Statement (19.03.2019)

New Formation: New Year’s Message (31.12.2018)

New Formation: Press Statement on Registration and Unveiling of New Party (12.12.2018)